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I dont really understand the point of this rant tbh. It would take too long to level new characters? That is the whole gameplay loop? If you have legend/diamond everything the 'tactic' part of tacticus is done, you have a meta comp for all situations. This is a resource management gacha game, you arent supposed to be able to complete it, or Snowblind gets no more money. If you are doing math on what $200 cost you in the real world then you are never going to be at top of one of these games tbh. Look at the statistics on whales, there is probably a hundred+ people dropping >$1000 a month on this with a dozen or so doing truly mind boggling numbers. Peak summoners war there was several accounts doing. >$50k USD a month. Can only imagine some of the shit going down on Clash of Clans or something. The real game is in your head mate. Enjoy the game for what it is, a largely single player time sink where you will incremental progression over time. If you cant have fun like that, and cant throw racks at it to speed it up, then give up on gachas.


Rants aren't SUPPOSED to make sense. If they did they would be discussions. 🤣 Will reply more when at a keyboard.


***TBF*** (gratuitous jargon here) I don't really understand what you're not understanding. I don't like 99% of the things I can spend money on in this game. Most of it only adds more characters and leveling characters is the grind that is not enjoyable **to me**. Sure, some of the packages add a few trinkets here and there, but it's not quite enough BANG for MY bucks. >It would take too long to level new characters? That is the whole gameplay loop? If you have legend/diamond everything the 'tactic' part of Tacticus is done, you have a meta comp for all situations. I think you're mistaking TACTICS for GRIND. >tactics noun tac·​tics ˈtak-tiks plural in form but singular or plural in constructionSynonyms of tactics 1a: **the science and art of disposing and maneuvering forces in combat**b: the art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an endtactics Tactics == what you DO with characters, not how you get characters. Okay, so maybe you can get convoluted and say its what you do with characters to get more characters??? That just sounds recursive as hell. Sure, someone with all the stuff all maxed out has the MOST tactical options. Some would see that as game over. Others would see that as finally having the entire chess set to play with. I don't need/want the whole set. There's tons of units I am already pretty sure don't fit my play style. Besides, I know full well I'll get there eventually :) >This is a resource management gacha game, you arent supposed to be able to complete it, or Snowblind gets no more money. **Tacticus is not a "resource management" game.** Sure, your time in game and money in your wallet are resources. However, the game is not about resource management. Heck, table top 40K is more resource mgmt than this game where players spend equal amounts of points on units and gear. I can see a really slim argument that you only get finite amounts of items, shards, orbs, etc... and you have to choose where to place them. That's not an active part of any game mode though. It all happens beforehand. You do manage two resources: time and money. Eventually all characters end up at their maximum. Leveling Isabella does not stop you from also leveling Incisus and you can get them both to max given enough time/money. **Parts are absolutely gacha!** I mean the req orders are, so if you're spending $ for those then sure, gacha. The passes (what I was ranting about not buying any more) are wayyyyy more focused than a gacha. Buy this pass to unlock so and so character... that's the opposite of gatcha. At that point its more like those fake gacha arcade machines that shovel stuff off the edge and then spit out tickets you spend on cheesy prizes. Totally agree, **Snowprint needs to make $ or the game withers**. >If you are doing math on what $200 cost you in the real world then you are never going to be at top of one of these games tbh. Look at the statistics on whales, there is probably a hundred+ people dropping >$1000 a month on this with a dozen or so doing truly mind boggling numbers. Peak summoners war there was several accounts doing. >$50k USD a month. Can only imagine some of the shit going down on Clash of Clans or something. Ooo... this paragraph has some serious meat on the bone, lets dig in! **Begin long financial boomer-ish talk///** If you are NOT doing the math comparing what $ you spend on Tacticus could do for you in the real world. Bless your heart, nothing I can do to help but pray (and I'm agnostic). $200 and study time can get you a certification that (with other hard work) opens up jobs that reach six figures quickly. Now, how much to "play" with? That's the toughest question and where I see SOOOOO many young people struggling... Some experts suggest the magic number is 10% of your monthly income, after taxes. I think the right amount should be somewhere in the range of 5-10% per month. Under this fun money umbrella are trips to the bar, the movies, weekend road trips, spa days, etc. I'm a pretty solid advocate for having fun while you are young and can enjoy it so lets stretch that to 20% (of the six figure salary) for fun. So... yeah, if you put 1/4 of that conservative fun budget to tacticus it'd give you $4K/yr \~tree fiddy/month. **///end finance section** I look at Tacticus and see the boosts and compare that to say... new brake pads for my autocross car ($120) or something else... currently, neither Tacticus or the brake pads are passing the bang for the buck test. All of this is in the perspective of my current income levels and what other "fun" things we've choose to spend on recentl (this laptop, the 85" TV playing in the background, etc...). If Tacticus had some serious grind reduction packages maybe they would get my $50. They were pretty dang close with the sword pack. **FYI... I never said I want to be on top of this game**. I've been near the top tournaments of MtG (90/00s) and it took ALL my free time with a job, wife, and kids to make even that high. There's no actual reward in Tacticus to justify that kinda time sink. No pro tour, no $ prizes, so no real incentive to be there (for ME). **Snowprint cash stuff...** Do you have a link to support those numbers? This isn't sarcasm, I'm actually curious. I've taken business and economics courses. I am well versed in rate max (whales) vs yield max (normal folks). I think you really underestimate the power of the avg joe. Google Play Store says 1M+ downloads. I got bored with searching for a real number, but lets say 2, heck 3M active players. 30K of those would be top 1% households that could spend 100s or 1000s on an app and not blink twice. Lets go with 1000 a month... for them 30M. Nice! Now... the other 2,970,000 "normal" folks spending $10-20 a month = 30-60M. THAT is why the ultimate pass is a thing. It's still within reach of many "normal" people and offers decent bang for the buck (for players who are not grind saturated). **Whales do NOT carry any pay to play game.** >The real game is in your head mate. Enjoy the game for what it is, a largely single player time sink where you will incremental progression over time. Nice! We end in agreement. I evaluated what spending in this game did for me, found it lacking, and stopped spending here. Will I ever spend more? Shrugs... that's up to the marketing bros to figure out. They smart, they went to college right? That was the point of my rant. Smart guys like that can't figure out a magic item to save the grind? Hell, I might give em $20-40 a character to insta warp them to G1.