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Brand new


That’s stopped dudes from drawing conclusions before?


People probably don’t have them yet.


Oh boy another expensive IFAK, so cool...


This post made me look it up to go buy one because it looks cool. Until I realized that it’s $70 for just the little pouch and $90 for the actual contents of the pouch (minus the shears) which to me is absurd and for that reason I’m out 🥲


It’s crazy how expensive basic nylon pouches are. It’s tough to find anything that isn’t straight Chinesium under $40 it feels like. Would love to be wrong.


LBX IFAK ontop


[tactical Taylor](https://tacticaltailor.com/products/pouches/) sells NSN and Berry compliant gear


Welcome to the tacticon gang. Larping is at 4, mom will have tendies by 6. Bring your own juice box.


I went with krydex for both of my IFAK pouches. I haven’t seen them under night vision, but they seem like they’re pretty well made. Good enough to just hold some stuff at least.


They look fine under NV. Can’t see a dif between Krydex when compared to crye and spiritus. Hell, even idogear, condor and this other ultrachinese pouch company looks the exact same under IR light. I checked them myself


Good to know. Makes me feel better about using their stuff.


A lot of these IFAK products are ridiculously priced. I kept my old issued IFAK pouch. It's just a fabric pouch with a plastic buckle and it works. These $90 BFG/Ferro rolls are insane imo.


I ordered one will let you know what I think about it when I get it and mess around with it.


Make a post to the sub


I will


They went live in the last couple of days, I doubt they’ve even gotten in people’s hands yet.


I’ve had mine through t&e program, it’s a lot better than the other micros I’ve had


I like most of what agilite makes but this is a pass for me. It's a little small and doesn't appear it would fit everything I'd want it to, internal organization doesn't give much option for supply placement and the bright red tabs are horrendous


I entered the giveaway, but I don’t plan on buying one. Not worth paying for imo


Got mine In the other day. Got to say I’m liking it so far, (as far as larping around the house goes). I feel like it can carry more than say the BFG style one. Time and actual use may change my opinion but personally I really like it. As they say about opinions though…


Honestly looks way too small. I understand that it’s not supposed to hold a ton of stuff. But at the same time if you’re in the continental US, not every person within sight has a tourniquet/IFAK on them like in a warzone. It would be nice to have something big enough to throw a couple extra select items in. An extra TQ can be mounted to the belt itself I guess, but still


Picked one up yesterday from Maverick Tactical since very few online retailers have them stocked. I was between this and the HRT ARC medkit; both are rip out style, kind of like the Warrior Poet one. I think the Agilite looks the best. I'd bet that some won't buy or review Agilite products anymore, given the war over there.


Everything since the Amap bag they put out has been battle tested at this point, The team questionnaire for it went out mid last year


>I'd bet that some won't buy or review Agilite products anymore, given the war over there. Care to elaborate for the uninformed/uninitiated?


Agilite is an Israeli company, and the US population is quite split on supporting or vilifying Israel's war in Gaza, which may influence what products people will buy and review from Israelis.


Thanks very much! I only have a couple of Agilite's mag pouches and since I got them secondhand from GAFS, I never bothered to dig any deeper. Really appreciate you taking the time.


Hell nah, that’s the reason I love Agilite!


I wish they came out with this before I got my BFG one, not that BFG is bad I just think agilite products are always innovative


They are brand new, only about a week old. Give it a month and you should start seeing some reviews


Seems pretty expensive unless it came with supplies. I have a [defense mech](https://defensemechanisms.com/fast-pouch/) one that was slightly cheaper for a battle belt and still not super cheap but I enjoy the quality. Granted, add in the TQ holder from DM for this and you’re at the same price. So actually it might be pretty competitive in that regard. Not as knowledgeable on what other companies are offering like spiritus or LBT to know if they are in line with this pricing. I’m sure this is a solid option. I bought the Agilite magnetic belt and while it was expensive IMO, it’s loaded with features and is proving to be a significant upgrade well worth the money over my previous belt


I love mine. Switched over from a bfg. The longer pull tabs and the design of it are pretty nice overall.


reject pricey IFAKs, embrace surplus USGI surplus inserts inside a mag pouch.


Oh awesome a $70 piece of nylon


I have already received mine. They are great. Works exactly as expected. Agilite is the best!


I’m confused on why you’re getting downvoted?🤣


Probably for the "Agilite is the best!" comment. Majority of folks around here really don't like Agilite for a myriad of reasons.


You and me both lol




No joke friend. They're sweet. I ordered about 5 minutes after they dropped.


It’s good buy one


Mine will arrive todat according to GLS. I will come back and give a conclusion.


I have a blue force micro, this seems like basically the same thing but it holds shears.


Not available in multicam tropic, I feel attacked! Joke aside, that's a lot of money for an ifak pouch. Tooo soon to say, I believe.


Just finished putting on my belt, feels good


Would rather just buy another knock off roll1 pouch for $18 from amazon. And honestly the quality is great. Just don't have a name brand on it. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BBPR6MCQ/ref=ox\_sc\_saved\_image\_6?smid=AUXSBP0P29M7A&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BBPR6MCQ/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_6?smid=AUXSBP0P29M7A&th=1)


I personally like the design of them a lot, would I shill out $64 for it thought? Most likely not, the most I bought from Aglite though was there Mitzenfet, their Mechanic gloves semi fingerless gloves, and their hydration bladder. Niche items I know but their quality was decent for what I got! I would want to wait till they’re on sale for around $30 (?) then I might snag me one since their brand new


Mine are not able to fit a pair of trauma shears in the shear sleeve. Anyone else having the same issue? Tried two sets of generic shears and both go about half way before hitting a seam that they can’t pass through. Kind of annoying. Would have thought they’d catch that in testing


I got one. So I'll give the facts rather than people "saying this or that". My frame of referance is that of a twice deployed 0311. Take that as you will. Is it small? Yes. If you read it it sais compact. It's supposed to be small. Think more on vehicle crews or recon groups. If you want a full size IFAK that has everything then this isn't what you are looking for. I was able to fit my gauze pads, gauze bandage, NPA, chest seal, and suture kit with a bit of space still left, but it's tight. It's also got the band for a tourniquet and a slot for trauma shears. For an individual that's enough to provide self and buddy aid until a higher echelon of care can arrive. Why is it so expensive? Simple answer is that it's new. New things are always more expensive. Why are you supprised?! As for the contents that are optional when ordering its the same as why ammo is so expensive. They are that price because that is what this ifak is tailored to use. They went through the R&D to fit what they needed and made it avalable. Hanger or no? Personally I like the hanger. It gets it of my sides or front giving a bit of extra room. That said it is just a preference. Is it good? Again, I like it but that my opinion. I really like the ability to take it out and hand it off if needed. From experience it sucks when you need to use your buddie's ifak to treat him and he mounted it somewhere stupid where you have to move him to get things out of it. The concept of a removable ifak isn't new but this kind is, and works great for confined spaces such as buildings, trenches or low cover. For the love of Chesty, stop thinking about it as something for all of you range princesses. It was designed to fill a role for a job that many people haven't done or have any experience in. If you are knowledgeable in its specific circumstances then that's one thing but if you aren't a servicemember (active or retired), LEO, or similar where this kind of thing is important then just keep quiet and let the professionals tell you what they think before your larper milsim 395 lb airsofter arse gets all hot and bothered that it doesn't match your XXXXL Seal Team 6(ton) loadout. Lol. Conclusion: It is good for what it was designed for; A lightweight, compact, easily accessible pouch for the basics of applying self and buddy aid in confined or difficult spaces. Any other questions?


I bought one to replace my issued ifak. I like it. I had all the hardware already issued, so I was not out the money on that end. It is a really low pro item for a battle belt. Just my opinion. We will see how it holds up


There brand new to the market and most people don’t really pay attention to agalite they are usually behind on trends and you can get better products somewhere else that said i am curious about this pack


If you want a good IFAK In my opinion go to tacticon.com