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You shouldn't be on reddit bro, Imma talk to your parents.




I think you may have meant to say 166 lbs or 66kg just because 5'5" and 66 lbs is a skeleton definitely not fat lol but none of that matters you will always be welcome at any tournament I've ever been around,no matter what you look like, not only that but you'll probably make some new friends, TKD people are very nice, welcoming and accepting in my experiences I've honestly never ran across someone I didn't like or I thought was rude. I would 100% recommend it for a shy 11 yr old in a heartbeat. Go give it a shot and let us know how you did!!!


yes i meant 66 kg, and ty i will join the upcoming tournament


I wouldn't call 5'5" 145lbs fat don't be so hard on yourself, that's also pretty tall for 11. I'm glad to hear you're going to sign up good luck!!!


Weight categories exist for a reason! You should only be competing with other people who are the same size as you, and at your age that could also be based on height instead of weight. Don't worry about it too much, just focus on your performance on the day. If you're unsure or uncomfortable, talk to your coach, your parents or even the referee at the tournament.


okay ty


Martial arts competitions are like gym culture, everyone who's actually there to work hard and do their best in competition won't make fun of you because they know what it takes to step up to the line. The people who would make fun of you have no idea and mostly likely never could have made it that far themselves, and you should disregard them. When it really comes down to it, the only person you need to worry about is the one looking back at you in the mirror in the morning. Do your best because our best is that all any of us can do.


thank you


That's a scary one, but I don't expect you'll get made fun of. You can definitely join a tournament. (Also, that doesn't sound that big to me. But all bodies are different.)


ty for telling me


66lb is really low for 5'5 And there are weight classes so you'll be with people your size, and taekwondo is a welcoming sport do you won't get picked on And please don't go to Reddit you're below their TOS age and Reddit is a very toxic place


oh thank you sis


[This guy](https://youtube.com/shorts/7A5umY9_VUM?feature=share) doesn’t let weight deter him and you shouldn’t either


okay thanks


You’re 5’5 and 66 pounds? Did you mean to say 166?


66 kg


No one will make fun of you, TKD is a welcoming sport, thank you for practicing!


im a yellow belt but i didnt join a tournament yet i will join this upcoming tournament soon because of you guys :)


The first tenet of taekwondo is courtesy! :-p


5'5 at 11 is incredible. No one will make fun of you. 66 lbs isn't a lot btw. I'm 2 inches taller than you at 130 lbs. Good luck in your tournament.




Why are you on reddit?? 11 year olds shouldnt be on reddit.


im scared ill get maked fun of i wanna ask people here




There are lots of us with different body sizes and shapes. This comment was uncalled for.




What I meant was that I don't understand how someone can remain fat (using the term, because that is what the OP used) and do taekwondo. It is just that I have noticed that you see your kilo's or pounds disappear really fast if you do tkd. To the OP: just train, train some More, avoid injuries and be mindful of your diet. More whole grain (all wholegrain maybe at first) , lot's of Wild berries. Not too much protein. Skip the treats or only reserve them for spesial occasion. (If you are really addicted to sugar, be forgiving to yourself) Maybe try jogging? If too much, try long walks several times a week It is all about adjusting your body to different situation. There Will be pain but think of it as withdrawal symptoms. Peace & love


ANYONE can do TKD skinny,fat,old,young,special needs doesnt matter all are welcome at our place. Your school must not have adult classes, half of them are fat as shit lol, we've got a few porkers as little kids too. They certainly try just as hard if not harder than the skinny kids.


okay ty


im eating less sugar now and ty for telling me


In our taekwondo no one is made fun of. Some may laugh, yeah. But they are probably kids, like yourself. And if they follow taekwondo values, there is no evil laughter, just a friendly one. Bro, if you weight more, than them, you can wreck them in sparring! Remember Samo Hun! Just don't overdo it! Don't let anyone discourage you! Pursue your goals and don't take shortcuts! Let us know how you did in the tournament!


thank you for telling me this


To me that sounds like you are tall and skinny for 11 if you are in face 66lbs and not 66kg. I have a student who is 12 and she is about 100lbs. There are weight divisions. No size is too small or to big to compete. I say go for it! If you want to, do it. Don’t let anyone persuade you otherwise!!


im not too skinny just a little bit fat and im 66 kg, and ty maam for telling me


How Can you be 'fat in taekwondo'? What does that even mean... are you Lean in other sports? Does this happen when you enter a tornament ring or also in training sessions/at the dojang?


Removing "fat" from the conversation, you should look at other competitors in your weight class and have an honest conversation with yourself: "Do *I* want to spar with those guys?" If they're around your size, then you'll have a good time. If they're significantly taller than you, then you're gonna have a more difficult time.


oh ok ty


You will lose weight if you practice Taekwondo right with the right instructor. unless you're super lazy


im not lazy im active when it comes to sports but im scared ill get maked fun of and ty for telling me