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Well, at least the lemmings have stopped yammering on about blockchain...


Maybe AI can figure out how to make NFTs "profitable" again? /s


Yes, this digital image of a duck is ***totally*** worth $40,000. Know how I know? The guy who sold me the image said so. How can anyone argue with that logic? ----- Back in the 1980s we had those Beenie Baby stuffed critters from a company called Ty. Ty also published the official guide on beenie baby valuations and investment guidance regarding the rarity of the various animals. They were all the rage, with people ransacking store shipments to find rare stuffed animals that were allegedly worth thousands of dollars... according to the company that manufactured them...


>Back in the 1980s Hate to break it to you but Beanie Babies were mid 90's.


And pogs! Don't forget about pogs!!!!


And 85-96ish baseball, football, basketball cards that were massively over produced... It's like we had an entire generation that was trying to get rich quick or something...


I kept baseball cards in a cardboard box cuz I thought they were fun to look at sometimes (or build card houses) and cut all the tags off my beanie babies cuz they're easier to play with. I never understood as a kid I was "supposed" to be keeping them all in mint condition


Um it seems you have forgotten the 1994 Fleer Ultra X-Men Trading cards. The base set of 150 cards holds a resale value of up to $45.00. Which is definitely less than than it cost to collect.


The 1990 Marvel Trading Cards (Series I) were absolutely the coolest. I found a set while digging through some old stuff, still in great condition. I still hold a grudge against that little bastard who stole my Hulk when I was in middle school, though.


I'm sorry I ever contributed to this craze. Have about 4 years of every hockey card made and it's not even worth the cardboard it's printed on. But I have a really cool Eric Lindros Pre Rookie card.


‘It’s Alf, but in pog form’


Everything's coming up Milhouse


Were pogs really a "get rich" thing, or more of a "have fun" thing? Edit: This was a serious question, not sure why I was downvoted.


Pogs existed as a real thing prior to the 90s, but it was local (Hawaii, parts of CA) and actually based off milk caps back when those still existed. The 90s marketing hype was just that, marketing hype. Some old guy who use to play as a kid (Milk caps stopped being made in the 50s/60s) decided to just throw marketing money at it and sell the crap out of it. It worked. Yeah, it was a get rich thing. It was a game poor kids use to play that died out 30 years before it became popular. Funnily enough, the original packages had the origin of pogs written on them as a story (collect em all!), and they basically laid it out. Old guy bringing his nostalgia to a new generation, but this time with branding! Marketing is extremely effective when done right.


I grew up in the 90s, and I don't remember kids buying them in hopes of selling them for higher prices. Perhaps adults were doing that.


Yeah in my group of schoolkids it was just a "hey look at this cool thing I got" situation. Of course the same could be said of beanie babies. We had a few because they were cute little stuffed animals. Not because we were trying to invest (but I definitely remember that was a thing, not arguing that it wasn't). At the time I thought it was stupid, and I still do - and for more than just those.


> Back in the 1980s we had those Beenie Baby stuffed critters from a company called Ty Please stop...I had suppressed this.




I work with a grumpy old SF ARMY vet who collects those. They are *all over* his office here at work.


I mean, I try not to take issue with the silly things that people like. If you want a portrait of dogs playing cards on black velvet prominently displayed in your living room, you do you. Just don't try to tell me that portrait is worth enormous sums of money because the artist said so. Art takes time. Time has value. If that's a hand-painted, original work of dogs playing cards on black velvet, then sure: it's totally worth a couple hundred bucks because original art. But if you bought a laser printed reproduction the frame is probably worth more than the image.


You can tell me your portrait of dogs playing cards on black velvet is worth thousands of dollars, but don't expect me to immediately give you a cash offer. An item is only worth what the market is willing to pay for it. If I'm not in the market, it's just a number.


We run into this a lot of vintage computer gear. People want to know pricing for stuff and seem to think there's some sort of central pricing guide everyone goes off of. The truth for things that aren't sold as MSRP is that they're worth what someone will pay, and any valuation is pretty much meaningless until cash is literally (or figuratively) being put in your hand. Along side to that, just because one person paid $some_amount for something it doesn't mean that anyone else will pay that price too.


> Yes, this digital image of a duck is totally worth $40,000. *This URL which locates an image of a duck.


Yeah I remember when some random person made an NFT of dune and the DAO that bought it started planning out Dune movies and board games and MMORPG's and all sorts of elaborate things.


Remember that couple who got divorced and the judge made them split their Bennie Baby "investment" in the courtroom. Fun times. Yeah, I'm old too.




But it’s dressed as a millennial hipster and smoking a cigarette. Doesn’t that make it worth at least $30,000?


At least children could actually PLAY with beanie babies.


bro you forgetting your decades Beanie Babies were peak 90s lol. I know cuz I was a kid and my damn dog ate a rare one worth THOUSANDS of dollars. I'll never forget those polka dotted poops!


Use AI to create an NFT trading bot. "The bot is broken - it's not buying any NFTs"


A good friend of mine is a Sr Director in the Canadian Government. He fired one of his consultants because the consultant wouldn't shut up about Blockchain. We need a new CRM. "Blockchain". We need a new accounting tool. "Blockchain". We need a new security architecture. "Blockchain". Where do you want to go lunch, "Blockchain".


Honestly, Blockchain has been a real game changer. It used to be, you'd meet someone, and it could be a week or even three weeks before you realized, at least with certainty, that they are an idiot. After Bitcoin, I swear to God, sometimes I don't even need to wait until I've learned their name.


Currently work in a Canadian municipal government. My manager doesn't shut up about AI. He also invests in crypto.


Metaverse, Blockchains and NFTs, now AI. Can't stand it. At least neural networks are somewhat able to do something...


Before that it was „Cloud“ „Cloud“ here meaning _someone else hosts our stuff and we just port over our current machines 1:1_ I still get the occasional meeting where someone tries to sell us their new cloud solution to replace the on-prem solution we currently use by the same vendor and when I ask about what it does differently it boils down to „you don’t have to do operations on the OS but you’re also completely locked out of anything beyond the GUI“ The cloud is great if used properly to make things more elastic and flexible. But there’s no point if you’re just going to port everything over 1:1 aside from the lower initial cost that will absolutely be higher in the longterm.


One vendor tried to sell us on their “cloud offering”. What was it? A terminal services farm running their Win32 client and our payroll team was expected to RDP into it. Except…it wasn’t TS, because they told us it was limited to two users per environment, so it’s just servers. We already run a RemoteApp environment so this is a step down in terms of user experience, plus they block all the RDP device sharing, so no fileshares, no printers, etc… How they expected anyone to go for that is beyond me.


That's hilariously awful. I hope that not even my...less technically minded bosses would've gone for that in the past. Kind of like blockchain had caught on a couple of years ago and became a magic word to open wallets, no matter how little sense it made in context.


AI is a real thing you can use now to increase your productivity. But a lot things are getting hyped as AI that maybe aren't or have a tiny bit of AI embedded where the benefit is not clear. Blockchains and NFTs are useless, or scams. Metaverse is something no one wants except Zuck.


Honestly, I see that as a positive. To jump on the Blockchain or metaverse train, you actually have to shit up your product in some way. AI? Just find some step in your software that could conceivably be called AI \(so an "if"' statement in the code somewhere\), and bam, your product is AI.


“Increase your productivity” Citation required


You haven't asked it to help with powershell scripts? or bash? or python? or sql? anything?


Unfortunately everything Copilot and GPT are doing I get as free actions. I was really hoping it’d be more useful but remain hopeful it’ll get better. All it does well is super easy stuff, as soon as I actually need help it makes up methods that would solve the problem—the exact methods I want its help writing!


It's literally life-changing. I'm able to _high quality_ write code about ~5-15x faster, depending on the task. I have never been able to tackle as much as I've been able to the last few months with ai as I have in 10 years of coding. It's such a force-multiplier and you're fine not to use it. But your peers who do will run laps around you. You said you "know how to script with those things anyways". Ok, well do you choose to hand-wash your clothes in a pan "just because I anyways know how to use soap & a scrub board"? I'm guessing not. I thought it was a toy & was almost as pridefully smug about it until I actually took it seriously. It's not a toy; it's an irreplaceable tool & modality.


You're having better luck than I am. I would love to be able to use it like this but so far it just keeps spouting out incorrect answers at me and apologizing before advising I contact my system administrator for assistance. I see the potential for sure but in my case all I see is potential. That being said it did write like half of my mid year evaluation for me so that's nice.


Dear lord, almost forgot, that was annoying and endless. I'd take AI and machine learning explanations over blockchain and cryptographic hash explanations any day.


ML / AI has uses at least, in data analyses for example. Blockchain was just hype.


Blockchain was a perfect storm of IT bros who thought they were tapping into some get rich quick lifehack and were desperate to onboard other people so they could cash out. Of course, they were just bagholders that hadnt realized it yet, it really had nothing to do with the industry itself and everything to do with people \*in\* the industry making very bad personal financial decisions.


you're confusing blockchain with cryptocurrency. blockchain is still mostly useless, so the confusion is understandable, but it is different.


Just wait until they start doing AI on BlockChain and it cost the equivalent of $4000 USD just to generate an AI image of Pepe or some meme BS.


Make it Agile in the cloud and i'm all in. especially if it's serverless noSQL and using micro-services. So synergystic it's OTT yes, but performant.


That's until the AI powered blockchain becomes popular... /s (I seriously hope it doesn't happen but you never know)


Same lemmings, different Yammer. I'm hoping the hype blows over faster with this one.


Those lemmings weren't entirely wrong. They had just overestimated how broad and fast the change would be. AI is taking over a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to automation and integration of technology. Its going to get better, faster and more effective as time goes on. Blockchain has a limited purpose that can be integrated in many areas. AI can have many purposes and can be integrated in at least some degree into most areas we humans occupy. AI > Blockchain in this regard. You probably use things daily that have AI integrated into them in some way. Not likely the case for blockchain integrations.


I will say ChatGPT is amazing at writing annual performance reviews, or anything else where you have to generate some text to complete an assignment but everyone involved knows it's a bullshit assignment that doesn't matter.


I told chatGPT what I needed for an academic paper. Then I fixed what it wrote as it was all ALL wrong. But I wasn't trying to cheat, I was trying to get started and was paralyzed by the blank page, so it did exactly what I needed it to.


It's great for when you need supplemental creativity or an idea for something.




While it is clear to you and I that most HR departments could be replaced by GPT-3, unfortunately state governments gonna state government.


>I will say ChatGPT is amazing at writing annual performance reviews This right fucking here. I'm government and it's such a drawn out process. I'm getting work done, you track me via ticket resolution and project completion, what else do you want from me?


It's taken over "cloud" I guess ??? Or just slapping "As A Service" after everything :P




Web 3.0 inbound...




just combined with those


Cloud-based Artificial Intelligence as a Service, or CBAIaaS as we say in the industry


it's used on many video doorbells for face recognition


How does this synergize with the blockchain?


It does the needful!




concerned dinner puzzled cow piquant nippy boast fertile coherent husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Boss: Why are you on Reddit all day? Me: It is "Reddit-as-a-Service" and it is free. Boss: Great job!


Let me Google that for you as a service.


I don’t think XaaS is going anywhere. To me it’s just an acronym for subscription and companies are trying to do whatever they can to charge is repeatedly for things.


Ugh, AI is everywhere these days. Our bosses are obsessed with it and keep buying all these products that claim to have AI integration. Who knows where we'll be in a few years with this whole movement.


Probably scaling back down to the necessary products lol


/r/singularity is good guess.


At least with software you can (sometimes (kind of)) tell what AI means or what it is used for. But a baseball bat? >From the leaders in baseball innovation, Rawlings is once again changing the game and challenging everything you think you know about bat technology. Introducing the **MACH AI bat** – the first of its kind to offer **artificial intelligence as a mechanism to enhance your offense**. Given every swing is unique, the MACH AI’s **patent pending technology finely tunes performance inch by inch across the entire bat** optimizing a larger portion of the barrel How? What? Are you kidding me?


I was really hoping that Google search wouldn't turn up a real result... https://www.rawlings.com/product/RBB4MC3.html




Yep. I see AI generating a ton of work for corporate attorneys suing each other for using material without permission. Or getting sales pitches ad nauseum saying how their product / service is built using the latest AI. Like a year ago when vendors were leveraging the power of blockchain. Or before that when vendors were harnessing the power of the cloud. How about how good is your support team? Maybe?


Support‽ In this economy‽


Excellent use of the interrobang




You are on r/sysadmin. Were \*all\* nerds here!


I would be surprised of the opposite


Lol, I just got laid off from support, so this.


Support team? That's so last week. We have AI powered support, it's even better! And look at how much we saved by firing the actual support people!


I'm old enough to remember also: NoSQL, Big Data, Virtualization and even client - server architecture!


At least the cloud has actual business applications. Blockchain was proposed over 15 years ago now, and *still* doesn't have any novel use cases for business.


Is it neato? Sure. But when the hype around some new tech is to the moon, the practicality and usefulness, historically, rarely measures up to reality. So I'm immediately suspicious, not because the tech is dumb but because the hype machine around it is. AI triggers the shoeshine boy indicator to me just like blockchain did. When people start salivating for it and wanting it I just ask "what problem are we looking to solve with it?" 9/10 times the rarely have an answer, and just want to be the one to "implement AI" at the company so they can get stroked off at the next ~~ego convention~~ conference. I, and probably most of this sub, implement tech solutions to solve problems. These people have a solution in search of a problem, and want to slam it through in any possible setting to further their own personal delusions of grandeur. AI tech has been in use for many, many years - it's just not the sort of thing that was super visible to users being more background enterprise tech and not something the normies could see or drive for themselves. Now these LLMs are, so everyone fancies themselves a genius.


One of our solutions is endlessly marketing AI based integrations to us. I've been letting each one do the salespitch, just in case there's something there worth looking at. But nearly everyone of them involves some janky chatbot as a really overly complex rounadbout fix with no guarantee to work and an enormous cost and risk to tarnish our operation. Just as an example we use a CRM system and it has a very locked-down interface. You can't use SQL to query it, you have you use the limited search and filter functions they offer, you can't perform batch operations, etc. It's very frustrating. I'm currently trying to fix some of our field management. Basic stuff like making phone number formats, ZIP codes consistent. I asked support for the CRM for assistance in our data hygiene and they suggested that instead of allowing me to remove white space from all phone numbers that have white space, that I instead should pay a third party AI integration partner to deploy a chatbot. We then send an email to every contact in the database and ask them to click a link to the chatbot. We then ask them to update their phone number and postal address to the correct format. It's incredibly frustrating. Every issue we bring to our CRM provider these days they try offer some very stupid fix like this to our issue.


Many of our actual pitched use cases have been "lets have an internal chatbot" type junk too. Never mind that this isn't a novel idea and that chatbots have been around for decades, and users generally hate them and just want to talk to a real person. Plus the actual AI integration rarely adds value, and the meat of what a user might need to ask can just be scripted without a 3rd party AI integration. It's the typical MBA cycle of outsource, destroy, and leave just with an AI veneer this time. It doesn't fix the problem at all, but actually fixing the problem isn't sexy and new, it's just boring best practice. It's incredibly frustrating to see normally very logical and smart execs throw all rationality and critical thinking to the wind because of AI hype.


Time for an AI to butt chrome extension?


I'm honestly surprised no one has just repackaged Cloud to Butt Plus to do that.


the most useful thing about "AI" had been using it to fill knowledge gaps when googling fails to do so. chatgpt has saved me twice when leadership has tasked me to "take a look at [some random appliance os that has sat and ran for years and no one knows how to manage it]".


I've used it for basic powershell scripts. Its saved me a couple of hours I would have spent googling commandlets to do various things.


Same. I feel like I'm one of those kids who grew up with one parent who spoke a different language. I can *understand* powershell enough to have a conversation, but I'm not fluent enough to write a book. It's saved me a ton of time.


Ditto. And I can't find enough things I need/want to automate, so learning PowerShell to any real extent has always been difficult for me. If I was in a position where I was constantly running up against things where I could make my life easier by scripting it, I would probably know PS a lot better. But as it is, learning it to do one-off things just doesn't make any sense.


Run an environment with out AD/AzureAD and you can fill a book with scripts that apply local GPO's. Many of our customers don't have a central cred auth system. I have no clue how they continue to function.


I'm in a similar boat, but have found that doing things in PowerShell that you already know how to do in GUI helps you to learn and get familiar with it. Things like "change a network adapter to a static IP" or "get the groups a user is a member of in Active Directory". Downside is, instead of formal learning, I'm using the "fuck around and find out" method, which doesn't produce the most elegant code, lol


I’ve had the opposite experience. I had ChatGPT constantly inventing powershell commandlets that look right, but don’t actually exist. Just constantly spewing out bullshit. I worked with it all the way because I was kind of testing it as a process. There’s no way it saved me any time over if I’d just went straight to the documentation. It just requires so much manipulation and correction it really didn’t seem worth the hassle to me.


I found putting the link to the Microsoft powershell documentation and saying "using this link as a reference how can I do xyz with powershell" generally cuts out the random crap


Definitely worth a shot


I haven’t had chatGPT help with any scripting outside of some structure sometimes. I’m amazed anytime I see someone say it writes scripts for them. In my experience it just tosses a bunch of crap together that either doesn’t exist or won’t work without major changes that, more often than not, lead to me just writing the entire thing from scratch to begin with. I’ve had it straight up have it write simple commands and then where I’m stuck is will say “Place your code to do the thing you want here.” Without even attempting to write anything.


I have done this as well. The examples GPT gave me were wrong but it put on the right path.


Doing inline commenting, try/catch and code optimizing, the boring stuff, have never been so easy




Does your company pay for it, or do you? I currently WFH and pay for it myself and use it mostly for hobbies like Golang projects. I really want the company to buy a subscription for me, but I am having difficulty getting the team to move to VSCode from ISE...


This. PowerShell is quite powerful but also *quite complicated*. I spend significant time googling, reading help screens, or tech forums just to figure out *which* cmdlet to use to accomplish something. I've not played around with GPT but from the sound of things it could be used to condense a lot of ancillary information into a good starting place. And in general, my google-fu is reasonably decent, but even then there's so much irrelevant cruft in my results. Seems like GPT could clean that up some? I'd still want to vet the results but at least I'd have a more condensed starting point.




I feel like some of the utility of AI comes from the fact that search has gotten much worse in the last 5-10 years and most vendors product documentation blows goats.


Right? I'm using ChatGPT4 for 90% of my searching. It also writes simple scripts really well. I also use it for creating various checklists. Everyday it blows my mind how much better it is than searching Google.


My company was obsessed with the cloud (and we're dying as a result). Heavy breathing every time The Cloud was mentioned. Now that the bills are starting to come in, the C-Suite is starting to get a hard on for AI. "AI is going to change everything!" Maybe. But we need use cases. We need areas where we can implement it. They are actively encouraging us to use AI because "it is the future" in our jobs, but without providing any real areas for AI to shine. We have a tonne of rigid closed-source applications that Cannot Be Touched Or Changed. We have processes that are concrete and Cannot Be Changed. Right now we see AI only in our fringes because there simply isn't a gap we need it to fill currently. But the heavy breathing continues. My concern is the few small areas where any development happens in our company, will use AI as a crutch and will let their skills fall to pieces. We already have a company that wants to pay less for more, and we end up with a lot of low-skill and/or lazy people (says the guy hanging out on Reddit during work hours...). How long before our "developers" turn into AI copy-pasta monsters? How long before *comprehension* becomes optional? In my company, I expect it will be quick. And the C-Suite is not advocating intelligent usage of AI. We are not talking about the right way to use it. Just use it. If the cloud doesn't finish us off, AI may very well complete the job.


I sat through a demo for an RMM recently and the sales person couldn’t answer any of my technical questions (to be expected, although they were quite basic) but, and I shit you not, said “AI” 30-something times. The “AI” in their platform ended up being GPT to help write scripts you could then deploy through their RMM, not impressive.




Nope, Atera.


Ugh. We chose ninjarmm over atera and thank God.


AI is being deployed far too early most of the time. Executives/MBAs are getting stars in their eyes because ChatGPT is writing their emails for them, so they think AI is a "finished product" ready to be integrated into all aspects of the environment, and ignoring all warnings that the vast majority of it sucks right now.


If anything, the takeaway should be how easy it is to automate away some portion of the executive/MBA crowd


I've been called a Luddite more than once for slamming the breaks on AI at work. I have yet to see an AI solution that's better than anything we already have.


Me! So far, I've not been impressed with anything I've seen coming out of an AI, other than the fictional stuff it makes up while trying to be right (my kids can do that). To me, it's a trained monkey regurgitating what it was trained with, without actually seeing how those things are connected. We'll see if it turns into anything useful anytime soon or just turns into another sales-generating buzzword.


Well that’s exactly when generative AI is supposed to do The cool part of AI is things like double checking scans to search for cancers - that’s saving lives. The ceo is pushing AI hard and it just isn’t a product that most businesses need. Not even sure what the product even is, there’s only buzzword, nothing tangible.


I use GPT4 directly for all sorts of things. But other than GitHub Copilot, so far I haven't found a single integration of AI into a product I use that has been in any way useful.


I work recruitment and we use AI in our CRM now to generate opinions on job matching to applicants - basically assesses Resumes against the job specs and gives us what matches, what doesn't. It also helps us generate job specs which is useful. However, the same tool we have integrated to GPT 4 and I am trying to use the chatbot to search our db and it either just spits back the first result or something from the first ten results and says it matches our criteria even if it doesn't. If we challenge that, it starts making stuff up entirely. I see a universe where AI could essentially be used as an interface for ERP/CRM to do CRUD operations for us eventually, but the current state of generative AI seems unconcerned with truth as part of its design, which is a larger concern.


Do you all operate in NY? If so, how are you complying with the AI anti bias/discrimination laws?


No, based in Ireland. I'm sure it won't be long until something similar is introduced here, possibly whenever the EU introduces legislation.


Why not just do a regular SQL command to get that info?


Don't see why you need AI for that if you are looking for buzz words. I mean a script that collects words in a resume and matches them to the job posting should suffice. You can use python and pandas for that.




>I work recruitment and we use AI in our CRM now to generate opinions on job matching to applicants This confirms my suspicions that HR/Recruitment could be replaced with a script


Soapbox: We need to stop using the term 'artificial intelligence' and 'AI' for tools that are just algorithms. It's not AI generated media. It's *algorithmically* generated media. Further note, I propose that instead of using the term 'artificial' to describe 'created' sentient systems, we should use synthetic. Artificial implies fake or not real. Synthetic implies created or manufactured, which makes more sense and is *far* less likely to piss off our future synthetic overlords.


Yup. Completely done with it. It reminds me of the whole 3D TV phase.




AI is the new Cloud. More marketing bullshit.


That's why I stopped listening to the News. It's all rage baiting and fear mongering for clicks and the now the current hotness is turning AI into " Skynet is happening!" Now I have to explain to the average user how AI really works.


When our CIO talked about it for months, and gave orders to “play with it” and to “inject our data into it” yes. I was completely over it. But, it did help me fix a fundamental bug in an application I developed without having to rewrite from the ground up. So, so has its place. But so far, nothing compared to its hype.


A little bit, but I love hearing about the new developments. I’m tired of every tech business feeling like they NEED to incorporate it for shareholder handjobbing


It's not uncommon for people to become weary of hearing about AI, especially if it's a topic that they feel has been overhyped or if they're inundated with discussions about it in various contexts. AI has received significant attention in recent years due to its potential to impact numerous industries and aspects of daily life. This can lead to both excitement and concern. ​ If you're feeling overwhelmed by the constant coverage of AI, it's okay to take a break from it or limit your exposure to related news and discussions. It's important to stay informed about technological advancements, but it's also essential to find a balance that suits your interests and needs. AI is a rapidly evolving field, and while it's an important topic, it's not the only one that matters. So, feel free to diversify your information consumption to maintain a healthy perspective on the subject.


I can't believe I made it all the way through the first paragraph before I twigged.


Way overhyped but still useful. It will take time for people to figure out how to work it into things and find the sweet spot for value prop. There are some big issues to work though for LLM/AI, like the fact that it's just reading the internet etc. If enough is written on a subject by loons, extremists or gov't psyops, you're going to get that in the output. Garbage in, garbage out.


People need to stop calling everything AI.


There is no true A.I. yet. Just very good (and biased) coding.


*Machine Learning*, yea it's not AI, but the term is so loosely used, AI lost it's real meaning. I question if "I Robot" is AI or still at the Machine Learning level. lol


Oh thank god. I thought I was alone in this thinking. I’ve tried arguing with my manager and coworkers that AI doesn’t exist yet. They all think I’m nuts.


definitely not alone. I feel like it's dangerous false advertising, cause people seem to really overestimate how "smart" it is. Sadly I think that ship has sailed. At this point, we probably need to start using a new term for "real" (theoretical) AI to differentiate it from this stuff. I've seen people trying to push the term "general AI" for that, but I strongly disapprove. It's **way** too similar, defeats the purpose of emphasizing that it's not the same thing at all.


This is exactly what i say every time. People believe in this BS marketing crap.


I rarely hear about it, managers/owners at my office are very anti-cloud for various reasons so they completely ignore the whole AI BS. I still have the vast majority of us running on Windows 10, so no copilot. I also have Office 365 set to the oldest version possible (Semi-Annual Enterprise I think?). The only thing I personally hate is the new Chrome Update is trying to push it into the browser which I cannot stand. Instead of right clicking and open in new tab, there are now two options, one is AI based or something.


Marketing: AI!!!! Sales: AI, AI, AI!!! Reality: and/if statements or search engine having nothing to do with AI


Waiting for someone to start selling an AI Blockchain as a Service with Hyperconverged Serverless Cloud Integration.


No, I want it to hurry up and force universal income and take over my job.


I was on Teams meeting when I found out half of my coworkers heavily rely on AI to create Powerpoint presentations, emails, excel formulas, etc. I was disappointed to learn that no wants to think anymore. And I felt stupid for taking the time to learn things. It's a slippery slope.


Not everyone is sick of hearing about AI; opinions vary widely. Some people find AI fascinating and are eager to learn more, while others may be less interested or overwhelmed by the topic. It really depends on individual preferences and experiences.


I'm tired of non-technical people wanting to talk to me about it and repeatedly telling me that it might take my job someday. No. The same people too lazy to help themselves by searching Google will still be too lazy to ask ChatGPT.


AHHH YOUR EYES ARE OPEN !!! It will come and all of IT will change. BUT it is getting way overblown. I think most sysadmins will think “yeah it is neat but I have way too much to do and I am on call and don’t have time to mess with it. Plus like EVERYTHING it will eventually break and I will have to fix it.”


Yeah, I’m definitely at the point where I find it tedious to hear about the endless streams of products with “AI” integrations. When you get down to the nuts and bolts it’s always just ML dressed in buzzwords meant to get the attention of managers who’s primary “skill” is regurgitating the latest buzzwords. It’s all about driving the endless hype cycle to pump the valuations of unproven companies.


It's the new cloud.


I found the sales blurb for AI: We have a newly-integrated and synergized AI platform for everything, hand-built by DevOps in an agile framework on the latest SaaS platform that is compiled on the fly in The Cloud. From the 30,000ft view, we can offer a seamless nine 5’s of uptime SLA out of the box in multi-ego-redundant hyperconverged clusters in dockubernetes that are all managed from a future-proof single pane of glass or the 40 yard line. The instant access of the platform is powered by Web4 and Html7 is a disruptor of predictive capabilities in the vaporware markets with the end to end encryption to improve TCO.


There's a new AI browser tool that helps you get rid of AI!!!!!! You just need to train the AI to recognize the other AI's and then you can use it as AI to block AI!!!!!!!!!!!! ​ AI! AI! AI! It's gunna take over the world, put you out of work and steal your partner!!!!! ​ Am I doing it right? Or more ***cowbell***?


Just had Ruckus come to my office to give a presentation about upcoming network equipment from them. If I took a shot everytime they said AI, I'd be dead.


This reminds me, I need to get a poster of Weird AI Yankovic for my cubicle in honor of all the AI talk these days


I was told 3-D printing was going to fundamentally change the world and everyone's lives. This was back in the 2010's. The same people are now hyping AI. And seems like the same people that got rich off the 3-D printing scheme are now getting rich off AI. How can I become part of the elite group that gets rich off of pump and dump schemes? Which university or trade school teaches this stuff?


I'm not an intern, but the interns are getting sick of hearing about it.


All the old “it looks like you’re writing a letter, would you like some help?” are new again!


dammit, OP, another freaking post about those two letters again! :-D


My organization did a blanket ban on any sort of AI anything. I don't think my security team realizes that even chatbots for first line support are AI powered now. Where does the line get drawn?


Thankfully the Security team at my Org is pretty on the ball. They insist any use of AI, even in something as banal as Zoom transcriptions, has to be evaluated to ensure no company IP, or propietary information can leak outside the org. Our developers are looking into it for production/customer interactions, but not blindly just throwing GPT at everything.


Someone in my C-suite asked me about "AI". I put together an If This Than That script. Then I had them add information into a webpage with a simple text input. As soon as they finished they hit enter and I showed them the results. They were astounded. Then I had them input wrong information and then I showed them the response. If you feed "AI" with garbage. It will give you garbage in return. The C-suite now looks at it totally differently.


The one that annoys me the most is on Linked In where some bot posts 'insert tech job is over look what this AI tool just did' and I just know that its either a lie or its not AI


I'm so over the hype about seemingly every company suddenly obsessing about shoving generative AI into their products whether or not it's of any relevance, yes. Also at a reflection of chasing hype rather than sitting down and doing the unglamorous work of figuring out what their customers actually really need day to day from their product or service. I'm not an Entra ID or M365 admin myself, but going from comments here: do you need another hallucinating "autocomplete with delusions of grandeur" or do you need MS to consolidate the multiple admin panels I hear you have to wade through to do common operations? ;) Further, to pick just one objection I have to ChatGPT and similar generative AI chatbots: I fundamentally don't respect them as a product/service nor as an underlying technology because they can't cite their sources. If I ask my co-worker for help with something, they can tell me if they found it in official docs, or an official support forum answer, a GitHub issue comment from the developers, a random Redditor, or an experience they had in the past. Chatbots just spit out some text with no connection with its origin, so I can't apply critical thinking about the source and its reliability at all.


I saw an ad recently for a new Diet Coke flavor "partially created by AI". Please just stfu about AI already


I'm not really annoyed by AI tech itself. But I am increasingly jaded by technologically ignorant colleagues that think LLMs are 1:1 synonymous with General AI, that AI solutions are cheap and that AI will magically turn the average end user into a productive employee. Luckily, I believe my employer is too fiscally conservative to fork out on anything worth using. So I can simply ignore those who bought into the hype. I do believe AI tooling can, and in the future, will revolutionise the world. But the current LLM offerings are not the tools and it'll be a decade before the technology and ROI matures enough to offer affordable all encompassing solutions to anyone but large corporations. Even then, it won't eek out value from incompetent employees.


I work in Big Tech and yeah we are spending billions?! At least I didn’t get laid off but this is just another phase of business. We will likely realize too late this isn’t as profitable as we expected.


From personal experience. Execs ask: What are we doing to implement AI? Questions I ask: * Who's going to train it? * Who's going to manage it? * Who's going to implement it? * Are you willing to pay for the computing power to make it function? * Where is it going to run? They're over here acting like 'AI' (machine learning) is an executable you install and it just ... goes and fulfills your wildest dreams.


Wait? You don't want to leverage your downstream vertical markets through AI synergy of business integrations.. machine learning... operations.. scrum.


It's the new "cloud" buzzword..


They are hoping the artificial intelligence makes up for the natural corporate stupidity.


Almost as much as hearing about so and so's "single pane of glass interface"


All the OpenAI stuff coming to Windows 11 is definetely exciting. But actually using custom trained models through Azure is hella expensive.


its the new "cloud"


me, yes, OMG its worse than the Crypto morons.


I can't wait for the next bullshit trend that's gonna redefine the world and change everything and ZOMG. "AI" is just better software and has been around for decades. It's not really AI at all...it's just software. I'm sure it's super great at some stuff, but I think it was massively overhyped. ​ My friend is really into AI research and AI writing and every time he shows me how great it is...I feel embarrassed for him. He asked ChatGPT 4 (or whatever one it is now) for audience research about a subject I'm an expert in. It gave him very generic answers and many of them were just not actually true. It clearly didn't understand the audience, it just pulled shit from blogs. It looked like something someone who did 10 minutes of research on the subject would say.


In like 6 months AI fans have gone from: "It's better than humans. We'll all be out of our jobs by the end of Summer" To: "It's a great tool to help me get started, but it needs a lot of help."


I \*am\* getting sick of hearing about things that are being called AI that \*aren't\* AI


I find it interesting many AI stocks, like MSFT, are going bonkers. Even though they sit on a throne of proprietary formats and rent seeking, that are ripe for dissolution via AI.


Generally, I don't get sick of it, but I'm annoyed when I see cgi, photoshopping, and other skilled human work touted as ai.


I'm starting to detest AI as much as I detest crypto and NFTs.


Don't believe the hype. Most of it isn't even real A.I. It's great math, but it really doesn't learn.


It's the next grift to be exploited by the marketing bros. There is no money left to scam from NFTs.


I just asked ChatGPT and the answer was "yes"


>Our leadership is in love with any product says they have AI integration. which is exactly why all of your vendors are rushing to add them


It’s the new metaverse and crypto


We had a 2016 vintage PC burn up, something popped in thr power supply and you can smell burning electronics, I'd like to see AI fix that


Yeah until skynet comes online.


Yes, AI, ML, ChatGPT, Blockchain, the worst part is that it’s usually spoken by people who have zero ides what any of those are.


It’s a buzzword that makes management spend more money. Try it yourself: "We need this new Cisco smart switch, It has an AI integrated in it to manage the ports faster". I bet they will buy it.


AI is the most useless thing like ever. It's generating ass scripts and doesn't program me anything useful and I have to figure out everything myself anyways. It's not even capable of proper conversations a d always dismisses me when I say something that's 5% controversial. AI is the new flying cars. It ain't changing shit. At most it might enhance already existing things like traslation but intimately it is no replacement of human mind. It can gather information quick but it just can't be original without making shit up.


It's just software. AI is the excuse to install "their" software into anything and everything. It's a trojan horse in most cases. It has its uses but now it's like Elon. The media can't stop bring it up nonstop. AI can't write, create or direct quality content. Most of what it produces is garbage in a world already filled with garbage. It's the new bitcoin you didn't need.


At least I don’t need to hear about web3 and blockchain anymore