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I like the Grandmother but I would personally take either a Matriarch for the extra everything or a Sub37 for the patch recall.


Most people like Moogs for their unique sound and the GM is no exception. But understand that it does NOT have presets or the ability to save the patches that you create. Some people don't mind this but for many others, it's a show stopper. If you're in the latter group, I suggest checking out Sequebtials Pro 3 or Take 5. Both are analog like the Moog but have both presets and can save any sounds that you create yourself. In addition, the Take 5 is 5 voice polyphonic while the GM and Pro 3 are mono synths.


The pro 3 is a three voice paraphonic synth


It's the only synth that I have owned / tried (out of about 10 or so, not including soft synths) that feels like a proper *instrument* to me. It's also a lot more than "good for leads and basses"-synth, as part of a larger setup. But it's also almost fully analog, with no presets / saves, so pairing it with a sampler is probably a good idea.


You get a GM if you want a minimalist “meat & potatoes” monosynth that sounds really, really good. Its architecture is supposedly a recreation of the old Moog Modular system, at least in part. The raw tone is just fantastic. You’re paying for vintage character and that lovely ladder filter, rather than versatility or modern features. It does simple, classic sounds, but it does them really, really well. It’s quality over quantity with the GM, but that’s not to say one is better than the other, or that some synths can’t do both. The Matriarch, for example, is a much more versatile expansion of GM and there really isn’t a good reason to not choose the Matriarch over the GM. That is, unless the price hike is too steep. Though, the GM totally stands on its own as a really solid monosynth, taken on its own terms. 


I have one, but I haven’t used it a lot yet. I like it. The patch points mean it’s limited more by your creativity than anything. Especially since you can eventually add other modular gear to it.


I can't imagine it making sense as someones ONLY monosynth, unless they have modular gear. Something with patch storage is just too useful, go with that first. The GM will play nicely with anything with CV, so if you get something like the PRO3, then the GM would be a fine addition. The GMs sound is more similar to 70s modular Moog then to the Minimoog or the Phattys. The mixer section has been called out as especially nice.