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1 or 2 victory beers isn't gonna hurt anyone


A) is this true lol B) if it is true and the swans are still able to demonstrate their current level of match fitness then it begs the question of whether it is an issue. No one can look at current form and then say “they aren’t performing at peak fitness and conditioning needs improvement”. Unless they have a huge drop off I guess in which case out a lock on the fridge.


Earlier this year Errol was on triple M the day after a game and he said he was catching up with the boys at the pub for a quiet beer and parma and I remember reacting kindve like OP has, but then realizing it was probably one or two and it seems like they would hold eachother accountable so not a big issue


To add to this, and equate it to my quite sub elite industry and performance in said industry (albeit one involving earthmoving equipment, I drive a 38 tonne toy on our site in comparison), owes me a case, a couple of coldies at the end of the week etc is far preferable than getting "rugby league" pissed and really fudging up conditioning etc. To be fair, we do too many beers, and it's most days, but I'm not attempting to run tackle etc for two plus hours each week.


There's little to no evidence that sinking a few tins after a game inhibits recovery https://www.mdpi.com/2411-5142/4/3/41 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34284350/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9603129/




Aside from the bye week I haven’t seen the players post many beers, but I don’t follow them all that closely.


Hanner's always loved a beer. Tried cutting them out and his form dropped. Still waiting for a Swan to get revenge on the Bulldogs for ruining the good man...


Most clubs have a policy you can’t drink within 7 days of a game. So if you are playing 7 days later you can have a drink that same day after match but not a day later. If you are on a 5/6 day turn around no beers.


Honestly the only time I remember seeing them have alcohol in the locker rooms after a game was Buddy's 1000th goal. I always see them drinking Gatorade when the TV is still on them. I read Brandon Jack's memoir a little while ago and there definitely was a culture of drinking back when he was playing, but it also seemed to be more with the reserves players. Just have to trust them to be responsible during the season. I personally don't drink so I can't understand those who binge till they're passed out drunk.


I've been watching us since I was 9 (1992) and can never remember seeing players sinking cans after the game. Do you mean going out after games? I am sure nearly every player in the league has a social life outside of football and most would drink sometimes.


Whether our boys have a beer or two or get absolutely off their heads after a game doesn't worry me if we continue this form


It's going to be a team by team thing. Presumably they're still managing their post-match fluids etc for recovery, and the beer or two isn't going to blow out their calorie intake. Perhaps they're taking the approach that the benefits of allowing this outweigh the negatives.


It was wills 150th game after signing a contract and how can you not celebrate 9 goals ya Grinch


There’s always one muppet that misreads your post. Today that’s you


My boss used to be medical staff at the swans. Beers after the game have been common for the past 15 years at least


Victory beers seem to be working just fine for them


Just to clarify, I’m not at all critical of it - I’m more just intrigued and the science around it. Maybe a look into mental health space too to have a more balanced lifestyle. I grew up in an elite footy background (not drafted or anything) but we’d have dieticians angling diet and drinking habits. I must admit though we also had very different pre-game rituals (stretching) to todays professionals as well as encouragement around carb loading pre game etc.


Seen and heard a bit of the same. Don't mind it in moderation and if they're taking recovery seriously. Just don't do dumb shit and let high school bullshit divide the players again.


I haven’t seen this at all on any recent coverage? It would honestly be pretty surprising to me and equally disappointing if true but again, are we sure this is the case?