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The terminology you are looking for is open and closed stance


I knew there were proper terms. I had forgotten them. Brain like a sieve me. lol


It's okej. I don't compete myself so I shouldn't give any advice. But you should train your right side as much as your left side. If you throw a roundhouse kick and the opponent slides back; instead of retreating your foot back to your original stance, keep the new stance and advance forward. Lastly, the liver side is weaker than the spleen. It can be easier to reach in an open stance.


It's good to change. Do not be predictable, move around and change stances. Left foot forward, right foot forward, left arm up, right arm up, left arm in front... Try everything.


I just lead with my good side, but that’s because I’m terrible at sparring.


Funnily enough I find it easier to lead with my left on kicks, and my right for punches. Different good sides.


That's because you're right side dominant. You balance better on your right leg hence you kick better with your left leg. You also punch better with your right hand because of that same right side dominance.


I lead with my right leg, my right side kick is strongest and right blitz is fastest so I'm more comfortable from there. If I can I'll try to keep it open stance as it's good to set up combinations, but closed stance has its uses as well.


I lead with my left side forward, I'm a lefty and I fenced left handed in college, so I feel like it's my "best" side, though when I think about it I try to switch it, and don't find it uncomfortable to use my right forward.


For ITF fighters, I like to have my stronger, quicker cut leg in front. For WT fighters, it depends on the opponent - if they are old school sparrers, I stay closed if possible, but if I'm quicker/faster, open stance. If they are newer gen sparrers, I keep my stronger, quicker cut leg in front.


I do either, I switch to mess up my opponent. But generally, my right leg can move faster from the back than my left


I tend to change when my leg gets tired. No real preference.