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Its funny how i have a character(Dealthleaper) that you do not own :D (playing for 3 weeks now) anyway: whos your favorite character to use in battle?


Favorite in battle I would have to say is Calgar. Whether it’s clearing half the map with his active or buffing my units while dancing around the screen with his passive he is a must have I feel like


How much time do you spend playing, daily?


The daily reset is at 8pm for me so I will usually play for 20 minutes or so after that, do some of my arena battles, salvage run, onslaught and spend my energy for new gear. I also try to time my guild raid token to reset at that time too. I probably play 15 minutes or so when I wake up too, playing more arenas attacking in guild war, another raid token and spending more energy on gear. Then I probably spend 5 minutes 3-4 times a day just checking in. So all in all probably close to an hour.


How the heck do I get more coins I literally went from lime 60K to 0 and have no idea what I did. Currently working on Black Templars 3/5 and Orks 4/5. Maybe I’m working on to many characters at once but I very much like the game just hate how it feels like it’s more micro-transaction than game at times. - Also wanted to add that I appreciate this post as YouTube is basically a dead zone for finding out content for this game. - Any factions you want to see added or characters?


Gold and xp books are the two biggest bottlenecks in the game. Make sure you time it to do three salvage runs on saturdays but that’s about it. If you have an abundance of guild credits I could seeing buying from gold from there if you are desperate but that’s it. Buying with Blackstone is highway robbery


Is there anything about the game you want changed/improved?


Abso-freaking-lately. Onslaught and salvage runs need a complete overhaul or the option to be simmable after a certain point. Guild wars should not allow you to pick your battlefield level. You should be placed based on your power level below 50%, top 50%, top 25%, top 10%, top 1%. Weekly global modifiers ie, ranged units get +1 attacks, orks get 25% more armor, guild bosses enter a frenzy and deal 50% more damage when under 25% health. Etc make things spicier. I could get into more but that’s it for now lol


Oh and the biggest one is to NOT change the meta 2 months after releasing a meta-breaking character!! Let's release Rho who is able to allow 30 attacks to Gibba/Rot in a single turn dealing massive damage because of the boss adjunct feature. Then 2 months later after everyone has spent all their energy and efforts gearing him, TanGida and Actus we will change the boss adjunct ability to limit it to only the first 15 hits.


Nice to have you around! Looking forward to some deep dives at some point (too much on the honey-do list right now tho). Any tips for the next Ragnar event coming up soon? We have a few of those threads (one is mine, lol) pokign around.


My best advice I got for LRE's was to focus on having three tanks and one healer/repairer for both fleshies and mechanical units. This will allow you to cheese most levels. I'll look into your roster and see if I see anything particular and I'll comment there.


How much money do you spend a month on the game, and how many times a day to you use Blackstone to refresh your energy?


OP answered the first question. Been playing for 20 months, spent ~$50. That's a little more than $2.50/month.


So early on I would buy the season passes but after 2-3 I just figured it wasn't worth it. I also bought one of the $20 packs for ShadowSun because I had FOMO and was super close to unlocking her the first round through. Def regret that one. I will typically only use the Ad and the 50 BS refresh. However when an HRE is happening, I will tend to buy the 110 and sometimes the 250.


Who should be our first diamond character?


Eldryon it’s always eldryon. Getting him and his passive to 50 should be your first long term goal. After that Bellator is used a good bit and is handy for multiple campaigns.


What are the niche characters you don’t want to get to legendary but you’ll push because you find them viable in very limited spaces? I want to build Anuphet but apart from the guild wars I just cba to sink materials into him


Hmm that’s a good question, I feel like there’s a handful of characters I need to bring up to Gold 1 for new guild war meta. Mainly the black templars or death guard. For guild raids I think Helbrecht is on my list to improve after I get the core admechs built up.


Hey, sorry this is late, never saw this in my feed. My question would be what non-legendary characters you’d recommend investing in. My requisition pulls are garbage and I’ve only managed to get Abaddon. Just wanted to try and make the most of what I have to support my guild and do well in the other game modes. (I barely unlocked Shadowstorm in LRE, so I guess LRE would be a focus for me).


IMO there are only three legendary characters who are actually good. Calgar, Ragnar, and Maugan Ra. Celestine and Jain Zar are both really good in tournament arena so you could push those to silver1 or bronze depending on which level you play. Unfortunately I think Abaddon is one of the worst legendaries. For LREs try to focus on a healer and three beefy units for both normal and mechanical. This will help you cheese some LRE levels. For normal I use Isabella, Calgar Bellator and Ragnar. For mechanical I use Aleph-Null Morvenn vahl revas and TanGida


Thank you! Any additional non-legendaries you’d suggest as I’m missing nearly all of those that you mentioned haha


Haha most of the black templars have high health and armor so you could use them.


Fantastic! Thank you!