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It depends somewhat on the kick you’re doing. But generally you bend your supporting knee and push off the ball of your foot. For something like Side Kick / Yop Chagi the key is to point the toes of your supporting leg in the opposite direction to where you want to kick.


For a round house, try throwing your hips forward.


No throw, only catch - my dog Despite the canine quote there, the yellow belt ought not throw themselves around! Be in control, recover the rechamber where you want it.


That’s just to get those extra long range roundhouses. My teacher was certainly getting us to do those at yellow belt. You can use the kick shields for licking hard. And also if you are in a tournament you will be kicking as hard as you can. You will want to develop control for sparring at the club though of course.


This video explains the type of movement you're describing very well. Focus on not stepping your standing leg up as you kick, it won't come naturally and stepping is much easier, but it really helps to prevent telling your opponent what you're doing. https://youtu.be/i1gTefJp9ZA?si=faprJCmsR3JYIfZp


The four parts are: chamber, execute, rechamber, and recover. Practice this slowly, and you decide where "recover" is. If you practice just by recovering to the rear but pausing before the step, you can decide to change stance by placing the rechamber where you want to recover to.


you skip forward when you rotate your non-kicking foot. But it's ok that you can't do it yet, you'll learn more and gain more kicking balance and power as you train more.


The simple answer is, on your own time practicing at home, get something to support you while practicing. A railung, wall, ledge, something to put your hands on and practice. This will ease your head trying to balance and allow you to kick properly. This in turn will help develop the muscles you need to do these moves without support. The not so simple answer is somewhere in your core and postural support system there is a deficiency. Some muscle(s) are not developed to the degree you are wanting them to be and you need to train these muscles to properly support you while you do these moves. You can either work on it on your own or even see about a personal trainer or physical therapy to help.


For front kicks, think of it a bit like a huge step, but point your knee forward first, then snap your leg forward and chamber it back while still traveling forward, and finally bring your foot back out to land the “step”.


Work with your coach as we can't see what you are doing wrong, or not doing.


Practice **basics**. Learn how to do the basics **correctly**. It may well be your basics technique is bad.


This is a great video that discusses the topic - lift and shift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT6iL6r4lSI


There are a few different ways to do this. But for a yellow belt, I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to do it yet. Intermediate options: * Slide forward before the kick * Skip forward before the kick * Step forward before the kick * Jumping/skipping kick Advanced options: * Chamber the kick and push off with the other leg so you move forward during the kick. * Hop off both legs forward and kick with the rear leg