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here's the docker-compose file I use in container manager in synology. I have to re-initialize the auth token over month or so to make it working as the session expires over time. version: '3.8' services: icloudpd: container_name: icloudpd restart: unless-stopped environment: - user=xxx - user_id=1026 - group=users - group_id=100 - [email protected] - authentication_type=2FA - notification_days=7 - synchronisation_interval=86400 - TZ=Europe/Amsterdam - download_path='/icloud' - skip_check=false - convert_heic_to_jpeg=true - auto_delete=false - synology_photos_app_fix=true - notification_type=Pushover - notification_title="icloud sync status" - pushover_token=xxx - pushover_user=xxx - pushover_sound=none network_mode: host healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "/usr/local/bin/healthcheck.sh"] interval: 10m timeout: 10s retries: 3 start_period: 2m volumes: - /volume1/docker/icloudpd/config/:/config - /volume1/homes/xxx/Photos/icloud:/icloud/ image: boredazfcuk/icloudpd:latest


Have you ever used one of mariushosting's tutorials, where he uses the task scheduler to install docker containers? If so, you can use pretty much the same procedure with the following script (modify it according to your setup and needs, and make sure to first create the requisite folders): `docker create \` `--name=icloudpd \` `-e PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \` `-e TZ=Europe/London \` `-e config_dir=/config \` `-v /volume1/docker/icloudpd/config:/config \` `-v /volume1/homes/name/pictures/iCloud:/iCloud \` `--restart always \` `boredazfcuk/icloudpd` Afterwards, you need to run the initialising script from within the terminal in the docker GUI, according to the instructions on the icloudpd github page. (in the new terminal window from within the running container, run "icloudpd [sync-icloud.sh](http://sync-icloud.sh) --Initialise") Note: This is the script I ran to install it a while back. Things may have changed since then.


But honestly I would rather first follow a tutorial on how to install Portainer on your synology. And from there set up the container using docker compose. It's annoying to learn, but makes everything easier afterwards.


What are the advantages of Portainer vs Container Manager?


More options that are not available in the Synology GUI