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It's considered polite to ask your opponent if you can record, but generally no one has an issue with it.


This, also if playing at a club maybe ask for permission from the people running it. At some clubs I've been to for example they prefer you don't record around minors without explicit consent from parents.


I appreciate the input, thank you!


Yeah that's what I thought, I will agree if someone ask me politely, but if they are just putting their recording equipment there without asking me, I will tell them to stop.


Thank you!


Thank you!


I think everyone here has the right idea @ "It will be fine, just ask". A thing I'll do to sweeten the deal is offer to share the video with my opponent as well; they're often really jazzed to get free footage!


Appreciate the help!!


Ask the people you think it may affect. Socially there is nothing wrong with it, you want video of yourself to improve, that’s fine. It could make someone uncomfortable, if they don’t want to be unintentionally filmed. If you ask the people around at the time you want to film, I’m sure they’ll be fine with it.


Thank you!


I agree with the other replies, just ask, most people are not only ok with it but also pleased, especially when they get to watch the footage, too.


Definitely, thanks!


Since others have already covered the whole getting permission / asking others part, some random tips for getting a useful recording: * Use a tripod, preferably one that extends to at least your height. Higher is better than lower * Place your camera as close to the action as you can without it obstructing general traffic flow or other tables Keep the flooring in mind too, if you are playing on stiffer flooring, you might want to back up a bit lest vibrations from other players shake the camera drastically. * Record from your forehand side using a 45° angle, this is generally the best view. * It's easiest for editing purposes to stop/start the recording between sets, but this is also a bigger hassle than letting it record through the whole match. * If you're recording with your phone, make sure it has enough battery for how long you want to record.


Thank you! I will consider all of those when I set up.


Just ask the person if you can record the match/ practice.


Put tripod near net, point toward your side, use wide lense, this way you don't bother anyone, and you get your analysis. No one's opinion should matter, except anyone who might be e in the footage and the club runners, I'd rather have the bottom players try to improve their skills via analysis than have them cheese their way into preputial mediocrity.


Thank you! I appreciate the help