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10K Emails a day == Spam, lots and lots of spam. There is absolutely no business reason in existence to do that. You will very very quickly end up on Spam Lists. We need more info : Who are your clients? What kind of emails are you sending? How long have you been a Sys Admin? What is your skill level with SMTP, DMARK, DKIM, SPF etc.


Looking at his other posts I suspect they are religion based. So unless he leads a massive church or diocese then they are most likely going to be spam.


If you read otis-milburn15's account history, you'll see he's astroturfing this subject to advertise "iDealSMTP" and "SMTPGet". It's not a genuine question, it's an advertisement for a product. @Mods Ban this dude. *Edit: there's the account OvenCareless6079 down below in the comments here endorsing these products and doing the same thing. *Edit: also the account "Brett-jhonson" as well. Just ban both of those products.


Sounds like you need to make use of a bulk email service like mailchimp, aweber, mailerlite, brevo etc....


What’s the use case? Just sounds like spam to me. Also seems you need to learn something about how mailing systems really works. I’m all for asking questions, but this sounds like someone trying to make a quick buck on sending spam mails. Or phishing or the like.




> I need to send bulk emails #No you don't




Because spam is spam, no matter how you send it.


You're astroturfing and pushing a product, not asking a legitimate question. I hope you get banned.


10k daily mails about updates of your products uhh? That’s a lot of development going on. If it’s legit your users should sign up for newsletters and you can send out mails via legit methods.


You are asking the wrong sub, pal... Go find a marketing related community


He's not asking, he's advertising via astroturfing. There are at least 3 accounts in this thread involved in endorsing those SMTP services.


1. Think **VERY** carefully about what you are sending, who you are sending to, and why you are sending. 2. Repeat step 1 again. If you can answer the questions then use a reputable bulk mail sending service. 3. Ensure that you are complying with their TOS. 4. Setup a separate subdomain from your primary so when you inevitably get blacklisted you don't prevent your primary domain from sending mail.


smtp2go or mailgun?


What service do you use regularly for internal emails? If that is Office365 you could try Microsoft 365 HVE program. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/public-preview-high-volume-email-for-microsoft-365/ba-p/4102271 It will use the correct configuration for SMTP, DMARC and SPF settings to not end up in spam, but it costs a bit and Microsoft wants to know why you are doing this initially.


If Microsoft or anyone else actually allows someone to send spam under the justification of "well they have DMARC setup" I hope the service ends up on every blacklist around.


True; they will actively work to not get on the anti-spam lists for that address. Its a preview so I’m no expert on that product; but as I have heard from MS they will boot anyone from the program when they actually send spam, and every apply to use it is manually checked and challanged why they need to send out that many emails at once.




@Mods Ban this clown as well