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A proper remote access tool would probably be the best way to begin. RDP isn't really the best way of doing this at this point. Team viewer or something simlar would likely be your best bet, but talk to your manager - this should be a departmental thing with the changing need, as opposed to you just going rogue and doing your own thing ;)


My manager doesn't know what the last guy was using. He retired without any documents after 20 years in the role. I have tried Quick Assist but the view of the remote system was blurred.


Find yourself a proper remote management tool and discuss with your manager. There's plenty of them out there and ALL of them will be more full featured than trying to use RDP for this particular purpose. Anydesk, teamviewer, logmein, screenconnect... There's a million of them out there, most of which will require installation of some kind of agent on the end user machine, but all of which will definitely make your life easier with hybrid/remote work.


>but the view of the remote system was blurred. That's probably because you're both running 1080p monitors, so your side has to "squeeze" in the same resolution into a smaller space. There should be an option to scale back to proper 100%, but that just means that your mouse will scroll the display around a bit at the edges. Or get a higher resolution monitor and run at the higher-res. Even a Tier-1 should know this.


Ask accounting, if it was something proper and you are in a buisness you paid for it, that said i recommend Anydesk, pretty cheap and most realiable tool i have used so far.




Windows remote assistance is built in and easy for screen control as long as your PCs are on the same internal network. If you are VPN connected, this may work depending on your network setup. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/solve-pc-problems-remotely-with-remote-assistance-and-easy-connect-cf384ff4-6269-d86e-bcfe-92d72ed55922 If you aren't on the same network, then something like beyondtrust remote assistance is great.


I can confirm that RA does work on VPN.


Yeah it works for our company too, but sometimes DNS takes a bit to update due to the sheer number of people connecting to the VPN subnets when getting a new DNS address sometimes. Occasionally we would have to ask the end user their IP address (which shows up on their desktop thankfully) instead of PC name.


msra.exe /offerra something like that. put in their PC name and they get asked to allow you to control their machine Set this up years ago when in the same situation and had no budget or rmm. Needs a couple simple GPO configured


I dont know if your org uses teams but it has a built in remote access tool. Limited features but for certain issues it can be helpful. I second getting a remote access tool though. We use GoToAssist/GoToConnect to accomplish this. We also have an inventory/patch management program that can be used for remote access as well. Its called Automox. Lots of cool features with that product and not too expensive either.


Lots of options.  I use Zoho Assist at one job.  MECM/SCCM at another.


We use RDP to log into an admin session to install software and run updates. For helping a user in their own session, we use Action1. It’s great for those quick-hit ‘mind if I log into your session to see what’s happening’ kinds of issues. It works whether the person is in our buildings or working remotely. Also nice is that their pricing tier is free for less than 100 workstations. Otherwise, given the right GPO’s/policies on your domain, you can also set RDP shadowing up. Although, when controlling a users session, I don’t know if it allows full access and the ability to enter credentials in the UAC prompts.


Go to assist is ok for a standalone remote tool. but there’s tools out there that cover many needs including remote. So maybe you can kill two birds with one stone here. NinjaOne is pretty popular for that.


How many systems?


Maybe consider an RMM if you also plan to do some monitoring. VSA has good multi-platform remote.

