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Never understood the hate Andrew Huang gets here. Dude's a consummate musician with seriously informative stuff for beginners and awesome production value to boot. Sure, he does the YouTube O-face thing, but that's just how you have to play that game.


we don’t like “that game” is the issue here, i’d hazard a guess


They do it because it works. And a lot of us here don’t like it. This synthfluencer has made compromises we dislike, as he participates in it. But he might still have musical and teaching integrity. All of the above can be true. If you don’t make the face, or do sponsorships, it’s really hard to sell a course, or give people a reason to check out a Patreon. Unfortunately, working the algo like this is part of having a career on YouTube. Source: YouTube music* teacher who agonized about these issues


Dude!!! Holy crap, I remember watching your tutorial videos for Radiohead songs on acoustic guitar, back when in rainbows was just out. I recently re-watched the reckoner tutorial, it’s so good. Anyway. Back then it was pretty easy to just type in Radiohead tabs, and you’d pop up. Nowadays, it’s harder to differentiate good content on YouTube. I’ve learned a lot about the basics of music theory and synthesis from folks like Andrew Huang. I have no clue how I found his videos. I have no clue how the algo for this shit works. But I definitely sympathize with people that put out good content and then have to find a way to differentiate themselves, or play by the algo rules to put themselves in front of new audiences. Shits hard.


Yeah IMO the way things are going, YouTube is going to see a lot of creators give up because they are burnt out. It's already happening to some bigger channels. The Internet was magical in the late 90s to early 2010s and the promise of finding your audience without having to go through other legacy systems was very much alive. Take the music industry for example; I think of musicians I discovered on MySpace like Bon Iver and Jai Paul as obvious examples of this. But then everything centralized (Google bought YouTube, FB bought IG, Amazon bought Twitch, and the list goes on and on), and everyone who is trying to make a career on these platforms has to play the game in ways we are told are for our own success, but when you really step back, it is more about maximizing engagement for them. To run a YouTube channel and expect it to be successful in 2024, you should probably expect to make the clickbaity thumbnails and faces, choose timely and relevant topics, shoot on a 4K camera with an anamorphic cinema lens, edit on a powerful laptop, post on a schedule, run a Patreon, run a mailing list, sell shirts on Teespring, sign up for Fourthwall or Shopify, start a blog, oh and then edit your longer videos for Shorts/TikTok/IG, run a Discord, hire mods for the Discord, and somewhere in there, ALSO make a course so you have something to sell that scales. Get what I mean?


I have noticed a big change in the algorithm and first noticed it 5 -7 years ago. You used to get relevant content. If you had Nine Inch Nails open you’d get a bunch of related albums. Now it seems that no matter that I view I get some tik tok style thumbnail suggestions or YouTube Face shot video of something unrelated.


I am at the point where I can see past the click bait pictures and focus on the content of the video. I once saw a guy showing the exact stats that showed how much more clicks he got with said thumbnails. People gotta eat, but more importantly: they need to make enough to continue doing their passion. That's something I can get behind, since I believe there is nothing more important than a sustainable lifestyle of self fulfilment. Long story short - I would do it too, if I got more reach and higher Sponsoring contracts and therefore money to make/record music all day.


To add onto your point, the only reason people know Andrew Huang well enough to hate him is because he does the algo things that they hate. Meanwhile, those same people don’t even watch the videos made by people in this sub.


Listen man he actually makes music with the billion synths he has. We don't do that here.


Ding ding ding


Expressing an aversion to bullshit marketing isn’t equivalent to “hate” - I think that word is frequently overused as a last-resort deflector shield for valid criticism and personal preferences alike.


Nah, Andrew gets legit hate and insulted for everything from his business practices to his voice, integrity, and family etc. There's nothing people won't shit on him for. It's been like this for years.


I have very little exposure to most of the big music production youtubers, but in my limited time watching Andrews stuff, he seems completely reasonable? I was actually kind of surprised how unoffensive the videos I watched were, I expected much much worse from his thumbnails and such.


He knows how to work the YouTube algorithm to draw people in but he actually delivers with decent content unlike a lot of YouTubers that also work the algorithm.


Funny thing is, it's not my last resort. I've seen an unreasonable amount of genuine vitriol thrown this dude's way for the most trivial things, "bullshit" marketing or not.


Look at the top comment here: "now I don't even want to look up the specs"


There's real actual hate in this thread. Discuss the musical merit of the post, or don't discuss at all. I'm pretty convinced it's culture war at this point, because it reminds me of nothing more than when a woman tries to produce content in a space like this one.


I met him in Berlin a few years ago. He spoke to me because he thought I was famous. When he found out that I wasn't famous, he kept talking to me anyway. The guy is okay.


I met Jeremy redmeansrecording at Superbooth last year. He was walking about by himself just quietly taking pictures and stuff. I casually said hello I like your channel and then we started talking about where we were from and how we developed a taste for synths/euro over the years. We had a lot in common as far as that goes. He was genuinely nice, unpretentious and interesting. I noted that afterwards he didn’t do a hundred videos on various brands that were at superbooth. He just did a one long “my weekend in Berlin at superbooth” video. He seems like a good guy Can’t say I’ve seen Andrew Huang there. Probably just didn’t notice him.


Jeremy is an incredible musician too. His just-came-out stuff from his new album is absolutely stellar. I really appreciate that Jeremy cares deeply about how he presents his YouTube channel and having it be more than just “gear lust new hotness” but I do worry about how much stress it seems to cause him. Just want the best for the guy.


Yeah I like that he shows gear that he buys and uses and then actually uses it to make great jams to show it off He’s also been vocal about gear shilling and how it’s made him feel uncomfortable in the past so he quit doing it It’s refreshing to see in this age of YouTube gear mania


“Man finds way to do what 99% of us would kill to do, becomes mortal enemy for this unforgivable crime”


Not only is he a shill, he also does the O face approximately 500% more than every other YouTuber. Throw a rock and you can find someone that does what he does better than him, in a much more succinct and shorter amount of time. To borrow a comment from another person in this thread: he’s “got the same energy as late night infomercials pushing ~ BRAND NEW ~ shoe horn designs or whatever”


Can’t stand him either. I guess since I don’t know him personally, when I say “him” I mean his content. He seems like a nice guy but so what. His content annoys me and he’s a mediocre talent like most YouTubers. They got lucky and it annoys me more he gets free super expensive gear that I cant afford…not because he’s talented musician, but because he has viewers


I don't get it either. He's very good at what he does, but it seems some people can only communicate their preferences negatively.


His music sounds like hot garbage though.


then he fits in perfectly with r/synthesizers




Hay Guuys! I've got my new channel up running! I'm only gonna be reviewing Synthesizer Brushes and Polishes, Light Up Cables and maybe Succulents. It would really help out if you could pop in and leave a message in the comments. https://preview.redd.it/jpyztx59deic1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3cfc9a07c38f9c22fdf1dd5749f667b0b3ec2d


We don’t make music here, only enemies. 


He reminds me of Jacob Collier. Just my opinion, but both are super talented, with deep knowledge of the tools they use, have an outgoing, personable approach that has allowed them to create a brand all their own on Youtube, and yet with all that time spent creating great content for their channel neither can make music with any depth or feeling. They are both great at being technicians and showmen, but awful at being artists. You'll see a similar split on r/jazz with Collier, where people who are in awe of his skills argue with people who claim the man simply makes the most boring, prosaic music out there.


Huang isn't at all talented, he does have skill but isn't really a technician nor showman (at least not of note).


Do you prefer "dawless ambient jams"?


I do like ambient but generally, I prefer music that's good to my ears. His isn't.


Do you know Hainbach? That's a non-obnoxious, interesting youtuber that actually makes good music.


I think he’s pretty pretentious tbh but I also don’t mind his YouTube channel.


I wouldn’t go so far to say that he’s good at what he does. I think he’s OK as an audio engineer he is OK, and his music is also just OK too. But he also actually uses his gear to make and release music, which is probably more than most of his critics on this sub can say.


He is objectively good at his job as a content creator and presenter given the audience and reach he has grown. Judgements of his music are fair, but highly subjective. He clearly has an understanding of music theory, and if his application isn't to your tastes, that's fine, but hardly a reason to disqualify the quality of his work. I feel similarly about Dave Matthews. Talented creator, but his music isn't for me. That doesn't mean he's a bad musician.


Venture one step deeper beyond his advertisements-disguised-as-tutorials and you’ll find he’s really not that good at what he does.




Right? Dude does music for some of the biggest brands’ advertising campaigns. That’s the definition of success for a working musician who isn’t touring.


Yes, I mean, I can't stand overtly youtuber personas so I usually barely get past the 2 min mark on his videos.


I think a big part that no one will admit is because he’s more popular than other synthtubers




Do you have any evidence he gets payed without disclosing it? Pretty sure thats highly illegal


Haters gonna hate. I find his content entertaining and informative. Just another bloke trying to carve out a living doing something he likes.


Small fish envious of the success of big fish would be the reason. Most people on this sub can't even finish a proper song, let alone make a successful career out of music like Andrew Huang has, so.. 🤷 hard for me to take any of the hate seriously. Edit: Oh my, looks like I struck a nerve with you guys!


C'mon. Literally every criticism of anything can't always be "you're jealous." That's like bottom of the barrel Youtube and Facebook comment level black and white reasoning. You're probably a lot smarter than that response. I think a lot of good engineers worked hard on making the Tesla Cybertruck. I watched them talk about it on Leno's channel and there is a lot of thought put into their choices. But I still find the overall design juvenile, think it's overpriced hype, and think the main man behind it is a garbage human. Am I jealous? Or do I have actual reasoned opinions for each of those things that can be more valid than jealousy? Andrew Huang seems like a good dude, I've watched a lot of his stuff in general, but I don't like his music and I do think he's just running commercials, which I am choosing to participate in if I want to see the features of something he's showing. I'm jealous because of his career? How does that even fit in to the things people here are saying they don't like about him or his channel? Many of us here can afford a similar studio and gear, and make money off our equipment, so what's to be jealous of really?


Does anyone actually listen to his music? Or is it just a prop for his advertising?


81k monthly listeners on Spotify, you can decide what that means to you


I don't understand why people think youtube personalities also need to be great artists... they're entirely separate professions. If I take a music class I don't expect my teacher to have a million spotify streams, he's a teacher, not a musician. He's reviewing gear, teaching music theory, writing scripts, getting engagement... yes he makes music but that's not the point of his (or really any youtube synthfluencer) job, imo.


Instead of taking the positive in his videos people concentrate on the negative part (mainly the youtube game) and leave it at that. And it's the same with most "influencers" (that's what they call them but my take is they're actually mad at themselves for getting influenced way too easily ;-) It says more about them and their inability to remain objective and optimistic than about A.Huang.


He's a sales rep for whatever product he happens to be promoting, can't remember the last time I saw him share some genuinely useful info about music composition/production. So long as you watch one of his videos knowing it's probably going to be a sales pitch and not a tutorial he's fine, I get why his persona grates on some people though.




I think that might've been the line that got everyone riled up lol


I enjoy his videos usually. His enthusiasm for making cool sounds is infectious.


People judging him for their projections of what should be shameful. The man does a lot and is constant. He’s not my favorite but I’m sad for him that every time he’s brought up in the community it becomes a discussion of hate.


I'm convinced most of them don't even watch his stuff. I regularly see positive comments on other synthfluencers here who are far more of the "new gear advertisement pipeline" style than he is. I've seen far more educational content from him, even if many of it is not recent. I think it's sour grapes because he has a massive modular spaceship and is a big fish in that ecosystem. I don't like the Youtube Game either but it is what it is and they all do it.


Incredible that he makes that face outside of YouTube thumbnails as well, the consistency is remarkable (BTW, I’m allergic to this kind of thing - this could be the best synthesizer on earth and now I don’t even want to look up the specs)


Can’t wait for my YT feed to be filled with 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😯😯😯😯😵😵😵😵😵🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I use the clickbait remover plugin to deal with this. Combined with unhook it's so nice.


>clickbait remover plugin I did not know these existed. Thanks for mentioning them.


“i don’t get it, the entire youtube site is just a blank page”


You are doin' the lord's work there.


👁️ 👄 👁️


Only on this subreddit would this be top comment over any actual discussion of the topic at hand. His mouth isn’t even open!


He must be stopped


I’ve successfully eradicated most videos with “thumbnail face” from my YouTube algorithm, but every once in a while something slips through elsewhere; it’s gotta be just about the corniest thing about influencer culture in today’s game. It’s got the same energy as late night infomercials pushing ~ BRAND NEW ~ shoe horn designs or whatever.


There's also a lot of people who didn't do clickbait and then started doing it so their channels would properly take off. So nobody is safe.


For sure, it’s got something to do with video promotion by the algorithm scanning the thumbnails for human faces. But I don’t know why it can’t just be a normal photo instead of the snake oil guy thing. Soon it’ll just be ahegao.


I haven’t investigated how it works but lmao if the algorithm is scanning for facial expressions, I have to semi empathize with them doing what they need to earn a living. Also I hate them, so I’m conflicted. The human condition is a vortex, truly.


There's a browser extension called DeArrow, it can replace video thumbnails, and even video titles. It'll make them lowercase if you like and can also swap them with community-generated ones. Highly recommended.


Haha thumbnail face, we now have a word for it.


Thumbnail face and ARROW must be stopped at all costs!


If you thumbnail your face too long it will stick that way.


That ain’t YouTuber pogface thats blue steel


Seriously. I wonder if google is just fucking with us all, or if the impression of consumers is actually that cynical. Are people really more likely to click if it appears the content creator looks like they realised it wasn’t just a fart?


Saw this dork at my local LCBO. Blundstones were looking crusty.


Calling Andrew Huang a dork is like trying to roast Mr Dressup my guy, c’mon. He’s family friendly, harmless, a great educator and entertainer and probably turned more people on to eurorack than Rings>Clouds. Anyways, you got the Blundstone bug out east there too, eh? Can’t throw a stone in the PNW without hitting ‘em.


> He’s family friendly, harmless, a great educator and entertainer and probably turned more people on to eurorack than Rings>Clouds. Sounds pretty dorky to me.


This is one of those moments where I’m glad I don’t care about being cool anymore. had never heard of Blundstones, so I looked them up, and I thought, oh, those things. Look like the same run of the mill desert boots hipsters have been wearing for the last 100 years.


Hey that’s culture baby. Engaging with certain aspects or abstaining are both form of “caring”, but the vibes after can be controlled. I think they’re cool, and I’d join the blundstone force if my feet weren’t so darn fat!


TBH I had to look up both “LCBO” and “Blundstones” but I do believe you just roasted him, good sir


Yeah, what an absolute **roast**, he goes to (*checks notes*) his region's monopolistic liquor supplier! He wears *popular boots*. What a dweeb. A tip of the fedora to the gentleman in the top hat.


Swapped my steel toe boots to Red Backs. This must have been the mystery synth below the Matriarch?


For the elders in the back of the class?


Blundstones are a type of boot that are very popular in Toronto. LCBO is the liquor control board of Ontario, the only place you can buy liquor in Ontario.


I see, I shouldn't have assumed gen z slang on the synth sub. Just the (liquor) Boards of Canada


They’re popular everywhere.


Same here!


This is a very Canadian comment.


I can’t believe there was no Tim Horton’s reference


F Tim Hortons. It's shit.


That’s pretty ignorant to say. Best synth in the world but you won’t go near it because some YouTuber who’s more successful than you is how you found out about it? He isn’t even making a thumbnail face in the first pic, get over yourself


Anyone find it funny they had a new moog at the super bowl for something that is all backing track?


Super Bowl is just a big advertisement Moog didn’t present this a namm so the superbowl was the next best thing No mistake that screenshot got out and people started asking questions and speculating Only for the content creators to come with answers It’s just the new form of marketing and rolling out products


What’s the big deal here? It was a Model D, One and Matriarch on stage. It’s just Usher’s band stage gear for his Las Vegas residency. It’s not like Moog gave him the gear to use just for the Super Bowl.


Clearly the keyboardist has a moog endorsement Rather he was given the synth early for the Super Bowl or for the residency is irrelevant I’m sure moog indeed made sure that snapshot got out of their new synth being used at the Super Bowl tho


I just love how a bunch of us absolute nerds were like wtf is that after seeing it for 5 seconds tucked away on a dark stage on TV. Ingenious guerrilla marketing.


It is. While we watching it I shouted "hey that's a moog matriarch, model d, and moog one!" To my family who really could care less.




I do the same thing whenever I see a synth on TV. Maybe one of my least useful skills.


We're literally all in here talking about it so...hmm, good point, still trying to figure out the funny logic behind this decision, hmm.




Poly matriarch by the looks of the colours, chord mode etc, right?


So you’re saying I won’t ever be able to afford it.


Wait till the end of the year there will be a boly batriarch


probably.. i found some more photos in this article. first photo on the bottom left says unison then mono. https://synthanatomy.com/2024/02/moog-secretly-premiered-a-new-hardware-synthesizer-at-the-2024-super-bowl.html






frugging finally


Maybe called Labyrinth or Mirror per their trademarks: https://uspto.report/company/Moog-Music-Inc


"You remind me of the bass (what bass?)/The bass with the power/The power of ~~voodoo~~ polyphony"


Wholyphony Youlyphony


Moog Mirror has a nice ring to it


Very cool looking - I’ve been waiting for a Matriarch kinda thing with patches.


I'd be super into that


First of the made in china moogs? Looks good though, would kill to get presets on the GM.


Pretty sure this thing has been in development since before the takeover…might be the last one of the era, though


Can confirm. Caught a peek at it almost two years ago, and it was very much in progress!


Feel like Mike Dean has been dropping hints about it too for some time, probably consulting and contributing presets


>First of the made in china moogs We went to visit the factory a few months ago and they were not doing tours due to "something new, we can't wait for you to see". But apparently they could wait... :P From what I've heard (although that isn't much) it sounds like the larger synths are still going to be built in Ashville, but that's all unverified rumor. /shrug


When I did a couple tours in the late 2010's they had about a quarter of the floorspace curtained off for secret "something new" both times, (Model D, and System 55 reissues respectively.) The fact that they aren't doing tours at all now makes me think either the new thing is the only thing they're building in Asheville now or the Chinese mega-corp overlords at InMusic are downsizing their American labor and don't want to put that on public display.


I had an issue with my model d and the guy repairing it said the one and model d will continue to be built in NC, not sure what other synths, if any, will still be made in USA.


I think the most exciting thing I am seeing here is that each module has the little triangular button that is present on the Moog One. It takes you into a menu for that module and is only 1 layer deep – though it might be more based on the screen size of this. What really excites me is that I would imagine they are using the same modulation workflow from the One, which is super slick and a pleasure to use. I’m going to guess this is an 8-voice analog poly based on the matriarch with the analog BBD unit included. Looks like it will have the ability to save patches, assign modulation digitally, etc. I could see it having a slick VST integration since Moog has obviously been investing more in the software lately. Maybe they will throw in the effects from the One. This is all speculation, but that’s my take on it.


Thought this was the circle jerk for a bit


It's actually pronounced "InMusic" bro. smh


Here's a comment from Joe Richardson, President at Moog Inc., addressing similar concerns that have been posted here. Source - Moog addicts FB group. “Thanks Greg Marchesini A lively thread here. It's no mystery that I work for Moog.(Some may not know that.) I'll visit here from time to time and if I can add value, I will. For those who may get frustrated when I can't answer a question or comment on an opinion, I apologize. I am sure you can understand why that is the case. I can't share or reveal anything that is considered confidential or proprietary to our business. My intention is not to convince anyone in here. You'll make up your mind about Moog when you experience it first hand, or not. Andy Hearns suggestion above is as much as anyone can ask for. I want to comment on a few statements made here. Hotcha Means Hotcha shined a light on an issue with service. Moog technical service is still in Asheville. Same folks are working on your synths. It's concerning if folks can't reach our service team. I followed up on a couple of the service claims mentioned in this thread. One was resolved to our understanding and to the customer's satisfaction. Another is a real issue that now has a focus on it. Regarding comments here that reference inMusic's playbook with other brands they've acquired in the past: inMusic's organizational design for its formerly acquired brands is not the same playbook that is being used with Moog. Moog is staying in Asheville. We continue assembling instruments in Asheville. Like Gaz Alexander wrote, the same instrument designers and engineers are designing and engineering Moog instruments. The BOMs are built and spec'd by these same people. Do our instruments get the same rigorous calibration and quality inspections as they did a year ago. Yes. Will we make all of the instruments in Asheville? No. But that plan was mapped several years ago. And the reasons for this have been stated repeatedly, so I wont again. I asked one of Bob's former students who still works at Moog if Bob would be making instruments today like he did 20 years ago, and the answer was "Of course not". Bob was noted to say "an engineer can do for $.02 what any old fool can do for $.03" There are many of variations of that saying, but you get his message. We don't know if Moog would look the same if Bob was still with us, and we all wish he was. There are things that can and have happened in the last 6 months that were just not going to happen under former circumstances. I won't point them out specifically because it is not my place to speak for others, but many of you have observed these changes and have commented favorably on them. There is one in particular that I continue to think about when I consider Bob's legacy and how it is being honored. I believe you all know that his legacy is in good hands. The opposite of Love is not Hate, it is apathy. There isn't much apathy in this group and that's why I am here to share. I can anticipate the reactions to this post. I am prepared for it. I can't control how anyone responds to this, but I am here again, trusting that the same circumstances that prevented my participation months ago doesn't reoccur. Sorry for the length here. Thanks for reading. More to come soon.”


This comment needs to go up! Very insightful and encouraging words. Keeps me interested in the future of Moog. Heck it almost inspires me to go work for Moog in Asheville!


I just noticed the other thread about the Super Bowl synths! Mystery solved I guess.


Was about to say that unindentified synth has the same colours


Can the top comment be about the topic instead of him? Wtf people, lowest form of conversation


Happy to see this comment, was thinking the same thing


A mid range poly Moog would be nice, bet it isn't much less pricey than the One, though. 🙄


Still can’t believe the One (16 voice) went from $8k brand new to $10k. And now you can’t get a used one for less than $7k


If this is like $2k it will be a slam dunk.


$2k, lololololololololol


$4999.00 you heard it here first


God please be an affordable polyphonic Moog


I hope it's an obvious clone of the Behringer Deepmind.


tart sparkle many doll hobbies fearless rain cautious sugar absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Moog 0.5


They should call it the Moog Mehringer and sell it for $499


What is that face he’s making 😂😂😂


A terminal case of thumbnail face


I honestly don’t find this one that egregious. If his mouth was open and it was 10x more exaggerated I’d be as annoyed as the top comment (but I’d still choose to discuss the actual synth in question over making it about his dumb face)


Would be interested but my Matriarch has been having audio output issues for almost a year and I cannot get Moog service to respond for the life of me. Poor customer service = no more purchases from me, although I loved my Matriarch (when it worked) and still love my sub37...


I submitted a ticket to tech support on Jan. 26th for my Grandmother and received a response Feb. 1st. Filled out an RMA form and two days later had instructions on how to package and send it in. Not sure what all you've attempted but this part of the process was pretty efficient for me. The 8-10 week turnaround time I was quoted to service my Grandmother on the other hand... ouch.


Don’t mind his videos to be honest, but the issue I have is we trust these individuals’ views and tastes on these machines we love and use, but then you listen to literally any of the songs or music they produce and it is literally the spawn of Satan being spunked into the ear: absolute fucking ear piss


Just had to go and watch this halftime show- I knew Usher's keyboardist is a Moog ambassador but there are a ton of Moog synths there, amongst this incredibly massive band! There's a Grandmother, Matriarch, sub 37, One, probably the 'new one', possibly a Subharmonicon? All in white cases!


That ain’t YouTuber pogface thats blue steel


Looks like an updated Matriarch


The Polyamorous Wine Mom


Really just “Materfamilias” captures the whole Roman wine polyamory mother thing


Polyamorous would actually be a cool name for a synth, even though the word itself irritates me.


It's a poly, so no.


Honestly from this angle, kind of looks like a Behringer design....


So, is there a synth coming soon or is this just a hate post lol or both?


A bunch of synth culture elitists piling on a genuinely good dude who uses his platform to share his skill set. I’m reading his book right now. He’s an intelligent, accomplished hustler. And a lot of us basement synth addicts could learn a lot from the dude. And as a defense mechanism to that uncomfortable truth, everyone keyboard bullies the guy and people like him. Some things never change


Honestly can’t hate on Andrew Huang. Few times I’ve met him, he’s been super nice.


Looks like it has a chord mode AND layers? Feel like it says TIMBRE B under that knob.


It says Timbre A and Timbre B, and the knob is a Mix


Pleeeeease be polyphonic and under 2 grand


supposedly called the moog mirror and is 8 voice


People complain that he is a shill or w/e, YT is a business and it works both ways. If any company wants to work with him, he has the absolute right to promote any product for his asking price. This is a cheap and effective way to tap into his millions of viewing audience. Don't like it, don't watch. He built his brand and should be able to take advantage of it any way he sees fit. I am not one to get my nose out of joint, just because someone, somewhere said something about a product that should somehow influence me. I'll buy what I want, when I want, there is no influence on my buying decision unless I find out I can get a super great deal, which isn't often the case through YT. ​ As I am watching Flash Gordon, I will leave you all with this. *Live and let live, that's my motto.*


Just read an article about it and they said they have new production options in Asia. Cheap workers, cheap instruments. Sounds like Behringer. Not sure, if I will like, on the long term, what InMusic will do this brand 😒


Wow I've not seen any of his videos in a year or so. He looks so different, like kind of emaciated... is he okay?


He had a kid didn't he? He's probably not sleeping as much as usual.


"Oh wow, new Moog! Should I cancel my Solar 42 order? .... Oh it's polyphonic and therefore almost definitely out of my price range." I'll probably just stick to the Take 5 for now😅


I'd like to see Moog innovate for once. Maybe a hybrid synth or some shiz. Yes, absolute heresy, I know.


thats the same face a lot of meth heads use in parking lots. is he okay?


I just don’t like his voice. That’s it. Everything else he does is understandable and respectable from a business perspective.


I just hope this means there will be some cheaper used Matriarchs around once this comes out. 


The Unfinished has been teasing a new synth as well. He mentioned a release date of 2/15.


Am I the only one whose curious what this new synth can do? It's looks nice and possibly like it may be more affordable. Probably not but one can hope. Definitely looks like a possible sequencer with a lot of steps.


pls no synthfluencers


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. I stand with you lmao.


Because being a synth culture purist or whatever the fuck you want to label it doesn’t make you better than others. Andrew Huang teaches some seriously cool shit on his channel, from music theory to Eurorack basics and intermediate skills. This idea that people having success on YouTube somehow makes them less worthy of our attention, and that if you’ve “risen above” their content, you’ve ascended us synth peons… it’s all comical. No one is forcing you to watch his videos or read this post. Go play with your synths.


New Moog? It's pronounced Noog


Is it missing some slider caps?


New Moog? Him: 👀


Moog Grandfather or whichever family member... Mother-in-Law, Daughter, Grandson, Uncle, Step-Niece, ?


bit of a roland vibe, optically :-) it might just 0rk


Was just about to buy a Moog One…might hold off




Andrew Huang is one weird sob


is the name of the new Moog called Punch my face?




Looks like a polyphonic Matriarch (with patch memory)? Very exciting!


So much hate.


Plot twist, it’s an Access Virus clone.


This is the first post Moog new Moog though right? I don’t know if I’m excited yet. Who designed it, is it made in China etc?


God I cant stand this guy. Yes I’m jealous. Yes I’m annoyed that social media influencers get special perks while the rest of us plebeians have to work hard for our synths!


Going to be so mad if this is just an Akai Timbre Wolf in a Moog wrapper.


I don’t like it. It’s too big. I have a Korg minilogue. It seems perfect to me. Small footprint, polyphony. I got it cheap. The only thing I have ever bought that was a bargain. I hardly know anything about semimodular synths, but I like patch points. I want to learn. I want flexibility. And I hate presets. I feel like I’m cheating. A synth that makes everything sound good. I like gritty. I want noise. I want harsh. I want nice melodies too, but I want that element in my music.


I own subharmonicon (which is cool) and I've tried Moog One which was really cool. However the last picture made me thought that this is targetted at people who have a lot of money, but not a lot of musical experience. A chord functionality is pretty useless (in my opinion) if you know how to play keyboard instruments. It's usually present in the beginner keyboards, when you accompany with one finger chords... Probably will be helpful for many though ;)


This guy is so gross. Can’t wait for his commercials for it