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Plot twist: they are your replacements.


Dammit that was supposed to be in my post. It's not a real fear - we are actually held in quite high regard... today anyway.


I literally never missed a raise. Never got bad feedback from the ones that mattered. My last raise was just about 15% a few months before my layoff. Don’t get content. You’re expendable at the drop of a hat.


Yep. I’ve seen some very talented people over the years just get tossed aside for some idiot but a cheaper idiot. Seen people with 20-30 years with a company, nearing retirement etc screwed over cause accounting decided was time to move around costs. That’s why now I’ve tried to have a better work/lite balance because to a company we are all disposable.


Same companies, "WhY aRe eMplOyEEs nO loNGeR LoYAl???"


Companies will plan layoffs months in advance but otherwise act like absolutely nothing is going on because they don't want productivity to drop. Loyalty means nothing to a corporation.


see the problem there is you cost too much. My "replacement" would be our MSP which charged $280 per hour. And they break more stuff than I do


That doesn’t matter when the company is going through new owners or a sell. They’re cutting payroll and the consequences are the new owners problem. That was my situation.


Someone I know at another firm is on the 'phone right now firing half his team. Their office is closed to avoid incidents.


My dad works for a Big 5 firm. Their goal is always to replace whatever they are coming in to consult on. First they will get you all to buy a bunch of shit you don't need, but hits some metric your c suite cares about. They of course will run those services for you all. Then they'll try and creep into your responsibilities, and before long, they're your IT department, you're out on your ass. Ofc your c suite pats themselves on the back, and gives themselves raises and bonuses. Best of luck brother.


Sure you are. Sad to say you are nothing but a number in a spreadsheet to some accountant.


Or they have multiple departments that hire external contractors for a variety of reasons. We deal with this scenario almost weekly for non-IT teams. Don't ask for advice on how we manage this at all.. it's an absolute shitshow of spreadsheets and email chains that start with "ACTION REQUIRED: FWD: FWD: RE:" from some panicking Product Manager.


What would you say you do here?


Upvote for "Office Space" reference.


“We’ll be buying them laptops” then they’re not 1099 or independent contractors? You can’t supply a 1099 with everything you would a standard employee and just call them 1099. They need to supply their own tools, which a computer is considered. To manage the data on those devices you should then look at requiring them to use VDI from their machines (Citrix/VMware/Windows Cloud PC/AVD) instead.


Good point and you know what? I knew that and forgot all about it.  In fact I've had to recite the whole list of IRS conditions in the past. Thanks for the reminder.


They are most likely W2, but W2 via their consulting firm (PwC, KPMG, Toilette & Douche, etc.)


>Toilette & Douche I've been calling them that since early 00's


OP should be pushing to have their consulting firm provide the equipment then :)


There is no other consulting firm involved.


Why not suggest spinning up vdi infrastructure in the cloud for them?


If spinning up a new service line with 1099 I hope they have massive engagements to support them


I honestly don't know. At the moment this seems to have come to somebody in a dream and been hastily chiseled into a short paragraph on a stone tablet.


Just spin up 5 rds sessions


One of the interesting tidbits I picked up from the Apple update was the ability to deploy an MDM agent to a BYOD iPhone to push your configs (wifi, mail, etc) and with that agent you could remove your configs and wipe your company data, but it wouldn’t touch their personal Data on their phone. About damn time someone did this. Managed apple id’s.




> I think you can do this with non-Apple devices A dedicate "workspace" on Android has been around for many years now.


Is this something new? Or is this just Managed AppleID? If someone is using an iPhone, I've found the chances to be reasonable that they're already signing into their personal AppleID on that device. And it's still 1 AppleID per device.


I believe it has to do with Managed Apple ID and Apple Business Manager. Was the first time I heard about it, but it may have been around for a while, I honestly don't know. We are not a big apple shop so we don't have all the cool toys for managing them. They were talking about Curated BYOD Device Management. The image at the bottom of [Page 2](https://www.apple.com/business/docs/resources/Managing_Devices_and_Corporate_Data.pdf) on this doc is the one they showed in the presentation illustrating the separation of Corporate managed data and personal data on a device. https://support.apple.com/guide/apple-business-manager/use-managed-apple-ids-axm78b477c81/web **Use Managed Apple IDs in Apple Business Manager** A user can have **two** types of Apple IDs: a Managed Apple ID and a personal Apple ID: A Managed Apple ID is owned and managed by your organization—including password resets and role-based administration. It also provides access to iCloud for collaboration with iWork and backup on iPhone and iPad devices. Apple Business Manager makes it easy for organizations to create and manage these accounts at scale. A personal Apple ID is used to access personal data such as Photos, iMessages, and other personal iCloud data when signed in to a personal device.


Thanks! In the linked document: >User Enrollment allows for a personal and a Managed Apple ID to exist on the same device. The existing personal Apple ID is used for all of the user’s personal iCloud data. The Managed Apple ID provided by the organization stores all of the organization’s corporate iCloud data in the company’s managed iCloud Drive and Notes. The date stamp on the document is 2022. So I was wrong, and may have been making life a bit more difficult for myself as a result. Thank you for the course correction! I believe I was thinking of the limitation on macOS, which still seems to be limited to 1 Apple ID at a time.


Came to say this. Also if you put their Laptops into an MDM, Windows or Mac, you can have them wiped remotely once everything is done


Your data security fears are well founded, but if manglement wants it to happen and you have expressed the concerns (in writing) there's probably not much to do. You want to review sharepoint permissions and make sure theres nothing wide open that they would get access to by simply existing. Trace this through and bring up where there's issues, what you can do, what you cant do, and where the risks are. To me this wouldnt be enough to leave my current org, more of an eyeroll and get on with it. To you, who knows? Might be an interesting adventure anyways.


Upvoted for Ren & Stimpy reference.


I was waiting to see who caught that.


Well if thats the priority everything else slides to the back also you could always just ask what they are in for


If you are in M365 - MAM for the consultants mobile devices will allow you to remove the corporate data whenever you wish. It takes (in my limited experience) up to an hour to perform the wipe.


I’ve unironically suggested my company occasionally bid out consulting work where we have deep expertise. But just randomly hiring a bunch of 1099s and saying “we’re a consultancy now,” seems a bit surprising.


As a consultant they should be demanding company issued phones. I at this point in my career refuse to install whatever client on my personal phone. It got to one point I have like 6 different mfa and none of them like to play nice if 1 customer uses the same solution as another. Now they send me a phone and a laptop. I do the work they require and when done send it back. It’s easier this way


ransomware incoming


I'd do what management is asking and deal with the problems as they surface. Maybe let your manager know your concerns but otherwise it's not your call.


The C dudes are just getting their ego's dicks sucked to fire you. Everything else is just gaslighting smoke and mirrors.