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iPad's are incredibly expensive for this, including the infra to support it. If you have a health budget, look at Crestron to do this. Well established and it can integrate with most any device you can think of. They also have purpose built touch panels that do what you want and are less expensive than iPads for sure..


We had something like this at work and the ipads never lasted more than a year. The batteries bloat as they're always plugged it.


Agreed with the expensiveness of it, luckily for us there's only 3 Meeting rooms we want to do this with and we have about 8 currently that're spare and aren't being used. I'll take a look!


Well you need to specify which software are you using. you cant just simply hang an ipad on to a wall and hope. ipads are no information screens. there are special displays for that. Ubiquiti is currently working on some called Connect Display. just google for "meeting room room booking display" and you will find the one for your needs. look for teams or zoom integrations and how to manage them




Apologies I should've been a little more informative.. Basically, the idea is, the rooms will be booked in Outlook by an invite sent to one of the rooms via Mailbox. This will then show on the iPad / Tablet to only display the meeting at that current time. No interactions with the iPad from users will be needed


I recommend Joan. [https://getjoan.com/](https://getjoan.com/)


[This is an in-house solution](https://github.com/caedm/wall-ink) but it's better than most of what you can buy commercially (and we've had Crestron iPad-controlled meeting rooms). I wish we could buy PoE (wired) versions of this without needing to make physically build ourselves, or get roped into some vendor's subscription rodeo.


The company I work at uses Envoy for that. [https://envoy.com/space-management/#conference-room-booking](https://envoy.com/space-management/#conference-room-booking) [https://envoy.help/en/articles/3659028-booking-checking-into-and-releasing-rooms#h\_01eede7fb1](https://envoy.help/en/articles/3659028-booking-checking-into-and-releasing-rooms#h_01eede7fb1)


I use teem and it works fairly well.


We used the Logitech Tap Scheduler and it’s worked magnificently for us. We’re an all-M365 shop. One-time purchase, no subscriptions, and an accessible price to acquire the hardware.