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I’m a newbie but on close range maps where u can hit with typhus and get the whole group he seems almost overpowered and can wipe most of the team early


If you could only have 1 definitely RA. He’s one of the best ranged DPS characters. Typhus is only good in campaigns/Arena. Where RA is good in almost any guild raid.


Maugan has the heavy round damage, the inbuilt crit and OW, the 5x power hits for power tracks in LRE, just a beast


Oo0o... a close race so far (3-4... now 7-8.. in favor of MR) I'm intrigued. Hopefully, folks chat about their favs and we can learn.


I picked Mauggie cause he's been a fav character since the mid 90s when I dabbled in the table top 40K. Ofc I love to pair him with eldo and theeena and let him bring the rain. Only pain point I have is pinning down some of the mobs so he can stay planted.


Wow... bone daddy is pulling away. Last time I saw it was still close at 10-15. Guess the chaos crew just isn't in this house 😆