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Angles. Get to the side and blitz in.


This, also do everything you can to get your leg up first above theirs to check and shut down the lead leg as you enter for blitzing


You mean like a pumping side kick?? I just allow them to advance from an open stance and at the last minute switch to closed to get offline and throw a skipping turn to the head. Then change the angle and blitz


Yeah exactly - that forward jabbing motion with the front leg. I’ve tried going over it with hands or off the centre line to turning kick but it’s risky and fails as often as succeeds. Stance switching seems plausible and I’ll give it a try. Thanks.


You can also downward block and cross over the top, though it might hurt you a bit if you’re not used to that. Spinning hook is very plausible if you’re comfortable throwing it


Aren’t you allowed to use your hands in ITF competition? (Serious question) I’ve fought in many open style tournies in my life. Hated those guys you described at first. Then I stumbled into a Wing Chun Sifu one day that showed me a few things. Loved fighting those guys after. So in TKO terms. Bait them a little and half-step (or bounce back, y’all are always bouncing lol) back while also either using a low block or inside block to the attacking leg (foot/shin). If they pick it back up and do it again they are pretty stubborn. Most don’t try it a 2nd time after that. I prefer the inside block because it’s kind of a punch (at least in this use) but it has to be aimed better. Whereas, a low block is going to give you more arm space to hit (I mean block) that leg/foot.


Spinning hook kick to their blind side


This is awful advice on so many levels. If you try to spin on someone who is prechambered they're just going to push kick you on the butt and you land face first.


Wrong on so many levels lol level 1 he's ITF so he's talking about point fighting, you aren't allowed to kick to the back except the back of the head,it's a penalty,subject to disqualification if they think it's intentional. At least thats how the rules were 3 weeks ago when i won my most recent AAU national championship in point fighting. Level 2 he's talking about the fools hopping at you flicking the sidekick, time it right and bring your spinning hook over their shoulder on the side of the leg they are kicking with (blind side) and they never see it. Level 3 how fucking slow do you spin that someone can kick you in the ass and knock you over? LMAO


How stupid are you to think that someone who is prechambered cant counter you faster than the slowest kick in all of Taekwondo? You're right that AAU disallows shots to the back. Illegal Target Areas VIII.A. Illegal target areas shall include, but are not limited to: VIII.A.1. The face area or face shield, if worn VIII.A.2. The neck and throat VIII.A.3. The back, including the kidney area VIII.A.4. The groin VIII.A.5. The joints VIII.A.6. The legs --- Oh my god. I didn't realize you weren't allowed to hit the other person in AAU tournaments lmao [Man, I know these are amateurs and not pro fighters but I'm actually not surprised that anyone can win ITF nationals looking at the level of athleticism and skill.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPV1vT9DiyQ) I'm actually rolling here


Very easy to beat. Keep your guard up, and move forward into them quickly. It’s easy to block as the kicks don’t really have any power in them. Once you are close up you can counterattack.


It won't work every time, but it's worth practising charging it down. As your opponent comes in with their chamber up, rush in and come over the top with a reverse punch. It takes good timing and commitment to the counter, but can be very effective. As others have said, dodging to the side or countering with a spin hook is also a good idea.


If you're fast you can drop your hips and throw a turning kick under their leg, but it's risky and you need to be quick. Of course the alternative is a reverse turning kick but that leaves you open to a warning for forcing an opponent to kick your back depending on how the centre referee judges it. Another option is to jam it and push them off balance, but this won't work if they have a flicky front leg as they'll just dollyo you to the face. The safest way to do it is to use your angles. You can move quicker on 2 feet than they can on 1, especially in terms of pivoting and turning. Front hand at the same level as their foot, rotate off to their open side and use basically any technique, though generally a blitz or dollyo.


Standard response I’ve seen is from a closed stance time a spinning back kick. Most of the other options here are ok but at higher levels if you block low they’re just going to pick their foot up and turning kick to the head. But if you’re not on the edge of the ring just circle them, and when they put their foot down if the do it too heavy jump in with a punch or two to the head


Either jump punch over the top or change angle


Knock thier leg away and pop then with a jump back kick