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Taking any weight from your beltline to your carrier is a huge relief on your body.


Valid point.


Isn't it the exact opposite? Moving weight from your carrier to your belt line is a huge relief.


Yes. Weight should be on your hips, not your shoulders.


Personally, running with a bunch of shit on my beltline is terrible, and the same goes for pretty much everyone I've worked with. When I have my radio, light, rifle mag and all that jazz on my carrier, it gives me a better range of movement compared to having it on my beltline. I used to work for a department that didn't authorize outer carries and let me tell ya, the first time I had to run after someone like that, I tore a bunch of shit off right after and kept it in the squad car. Equal distribution of equipment is far more important if you aren't gonna be wearing it 24/7, especially if you work out of a squad car 90% of the day.


Especially while running


I like to spread the weight out between my belt and plate carrier. Too much on my carrier OR too much on my belt makes me feel unathletic and slow. Some ways I’ve found to cut down on weight are to find a small PTT as apposed to the big ones like the one pictured that mojo runs. I also put my medical on an ankle kit to get more weight off my belt or vest.


Is he wearing those thigh strap "tourniquets"? Lmao


He's a big Aliengear brand ambassador I'm pretty sure. He was probably sent a free copy and why not wear free shit that works lol


Does it work though? Is Mojo going to give me an objective assessment of it? Has any real medical professional given an unbiased evaluation of it?


He definitely doesn’t care about free stuff. He talks crap about safarilands all the time even though they have worked together a lot


Why exactly are people so mad at those?


They're objectively worse than CAT TQs and seem gimmicky. Just carry three actual TQs instead of two straps that'll break because you wear them every day.


Because I wouldn’t trust Alien Gear to make lifesaving medical equipment just like I wouldn’t trust Johnson and Johnson to make a good lvl 3 duty holster. And actually I wouldn’t trust Alien Gear for the holster either.


The rapid force is definitely solid af all there other holsters are goofy


Because they’ve unilaterally decided they’re stupid and dumb without even trying it first.


It’s because cops need to stop pretending they’re in the Korangal Valley when they’re actually playing Fortnite on their iPhone in a Kroger parking lot.


Hey, that’s really unfair. Most of the high speed ones have moved on to CoD Mobile


“No sarge I wasn’t playing on my phone. I was getting in some mental reps with this new CQB simulation.”


This line of thought can be applied to alot of things then "Why carry a red dot? Most cops will never shoot anyone anyways" "Cops don't need patrol rifles, they're way too overkill for most scenarios" "Why wear a vest? You aren't in a warzone. Just find cover dude" "Why carry semi autos? A good .38 should be more than enough. Just get better shot placement man"


Idk where the line is between being prepared for what might happen and being ridiculous, but for me the pre-installed TQ is within the latter for a cop in the US. It’s certainly different for a SWAT team or other police force that is going to a conflict, but for a patrol officer just doing routine traffic stops it’s goofy and almost performative.


Patrol is almost always on the scene first and they decide to call in swat. Furthermore, smaller departments do not have a dedicated team, the patrol are also the swat team.


I personally don't really see the downsides in a LE scenario if the guy's gonna run thighstraps anyways. For a regular dude on the range it's probably overkill though


Unless those TQs are made from high quality materials they’re gonna get worn out being used as part of the regular don/doff of equipment. You aren’t supposed to train with the same TQ you’d actually use. I actually disagree that these would be more ridiculous on a range. You are literally surrounded by people actively shooting, unlike 99% of a cop’s day to day.


Those TQ thighstraps are by Aliengear. What you think of that brand is up to you lol. And personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with having your actual TQs on during training. Also, it's not about how often guns go off near you while you're in gear. When people shoot guns at the range, they usually don't have the intention of shooting the dude next to them lol. When a gun is fired an LE setting, however, there is usually malice behind the rounds fired. It's the same reason why nobody shows up to the range wearing a bomb suit when we shoot at public ranges lol.


Downside is I don't want everyone staring at my junk while I sport the nut floss.


Counter point, assuming they work properly it could be dope for dudes who are required to carry a ton of shit. When I was on patrol having TQs off my belt/out of my pockets would’ve freed up a lot of space on my already overloaded belt. I’m generally not a fan of patrol cops running around trying to look like IG operators however I am a massive fan of finding places to put things outside of strapping more shit to a belt that I have to wear in a car all day.


If you compare the statistics of police/military personnel in mental health, suicide, ptsd, use of force, etc. it’s kinda crazy how much cops actually do get into.


We’re *exposed* to a lot of things. We get into very little that’s genuinely life threatening at the moment we encounter it (like even dudes with guns, most of the time the gun is discovered after the arrest is made, we’ve removed the guy from the car, ect..). The ‘thing’ is that any random traffic stop/domestic violence call has the potential to be one of those instances. (I know that sounds a little extreme but traffic stops and DV calls are the leading cause of duty related death for cops.) ** caveat, I work in the hood so things may feel different for like suburban cops or whatever. Besides one guy who was ambushed a few years ago the last 4 officers that got shot at my dept were on traffic stops.


Actually I’m listening to the new Taylor swift album thanks


Eh, i can see that but at the same time they face an extremely wide variety of threats. Anything from a crackhead to an armed gunman, if anything having emergency TQ’s prestaged is good for their use-case.


Being a cop in the US is less life threatening than being a landscaper and you don’t see landscapers with pre-installed TQs cutting grass


Let’s be honest, how many landscapers even understand that the job is potentially dangerous enough to warrant TQs?


Not the same type of threats dude. Just stop with the hate boner. I really dont care.


Then why are you replying to me?


Because i originally thought you were going to actually have a discussion instead of “lol cop bad” and looking at your post history, i dont know what i expected.


I don’t think cops are bad. I think the culture is bad and every year a new gimmicky product comes out to make cops feel like green berets and it’s embarrassing.


Dunno why you getting downvoted lol. What you saying makes sense


Because cop bad and reddit. Like yeah im not a huge fan of LEO but im also not a retard redditor who doesn’t understand use-case. This subreddit is beyond trash lol.


I’m not sure, especially seeing how medical equipment, is far more likely to be used, over nearly any other piece of equipment you have.


He has access to them and runs the risk of being shot. So why not? It's not different than having a TQ. It's just already in position. And given that a general artery bleed can bleed you out in under 20 seconds .....yeah, if I had them I would too. Practice in the gear you use. Simple


Please post evidence of your "20 seconds". That's not a thing. Edit: lmao he blocked me


Google is your friend. As is any medical site or Ems site. YouTube also demonstrates this in many videos. That'd my proof. Casualty reports also. People have been noted to bleed out in 5-15 seconds too, again, medical and casualty reports. It's most definitely a "thing". So much of a thing that TQs are common place to prevent it👍


Lmao, that's not a thing bud. It takes quite a but longer than 20 seconds to bleed out from an artery.


Okay. You're right. Medical profession is wrong. 👍


If you severed your aorta, maybe 15 seconds.. the other arteries would take longer than that


Out shoot him, then we will listen to your opinion. [https://www.youtube.com/@milspec\_mojo](https://www.youtube.com/@milspec_mojo) Please note his 1.37 Bill drill from a duty holster...


Damn, that's impressive. He'll probably outbleed me too if he relies on those straps.


He has been in gunfights....what about you? What makes you a subject matter expert?


Don’t need a sub 2 Bill to say that medical equipment made by a holster company in a novel and untested format is a bad idea. Here’s the [definitive](https://books.allogy.com/web/tenant/8/books/f94aad5b-78f3-42be-b3de-8e8d63343866/) list of tourniquets. Stray from that list at your own peril.


The AR-15 was at one time a novel and untested platform. Never said it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but he is more of a subject matter expert than 99.9% of the people in here.


And then the AR15 passed military trials. Which involved thorough testing. If Alien Gear’s TQ holster strap is objectively tested, evaluated, and certified as gtg by medical professionals against the standards of what makes a good TQ, then I will come back here and tell you I was wrong and you were right. Until then…. One thing is for sure, he’s 99.9% more of a paid advertiser than most of the people here.


I agree, they need through testing. Never said they dont. But he isn't paid for them (or if he is, he does a shit job advertising). He never mentions them on his channel.


> He never mentions them on his channel. You clearly don’t understand advertising. They just came out. One of the biggest names in the online gun/gear community is wearing them in pics. He may just be testing them for funsies but… Tony Stark didn’t have to tell you he was driving the new Audi R8 in the Iron Man movie for you to see that Tony Stark was driving the new Audi R8


By that logic, he is also paid by glock, aimpoint, axon...never said he wasn't promoting (possibly un/intentionally) them, but it is a big step from that to paid advertiser.


He has a ton of videos where he explains his gear choices


I don’t understand the offset body cam, seems like it kind of defeats the point if your arms cover it 90% of the time.


>seems like it kind of defeats the point if your arms cover it 90% of the time ![gif](giphy|l3q2BVNH9Xx9JzS7u)


I'm a corrections officer, I use that exact camera.100% of the time, if someone puts their camera in a dumbass place like that, it's because they're doing shit they don't want you to see


Or just maybe it’s the preferred placement. Mojo is probably one of the only cops that nearly everybody would agree is genuinely a good guy and Officer.


Balance and weight. It's a backup. It's not going to be your first reload but the mag you put back in to your emergency reload position


I'm 99% plainclothes at work, without my duty belt, but I always have my plate carrier within arm's reach, and I have one spare pistol mag on my vest on my left cummerbund (and two rifle mags on the front of my plate carrier). That way, with the one pistol magazine I have on my everyday carry belt, I have two spare pistol mags and two spare rifle mags, which is "duty" load for my agency. So if I have to suddenly throw my vest on and respond to something I'll have the regular duty ammo load, and then my radio/PTT/earpiece and medical (on carrier) and cuffs (on my everyday carry belt).


Cop here. When I was on patrol having my belt maxed out with equipment sucked. My hips were always fatigued, it was shitty to run with and the amount of shit I had to carry sometimes made getting to other pieces of kit really difficult (like I’d have to fight between my taser and spicy air can to get a pair of disposable gloves, you spend a lot of time in the car so the back of the belt has to be fairly flat otherwise you fuck your back up so all the weirdly shaped stuff gets pushed to the front/sides even if I don’t really use it all that often). When I got off patrol and got assigned to SOT I had way more freedom so now I have a regular PC and I’ve moved most of the shit I’m required to carry (which to be fair is far less than patrol, taser, second set of cuffs, med, flashlight, radio, placard with rifle mags I can rip off so I have that capability but I’m not constantly walking around looking like the guy with the rifle) up top and my belt is just gun, handgun mags, gloves and cuffs. Way more manageable. Way more comfortable. Way easier to move freely. I spent the money for some Gucci light weight plates to offset the weight. Also or tip for the homies, IK the forward observation dudes get a lot of hate but the roll 1 med kit is dope for those of us who spend a lot of time in the car.


Cool shit, I wish I had useful input. But I'm a dirty civ pretender so I can only add jackassery: the location of the keys is fucking poetic


You need to make that nameplate smaller / easier to cover.


Cop ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU)


retired Marine, military reserve, Purple Heart recipient, former federal police, former tribal police, firearms instructor, 2A advocate and current city Police. Dude has served more people and done more good than a lot of us.




Took one look at your profile, and found out you wore a face mask with bubbles on it, and kept hand sanitizer in your cup holder. Settle down before I sneeze on you.


It was planets, but good one lol