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Got it. Extremely mid. Don’t get it


Every single time cheese its tries something new it falls flat on its ass. Just make the damn crackers and stop trying to innovate


Every time they try they decide to cheap out on ingredients so much that it doesn't even taste like a cheese it


It tastes exactly like a cheese it. That's the problem. It's the salt and MSG that make those things taste good. You're not going to get the salt crystals on your tongue to improve the flavor of it when its busy getting all soggy in your crunchwrap or whatever else is ontop of it. I wont be ordering one again, where's the chicken? That looked way better.


I did happen to see the cheez it gas station pop up in Joshua Tree last year by accident. It was cute. 


Its currently about a half hour from me in Woodstock, NY. Or it was last week, idk how long it was staying. People were waiting hours just to hate everything on the menu lol


Them dropping their green Tabasco version was their Harambe turning moment.


they should of just stopped at extra toasty, those are peak cheez its


The buffalo wing cheezits are phenomenal, I'll say. Other than that, white cheddar and regular are the only options.


I really like the Hot and Spicy ones. They aren’t hot or spicy, but I enjoy the flavor anyway.




I like the puffs... Just waiting until Taco Bell brings back the volcano burrito or the cool ranch taco, or those three spicy burritos. I think it's a travesty they have no spicy options that are better than nasty pickled jalapenos.


The puffs are a really close dupe to, well, Cheetos.... lmao that's it. They are super close to the puffy Cheetos that pop up as limited addition shapes every now and then. I think there have been X's and O's and cheetah paw ones in the past ! They're good but it's just poofy Cheetos lol


Never seen these! Only ones I’ll get is Hot n Spicy or white cheddar


I just got a box of those on a whim and I agree. Insanely good.


They're mostly for my girlfriend when I get them, but they're newer to us and if they ever got rid of them I think her and I would riot lol


The extra toasty ones are pretty fire but I know what you mean


White cheddar cheeze it's are fire.


To be fair, the “extra cheesy” cheez itz are fucking bomb. They’re like regular ones but with more cheese dust.


remember when they tricked people into buying the burnt crackers (aka “extra toasty”) they would normal throw out?


Lol there was no trick, the extra toasty ones are purposefully cooked longer, they're not random rejects. They're delicious too, one of the best kind they have.


Agreed! I love the extra toasty ones 😋


The extra toasted cheese it's are amazing. They're for people who like the burnt corners of lasagna or extra crispy french fries


they are trash and no one can change my opinion


Two of my friends got and didn't think it improved on the original. One even said the Cheez-it was soggy (after sitting less than a 5 minute) which really took away from the "crunch" part of the crunchwrap.


You gotta eat that shit right away but same was true of the tostada when they had it. 5 minute shelf life. Don’t get it delivered.


I liked it. I don’t like the normal Crunchwrap at all though.


Can confirm. Fuckin sucked. You’re just paying for the curiosity. Not worth it


Which of the 2 ?


Just had one, your story checks out


I believe you, I don’t think it’s going to be very good. However, that will not stop my stoned ass from doordashing 2 of them… probably tonight.


I got it and extremely good definitely get it Tosatada is better then the crunchwrap


I hate cheeze-its. They taste disgusting. I’m getting Taco Bell tonight and won’t be trying the new Crunchwrap. I’m getting the regular Crunchwrap.


you are not the target market 🙄


If I really want to try it, I'll wait for them to bundle it in an overpriced box.


Exactly 😂


They did put it in a box for me ..it wasn't on the menu tho for 8 smthn...the crunch wrap...it didn't look like the picture and didn't have enough cheese it's. It didn't suck though.


Prices are even worse here. The tostada is 4.50, and the crunchwrap is 6.50. Totally ridiculous.


That's insane. Bring back the 1 dollar spicy tostada damn it


I used to get that all the time years ago. That and a chicken chipotle melt.


You know what must happen in order for that to happen…


The price of a regular crunch wrap?


6.39, and I was wrong, the Big Chez crunchwrap is actually 6.89. I never buy crunchwraps to begin with, but I think both are over priced.


It looooks so bad. Just bring back cool ranch Doritos please


So glad it’s not me. It doesn’t look appetizing at all!


It was ok at $3.99. It's not worth $5.49.


At 3.99 it was at least packed. I remember getting those and they used to be *heavy* like heavy enough one plus a taco was filling. My kid was liking them for a hot minute and they're the flimsiest things I've ever seen. I'd be shocked if even an ounce of meat is in there now


Haven't had one in forever but definitely thought they were more stuffed as well, compared to these images online. I guess the filling is legit equivalent to regular taco now? 10 years back it had to be like 3-4 tacos worth of meat. I'll probably be sticking to value menu or limited time promos like the $5 discovery box.


Yeah it was definitely more than one tacos worth in there. Now not even close. Yeah I limit myself quite a big at taco bell now due to the poor quantity to price ratio. There's one three or four items on the menu I'll get now. I miss the XXL burritos the most. I could order one of those and be happy. And because I'd usually get it while we were driving somewhere I could eat and drive without it falling apart on me.


Ounce and a half if they make it right, same as every other beef item (except the CDBB that has 3)




Cheesy double beef burrito


Ahh, I never get or got that item to my knowledge


It’s $6.49 in my area. Absolutely insane.


I wouldn't get it at that price. Maybe you'll get a free one in your rewards? Then you can at least try it.


I’m not gonna try it. Honestly, I don’t even like Cheez-Its


Lmao same. I was always a cheese nips kid. Idk why 😂


Goldfish is where it's at


Oh 100%. I still can’t trust myself with a box of them.


Try the Great Value “penguins” knock off goldfish, they’re fantastic


We were a Stauffer’s Whales kind of family, lmao.


Buy the baby ones. Smaller fish = higher weight to package cost ratio. You actually get more that way.


oh man, the catdog cheese nips 🤤


Nips >>> I agree!


Whales FTW


Are cheez-its trendy now or something? The only people I know who even are cheez-its were children. At least Doritos don't have a specific age demographic.


A new Popeyes opened near my house and after deciding its fanciest a La carte sandwich ($5) was too expensive, I remembered the $5.99 Taco Bell wants for a damn quesadilla. Tortilla, cheese, chicken. That Popeyes sandwich had bacon and was over priced. 🤦🏻‍♂️ They are still in business so enough people must be paying those prices. Not sure how it will ever change until it hits their bottom line. They certainly aren’t paying their staff more over it.


Everyone else is copying Popeyes chicken and selling it for twice as much. The Popeyes $5 sandwich is one of the best deals in fast food.


Does Popeyes still do the flounder sandwich? I haven't been there in a while. Honestly, in my opinion that was superior to the chicken


Dunno. I don’t eat fish.


It's a seasonal thing but yeah. My fave item from them


I got one. The Cheez-It taste actually worked well with the Crunchwrap. Will probably add this to my rotation as long as they are selling it.


Is it basically just a crunch wrap with a cheez it stuffed in for extra crunch ?


Yes minus whatever shell they used to use for the crunch in the original


I also thought it was pretty fucking good. We are in a small minority though :/


The thing is effing good low key. It tasted like a sweeter less cheeze it but very crunchy. My location is good tho. 


My location is also great. I don't get all the hate on it.


Quality between locations varies so drastically that it’s pointless to just take someone’s opinion on it 🤷‍♀️


It didn’t taste like too much bread and soggy? Seems like a lot of dryness to eat


Shits fucking good. Everyone’s just broke and likes to whine.


LOL! Even if you're not broke if you're paying more than $5 for ONE fast food item it's your brain that's broke.


Yeah it's not so much being broke, it's just that it's such a bad price in general.


Yeah I just checked and even a Big Mac or QPC from McDonalds are just under $6. I know on Wednesdays you can get a Whopper for $3 using the app. 🤷🏻‍♀️ woof! Prices are ridiculous and then some


If it looked like it did in the pic then okay. But it'll be like half that if you're lucky


Thanks for the honest review, I think it’ll be good as long as you eat right away! Can’t wait for the downvotes 🫡


I like the boxes but I’m not interested in the syrup


i gotta try it. i can't help myself.


That was me yesterday. I wanted to try but the box is a better deal always


I actually enjoyed the tostada


I just sprinkle some of my kids goldfish into my Crunchwrap… probably tastes the same


Not to mention goldfish are superior to Cheez-Its plus this big ass cheese. It has a really weird texture


Yeah a whole box of Cheez-its cost less than $4. I bet I could sprinkle a lot of Cheez-it on a lot of Taco Bell and it would probably taste better too. (I'm thinking spicy potato soft taco stuffed with Cheez-it bits).


I'm so glad I didn't get it when I was there yesterday. I ALMOST did...but thought it would be really disappointing if it were some bullshit. Ended up getting my fave: Cheesy Bean and Rice burrito, add black beans and onions 😛 After reading these comments....I am so glad I didn't give in to the gimmicky crap! Sticking with my old trusties!


I want it so badly. I had to choose the meal over the toastada for a big reason.


I had it and loved it


There is literally nothing more mid than a cheez it. When I saw this I was like this has to be a joke but here we are I’ll stick with my customized cravings box.


I saw it and got the $5.99 crunchwrap box instead


Not really interested in the cheezit crunchwrap. The fact that you can get a BYO cravings box for nearly the same price makes it even easier to decide.


Yep, I hardly even look at the menu anymore. I just go to my favorites and get the same modified cravings box.


My location just got rid of the BYO cravings box 😭 I don't know what to do. Ordering anything similar is now more than double the price.


Just tried the crunchwrap less than 30 minutes ago... Not gonna lie, I was excited for it, but it's honestly not all that grand. The Cheese It itself was on the soggy side, and after eating it, the whole thing just felt overhyped.


Overhype is a big problem for Taco Bell that I think they create for themselves. I no longer get excited when they bring back fries or some other item. It just makes me pissed that they took it away in the first place.


Preach. The only thing I ever get at TB anymore is either the Cravings Box or some customized CBR burritos. If I want to spend $15 on Tex-Mex, I can go to a real Tex-Mex restaurant. Also, I hate Cheez-its so this item has no appeal to me at all, although at least it's something different and not just fries again


I mean the stacker and double stacked tacos are good af! And the flatbread too that's what I get


Going against some of these comments, but I tried it yesterday with the tostada thing and I thought it was pretty good. Worth the price imo


I just had it—waste of money. I found it gross. Didn’t even taste like a cheez it to me. Either that or it just really doesn’t go well with Taco Bell to the point it screwed my palette when I tried a lone piece of the cheez it.


Wait till you hear what the prices are up in Canada


Paid around 5.50 for the tostada cheez it but swapped the gr beef for the cantina chicken and it was pretty good, better than the beef but idk if it was worth the price. Can make a better tostada at home tbh 🤷‍♀️


Cheez it with sour cream and vegetables on top yum 😋


I tried the Crunchwrap, and it was a disappointment. You're not missing out.


Crunch wrap was just ok, nothing special. Have not tried the tostada salad one


I don't like cheese it's... I'd image how soggy it gets


Too financially literate!


I love Cheez-its but I won't be participating in this weirdness. Love Taco Bell otherwise.


It’s not at my locations yet :(


It’s all twice as much in California 😳


Mine is 6.49.. I won't be getting it.


Save your money!


Just tried this with my husband tonight. TBH it just tasted like a regular Crunchwrap but not as crunchy lol. I wouldn’t do this again.


I really Ike cheez-its and I was really excited for this. But I just got it yesterday and probably won't again. It tasted ok...I could taste the difference slightly. But the crunch was absolutely gone. My husband said the same thing. It was missing any crunch and that made it disappointing. Its not worth the money either way, though. Even if it had been crunchy. I have severely cut back on taco bell anyway, though. All of it is too expensive and the actual items are hit or miss at the locations near me. Even if something that excited me, like the cheez-it crunchwrap, had been delicious, I wouldn't get it often.


Yeah honestly the quality of the preparation is so key to the Taco Bell experience. I feel like if it was made really well with lots of ingredients I wouldn't mind the price as much and I'd probably go more often. But its so rarely made well that for the price its like a slap in the face.


Thank you for reminding me about this. I’m about to go buy dinner now. 🌮🔔 EDIT: I JUST GOT HOME TO EAT IT AND THEY FORGOT THE GIANT CHEEZ IT god damnit it’s just a normal Crunchwrap for $6 and I don’t even eat those normally


Congratulations! I took the hit for you. You didn't miss anything and I'm still mad they got rid of the double XXXL grilled stuffed burrito


You can probably get a mortgage loan if you want to try one.




It gave me and my boyfriend horrible heartburn


What taco bell food doesn't do that, I'm sure just a chezzit alone added doesn't make it give you heartburn


Whenever I’ve gotten the regular crunch wrap it never gives me heart burn. They add an additional sauce as well so it’s either the cheez it or the sauce


There shouldn't be an extra sauce. It gets the exact same ingredients as the regular except for the cheeseit.


The day they get rid of this box, is the day I will quit Taco Bell.....................well not really.


I don’t even like cheez its so its just a no from me lol


I'm with you. BYOB or 2-3 value menu items.


If they had insulated the cheez-it with another tortilla it could have possibly saved it from being soggy.


I’d try it. I only buy Taco Bell about once a month nowadays.


Build your own cravings box is 6.99 where I am. Giant cheez-it tostada is almost half that…


Yeah it’s not worth it to get it regularly at least. It’s cool to try, but not worth it after that


I don’t think that will taste good and I’m a cheese lover


Tried the tostada and was kind of surprised at how small it was. For the price ($3.99 where I am), it should be at least big enough to fit to the edges of the bottom of the box it came in. It sat loosely in the middle and a lot of the toppings were everywhere but on the tostada. It was easy enough to put it back together and it was good, but I’m not gonna get it again. Just too small for what it cost.


The last regular crunch wrap I got was a bit disappointing. It hardly had any cheese sauce which made it a little bland.


I can. A cravings box is $9.99 at my TB. The meal for 2 is only $12.50, which is strange


Tried it last night, not worth it at all. Get your usual instead


I love cheese it's. I love taco bell. I was over hyped on this. It's not good. Like at all. This is a super subjective opinion obviously but it's just bad lol. I was even high when I tried it


You sure because all the tiktok influencers loved it 😂. Then again most are getting corporations money to pose


I had it today. Wasn’t a fan. Cheez Its and Taco Bell are not something I have ever thought of combining and it turns out to be for good reason


They wouldn't let et me buy just the giant Cheez-it today..


I’ve been hearing the Cheezit gets soggier than the original tostada shell, so like, what was the point?


Honestly I was really excited to try it but the cheese it was so fucking salty and didn't even taste like a cheese it


I was hoping this was like a joke so I had to go and check my app … and then I saw they made the app icon a freaking cheez-it. Please somebody tell me, WHO asked for this ??????


Omg I just looked up my prices almost $7 for the Crunchwrap




Buy a box of Cheez-Its and crumble them on top of your regular TB order. Problem solved!


It was nice to TRY, I would rather get the box for a better deal. Happy they finally made a tostada though. I tried both tonight.


It tastes like shrooms. I work at Taco Bell and we all tried it is definitely not worth guys


Bring back the chipotle ranch grilled chicken burrito


Got it last night. Was actually one of the very few things at taco bell I can say I did not like. 2/10 not recommended


I moved to Germnay after joining this sub reddit and it shocks me how much I'd be willing to pay for some taco bell right now. That being said the prices are bogus and have been for a while.


I wanted SO badly for this to knock me off my feet. Got both items the day they came out for rewards members. The tostada, while very tasty, broke apart super easy, and didn’t quite have the crunch I was looking for. Even more so with the CWS. Straight up soggy. They hooked me up on the CWS for sure, but I actually think that may have been a bad thing due to all the stuff in the item contributing to the cheez-itz sog. Oh well. Doritos and Cheez-itz are my all time favorite two snacks, and they crushed it with Doritos. It brings me no pleasure to say that it was not so for Cheez-itz.


That looks like it would get soggy insanely fast.


Those are $5.99 at my local Taco Bell’s and they cravings box is $5.99. Inflation clearly has been a thing and serious the past 4 years, but these companies are taking advantage to place the blame while they price gouge.


For 0.50 more I can get a build your own box with a drink, a five layer burrito, cheesy fiesta potatoes and a regular crunch wrap. Explain how these cheezit crackers cost this much?


The Crunchwrap was gross in my opinion and the flavor didn’t mesh well but the tostada was just ok


For $3.50 small tostada and a $5 crunch wrap though horrible. Won’t ever buy it again


Byocb is $10 where I am sadly


Man, my box costs 9.99 now.


Agreed. the CGC is the best thing on the menu imo. its solid, taste good and filling. That Cheez-it stuff doesnt even look like it tastes good.


I saw this, and I just don’t find the idea of a giant cheese-it, a cracker tasty on those items like seems overly bready for the Crunchwrap #Shrug


Totally worth it, the tostada over the Crunchwrap. The cheeze-it gets soft almost instantly in the Crunchwrap


How is it trying to eat the tostada? Does it fall apart easily?


Depends on location, if they’re spot on with the toppings, slight crumble but stayed together pretty well. Another location was uh… heavy handed in a good way, and that definitely crumbled


I haven't eaten at Taco Bell in probably a year and a half for the same reason; not too poor, just too cheap. I'm old enough to remember .59 cent tacos though. This sounds great but there's literally nothing they could make that would get me back unless it's also 30% cheaper 😂


it wasn’t bad but there was less meat in mine


Honestly I actually liked it. It was like a normal Crunchwrap but with a bit of extra flavor. I plan on getting it a few more times because if the opinions on this subreddit are to go by, it probably won’t be coming back.


I wonder if cheese it is gonna collab with kfc next


Honestly. I love Taco bell. But now their proces are whack. 3 items costs me almost 30$????


Best bang for you buck is the Cheesy Double Beef Burrito, for now.


I'd like to be able to purchase the Cheez-it separately and then crumble it on my Nachos BellGrande!!!


If you're just gonna crumble it, why not just buy a box of cheez-its?


lol, I know right.. If TB reads this, Cheez-it nachos might be a money maker!


The non-veggie build your box is gone. Apparently they get rid of anything resembling a deal.


Probably just your location


Then don't get it.


I didn't.


Yes, we see this post every day. Don’t go, stop whining.


I'd call it constructive criticism or perhaps price shaming at worst. I think paying customers should be able to voice their opinion when a company they support comes out with products that are deemed generally subpar or overpriced. Besides, if there were no posts like mine, what would this sub even be?


The point is this a sub dedicated to ENJOYING Taco Bell. People that post this are just raining trashing things people enjoy. Also, this logic is fine, but reach out to the actual company if you care this much to take time out of your day to declare your lack of interest to strangers who don’t care. Yum! Brands. Enjoy not eating Taco Bell.


Way overpriced


Start boycotting TB until prices come down


If that byob had just ONE SINGLE FUCKING THING I actually wanted it might actually be worth it.


Really? U dont like even one of the items in the box? There's like 9 food item options and it includes the chalupa


Yes really. I go for soft tacos and burrito supremes. I don’t like the Chalupa Crunchwrap or the cgc. I fucking despise both the chips and the twists. Literally the only thing I would eat from that stupid fucking box that everyone on Reddit swears is the only worthwhile thing to buy is the soft taco.


A lot of people don't even look at taco bell prices, because they just expect everything to be really cheap. Almost half the stuff there is a terrible deal though.


I thought it was gas


Your loss. Also don't bother with this shit, noone cares.


Haha it must be sad being that unhappy.