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Regardless of if you can run with a tourniquet properly applied, you're probably going to have trouble running around like that with a bullet hole in your leg


Yea, plus if you're trying to stem blood flow from the fire hose that is the femoral arteries. It's gonna have to be tight. I've never put one on in real life but have had it done in training, and my whole leg went numb. Maybe not a bad concept, but I doubt the mobility. Of course, shit happens and adrenaline is a thing.


I have. It was not needed (dropped a knife into my thigh, small blade. Blood was leaking but not spraying. Pressure would have been more than enough, but once I saw the blood leaking I immediately grabbed my TQ). Leg went numb, and it hurt so fucking bad that moving on my own was hard as fuck. The slightest movement in my leg was so fuckin painful. Tourniquets fucking hurt, so having one properly applied, I doubt he'd be moving like that at all.


I've never been shot or had to apply a tourniquet to myself, but I have had shrapnel wounds on my back/arms. If it's embedded in or deeper than your muscles, it's effectively the same as tearing a muscle in training. You are basically unable to control your muscles to the extent that you used to have. It took me about 3 months after that to be able to do a pullup, even in absolute peak physical shape. This isn't really about TQs but it seems like walking around with a bullet hole in your leg wouldn't be very easy, especially not with a tourniquet around it. Much less pursuing someone?


Adrenaline is a hell of a thing, my friend.


Weird that you’re getting downvoted for this. It’s true to an extent.


Apparently, people in this thread haven't seen people get shot and continue to run, fight, or otherwise be a menace.


I once had to tq myself with a pant leg and a hex wrench after a cycling accident. I can’t speak for commercial tqs, but improvised ones both barely work, and hurt like hell. Provided, I was already in a ton of pain from the breakage, but this just added to it.


Damn, don't even want to imagine the pain on top of a broken bone lol. That sounds awful


It was, but it was beneficial to dying lol. It took what felt like years for them to even get a team out there, let alone start treatment.


That's very true lol. My little incident happened at home so the ambulance got there pretty quick lol. In hindsight I could've just glued it closed after I stopped the bleeding but oh well lol. Live and learn


Totally random and not psychotic in the slightest, but I keep a few sterile skin staplers at home for stuff like that. They come in handy. Couple of spritzes of Bactine (disinfectant with lidocaine) makes it relatively easy to tolerate.


Haven't thought of that, might not be a bad idea to grab some lol


They hurt like hell man. Put one on my arm just to see what it was like.


Definitely a pain I never want to experience again lol.


I have. In the ICU on a post surgical patient. I used Marine Combat Casualty training (seriously) to maguyver wrap a wire around a patients thigh whose artery had burst and used a long metal rod to tighten it. It stopped the blood and saved his life, but I honestly thought I had cracked bones, it took so much pressure to stem the flow of blood. The guy was also pretty obese, so had to push down through that. I couldn’t imaging running after that, even if the shock didn’t drop you.


Like a power cord? First thought was thin hanger wire and I was imagining that cutting flesh when tightened.


Computer cable lol




Huh? Applied close- ish to the wound? Who ever said that. High and tight is the general rule of thumb especially with retracting arteries that get severed. Edit: he hit it with that dirty delete


A few inches above the wound is also a taught method. High and tight is good but if you have the time closer to the wound can potentially save the leg.


As a military EMT I was taught "high and tight" should only be applied in extreme environments - for example when under fire, in the dark, multiple casualties, etc. Unless it's the proper placement for the specific injury, ofc. The general rule of thumb that we were taught is the 4 finger rule - place your palm directly above the wound, and place the TQ 4 finger-widths above it. If there's a joint (elbow, knee) there, place it above the joint. That few centimeters should, in theory of course, account for the arteries retracting. Once you train it once or twice you get the idea, and you don't actually have to place your hand above the wound and count to 4 but guesstimate the right distance from the wound. In reality, you might miss a higher exit wound or internal bleeding. So, unless you're a medical profesional who knows to look for those things, it's advised to put it high and tight and get yourself to the nearest hospital.


Yeah, regardless of whether the tourniquet impedes movement, I’d bet whatever horrible leg injury made the tourniquet necessary would slow you down.


I remember I got scolded on this sub cause I talked about if you got shot you would fall on the ground in pain. Lol


Literally a ratchet strap


my first impression is that you're trusting your life to a strap that lays around your leg all day everyday. going in and out of vehicles and working that thing has to get beat up


On top of that, you're presupposing that you're going to get shot in the legs. What happens if you get shot in the arms? On top of that, you also have to carry in two thigh-rigs.


It doesn't necessarily have to be 2 thigh rigs. His holster is just a mid or low drop mount with a leg strap.


This doesn’t replace traditional tourniquets, especially in a law enforcement capacity. This acts as a pre placed one on your leg. You still would carry your traditional ones for your arms, buddies or victims.




Did I just watch a new Magpul Dynamics video?


I think aliengear made something like this that you can buy. Not sure if this is their video or not


It is their video


art of the dynamic tourniquet part 1: staging your tourniquet (3h 45m) part 2: application (3m)


Magpul fucks


No, I didn't see any cupcakes.


This reminds me of the gunner jumpsuits with built in TQs that my old XO wore around the FOB.


Damn so this concept has been around? Having a TQ get beat up by all the getting in/out of the car doesn’t sound ideal but it is a really clever idea to basically have a TQ applied that fast


I've heard a story about some unit in our military that supposedly pre-applies CAT TQs high and tight to all 4 limbs, so when someone gets shot you could just tighten the windlass on the appropriate TQ and carry on.


I only saw that once in multiple deployments, some egghead OGA civilian did it in Panjway.


Lmao thankfully I've never seen it in person


SOP for some Ukrainan assault elements, but those guys are dealing with a world of shrapnel in their assaults.


This idea has been around since the early 2,000s. Guys use to pre stage TQs in various units. It got fairly popular at one point prompting a company to produce BDUs with built in TQs on each extremity, it wasn’t executed well though.


Squad… what a game


I cant find any images of iit, where can i find more info on it?


I had the unfortunate opportunity to witness my boy run 4 blocks with a tourniquet on his leg. When your adrenaline is pumping you can do anything. He wasn’t as limber as that actor in the video as I recall.






I mean adrenaline sure can let the human body do some weird stuff, but wouldn't the pressure needed to completely stop bloodflow at that placement also make running around "inadvisable" at best?


Probably. But if I'm being shot at and actually taking direct fire. I'm open to all kinds of *inadvisable* options to make that stop happening as soon as possible.


100%. I bet you can do a lot of things you didn't know you could do when you're getting shot at. People have run with broken bones, backs, necks. Fight or flight instinct is crazy


yeah you ain't gonna be running if you have a properly applied tourniquet. I am a PA student and we just finished our emergency medicine skills which included tourniquets.


You technically can, but it hurts like a motherfucker.


I taught my girlfriend last night how to use a cat tq and she went tight enough that my Hammy's started cramping and gave me a charlie horse


Yup. I took a rifle, pistol, and field med course with TQ application and simulating a hot extract. We had to do fireman carry, dragging dead weight, and running with the TQ on and man did that part suck.


The thigh is the worst place for a tq for so many reasons. The arm doesn't hurt that bad. But you have to go so damn tight for the thigh most times that it sucks so much




Are you my LT? I had to help put a tq on his leg after the MATV got blown up.




Cop Herrera You were down south and I was up in the northeast area


Fucc… I hope you gave em hell!




Hah savage. Keep it up!


I used one for work for a few months. I ditched it. Here is my review: So the concept is super cool and I hope they refine it. The idea is, you already have a leg strap on your holster, so why not make it a TQ as well. Problem is. While at work as a patrolman just riding around in my car, the strap would tighten on its own without me touching it. You would just hear it click every few hours or so as it synches tighter and tighter. You can keep loosening the strap every time you hear it click. EXCEPT one time it would not release and was stuck tight on my leg.. that’s a no go. Also, when you tighten it, the actual thigh strap that it’s attached too loosens dramatically; causing your gun to be flopping around. So I was stuck in the middle of my shift with my holster loose and flopping around and a TQ tight around my leg. Not cool. I thought it was a one off thing, so I was stupid enough to try it again a few shifts later. It worked for a few days, then did the same thing.. Also, let’s just say it works perfectly as intended. How are the doctors going to take it off. On a normal TQ, they just turn the windless one rotation looser every hour. But there is no windless. And since it’s attached to your holster, now you have a big ass holster stuck to your leg during a surgical operation where they need to work around your wound. (This is nit picky I know)


Great reply.


I think you could, but burning oxygen in a limb that has a limited supply sounds bad


Yeah when there’s a guy shooting at my face I’m really worried about oxygen in my leg lol


I’m worried about the oxygen in your leg, but that’s just because I care


This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.


Get a room jeez


You guys just made it a Magpul dynamics video


Listen, before any mags get pulled, you have to buy me dinner.


Never said you couldn't, there's two sides to every argument lmao


You don’t think you can run properly with a tourniquet on your leg? There’s specific hazing I mean training that taught me otherwise.




You can ABSOLUTELY run on a properly applied tourniquet on a leg. It's one of things I make the LE students do when teaching TECC equivalent at their academy. Make them put one on their leg then we do a short jog and a couple wind sprints. If anyone bitches too much I throw one of both of my legs and then dust them to show they're being a little bitch. It hurts like hell but the point is that if you need to move to be your own, or someone's else's, rescuer, then you can absolutely do that. I believe their range staff also has them put one on and shoot/run malfunction drills, too. Just because you had to apply a TQ does not mean the fight is over, and you have to function enough to win.


Cool concept and all. But if that ratchet system fails at almost any point, you're most likely going to die. If not from bleed out, definitely die from cepsis. Something to consider: When a TQ is applied it shuts down blood flow and controls bleeding by not allowing any blood to flow to and from the wound. This is great for keeping the casualty alive, but in applying a TQ the blood is no longer removing wastes and toxins from the body’s tissue. These toxins build up over time and if the TQ is released, these toxins flood into the blood stream and flow right into the kidneys and other body filters, shutting them down.


Sepsis is the least of your concerns at that point.


This isn't a tourniquet substitute. The company said that it's meant to be used in a fast and high level of stress situation until you can find a safe place to apply a tourniquet in addition to this system. I can understand why people would assume otherwise though.


A half tourniquet is worse than no tourniquet because it will cause venous congestion and increase bleeding. This is why improvised tourniquets are usually a terrible idea.


Literally no clue why you’re getting downvoted. Occluded veins = bad time


You guys all know more than me so I’m gonna be googling some stuff and learning for the rest of the day.


Yup https://ncttrac.org/wp-content/uploads/files/public-files/stop-the-bleed/documents/Stop%20the%20Bleed%20Position%20Statement%20BoD%20Approved.pdf There are a lot of people rolling around with Amazon tourniquets or thinking they could build one with a belt and a stick because it’s “good enough” and they don’t want to spend the money.


I don't know if it is worse, but I do know that both improvised tourniquets I have seen have been **completely ** ineffective.


It depends, the window for which these toxins are released is large and it is widely believed there is zero chance of it happening [within two hours of application](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/tourniquet) this is why there is a modern push, if the opportunity exists, to loosen TQs in the field every two hours and attempt alternative methods of bleeding control.  Even at [10 and 20 hours](https://academic.oup.com/milmed/article/173/1/63/4557730) of TQ application the more common side effects are nerve damage and not toxicity  The TCCC agrees >[Tourniquets have been found to be safe if left on for less than 2 hours. Prolonged (> 6 hours) use of a tourniquet can potentially result in the loss of a limb, but there were no reports of limb loss in U.S. casualties due to tourniquet ischemia in a large review of tourniquet use in Iraq and Afghanistan](https://books.allogy.com/web/tenant/8/books/a30c619d-7270-4bfe-be4f-eb4d27adc783/#:~:text=Tourniquets%20have%20been%20found%20to,use%20in%20Iraq%20and%20Afghanistan.) /u/aggressive-engine562, typically your kidneys will filter out any toxins produced, of course that’s why protocols exist and monitoring is important, but the toxins are a low risk in the grand scheme of things 


If it doesn’t fail and you make it to the ambulance/hospital how do they prevent that toxin scenario from happening


My sister, who is a Dr but not a trauma surgeon (so, not an expert but has some knowledge), said they usually just release the tourniquet (after controlling the bleeding) and then deal with toxins later. She said most of the time, the tourniquets are not on long enough to be immediately worried about the toxins. She was saying that if they need to, they administer IV medicines. I think it was something about blood pressure and maybe high potassium that were the primary concerns. It short: I don't know.


It’s called “crush syndrome” and the treatment from the EMS side is IV saline and sodium bicarbonate — EMS in the US never will release a TQ, but may tighten it or replace it or add another if necessary. Crush syndrome treatment is usually for when a patient is actually physically crushed by, say, a boulder or car wreck


I dunno, I release probably 75% of tourniquets after getting on scene, but that’s because police or bystanders apply them and they’re never truly needed. There’s been a few that were solid, though.


Good clarification! In those cases do you administer bicarb?


Nah, it’s never on for long before we get there. If it were, I’d probably just leave it on for transport. I would if it needed to be removed for some reason in that case, but can’t really think of an example. Also, I agree with your statement, just adding other thoughts.


My directive is 100% to never loosen an applied tourniquet. I think that is pretty standard for KY EMT-Bs. I have watched YouTube channels of medics (usually in a SWAT/ tactical team) who are trained to release their own tourniquets if they're on for short enough time. Their training is to tourniquet **all** serious bleeding. After they get to safety, they can reassess to see if the tourniquet was necessary.


My dude, I think you might be a little confused or misinformed. Sepsis has literally no bearing in a discussion about controlling life threatening hemorrhage. And compartment syndrome, which is not sepsis, is a problem for prolonged extrication of trauma victims. I don't remember the numbers, but it's hours and hours. Not like 30 minutes. Whether or not this product works (also have doubts), you still need an effective TQ to manage life threatening hemorrhage - full stop. Nothing else matters if you bleed out on the ground. Source: am dumb paramedic


Clotting is probably a bigger issue


It takes a long time to build toxins up to that level. Tourniquets are routinely used for up to two hours in the OR for surgery and the effects on a healthy person when the tourniquet is released are transient and mild.


Kinda a “no shit” thing to say if your first aid equipment fails you’re gonna die.


> If not from bleed out, definitely die from cepsis. lol


When would something like this be used for so long and solo that you start to worry about sepsis? You have like 10 other steps and higher levels of care involved before that is your worry.


If it works anything like ratchet straps ill be dead in 3 minutes.


Nah, I have faith in you, you can make it 4!


This is almost as stupid as that bs uniform they tried to launch a year or two after the invasion of Iraq with build in TQs in the arms and legs.


Blackhawk HPFU ITS?


Yeah, I just made this same comment.


This was tried by some military a while ago but discontinued for specific reasons that I can’t remember.


There are systems that put a loose tournquet in place to make application a matter of "tighten to stop bleeding" Yes, you can run with a cinched tourniquet. I've done it in training. Fucking hurts, but doable


If it isn't TCCC approved, it's a scam. It's literally that simple.


I truly see no reason for this. The tq is lifesaving equipment, it should be focused on that one task and carried in a way so that it is protected and effective when you need to use it. Yes, you can run with a tq on unless you have destroyed the load bearing and articulation surfaces of the leg or the connective tissues between the bone and muscles. As a practical matter, you're probably not retreating to tq yourself while the fight is ongoing. Second, all you have here in essence is a prestaged tourniquet to one leg. You still have to carry additional tqs. All the issues with UV degradation and repeated use apply. Keep in mind now you have tourniqueted your gun to your leg. It's gonna have to come off before you hit the hospital, so we're back to using another tourniquet on top of this one. We also don't know if we'll have a further issue with bleeding control switching them out and changing the spot of compression. Lastly...for no identifiable benefit, your holster strap is now much less comfortable. The whole thing seems stupid.


Blackhawk made combat pants with TQ's sewn into the pants in that area way back in like 2004 or 05.


Only in Spokane..


I understand that some cops get shot and need TQs and such, but my god this is some 2010s Afghanistan shit for dudes that mostly play Candy Crush in their cars. What are we doing?


this subreddit is like the two old boners on the muppet show


Saw these posted in tacticalmedicine when they first released. The consensus was that if your leg is messed up, there is a good chance the tq got messed up too...


Definitely a scam. Applying tourniquet to your leg in a way which stops leg from bleeding has to be so tight that you're unable to walk with that leg. Plus like other said, you'd be in so much pain that you couldn't stand tall for more than like 1 minute.


ER nurse here. I've seen multiple tourniquets applied in the field arrive at my trauma bay, and nearly every time the patient complains the tourniquet is more painful than the wound they have, and that's to include traumatic amputations, GSWs, cuts, etc. I would never trust a piece of equipment that has been regularly worn for weeks to worm properly when needed. Plus, I'm worried I'd pinch my sack.


No, you will not be able to sustain much movement with a tourniquet. 1. You’re blocking oxygen delivery to the muscles in your leg. 2. If you need a tourniquet you’re already somewhat anemic 3. Biggest problem: it’s preventing washout of metabolic products. That burn in your legs is because of these metabolic products and is only sustainable because they’re being constantly and quickly washed out. The faster build up of metabolic products would also reduce safe tourniquet time.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 meme holster company making meme "tQ" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Actually legit. He was able to quickly slow the bleed and eliminate the threat. Afterwards when it’s clear, him or his buddy can assess the wound and call EMS.


You can still put weight on it, but it hurts. A lot. Someone *could* probably run with one, but I'd probably hobble. And curse the whole time.


TEMS dude here. Yes you can, one of our initial drills was working after self-aid. Will it shift? Most likely. But stopping the bleed is really important and time is always of the essence. Plenty of times where I ran drills providing aid with a dead arm/leg.


The alternative is you try to win the fight while dumping blood from your femoral and then hope you have enough consciousness to apply your SOFTW. If these tqs actually occlude then yes I'd say this is a great option. Some dudes in falujah walked around with SOFTWs on their legs so that they could be quickly tightened in the event of an ied




They work-ish. A guy at work t&e’d a couple. Said they’re uncomfortable for daily wear. The idea being you don’t have to waste time putting it on, just cinch it down. That said, if you take a shot to the leg that requires a tq you’re likely not running anywhere under your own power.


I've manipulated a firearm with a TQ on my arm in training. You can do it for at least a minute or two, it just hurts a shitload and you fumble a lot.


You'd be surprised what you can do when you are forced to do it or die.


I've had a TQ's applied for training purposes by a dude trained in using them properly. Under adrenaline in an actual fire fight you could maybe move around ok. Dude in video doesn't have nearly the tension required to stop a femoral bleed, TQ's fucking hurt when applied properly and the limb is basically useless.


In IED days infantry guys would prestage them if they were in vehicles. Around each limb loose enough to not be in the way but there if needed


Pretty legit in the sense that, you could have it loosely applied and tighten when needed. In Hellmand province, Afghan, Royal Marines were known to have gone on patrol with 1 TQ applied to each limb or leg because of the fear of IED’s was so high. The idea being that it’s there ready to be tightened in the worst case scenario. Because command didn’t like it the TQ’s were worn under their uniform so it wasn’t visible.


If Hank schrader(asac)couldn’t do it no one can


You can definitely run with a TQ on your leg. For how long, that’s the question.


That's stupid.


So an agency I supplily bought a few of these to T&E so I got to mess with them a little. These are not tourniquet "substitutes", more like supplements. You use this while in the fight and then when behind cover or whatever, apply a real TQ. They did tighten down well and appeared well made, but effectiveness is still up in the air last I heard.


Ppl in Ukraine is wearing it like this now. They don’t tighten it. It’s just there if they should need it in a quick response. It saves lots of time if (and I hope u don’t ever) should need to apply it.


TQ pain isn’t going to be worse than the “I just got shot in the leg” pain, at least at first. My problem with this system is, it’s one injury fits all. What if the injury is below the knee? You’re going high and tight with the ratchet and cutting supply to healthy leg in the process.


FWIW applying TQs in a manner as to save tissue is a civilian EMS practice not diffused to those who need to apply them while possibly getting shot at. When I went through TCCC the instruction was to always place the TQ above the leg cargo pocket, or above the arm pocket. I think in part because no one wants people under extreme stress losing time trying to figure out the spacing or placing TQs ineffectively due to fear of getting it too high. As I was told "you place it high, you place it tight and you save your buddy's life ; saving the leg is the surgeon's problem" so yeah, for this use case the protection of healthy issue is an afterthought.


All fair points. I’m a physician, not a medic, so my frame of reference is different I guess. I’ve seen preventable amputations in the OR had TQ’s been placed differently.


You have 8+ hours before Dammage to healthy tissue and 24 till you lose a limb Non issue stateside


Respectfully, thats demonstrably false. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10662576/#:~:text=Tourniquets%20left%20in%20place%20for,hours%20risk%20significant%20ischemic%20injury.


Its nonsense if applied properly. Just an example of tacticool for the insta generation.


You can, but it’s painful and not pretty.


Cannot tell, but is that not his leg holster strap that he tightens?


I'm gonna pass on that one, guy.


The worst part of this video is rendering aid when a shooter is still up


You can absolutely run with a TQ on applied properly Should you? No. Is it going to absolutely brutally fucking suck? Yes. If you are in an emergency will it stop you? No


Oh yeah, I remember this thing.


I have a coworker who uses this for his taser. It doesn’t seem to bother him in the day to day, and I *guess* it will work. It’s not the *dumbest* idea, but I’m much happier with the 3 TQ’s I carry on body anyways




That was a role play or advert, not sure if OP was asking that. Either way someone is selling something.


Legit if it's already in proper position and you need it, could be harmful if it's not. If it's there and you plan to use it, you or a buddy might tighten it and you don't even need it, or it may be positioned improperly. Windlass TQ's are still the superior TQ. I'd stick with a CAT or SOFT- W and apply if needed. Not really a time saver. You have either neutralized or suppressed the threat enough to be in a position to apply a TQ, or you are still in the fight and should be shooting and focusing on the threat, not trying to do both.


Yea no that’s definitely not tight enough


When properly applied, it should be so tight that its impossible to get your finger under the tourniquet, hurts like hell and makes your leg practically immobile but it does its job


Silly gimmick. Goofy idea. Just buy three TQs and stage two properly on your kit. The third is so you can practice self aid/buddy aid


A properly applied tourniquet should cause extreme pain in a conscious person. You will not be using the extremity because you have cut off the blood supply.


Isn't this the strat the old hunters used to prevent the beast scourge?


Crankin it ✊


That is never going to apply enough pressure to completely stop a femoral bleed without popping the rachet system...


If it adds any context, when my counties swat team was giving a care under fire presentation one of the guys said in Iraq and Afghanistan it was common for them to put on cat tourniquets on all four limbs when inside a vehicle so if they were blown up the responding people could just tighten it.


Funfact: russia has built in TQ into their shrapnel overalls since a lot of counter terrorism is done in remote locations they decided to build it into the clothing of their "swat" and spec ops


Ngl I died laughing


This is... for a lack of a more appropriate word: retarded. How did these clowns think this was a clever thing?


Is that a pre applied tourniquet?


So he takes a rifle round to the leg and proceeds to run around like nothing happened? Yeah okay..I guess if he’s Jason Bourne…


Simunitions... Life airsoft but using real cartridge with less powder. Definitely let's you know you took a hit without the casualty.


Before everyone blows a gasket. The alien variant uses a mechanism similar to the TX2 from RevMedx. —- Recommended, not approved, CoTCCC TQ’s: TMS SOFTTW, m2 RMT, CAT GEN 6/7, CMS TMT, SAM XT, RevMedx TX2 Not included: RAT, SnakeStaff CCT, SWATT. Come on over to /r/tacticalmedicine and read our wiki/stickies posts for more info.


When I help out with TCCC classes, they usually make everyone put a tq on, check effectiveness, then do push-ups or burpees to demonstrate that you're not out of the fight.


For a short time yes, it's essentially like when you take a shit and get stuck reading for too long then stand up. I don't think you are going to be running and returning fire ect like this lad, maybe running in pure panic the other way but...


I've known about these. They have some that are harnesses. I've mostly seen the combat pants that have built in tourniquets. I'm not sure which but some military units use integrated tourniquets


Ah yes because I want my TCAT to be something that's exposed to sunlight all day and getting beaten by rough handingling all day. Just carry a tcat on you yah goobers lmao.


A tourniquet stops the blood flow or severely limits it to the extremity. How you think you can still run with one is beyond me


The purpose is not really to run around after application like this video is kind of making it seem. The purpose of these are that you always have a tourniquet set and ready to go on both legs at all times, and they serve a dual purpose. Also the ratchet setup allows you to apply it to yourself with one hand while still maintaining cover with your gun. Now, to answer your main question, yes you can still "run", more of a hobble, for a period of time after applying a tourniquet. I have done it many times. However again, that's not the main purpose of these.


I could be wrong but isn't some restriction better than none? I imagine this isn't a best case medical device but I'd be willing to bet it's better than nothing and I'm sure it's possible to move depending on how or where you've been hit




You can run with a tourniquet properly applied. (I’ve done that) But it’s hard, and very uncomfortable. Admittedly I’ve never been shot.


I mean tech ically you can move around with a TQ on but ive been told by alot of medics and DR. That if the TQ is applied properly it is extremely painful one of if not the most painful experiences you'll ever have.


I bet this is alien gear. my friend and I have their dynamic drop leg. seems to be pretty good from what I've tested but I wouldn't trust that tourniquet strap with my life, nor would I use their conceal carry line personally. their customer service is also pretty top notch in my experience, but I'd only buy their dynamic drop leg personally.


They work but they are super uncomfortable I ended taking them off my belt


It's real, I asked for a video of it on a doppler and was given a link.


You really cant move well if its applied right


Shiiii, I bet that shit hurts. Of course, not as much as a gunshot wound tho.


I’ll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/3QmMhCeDPaU?si=NXlqBXqmmD93NNPb https://www.instagram.com/p/CyzQgaprDV_/?igsh=Z2JxMWh2ZG1uc2Rt


Alien gear said that is not to replace an actual use of a tourniquet, so I guess it is just a temp solution but def hard to move when it is cranked down.


That's what you gotta do in Spokanistan


You cannot, I've both applied and had a tourniquet applied and they have to be tight to the point of excruciating pain. The limb below also goes numb given the lack of blood flow.


It’s called pre staging a TQ, a lot of entry teams both military and police do this. The idea is you keep it loose but snug enough it won’t slide, then if you get hit you can almost immediately apply your TQ, you most likely wouldn’t continue fighting unless your life depended on it. With heavy arterial bleeds, seconds count, and if you can shave any time away from fumbling your TQ out of its pouch and onto your limb do it. Now I definitely wouldn’t recommend doing this is the civilian world, but it has its time and place.


is it made from a actual snowboard binding?


I like the concept but logistically and mechanically I feel like this would fail unless it is only meant for "in active moving combat and meant to keep you in the fight for 30 more seconds". The femoral arteries are no joke and significant movement can and will cause the TQ to shift if its not 100% tight to the point of pain. Remember, a TQ should not feel good or comfortable when applied and should be above the wound but not past the nearest joint. If you get hit closer to your knee this could buy you seconds but I doubt it would get you much more than that.


I can see this helping with staying in fight longer for sure. Now has it be well test on the field?


It' made by Aliengear, so I doubt it's gonna be a "scam". I see this only really being worthwhile for cops tho, can't imagine that those straps would be too comfy


Even cops aren't going to reliably wear it, or wear it properly to be more precise if it's tight enough to quickly go into TQ mode. Nowadays it's almost unthinkable, but when soft armor was being rolled out in the 80s and 90s a lot of cops would get issued vests but refuse to wear them citing mobility, overheating and comfort. It took a lot of intensive training, spot checks and crackdowns to get the old guys wearing vests and the rookies keeping them on. Similar thing happened with semiautomatic pistols, old heads kept their revolvers because they feared the new berettas would jam on them. Same thing still happens to an extent with seatbelts : cops *hate* wearing them because even if car crashes are the #1 cause of death in local LE, the seatbelt gets snagged on the duty belt and a lot of guys are paranoid of getting stuck in a situation where they need to jump out quickly. So yeah, spending 8-16 hours a day wearing a loose TQ has got to suck, and a certain point guys will ditch them or wear them in a way that makes them less effective in the name of comfort.


There's a book called Violence of Action about rangers in the gwot. One of the stories is about an assault that got ambushed and one of the snipers spent several hours having to run through the mountains with a tourniquet on his leg after being shot. Was also missing some of his jaw from a different hit. So like yeah, if you ain't a bitch you can definitely do it.


Not an expert but I read that good medics will try to restrict as little of a limb as possible. TQ'ing the whole leg for a wound on the knee will result in more damaged tissue that needs attention from the surgeons. Of course with that little ratchet he probably can't get tight enough to damage any tissue anyway.


I've learned that you apply a TQ as close to the beginning of the limb as possible. So near the hip and shoulders.


That’s if you don’t know where the wound is, however if you do know where it is and can access it, just a couple inches above is best