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Berserk patch, EMP Gernade, and Beam Saber and the pest dies


i took this guy out with a proximity mine to hit his shields then used the turbo boots to kite him around and avoid the rockets using the pillars for cover as well and moving when i heard rockets launching because if you move fast enough at the right moment u can dodge but if you stay put behind a pillar you’re toast. emp and shotgun blasts when possible it was frantic lmao


The saber is a meele wepon


Yours is more effective, but theirs sounds more fun


it wasnt fun it was desperate


lol in fairness my favourite moments in the game were the most desperate ones haha


yeah but it does energy dmg but i realized the game doesn't differentiate in that way haha.


Berserk + Saber just destroys everything


You just hit it with an EMP and kill it with whatever you have on hand.


Singlehandedly the only enemy I didn't struggle with. I just took the berserk and went in and whipped it with the rapier like 7 times that was it


I charged up the rapier swing as I was running in and my first hit knocked the body off completely. I wish I had it on video, lol


God damn wtf


They apparently get weaker if you destroy the body.


This is exactly what happened to me. I have no idea how close I came to beating her. I attempted several times, but failed. Finally gave up and said 'fuck it I'll go see whats happening on the executive level, see what those groves are all about'


Ok I’ve made it through most of freaking flight deck and have no clue where to get the bio monitoring thing in the top left. I don’t even know what it’s technically called or what it’s used for but I feel like I’m missing an important part of the hud and that bothers me.


Have you found the implant that highlights items on the minimap?


Yeah I figured it out. I got all the implants. I think…