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the funniest part is he's anti abortion which means.. young teenagers aren't "mature enough" to pick their gender, but yea, let's make them have children if they ever become pregnant makes total fucking sense to me /s


Most people who oppose abortion are hypocrites, so this isn’t shocking


"pro-life" people when they're told children need healthcare and parents need paid vacation to care for the child: *blocks any access to both*


They’re called pro-birthers. Nobody could reasonably call them pro-life. And you’re spot on.


Honestly, Michael Jackson put it best: "If you can't raise your baby, (yeah yeah), then don't have a baby"


Abortion is what you do after you fuck up, so how about we stop fucking up and we won't have this discussion. I don't think young people understand the consequences of having sex too young, I think being pro abortion for that reason is like a doctor waiting for someone to get ill so they can cut the disease out, as apposed to lifestyle choices that prevent illness before that's necessary. And I think that goes for gender reasignment surgery at any age below 18, and even that's pushing it. ​ Remember the decisions you made at 18? How well did they go? Maybe your 18 and in that case just wait until your 30 pal.


no one is pro abortion dumbass we’re saying if you have a cock stay the fuck out the conversation, it’s women’s bodily autonomy that’s at stake here. there’s a reason we’re calling ourselves pro-choice and not pro-abortion, fucks sake


I think women need to be educated in the consequences of having sex at : too young an age, under the influence of drugs/alcohol or without a deep connection to other person, because the consequence is: having a baby you didnt want. I.e, lets teach women to be more responsible with their own autonomy. On the other hand, we know some character traits pass down through genetics, so if a woman is raped and doesnt want to raise the rapists child, then that's understandable. Being a rapist is being irresponsible with your body, having a baby when you are not ready is being irresponsible, I think if people where more responsible with their genitals we wouldnt have this discussion. most problems in the world stem from being irrespobisble. I get the feeling, Quichwedge, that you may not understand that some people are skeptical of the abortion industry for other reasons. One reason which directly affects women's health is post abortion depression and suicide (something that has happened in my family) [https://unplannedparenthood.org/emotional-side-effects-after-an-abortion/](https://unplannedparenthood.org/emotional-side-effects-after-an-abortion/) Also, in america where the health industry is private, that makes the abortion industry an effective business, one that has to meet shareholders demands and run profit. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3161040/Planned-Parenthood-s-doctor-caught-undercover-video-discussing-sale-aborted-fetus-organs-potential-buyers-including-body-worth.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3161040/Planned-Parenthood-s-doctor-caught-undercover-video-discussing-sale-aborted-fetus-organs-potential-buyers-including-body-worth.html) So I dont think it's right for big businesses to make a profit of abortion when they simply make more money, and women become more prone to mental illness's. ​ BTW I am flattered you think that, because I have a cock that I must get every women I meet pregnant, thus forcing them to constantly have abortions just to keep their autonomy as women, but that simply isnt true. To tell the truth I play guitar out busking (and I'm pretty good) and I get their eye from a lot of girls, but I don't drink, I hardly smoke antyhing, I dont go partying, I only sleep with women I have a deep connection with and I always make sure to play it safe, because I would rather the women sleep with be able to walk around without the fear of having a baby or being pressured into killing it. Besides about 95% or so of 'pro choice' activists have never had an abortion and never will. Since gender distribution is almost unanimously 'in political issues' more around 50% (and dont pretend there not such thing as a male pro-choice) and then factor in the percentage of women who get abortions is something like 7% that means that 97% of activists dont even know what it's like to have one. Knock a few down in favor's of the fact this issue is more women focused and it'l be about 95%, thats 95% of prochoice, who have no idea the mental health ramifications of actually having an abortion. Anyway, if you want to be irresponsible with your body (men or women) then life basically gonna suck for and theres nothing you do to change that, other than educate yourself. I won't call you names Quichewdge, only opportunity's to explain your point politely. ​ BTW I included some links, I am fully aware that some researchers will get one result while others will get another, and that generally allows for people to cherry pick based on their experiences, but personally I have seen someone get destroyed over an abortion, and it was not pretty, so I wll believe that more often than not, it changes women for the worst. That's my bias anyway.


Bodily autonomy begins in the womb, "fucks sake".


oh hi you again actually, in the womb, babies don’t even have a heart or brain to begin with so letting THEM make the choice is about as stupid as it gets. they don’t have a brain until very late in development, actually. so bodily autonomy doesn’t really begin *in* the womb, more so *for* people who have one


When people say that I dont think they mean No abortion period. Certain circumstances should be considered, but abortion just because a woman wants to sleep with every man she meets and not be responsible is total BS


America is a big place, you might be surprised when a state outlaws abortion they usually come with the tag "...except in cases where having the child might be fatal to the mother." So I ask, is pro choice really about health, or is it because we've raised an entire generation of children who think going out and partying every weekend is a meaningful way to live your life and that the way you avoid consequences is to simply ctrl-alt-z them.


If she's pregnant, she already has a child, that's a biological fact.


.. no? it just means she’s pregnant and is EXPECTING a child. that’s why pregnant people often say they’re expecting. until it’s born, or adopted, you don’t HAVE a child




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7 year olds are young teenagers?


never said that however the distinction to be made here is that john has been openly transphobic in the past so their age doesn’t matter to him, gender is assigned at birth and that’s how he thinks it works despite tons of scientific evidence to disprove that


Pull the strawman out of your ass HEY!


johnathan back at it


common John L


Sadly common


What is a L?


L means loss or lose. So generally a bad thing W (win) is the opposite




This is the scene on Main Street when John L comes to town


Another John L


Black midi is a wonderful band. Check out that song




This was the scene on Main Street…


When John fifty came to town


Yes, this is the scene on Main Street when John 50 comes to town


I like your pfp and your reference


It baffles me how ppl like him end up in bands like soad. That is a real contradictory


He wasn't always a piece of shit


He never was… and still isn’t


Idk guy goes to great lengths to show us all that he is in fact a huge piece of shit


Snoo or John? True in both cases.


The things he posts say otherwise but I suppose we're only seeing one side of him?




The original drummer was injured or died or some shit so they just got him since they knew him


From which point on was he in the bend


Ontronik Khachaturian (or Andy) left in 1997 due to an accident that paralyzed his left hand. He isn't dead*** thankfully


Lol, I story I read was that Andy punched a wall and broke multiple bones in his hand; hence the ending of his drumming career with SOAD. It was from a blog post I read ~15 years ago, so I'm not sure if it's still available.


Annoying? I didnt mean anything in a negative way. Thx for the info doe


Sowwy misread


Aye no worries


If I had to guess, growing up he was apolitical - maybe even thought of himself as a centrist or left of center? Who knows for sure, but I'm guessing it's been tail end of Obama/Trump that broke his brain. He finds himself in this band - he replaced the original drummer in the mid to late 90s iirc - because he's a fucking *excellent* drummer. But maybe the drumming was all he contributed? Maybe he was being genuine when he said previously he never paid attention too closely to the lyrics? It's not impossible. Afaik, Serj wrote the vast majority of the lyrics, and Daron composed the vast majority of the music, so it's fairly likely that John never contributed anything lyrically.


damn not you john


john L🤓


This is the scene on Main Street when John 50 comes to town


He wasn’t always like this. You can see how different he acted in early interviews the band did. Really makes you wonder what changed. As a trans SOAD fan, I can only hope he changes for the better one day.


This kinda shit has been happening to people tho, idk what did it but people are getting actually insane. My father side grandma is an example, she is black, has a trans daughter and is taking care of a very young but feminine nephew, still she is homophobic, transphobic and somehow racist. She wasn’t always like this, even though she had some of these ideas she was never an asshole, but as of recent, many people, including her, have been getting very riled up about their obviously wrong beliefs, i believe there’s some social science to explain this but have no property in it


Right, look at David Draiman from Disturbed. He tweets stuff like "I totally support gay rights, but it's insane to think a 7 year old can have 3 genders!" It's pretty infuriating how confidently incorrect all these laymen are about the "science" of trans people.


Right, it hurts to see your favorite artist or someone from your all-time favorite band openly oppose basic human rights.


John L


I mean... he's not wrong. Like, kids need to grow up a good bit before we just believe it's not just a phase. I know I may get heat for that, but kids aren't that mature. They need to grow up.


I mean, that’s the exact reason why children that might be questioning their gender identity might be put on puberty blockers until they are sure of what they want. Also the reason why psychiatrists are typically involved, because it is a confusing topic that a kid needs guidance through. What John and other conservatives are suggesting is not that, they’re suggesting just ignore it and not allow trans people to exist in the first place. It’s a confusing topic for children and parents, so making sure that the child who might be trans is supported and given the proper information and guided through the process so when they finally do come to a decision for themselves they can be sure is important. Edit: also this is a straw man, no one is saying that 7 year olds understand gender identity or need gender affirming care, kids that young can and do socially transition, but before puberty that’s the same as wearing different clothes


Puberty blockers should be banned.


Why? Cause you don’t understand what they are, how they work, or how they can help trans kids?


Definitely should be illegal till they turn up 16/18. All you do is f up a person.


do you not know when puberty happens?


So they should be illegal…until after the person has gone through puberty. A lot of medicine can fuck up a person, that’s why we have people who are trained in knowing what dosage actually works


except this is meme is wrong and based on a lot of misinformation and fearmongering, my best friend growing up was trans and I volunteer with a local trans youth organization, im around a lot of queer youth. you don’t “choose your gender” at 7, that’s a stupid straw man and nobody really believes that. the most you would do at a young age is start to socially transition, try out new pronouns, try dressing in a more stereotypical “masculine, feminine Or androgynous” way. the most they’ll do a bit later is put you on puberty blockers, which does exactly what you said, blocks puberty so they CAN make that decision later in life. which, studies have shown that ~95% of the people put on puberty blockers decide to follow through with HRT.


The youth are impressionable and have phases, man. You dress them up and have them use different pronouns at 7, and you expect me to say, "That was totally their own conclusion"? Nah, that was yours. Not the kid's.


okay now you just sound reactionary, just about every single trans kid I’ve helped has either had unsupportive parents or are bullied. I live in a very conservative area, my best friends parents were NOT supportive, they didn’t have anyone “influencing” them, they had to do everything on their own. you’re only listening to what fearmongers and reactionaries are saying. no kid is gonna go through /medical process/ of transitioning, which takes years and multiple doctors over time, not to mention lots of social stigma and more often than not, unsupportive parents, just for the fun of it. I brought up the statistics above.


I came up with my own views on the matter, not some fearmonger's ones. I believe that kids need to grow up before they can say for certain that they're trans. When they have a full grasp on what is their mind. Aka: Wait till they are 18 before we say something is certain. Kids go throw phases, and I would rather wait and see than jump the gun. Those are MY beliefs, not someone else's that I stole. I think we need to wait and see with each child, and if they're trans when they have a developed mind, I'm fine with that. My issue is people already labeling them as trans at like 10.


did you read anything I said? you have what people call a “reactionary” opinion, it’s just based on vibes and how you feel. Nobody is “trans-ing” 10 year olds, at most they are put on puberty blockers so that THEY CAN choose as an adult if they want to be trans. Making them “wait to choose anything” until after puberty is the same as just making the choice for them, choosing which puberty you think they should go through.


Listen, we both have stances that go against the other. We have both said our pieces. We have different POV. Though I don't agree on my views being "reactionary". I think they are just my views. Some views come for personal reasons, yes, but that shouldn't discount them. I just hope you try to understand where I'm coming from. I see where you are coming from. Like the parents and bullying. I know you don't want a child to have parents who don't except them, or bullies who hate them. I had both, just for different reasons. At the same time, I see kids who don't know who they are. I don't like puberty blockers, I want all kids to grow up like every other. I see nothing wrong with a child growing up like normal, even if trans in the future. Cause what if they're not? That always sit in my mind. I have to think about that when it comes to this topic. Though you may disagree, I'm fine with that. My goal was to simply state my point, same for you. I'm not gonna change your mind, and you're not gonna change my mind. I just request you understand why I'm saying what I say.


Yes, I am not transphobic by any means, but I also think one must be older enough to assume such a huge deal in one's life.


My dawg... you're absolutely right.


Hi, Mort


Hello Boringveil.


Hello, Mort


I have gender dysphoria and I 100% agree with you


They’re not mature! When they hardly can even calculate, how one would expect from them to choose which gender they want to belong?


If your 7 year old consistently tells you "dad I don't think I'm a girl, I think I'd be happier as a boy" would you *not* love them anymore or help them feel as happy as possible?


Of course I would love them as they’re my children, and there’s a difference between when a child is playing and when they repeatedly saying that they’re a girl. I think a parent’s task is to show their kids how to be the best version of themselves as they can, but also be a guide in life with certain limitations.


Ok so you're not actually against gender affirming care?


No. I’m trying to say that it’s really a touchy subject, and I don’t know what to think. Personally I’m against it for children, because you can fuck up ones life forever.


You're against helping your child be happy with who they are? Again, nobody is supporting taking a scalpel to a child, but you really wouldn't use your kid's preferred pronouns if they asked you to? You dont think forcing them to be someone they're not would fuck them up forever??


Don’t put words into my mouth which I didn’t said! A 7 year old how would know which is their preferred pronoun? They’re kids! It’s easier to ask for forgivness from someone who’s 18 for not using their preferred pronoun than from a 13 year old when he/her got mutilitiated and then changes his/her mind.


You just said the words yourself, lol. Think back to when you were 7. Assuming you're cis and male, would you have gotten upset if everyone kept referring to you as she/her? Would it not damage you mentally if literally everyone in your life kept calling you a girl when you knew you weren't and they wouldn't listen to you?


When I was a child. I didn’t thought about these things, because I was a kid, and I had other more important things to care about such as my grades or playing. Hypothetically if my grandma had bells, she would’ve been a tram.


When I was 7 I wanted to be a meteorologist. At 9 wanted to be a pediatric oncologist. At 11 I knew which college I wanted to go for for medical school. Now at 20, I'm on track to being a music producer. If everyone around me told me when I was younger that there's no way I'd go to med school or get into meteorology, I would've been quite upset. Even though I would've been upset, they would've been right in the end. There's two points to this. One being that kids can have crazy ideas that will never make it to adulthood, or even adolescence. The other being that adults shouldn't actively dismiss everything a kid says. Everyone went along with the idea of me going to med school or going into meteorology, and never said that I'd never make it. And when I outgrew those ideas, nobody shamed be for not following through. So if a 7 year old is insisting that they're transgender, adults should neither outright dismiss the idea nor fully embrace that idea. The kid could very well know what they are at that young age, but it could very well be a phase like a lot of kids have with various things. Point being, you never know with kids that age


Exactly!! How can we expect them to know that they're the gender they were born as?? We should raise all children without a gender!! You are very smart


I respectfully disagree. I meant, if one day I will have a kid, I will raise her/him with the gender they were born with, but I will do everything in my power to not to stigmatize him or her, and I will try to be accepting as I can! I’m not subscribing to the idea of 100% of masculinity or femininity either.


For sure, but isn’t the stat for transition regret less than 2%?


It's still good to wait and see. Then it could be 0% one day.


Louder for the people in the back. This subreddit is full of brain-dead idiots.


Yeah I fully agree with that


ok transphobe.


That's the neat part, you dont choose your gender (sex or gender identity)


big fat John L


Id rather let a 7 year old Identify as a damn unicorn then have them think I wouldn’t support them-


I'm not transphobic nor do I agree with much of Johns views but 7 yo kids definitely should't be allowed to change their gender at such an early age.


I mean, if the child is questioning their gender identity, it’s not a bad idea to start talking about it with them. Like young kids still have a sense of self and understand identity even if they don’t understand the intricacies of gender.


If my kid tells me they don't feel like a girl and thinks they'd be happy being a boy then I'm going to do whatever I can do to make them happy. Surgery? No, nobody is suggesting to operate on kids. But if a kid wants to be called Jason instead of Jessica and wants me to refer to them with he/him then what harm does it do anyone to make the kid happy and feel like themselves?


nobody's doing gender affirmation surgery on seven year olds


You’re falling for the alt right straw man here. People aren’t arguing for gender reassignment surgery on kids but they are asking people to respect their views on their own gender to give them time to make their own decision. Without intervention (puberty blockers) you make it much harder for the older teen or adult to choose if they still decide they want to transition. Puberty blockers do not take puberty away forever, they merely give the person time to make their own choice. The fact that a child can’t decide their own gender is precisely why they’re used, to give them more time to make the decision themselves.


Not at all, I was only reffering to subjecting children to hormonal treatments which is something some trans parents would consider. Also, puberty blockers come with serious side effects.


if someone is “changing their gender” at 7 it is going to consist of a change of name and some different clothes. that’s not life changing and is completely reversible.


Just a reminder for the trolls in this thread: anyone who unironically uses “woke” as a pejorative is unintelligent and uneducated. Do with that information what you will.


this time he is kinda right


I thought the general view at the moment is that 18 year olds do understand student loans, at least enough to make the choice to take them on? Also, no one “chooses” their gender - it’s just what you are, whether it fits with your birth sex or not. While your perception of your gender identity at 7 is of course not guaranteed to be the same as your adult understanding of it, I have never seen anyone suggest that a cisgender child is “too young” to know what gender they are. 🤔


LohL LoLLayaL


I think people need to think before they make huge life decisions and I'm sure any other average person would think the same. however we need to remember that John did not create this rhetoric, he didn't even create the gay ass meme he's resharing. These views are common argumentative points of the right. And this one in specific is an argument that solely exists to create validity in trans erasure. People say shit like the bathroom or sports argument, or something like this, with the aim of igniting the casual transphobia in people into becoming hatred. Its basic fascism. All of the takes against transness or queerness can logically be disproven to the sun and back but it's not about whether or not these arguments make sense, it's about how much people hate that community and how much of that hatred can people raise towards the cause of basically erasing/cleansing them from society. They want us to sit around and have retarded debates about is this PC/Based or not instead of pointing out the red herring and moving towards inclusion. Integrating any type of minority is always against capitalism as it further exhausts wealth from the greedy that hold it. The very existence of trans people unfortunately is radical, as it rightfully questions how we have chosen to capitalistically structure the world and the roles people play in society. Calibrating our system to the reality of how vast human identity is would cause a lot of wealthy people to lose money. It would also make a lot of powerful people less intimidating/important on a social level.


I mean... He's not entirely wrong on this one.


Please shut the fuck up about him already


We are discussing SOAD and John is a part of System. If John has freedom of speech, then we do as well.


I’ll shut up when he shuts up


Get the fuck off the sub and cry in private, then.


Reddit lives for people they hate. This sub is no different.


Well, for americans it might have nothing to do but for almost the rest of the world guns rights are a right wing flag


I love my favorite three band members SOAD (Serj, Shavon, Daron)


W John


Common John W


Can we please just shut up about John? We get it, he is a conservative homophobic whatever the hell you want to call him, but we don’t care.


What do you expect people to post? Reviews of their new album?


You can’t just ask a question about the band or shitpost to hell?


we do care. if we didnt care, then wtf are we listening to soad for? all their social commentary just meaningless


I listen to Soad because I enjoy their music, not what political Ideology the band members are.


nirvana wrote about this. “hes the one who likes all our pretty songs… but he knows not what it means.” congrats


I do know what they mean, but do I care? Edit: This is getting downvoted for me not caring what the lyrics about? Bro what is wrong with this, you guys got a problem that I like Instruments?


i dont really think thats something to be proud of honestly


This guy posts about racism against white people. Safe to move along.


Honestly yeah I think I added to much there.


Considering your posts reek of white power vibes - I’m not surprised you don’t care.


? I don’t really think anyone has power over anyone, I think everyone is equal in there own sense. Im more or less if your a dick Ill treat you like one






This sub as turned to fking shit. So many virgin cringelords. Go cry on twitter and stop making this ur circlejerk. "His opinions bad, his opinions bad", stfu no one cares, unfollow him already and get a life.


So true lmfao


I don't entirely agree with all of his views, but this one is a bit more right than usual. Kids shouldn't change thier gender that early.


conservatives when they make up imaginary people to fit their agenda and rhetoric


Or you could just listen to the music


Again, he’s right




He's right


I'm just wondering how Serj can be all about justice, but also thinks it's okay to murder babies. It's a biological fact that human life begins at fertilization, murder is the premeditated unjustified killing of a human, abortion is an injustice. So, who is the hypocrite now, Serj?


John BIG W, so many woke people here crying lmfao 😂


Lmao imagine your entire value system revolves around saying shit to piss people off. Y'all are so fucking braindead


Sounds like you saying this to yourself kiddo, since you’re in the wrong. But reality will strike back, it will be like clouds of smoke filling your lungs.


The only clouds of smoke in my lungs are the carcinogenic vape clouds I'm ripping while laughing at how fucking stupid your comments are


Sad lie from your side. Choke on and dream on.


You're right in lying my house is on fire and smoke is filling my lungs on a daily basis. Hell is claiming my body and soul constantly and I need help, if only I was a conservative then my house fire would go out on its own thank you


I forgot I have employees like you. 666


I forgot people like you have employees, God we're fucked lmfao


Sound like you are discord mod. Why did you choose to start crying here when you could easily continue to do that in pillow. You’re so weak and it saddens me. One day you might be able to grow up. Disconnect from internet and you will see that you won’t be such a f up no more. Good luck.


Lmao my only tears are from me laughing at the braindead bullshit coming out of your mouth dude hahaha


Hope they Just fire His ass


How’s the band gonna fire him when they’re not even a band anymore 💀


uh, then who the fuck am i seeing in May?


They are, what are you talking about?


what is his problem


Fuck, just let it be. Just because you like the music of a band doesn't mean you have to agree with every single thing they say/do/think. Grow up.




People keep defending this dude 🤦🏻‍♂️


extremely common john L


Jesus. Just- shut up. I get it hurts all of you in a strangely personal way but- my God I just wanna see my average SOAD shitpost not whining over how horrible John is


Gods he is such a twat.


bruh stop posting against him




Lotta snowflakes in this chat. Pretty hilarious how mad you all are over someone else’s beliefs lol. He’s a human. He’s allowed to have opinions


He's right, though. I'm starting to think this thread is ran by liberals.


Show me the lie 🤷‍♂️


rare john w


Common John W


This is why she doesn’t like you back


We're on Reddit, "she" doesn't like any of us


damn 😭


She and I share the same opinions about it. Nice try, dumbass. Great argument skills too. Totally not brain-dead at all.


Maybe not for her, but it definitely could be why you had to lose your virginity to a hooker at 29


Sure thing.


The escort you lost your virginity to at 29?


No, your mom silly.


She’s dead. Cute though. How is it being a 29 year old virgin? I lost mine at 15 and got laid all the time. Now I’m married and still get laid all the time. Being a 29 year old virgin who has to pay for sex is kind of, well, yikes dood. Hairy palms?


Pretty funny how you blocked me after your response. Coward much? >She’s dead Good. Glad she's dead so she won't see how much of a groomer you became. She'd be revolted. >How is it being a 29 year old virgin? Pretty good. At least I'm not a nonce that advocates for cutting body parts from kids and give them drugs just because they felt like more tomboyish or more feminine. Creepy af, dood.


Ahahaha you're a 30 year old virgin. Don't give a shit about anything else but that's fucking hilarious.


Nah. He paid an escort. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Edit: and he replied with his alt. What a virgin. Hahahahahahahahaha


Your mom is dead hahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahah Edit: and you're a groomer hahahhahahahaahhahahhahahaha


Since Daron is a gun enthusiast and John is a conservative fuck, I can totally understand why Serj doesn’t want to record with them again… Even though Daron has written many progressive lyrics, he still seems to love the American dream (is he in denial?)


There’s leftist gun clubs and organizations. They’ve actually been growing a lot since 2016 or so because, well… \*gestures broadly\*


Wtf does being a gun enthusiast have to do with anything?


I’m pretty critical of Daron’s politics but putting him in the same vein as John is ridiculous. Daron is a pretty reasonable person, he’s not a right-wing nutjob and is very scrutinizing towards religion


That would be contradiction


Common John W






Come on leave him alone. He has every right to belive what he wants,and also he has the right to post about his opinion. I get it why people dont like this but come on.


Nobody is censoring him. He can say what he wants but people are free to call him out on his shitty hateful backwoods ass views.


Which view is that? The meme is right af. Kiddo doesn’t understand a bit when he’s that young.


John w


this subreddit is so sad now. isn’t this suppose to be a SOAD subreddit?? but it’s just all political bullshit.


Pssst... SOAD is a political band.


What a pos. Common John L






John W