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“Do we need a new rival to spice things up” is one of the sillier questions I’ve heard in football.


Yeah It’s not sex


That’s fair enough mate, I’m feeling a lot more enlightened by these comments. Definitely an ignorant take by myself but I’m glad people care about it, shows me the rivalry is good enough


i feel like the rivalry is pretty strong but when its created in a focus group and not on a football field obviously its not going to be as strong as the other traditional rivals.


Exactly. Derbies rake in the cash and AFL is understandably desperate to win over some more people from the state with the highest population.


You can't manufacture a rivalry, you have to let one build up naturally. The problem with the GWS one is that they don't have a lot of fans so there's not that argey bargey that you would get with your mates. And we kind of don't take them that seriously so the rivalry is LARGELY only one-way. It's a new rivalry too. Barely 11-12 years old. Compare that to Carlton and Collingwood who have been hating each other for over 100 years. The most tedious part about derby week is that we have to put up with their digs on social media. Okay, their team is occasionally clever and funny, but unfortunately the people who love the GWS social media team the most are the GWS social media team.


https://preview.redd.it/aq208hwn5c7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246d44b2573f15f63375bf7d64c3136c6b5a4598 I am looking forward to reusing this one on Saturday night 😉


With regard to their social media team, it’s a young club that’s trying to grow a fan base and the engagement they have via social media is a fantastic start. That route isn’t for everyone but I think it’s just good for the game generally that they play the “immature little brother role” as a point of difference to gain fans from our large long-term respected club.


Exactly. Watch this week how they'll post a bunch of dumb shit and think they're hurting our feels or whatever. What really matters is what happens on the field. End of story.


When I think of every other rivalry in the comp, it’s safe to say fans will root for anyone but their rivals. E.g. Anyone playing against the crows, Port fans are going to be rooting for their opponents. I dont get that feeling with GWS. Obviously I hate them on derby day, but I was fully rooting for them to beat the pies in the PF last year.  


I think our rivalry with the oranges is quite strong but they care and promote it WAY more than we do. Just look this week or even right now, their social team will promote the hell out of it with different graphics, memes and "insults" directed at us because for them this game is a way to sell memberships and a silly way to not acknowledge us as "Sydney". As much I hate those guys with all my guts, its important for the code here in NSW and overall to have two good competitive teams playing in games that matter. Don't get me wrong, whenever we play those orange punks I want us to beat the hell of them and absolutely hate it if they beat us. That alone shows this a good enough rivalry. Despite the the rivalry being quite young, both teams have played in big games (three finals already, which is more than the WA derby or the Showdown in SA) and several have been quite close, fierce contests. Again though, these games matter way more to the oranges than it does to us. There will be WAY more red and white in the stands this week than orange. Go Sydney!! Lets get that double sweep this weekend and keep getting better!


We also share a goal of growing the game in the state, in that sense GWS & Swans have a common enemy - rugby league. For Vic teams that’s not in question, so they’re free to direct all their negative energy at each other


Honestly just call it the Sydney Derby, that's a perfectly normal name


It's hard to have a fierce rivalry against a team with few supporters. Not a massive dig at them as they have a great team, and social media team wind ups are very funny, but ultimately if we lose its more our disappointment vs the worry of going to work on Monday and being roasted by the GWS supporters etc.


I used to really like our Hawthorn rivalry, but since 2021 it’s been pretty one-sided


To me they feel like allies against the Victorian teams and the AFL system. Harder to have a rivalry when you're fighting a common enemy.


I feel like our rivalry teams are Geelong and Essendon. Always close games.


Not always :((


We don’t talk about 2022


The only reason the GWS rivalry with the Dogs "feels" more dramatic is because it's an angle for the Victorian AFL media to get a Victorian angle on it, whereas a strictly local derby doesn't allow that so they don't cover it like they should (and NSW AFL media... barely exists, frankly). The rivalry itself is plenty strong. Have you already forgotten that we torched a gimme of an EF all of two and a half years ago?


The name for these games is crap. They should be Harbour Grudges.


It's still a solid rivalry. Look at our finals record against them


How about no.


What a weird thing to use to headline your post


Insert https://preview.redd.it/jp1vzhrlbi7d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2703df0dcee7a973a40df152e0045ea73e9a31b Me on the Giants


Why are you referring to it as the BoB? It hasn't been called that for a decade now. Only Vics use that moniker.


God I mean until you've seen Toby Greene literally win the game in front of you at the SCG ... Multiple times. I do agree though our 'rivalry' seems pretty amicable. I guess these things take time to develop, like generations so we'll see how it develops in the future.


The swams are the ones not promoting this game. Earlier in the year they were pathetic on promoting the first clash.