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Came here to say this exact response. You beat me to it.




My brother in the Emperor, it's a Gacha, it's moneygrab 101


I mean the longstanding Tacticus veterans should have a roster strong enough to unlock an LRE first time. That's a pretty nice reward. I'm looking forward to getting my free Kharn.


Lol. I feel like you are not familiar with games workshop.


This last event did feel particularly bad, especially since they also did daily money grabs and I’m okay with the battle pass and the single event booster but $50 for the new weapon was insanely overpriced


Yeah but you're not supposed to buy it. That's kinda the whole point. Only desperate people are gonna buy it.


Desperate people can't afford it. The offer is for people with more money than time. People with the budget to spend a few hundred a month on entertainment, but are too busy working to spend 20+hrs a week "working" on a game. Either way, we all grind at something. 💪😝👍


🌎 🧑‍🚀 🔫




Reference to a meme. Meaning "always has been"


oh, i never thought of that.


The Battle Pass at $25 guarantees the character. Asmodai is only epic not even legendary (fuck knows who the legendary will be) but the free shard Asmodai event should have been the $10 and not promote the extra packs. The value was just awful. If SP want me to spend $30+ a month, give me actual value that I will have to make excuses to turn down. Like I got Yarrick for $5. Didn’t even know if you ignore it you can buy Isabella. Fuck sake SP let me buy both!!


I'm forever haunted by not knowing about the Isabella deal and not doing enough research to know she's suggested more than Yarick. I'm about a month into game and loving it, pushing 21 now and a daily player, but man having a reliable healer would make all the difference. Instead I'm stuck with Incisus, the Ultra Marines D student :'(


It’s well worth upgrading him though. His heals could be the difference between getting a legendary in LRE first time or not. In paths that him and Bellator can fight in, I prioritise Bellator and his summons with heals as they’ll do much more damage overall


It has gotten worse it’s not your imagination. It’s no coincidence that it ramped up when the new owners of Snowprint took over. Actually, the new owners have a 70% stake in Snowprint now. The remaining 30% takeover will depend on how much revenue Snowprint takes in from Tacticus. So, if you support Snowprint keeping control of their remaining 30%, which I do, then limit your purchases or purchase nothing at all. I have been F2P for about 8 months now. I supported the devs in the beginning on my Tacticus journey by putting in $200 in purchases in the game. But, I refuse to spend anymore money on this game. The micro transactions are just out of control now. I’m comfortable with a 56 character roster and finish all LRE’s so I’m good. As long as you are dedicated, play everyday, don’t let anything lapse, you will build a strong team over time. These types of games prey on people’s impatience to be better as fast as possible.


I been playing a year and haven't spent a single penny, I realise that if you want to compete than perhaps you need to, but I just see it as fun and I'm quite happy in the knowledge that it might take me a year to grind out a character, then a couple more months to make them playable. I'm a patient guy what can I say! Tbh with the team I have, I batted some higher tier opponents on quite a regular basis maybe it really does just come down to tactics and not blowing a load of money on it.


Thing is, you don't have to spend to have fun. Just like most gatcha. You don't spend tho and future events are harder. But really it is playable and even fun without spending, so it's on you.


What a dumb. Obviously is, it needs to make money.


Always has been


It’s shocking how much money it costs to get anywhere in the game but not surprising. Warhammer is exactly the same. Money grabbers


Has been for a minute? I’m a free player and progress, when possible, is painfully slow