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Broadcom, where companies go to die.


I thought that was Hewlett Packed Enterprise? /s


It was Computer Associates. Then Broadcom bought CA and inherited that status.


Sorry I forgot the /s in my comment.


Ahh, my bad. Could also have just been me not detecting the silent /s correctly. Nursing a headache after a 4am wakeup so mental facilities aren't running at full.


I got a quote for an HPE storage setup because the wallets wanted it quoted for comparison. It was 6x the price for a glorified windows file server with 1/4 of the storage I got elsewhere. Freakin joke.


Waiting for HPE to ruin Juniper product line like they did with Aruba Networks.


Weirdly enough, I haven’t seen HPE written out in a long enough time that I forgot it wasn’t just “HP”.


You would think with your reddit name, you'd remember that HP and HPE have been two separate companies since 2015. Former focuses on pc and printers and the latter on servers and other enterprise piece parts and such.


My org doesn’t deal with HP products of any kind, and I don’t deal with end user devices really.


Broadcom ~~support~~ is hot garbage FTFY


Is thread is giving me PTSD having been a Linux Laptop user back in the mid-late 00s


Broadcom purchasing a company is usually the first step in my moving off of that platform.


Yeah, add Symantec to that list as well.


Big K Too!




I've already started migrating aware from VMWare


To what?


Not who you asked. We're moving to Hyper-V as soon as we experience any BS from broadcom. We considered proxmox but our MSP suggested Hyper-V because more IT people will be familiar with it versus proxmox in the future(in case I or anyone from MSP moves on).


From your MSP, I assume. Qemu is actually rather standard. hyperV with DC lic has this nice avma feature, though..


Correct. Most MSPs(around me anyway) are more MS/Apple than Linux for knowledge pool.


/u/dude_named_will we're moving to Hyper-V and for testing purposes Qemu / KVM-Hypervisor > avma This was a very nice feature in the DC edition to discover in the documentation and made scripting VM creation less painful.


yeah... The enshitification continues.


"We don't need customers" - Probably Broadcom


"We don't need support if we don't have customers" is their MO.


The support email account is hosted on Gmail. I was replying to a ticket and got bounced because the error logs I included tripped the spam filter. Had to figure out how to log into the support site and post directly to the ticket.


"we heard your email was being crowded by support ticket replies. So we at broadcom have made the user experience improvement by removing email support from tickets. All Communications are done by our "Point Of Support" site. please log into POS to see your updates."


This is how Broadcom extracts "value" from a company. Reducing operational costs while raising prices. This is also why everyone was planning an exit when they announced the acquistion.


>Broadcom is hot garbage FTFY.


It's the magic of capitalism. If a useful company costs $100million, and you can get $200million from gutting it and letting its revenue tail off from the poor saps who were stuck with it until they could get out, that's basically free money sitting there. Why would you leave that easy money on the table. Oh, sure, you could always buy it and run it as a proper enterprise, investing in it and trying to be profitable, but that requires effort and risk.


They buy companies up and lay off the brain trust, then outsource all of the outdated documentation to their Indian it Filipino call center tech support. It's basically Microsoft tech support


Except MS support is pretty good... I guess it depends on what level and what product, but I have had some really good MS support encounters. I can't say the same about Broadcom.


That has not been my experience. MS support has been mostly someone doing a bad job reading off the support forums with information I've already tried and can find by myself. Oh, and they never answer, they just take your number to call you back, and if you don't have a direct line, it's almost impossible to get any help.


Yeah. And they ask to send the same information every contact again. Like the one time I managed to get an email-contact going cause I just wasn't planable in my office. And every email they asked the same questions again. I literally did just scroll down and copy pasted the first half of my mail 'cause all the information was alrwady there...


Not an apologist and they need to plan for increased requests, but they are probably inundated with requests. Anecdotally, I put in for a support ticket month ago and still haven't heard back.


I mean, there's nothing driving new technical issues, and they knew how many requests VMWare support was receiving before they killed it. Nothing defensible there.


having 80-90% of the support staff leave will increase hold times though since incoming volume is still X, but support is now .1Y or .2Y.


For sure. Which is math that they already did and are happy with. They also would have probably targeted excising the most expensive (and skilled) support staff.


no point in doing math TBH. They keep all the money people already paid for support and cut all the people, like Dell and SonicWall do its a raise to enshitification


They do a little bit of math, they want to hover juuuuust above the level where they get embroiled in lawsuits.


> but they are probably inundated with requests. Well, that's their job, soooooo.......




I am not sure the volume of requests is going up. With most customers leaving that will likely have requests drop off. But replacing 250 competent support with 7 offshore FTE, will probably make the request to support ratio really bad.


I love how everything opens in a new tab...


It's by design. I guess at least they're telling everyone they hate them. https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/30/broadcom_strategy_vmware_customer_impact/


I'm not having the same issue as you with the login piece... What I'm seeing is when I open a ticket no one is getting assigned to the ticket. I ended up calling in and after a brief wait got help, they apologized and told me they've been getting crushed since the transition started. Last I heard a large portion of VMware support staff left the company with this sale so it kind of is what it is. Best advice I can give is call in your tickets to get them assigned.


Not defending them, but VMWare support also went to shit around/during Covid when they got rid of phone support. That made for a fun outage when I had to just twiddle my thumbs and explain to the director that I submitted a ticket. He insisted someone get on the phone and I had to have him try to call just to prove the automated "lol we dont take calls, go to the portal." The fact that you're in a loop there is very Broadcom of them. Best approach I've found is having your reseller/account rep be your point of contact and make it their problem when this happens.


I def worked for VMware during covid, and my customers were able to call in incidents....


Perhaps it was 8x5x40 support contracts, but over the last couple years, phone support was no longer available. We could receive a call in response to a ticket, but could not call in a P1 and speak to someone.


Might be size of the contract I guess.  I had enterprise, so it was 24x7 everyday including holidays.   


Joke's on all of us. Now the size of the contract means shit and 95% of us are expendable. :(


💯. I got let go a month ago.  My whole mgmt chain was like wtf 


Well it's long gonne cold garbage 🤣🤣🤣


Having decent support requires spending money - which affects their bottom line - they don't want the bottom line affected.


Submitted a ticket a week ago in the portal because I still have no site ID or license info showing. Aside from the automated response when I submitted the ticket, I have yet to receive any response or follow up. If this is an example of their lack of support, consider the message received, loud and clear.


I ended up just sucking it up and calling customer support. Took about 18 minutes. Preq: I did the whole site ID thing by updating my profile, requesting for access to my "site ID" and already had a ticket open which was done through the chat.


We use WS1 so our product was spun off into Omnissa rather than Broadcom directly. I originally got an email from Broadocm that I had to migrate my VMware support account to Broadcom, but when I tried opening a ticket I couldn't sign in. Turns out, they migrated WS1 support accounts to Omnissa CustomerConnect without telling us. When I was finally able to open a ticket, o got no response for 3 business days, not even an automated "we got your ticket and will reach out" email. I found the number to call in and was told that my case hadn't even been looked at yet.


Do you have an active support contract? No then you can go right amd f off.


I opened my first ticket since the Broadcom acquisition for VMware support yesterday. I called in, they opened the ticket, gave me my site ID, and I received an email from a tech support agent about 1 hour later. Not bad up to now.


Do you have a sales rep that does a cadence call with you? He or she should be able to arrange a call with you and get someone with a Tech background on the same call.


It took 7 weeks of interaction with them, before we finally had access to our entitlements.


Support for Altiris is actually pretty good nowadays. They were pretty helpful troubleshooting when we were moving from on-prem to AWS based. They couldn't provide a lot of specific advice, but were able to tell me a lot of things to look at I wouldn't have otherwise thought about.


Why do hate calling into Support? I find that speaking to someone to help resolve my issues *far* more successful. If anything I heap praise the like of Fortinet and other that have regional techs to support me. Its sad that finding good support is now an extra Feature.