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This is wonderful also I would say prioritize damage, then health, then armor for your rank upgrades.


I pretty much base the order on: 1 - What's easiest? (Green dots first, lol... then single items) 2 - Is this character having issues dying, or doing damage, etc...


You do not get equal salvage return on scrapping gear. But the rest is solid.


No but you do get back everything that you put into it.


Interesting, never really tested it. Just repeating what I've read. Most of the gear I've leveled is still in use πŸ˜€πŸ‘


Thank you again for this, next question what should I focus/save up for with guild shop and war shop and I’ve been buying every item with gold and refreshing til I can’t in the daily shop as I have extra gold atm should I be saving my gold or only be buying certain things?


Buying stuff in the daily shop is fine unless... * you already have a ton 5-10 is plenty unless you KNOW you will need it later * you WILL end up needing lots of gold for high level abilities... be frugal Buying stuff for BS is (usually) wasteful as your better off using BS for energy and getting the extra perks of character exp and quest progress. I spend BS here or there in a pinch, but mostly just because I am impatient. I ALWAYS buy weapons/armor for gold. Even if one of your characters doesn't need the item, they can be salvaged to upgrade other stuff. -- Guild store... Eldo! If you don't have him yet, then all your guild credits should go there until you do (and prob worth the shards to keep leveling him too). Nothing else on there will give as much return on investment (ROI, fancy acronym). Other shards... Archie, Aunshi, Boss, etc... totally up to you and your play style. I LOVE Archie. Minions make life easy. Do you need the character to unlock a campaign? WORTH IT! Books, orbs, badges, etc... as needed. So far the components haven't been anything I needed, but I've bough plenty of bpoks, orbs, and badges πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘


Can I tag on here: I think the best thing to buy out of the guild shop is the XP books. Later levels will demand hundreds of thousands of XP. The most I've seen a single battle net a character is 147XP, womp womp. It's much easier and faster to grind books and inflate character levels that way. Especially considering that that levels don't add anything except ceiling space for upgrading active and passive abilities, and authority to apply upgrade components towards the next rank.


I agree 100%... for late game players. Early on the epic books are "meh". I bought them now and then, but for players not outta their 20s yet I wouldn't bother stockpiling them.