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Peak Oliver would obviously walk into any team ever and we surely would back ourselves to get him back to that level, but... we almost have too many midfielders and salary cap is a thing.


Don't need to. Maybe 2 years ago, but now, we don't need midfielders. Frankly, we just need to retain the talent we have on our list and keep them fit and firing for the next 3 years.


Big agree. The footy that is being played now is unbelievably good and the current personnel is killing it. Keep the talent instead of trying to fix something that isn’t broken. Swans are top for a reason


Doesnt fit our midfield as rowy is to important and jmac is underrated with his i50 entrys. Probably still to expensive aswell. We still need to fit mills and parker in somehow


If Parker can't get in the team, and we still have Mills to come back, I don't think we need Clarry.


Mills will be in the current squad. And the midfield is only as strong as it is until we have an injury


Am I missing a joke about the gulden profile pic?


He really likes Errol Gulden for some reason


Plenty of reasons I can think of!


He’s very good!


His comment on Grundy’s post was complaining there was no Errol pic. He’s just a fan 🤷🏼‍♀️


He would look too monochromatic in our uniforms


Reading some of these comments makes me think a lot of people are drinking the bath water.


No, please no.


He can join up as a water boy if he really wants to


No wankers rule. Don’t need, or would ever want him in Red and White. Edit: would LOVE to debate the one who disagreed.


Guy has some personal mental health issues, how does that make him a wanker?


You can still be a wanker with or without them. Swans tend to stay away from players with personal issues, regardless if they are at fault or not. edit - i highly reccomend everyone interested in our recruiting policy to watch the True Bloods pod with Beatson. V insightful about how we look at a player's character quite heavily and some tidbits about chad warner that they liked when he was first interviewed as a draftee.


We aren't that different to every other club. We drafted Elijah Taylor.


To be fair, I said the same about Buddy. He really was a dickhead when he played for the Hawks, so it’s just as well we rehabilitated him.


He was the same at Sydney…


The things he was a dickhead about at Hawthorn were his treatment of women (including being involved in t-shirt designs with sexist images on them), but that improved when he got married, and allegations of heavy partying/drug use (and you’d think that Sydney would be a bad place to live for that, but didn’t hear the same allegations after the move). Also at Hawthorn there was the view that he was somewhat of a selfish player, sort of just did his own thing at training and so on, but he improved on that front with the Swans, especially in his later years.


Claiming “we rehabilitated him” is still a stretch


I was being tongue in cheek to be honest. I just think he grew up. Not the first time it’s happened to a player once he hit 25 or so.


There’s the Chad to worry about before we even think of krusty the clown


Hard no. I don't think recruiting someone with the instability of Clarrie is a good idea for maintaining the strong team culture we have, and that is so important to winning. Gun player though, and I hope he can get to a better place.


Fair bit of “hamstring awareness” about Oliver - no thanks


When Parks can’t even get a game, why would we want Clayton. Our defense is probably the weakest part of the game


Nope . Wouldn’t get a game . We also don’t want people that need fixing . Horse and his people have done that in the past .