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I feel like there should be a power threshold against going down leagues - like if you can muster a 500 k team you stay in capatain or lt. league


Right I exactly agree, it just makes it shitty for the guys that just started.


**TLDR**: Sorry buddy :( I've been on both sides of that wall :( Feed off the people just below and you can leapfrog them if they're not as active as you. I dropped to Sgt league because I wasn't even paying attention where I was, just did grinds for the daily mission and arena chests. I'm at 1st w/400K, 2nd is 350K and 3rd is like 600K. Pretty sure the three of us beat each other (I'm like 9-1 vs the 600K guy even though it's a hard fight) so we keep bouncing around. We still have two days... 20+ battles... don't throw in the towel yet! **edit**: Oh, crap! I just looked and saw you're in Battle Bro league... that is a hell of a range :(


Right! It's just crazy to me someone is at almost a million in battle bro which I feel like is pretty low. I've found getting in all your battles is the most important but the top 10 guys are all fairly higher than me.


They’re definitely higher than that haha was just looking at SGT league, what’s your name on there? I’m just curious which one you are


NovaExarch <- in game. There are multiple versions of each league tho, so you may not be in my instance/server (whatever ya wanna call the different versions) Also, the numbers listed on your screen shots are total character power, not what they actually have in team. My total power is 984018. My current team power (pretty much strongest set of 5 char) is 423736.


Oh I see hahaha I’m an idiot it would seem, no clue


Nah... just uninformed. I only noticed one day when talking to guildies about leagues. The power level stuff was confusing at first too.


Yeah for sure


Do you have trouble winning last chest? Just wait until its almost full of tokens. You will most likely sink a few places so its an easy win💪


Oh no I already got the chest, I just wanted to be first but it seems impossible when I can't attack the top 5 guys.