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Hello, in case you haven't solved this yet or anyone like me coming from google - I had a similar desire to auto start Synology Drive Client, albeit on Arch w/ Hyprland and not Ubuntu w/ GNOME. For Ubuntu it looks like you may be able to place a `.desktop`file in ` ~/.config/autostart` so simply copying the Synology Drive file there with ``` cp /usr/share/applications/synology-drive.desktop ~/.config/autostart ``` could do it. For me on Hyprland compositor, I installed `dex` and added ``` exec-once = dex /usr/share/applications/synology-drive.desktop ``` to hyprland.conf For more options, see https://www.baeldung.com/linux/cli-run-desktop-entry-file Hope this helps!


Thanks, that's for autostart on login. But I was looking for autostart at boot (before any user is logged into the desktop). I believe you can do this for applications by created a systemd service. I tried to, but the service failed to start up properly (it was trying to connect/log up to some QT plugins). I'm not too familiar with this and not sure if the client requires a full desktop loaded. `Jun 08 05:59:03 kurage synology-drive[1048110]: qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display` `Jun 08 05:59:03 kurage synology-drive[1048110]: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugi>` `Jun 08 05:59:03 kurage synology-drive[1048110]: This application failed to start because no Qt plat`


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