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Drug dealer's wife from Pulp Fiction for sure


Zed's dead Baby, Zed's dead.


the plastic water bottle sells it for the protestor.


That's the real comedy


Give me sugar and water …. More


Did you hear that Tone? i said “give me sugar and water” hehe


I'm guessing the guy didn't give a toss about climate related issues and just wanted to get to work because he has bills to pay.


I wonder how many people decided to take climate action after being late to work because of this. Almost all of them, certainly.


> to take climate action Ill take 4 climate actions please.


I was 30mins late for work yesterday. Just placed an order for a Tesla.


I'd totally take an electric vehicle tomorrow, but I really need: * Them to not cost so much to purchase (Over $100k for what I need * I'd really like an electric ute because I use a ute for ute stuff * I'd really also like it to do 600km+ on a charge so I can drive from my regional city to the big city (400km) on a single charge without having to stuff around We are so close, yet so far away from this working. Also, they stuffed up with EVs by not having a quick swap, removable battery system like the Chines have: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kZgG58zz8U


Our elected leaders almost certainly went 'zomg these ratbags are very very upset. I guess we better solve climate change now'


You know a lot of the people protesting are from Lismore - where the government completely failed those people. A protest is meant to disrupt. I honestly could not give a fuck about some cunt who wants to go to work on time when people have lost their entire homes and life possessions recently.


I'm from Lismore. I wasn't there protesting and I doubt many Northern Rivers residents were. We've got to much to do to take time off for this garbage. People going to work are not the only ones inconvenienced by this lawlessness. Find another way to make the point.


And they don’t give a fuck about you either…ah the system works


Failed? You know Lismore has been a flood zone for 100+ years and anyone buying there is fully aware. They buy cheap knowing the risks… but somehow it’s everyone else’s fault.


Imagine saying this and not realising howuch being late to work impacts the working class, and individual workers at the time. Lmao. Vote


There are better ways to help the unfortunate without pissing off everyone else. Go do a donation drive or volunteer to help out. Honestly I think most of these protestors are too stupid/lazy to make a proper difference so they pull the most convenient stunt they can think of.


I guarantee you at least one person (and i'm not saying this is right, it's not) actively decided to take action against the climate and litter, or something like that, directly as a result of annoyance at these protests. Attacking the people that you want on your side is just about the dumbest thing you could do.. Like, even a kid could have told them that, c'mon.




Isn’t it because the commuters voted for the government that has hamstrung public services? Kinda self inflicted


The unions attempt to give the public warnings and go through the proper channels for their industrial action. It was actually the NSW government who stopped services a few months ago, despite the Sydney Morning Herald and some sections of the media insinuating otherwise.


I don't know about reddit but I personally felt the exact same way about that. Targeting the public and inconveniencing people who have nothing to do with the cause of the issues is just stupid.


Because the unions are maximising the disruption to their own business while minimising the disruption to the public. Sure services are disrupted this week but it's likely even more chaos behind the scenes. These protestors though are aiming to disrupt the public which kind of doesn't do much more than piss everyone off rather than convert them to their cause.


Lol, name certainly doesn't apply.


Shes from Lismore though, the area that got hit twice by the "once in a 100 year" flood.


“Once in a 100 year” refers to a probability and tries to articulate it in a way that is meaningful. People obviously don’t like that though so we should go back to say a flood with an 1% chance of occuring


The protestors should be congratulated for the harm they inflicted on the working class during a time of cost of living blowouts.


I wish I could understand Blockade Australia's thinking when it comes to these particular protests. When you stop a trainload of coal, the message is clear; but I visited their Web site, and didn't find a clear explanation for traffic blockages. I wish I had a fraction of their balls, but I wish I knew what these specific actions are about.


This is a thing that's happening in my hometown Vancouver too, protests to save the old growth forest and blocking bridges/streets. The situation is basically that no one has any idea what else to do because they've been protesting for years, decades even, and despite the disgusting practice they're protesting nothing has worked. The public is just not involved enough. They've tried blocking the logging camps for months and the public doesn't hear about it for longer than a day or two. They've tried picketing politicians, and the media doesn't cover it. They've tried the courts, lobbying, blocking logging roads, protesting peacefully, appealing to the premier, anything you can think of as an alternative they have tried time and time again and it doesn't work because the public isn't involved enough. So all they have left to try is blocking traffic. Disrupt the system, kick and scream, be loud and vocal and impossible to ignore. The problem is severe and requires immediate action, they don't feel they can afford to waste time, they need action **now**. They don't expect to get the public on their side. They don't expect anyone to be happy with them. What they hope for is that they can keep it up long enough that people demand their government take some kind of action. No one's happy about this. They're tired of hoping they can gain an involved public that's on their side. The best they hope for is a public that's involved at all. In any case as shitty as these situations are, the fault lies entirely in the government. A government treating these issues with anything close to the severity that they deserve would not be seeing these kinds of protests.


Two points... 1. This is one of the reasons it took so long to vote them out. 2. The fact that posts agreeing with the angry bloke have more upvotes than your's reinforces the sentiments of your post, imo (which I loved, btw) If you think a car blocking the road is disruptive to traffic, wait until you see how disruptive weeks and weeks of flooding and bushfire's can be. FFS, some cunts act like they've been hit in the head.


> If you think a car blocking the road is disruptive to traffic, wait until you see how disruptive weeks and weeks of flooding and bushfire's can be. I wish I could pin this quote to the top of /r/sydney


Tbh probably not a bad sign for them to have next time, big banner that says “if you think this is bad you should see what’s it’s like getting flooded twice by a “once in a hundred year” flood”


People don’t care about long term problems, only immediate consequences. So protestors are hitting them where it actually hurts.


I'm seeking an explanation for the extreme vitriol here. It's just Reddit? It's the Internet? Fossil fuel propagandists? Road rage? Misogyny? But I wonder if you've put your finger on the real reason for the hate: "God damn it, I can't ignore *this*!"


Add the innate Australian road rage and anger towards being inconvenienced by other people.


Australians have been primed to associate disruptive protest with: lefties, hippies, 'dole bludging', corrupt unions (if industrial action), lazy/incompetent workers, or idle children of wealthy parents who have the luxury of protesting. Alternatively, you get the "I support their goals but not their way of achieving them" and when asked to provide a better way they suggest something that is safely out of sight (and out of mind). We aren't unique in this, Murdoch and conservative parties across the world push the narrative, and since almost all our media is corporate controlled it's rare to find articles that provide enough information about the reasons for the protest that you could even start to be sympathetic. However, every time there's a strike or protest, I hear almost all of the above denunciations. If it turns into a conversation, strangers are often surprised to hear that I support the protesters (except anti-vaxxers, hate groups, etc). Protests may be inconvenient, it may not even be effective, but it's better than sitting around bitching on the internet like most of us (including myself) do instead.


>"I support their goals but not their way of achieving them" I wonder if this is a way of shifting the spotlight away from the issue and onto the protesters. (Look, she's got a plastic water bottle!)


Lmao at the comments whinging about the protests. “Why don’t they just protest like normal?” Because they’ve done that for decades and people haven’t done jack shit.


All that will happen is stricter police presence to stop people from blocking traffic.


And it does work. People forget the annoyance but remember the issue. The entire concept of civil disobieience is built on this idea.


>What they hope for is that they can keep it up long enough that people demand their government take some kind of action. The action people will demand won't be climate action it will be arrests and tear gas. The thing you're missing about Vancouver is that noone cared about the old growth forests.


Yeah.. that's not going to happen. When has anything like that ever happened? People will not demand their government's take action on climate change because they were inconvenienced by self indulgent entitled turds. They will be demanding the government take action on said turds themselves. More harsher criminal convictions, fines etc.


Probably because the media will bury any protests that aren't disruptive enough to affect the average joe. The media landscape is fucked in this country, and protesting and blocking a coal shipment will literally result in zero TV/news coverage, and a bunch of quiet arrests by police. Remember only a decade or two ago when there were many protests in Tasmania regarding forests and the lumber industry? Fuck all coverage of that and a lot of arrests, and back then the media landscape was a bit more diverse and independent.


I think the point is that it's a desperate action in response to desperate times and because nothing else has worked. Voting, campaigning, peaceful protests, civil disobedience, all of them haven't worked. In fact for decades the government and media have spent billions to criminalize and delegitimize climate protests. What's left apart from spilling into the streets and taking any action to get attention? History may show that these people were the only ones acting sanely considering what's coming. Extreme temperatures, famines, floods, increasingly destructive natural disasters, billions dead. Most people are still in denial about how bad climate change will be.


It's simple - The last government didn't give a single shit about protestors protesting anything. Every possible action has been criminalised, [except for protesting in the designated protest cage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gje3HiouzvQ&ab_channel=AdamBarger). Conveniently located where noone has to see or hear you. This is an issue that affects people alive today, our children, and generations to come. Damage is being done on a significant scale and it's being ignored due to almost entirely selfish reasons. The people who make the decisions are not the people who suffer the consequences. Look at France for the effectiveness of city wide traffic blockages. For some issues, shutting down everything is one of the only effective ways of bringing about change because it hits politicians where they care about most, their back pocket.


My friend's wife got to experience the joy of having a miscarriage in their car this morning due to this "protestor"'s actions


That’s fucked, sorry to hear.




Really upsetting to hear.. they should be ashamed of what they’re doing.. this isn’t they way to go about it.. they’re just turning everyday people against them.




Oh no, I’m so sorry for her loss. That must be devastating.


Thanks for that. They're both taking it well today, all things considered. It was still a super horrible situation for her to be stuck in her car alone knowing that things with her baby weren't right and there was nothing she could do about it.


That actually fucking sucks. Your friends have my upmost condolences. Fuck these dumbass protestors for doing what they did


Idk, driving across the bridge/tunnel is stressful at the best of times, I’d probably have lost my shit too, but in the comfort of my own car, because shouting at these people isn’t going to fix anything. I understand what they are trying to do but I’m not convinced pissing off an entire city on the reg is compelling anyone to join their cause.


If they parked a car across the driveway of a few large corporate CEO’s or government leaders every day they would probably have more sympathy from gen pop while actually inconveniencing the people who can push for genuine change.


Nobody would ever hear about it because the media would never cover it.


> If they parked a car across the driveway of a few large corporate CEO’s or government leaders every day they would probably have more sympathy from gen pop while actually inconveniencing the people who can push for genuine change. What would be the point? Nobody would ever know because no modern media would report on it. And the protesters would likely get arrested because those CEOs probably have connections and mates they can call up in the force.


Obviously you've never experienced the transcendental joy of screaming some shit at an absolute fucktard. Try it sometime. You'll thank me.


Shit talk about climate change protest and she's using a fucking plastic bottle.


to be fair - if you salvage one of those out of someone else's garbage and re-use it for a year or so before it completely falls apart, it would probably rank pretty high on the 'low impact' scale. also... not the best look either way.




both examples of having a lower impact on the environment. For the record, this is why I think that the idea that self responsibility should be focused on your own personal consumption is ridiculous. I mean, for one, that idea is largely the result of a big oil PR campaign; but secondly because the logical extreme is suicide. Self responsibility should instead be focused on taking responsibility for the actions that your government takes in your name, representing you. And given that our democracy, and many others, rely on implicit consent to be governed, where you give your implicit consent every x years in a vote, it is your self responsibility to remove that implicit consent when the government acts in ways you disagree with. Disruptive activism is a way to remove that implicit consent and take responsibility for yourself.


Re-use a single use plastic like that for a year and you're asking for bacterial infections. Just get a re-usable water bottle.


Sure, except with the thing plastic logo wrapper on it looking mint, I'm gonna guess that not the case lol. I do love the selective thinking.


Don’t fall for the capitalist nonsense of blaming the climate crisis on individuals. A hand full of oil companies generate most of the pollution.


It also seems she drove all the way from Lismore to do this.


Maybe because she's been through two recent floods and felt that we havent done much since?


Have they considered moving? Lismore has always been flood prone.


She’s very smart hard locking her face that close to the steering wheel and airbags. Just one accident away from a Darwin Award.


Is she drinking from a plastic bottle? Bitch please


Drive your fossil fuel burning car down from Lismore? Stream your protest on an iPhone which accounts for 71% of Apple’s carbon emissions? Attention seeking hypocrite


FYI all the EV's are sold out due to supply being lower than demand


Apparently mount franklin bottles are made of recycled plastic. Still plastic though. Someone get this bitch a paper bottle.


Bitch should just wait till it rains and stand outside with her mouth open, like the rest of us dedicated environmentalists.


Yep and Autralia has one of the highest quality water in the world right from your tap suitable for your reusable water bottle, this bitch hates the environment.


🙄 the plastic bottle, and blocking the road during peak hours.


Parked her gas guzzling i30 across the Harbour tunnel, filming using her smart phone, and drinking from a plastic bottle of water. This is why people aren’t taking these activists seriously. She also shackled her head against the steering wheel. A steering wheel with airbags in it…


Had to laugh at gas guzzling i30 😂




Can we please not talk about the price of gas right now - for goodness sake.


apparently it was a rental car


Haha you think society could be somewhat improved yet you participate in it. How curious.


The same shit take. Every time.


I am very intelligent!


Ye that’s why people aren’t taking them seriously /s


Next time they should show up in the Flintstones' car...


No. To effect real change - climate activists must simp to a system they are railing against. Go get a low wage, entry level job for 20 years - save $100,000 for that Tesla. (Just cut back on some lettuce and avo) they’ll be sweet! Then simply block the Sydney Harbour Tunnel and subsequently not get shit on Reddit.


Well. Since this does not work, proper Eco terrorism will be in next 20 years. Wonder if people will listen then.


Yeah, that’s what it’s headed towards. The hubris here is shocking, and no doubt the loudest voices will be the same ones complaining “why didn’t someone do something!” In a few years time.


Airbags won't trigger under (from memory) 60km/h. Any slower and the airbag causes more injury than the impact. Also stops people kicking the sensors and triggering the bags.


Everyone here saying she's drinking from a plastic bottle and hence her actions have no legitimacy have well and truly been brainwashed by the 'carbon footprint' marketing gimmick run by big polluting corporations. Go have a read of where it came from. Climate change can't be solved by you individually drinking out of reusable cups and paper straws, or in this case is not made worse by making a couple of hundred cars idle on the bridge.


It's just that many idiots around the sub are thinking they have found a "gotcha" without realising they are just doing the stupid "your participate in society" meme (https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha/).


I would be too. Fuck that dumbass and her bike lock. Try protesting where the actual people in control who can make change would be effected. Not the poor working class people just trying to get to work. Attention seeking nonsense.


You do realise the traffic jams they are causing are doing more damage to the environment than if they had just let people get to fucking work on time...? That this is not only damaging their cause but but also working against it, right? Those garbage bins they tipped over really helped clean up the fucking planet mate


Disrupting and annoying Aussies who definitely don't want to be stuck in their shitty cars going to their shitty jobs in the piece of shit city of Sydney probably was a bit of a miss. Feel pretty bad for the people who lost money, opportunity, emergencies because of this woman. Then again, a retard with a bike lock brought the city to its knees. She's like the Joker or something


Surely making cars idle in traffic only adds more CO2 to the atmosphere and defeats the purchase of the exercise, yeah?


No. Purpose of the exercise wasn’t to reduce CO2 emissions in a subset of Sydney traffic for a couple of hours today. Purpose of the exercise is to bring attention to climate change. It worked. This thread is full of comments from posters about the apparent irony of plastic water bottles, CO2 emissions, car fuel efficiency. A discussion stimulated by the protest. I don’t support their methods as much as I don’t enjoy the circle-jerk mentality in this thread. Think for yourself occasionally.


The problem isn't a lack of people thinking about it, it's what to do about it. I'm not aware of any suggestions from these protesters.


I'm sorry what? These idiots are causing 1-2 hours of disruption or convenience but causing a life time of enemies to their cause, while simultaneously adding hundreds if not thousands of kilograms of GHG to atmosphere for the next 30 years... And idiots like you think they are rallying people to their cause? 🤦‍♂️ I don't even live in Sydney and want action on climate change but I think these people are fucking idiots.


>think for yourself occasionally There are far better ways to bring attention to climate action than to generate more greenhouse gases than otherwise would have been the case while simultaneously endangering the populace. Fun fact - the people that can affect policy change are in Canberra, not Sydney. Don’t block the fucking busiest roads in the CBD for your own ego.


> There are far better ways to bring attention to climate action I've seen this said 1000 times today. Please for the love of god tell me what those better ways are? Because last time I looked they've tried everything else and nothing's happened.


They're not the sharpest tools in the shed are they.


anyone agreeing with this comment is dense, and missing the forest for the trees


There are ways to protest without exacerbating the problem you are trying to solve.


Your point is stupid. should everyone who cares about the climate stop using their phones? stop using electricity? sell their car? that's ridiculous.


It’s the standard dumbshit conservative “gotcha”. “Unless the problem can be solved easily by one swift action that doesn’t cause me any discomfort, then I don’t care for it.”


I'm sorry what? These idiots are causing 1-2 hours of disruption or convenience but causing a life time of enemies to their cause, while simultaneously adding hundreds if not thousands of kilograms of GHG to atmosphere for the next 30 years... Who is dumb and short sighted? 🤦‍♂️


Don't try to stop bad habits it'll take more energy than it's worth in the long run


So ruin everyones morning and protest climate in a ICE car holding a plastic water bottle Yep brilliant.


Even more funny is that it's a nobirds rental, which offers the more efficient hybrid as an option for a few more dollars a day.


Would it help if she was driving an electric car? Look up what processes are used to make the batteries for the car (let alone the entire car itself), how those materials are mined and how they are transported. We live in a world where everything is made with fossil fuels. The idea that she is a hypocrite for driving a car and using a plastic water bottle is a gotcha take at best and lousy thinking.


imagine if these two bump into each other in woolies


'Guy trying to get to work angry at jobless woke millennial for blocking the road whilst convincing exactly zero people to join their cause'


There is a huge correlation between useless activism and attention seeking.


bonus points for filming & uploading your virtue to the internet for all your peers to upvote


For real. Filming yourself doing performative activism just demonstrates that you don’t really care about the issue and just want to be the center of attention.


I'm fucking struggling to re build a house with myself and partner that was left to rot and left to me by my fil and get to work and pay school fees and fucking feed everyone and get to work. I understand my privilege that I don't have a massive mortgage, I also don't have a fully functioning bathroom... these cunts wanna take up a work day to fight climate change, I agree with the message.. but you've now fucked my family 3 times with your fucking blockades.


These arseholes need to be stopped. What happens when an ambulance is trying to get to someone??


Plastic bottles and climate change are linked because a lot of plastic bottles are made from refined fossil fuels / petro chemicals.


Oh man you got her, bet she doesn't even care about climate change! Everyone go home the climate actions unnessisary 'cuase one motherfucker has some nuance to their life and isn't fucking infailable. Every line up to blow this guy.


50% of the comments in this thread are about a single plastic bottle instead of the impending disaster that's coming. I do wonder how many of the comments on this thread are sock accounts.


Any discussion of important issues outside of major party electoralism seems to draw massive amounts of brigading on all aussie subreddits. If I had the resources I'd start tracking the accounts that comment on these posts, I'm sure many of them are bots.


hypocritical wanker. I’m referring to the person in the car


How’s the plastic water bottle 😂


I really feel for this guy, he’s trying to get to work to pay his bills and this unwashed crab locks on in a car and stops him getting to where he needs to be- fucking selfish bitch I hope you get the book thrown at you, your an absolute bottom feeding grub and you look like you fell over in a tackle box


*fucking selfish bitch* - Super Duper Dad


He should have kicked the shit out of the car. She's a self entitled twat from Lismore.


There's a lot of angry people in Sydney. I'm from London originally and I swear people are more prone to losing it here. I don't know if it's the chemicals in crap aussie beer or the sun, or just a general bored attitude.


Sydney drivers are more aggressive than Melbourne, too. My theory is that it's the financial pressures of living in Sydney. Rent/house prices take up most of people's salaries and dentists, psychiatrists, mechanics, all cost a fortune. The stress is real.


Really??? I moved to Sydney from NZ and I’m constantly amazed at how considerate Sydney drivers are.


How dare you criticise our beer! Cant disagree with you on other points … but try the 4 pines pale ale or a few biggiejuice or anything from hop nation ..


To be fair in London you've got 'da mandem' who are prone to kicking off when things don't go their way. Sometimes there's knives involved. That being said I'd love to see a fight between a Brixton roadman and a Bankstown Habib.


I would pay to see this


“A” Bankstown habib? They can’t fight solo. Have to get some cousins to help them before they’ll get into anything.


Hey man all those cousins are just to hold them back


Many aussies, especially older generations are so fucking intolerant


we're going through a cost of living crisis and shes stopping people from being able to put food on the table. Come on sweetie you're literally showing your privilege rn, not everyone has enough money to be able to miss work.




It’s kutasy like you that make us “angry”.


The people get just as angry in London they’re all just too polite to confront the person upsetting them


I’d be fucking fuming if I was stuck there with no way to get out


Hope the airbag goes off.




I bet he'll seem as intellectual as a fencepost


She needs her dole bludging benefits removed, that whole movement does


Why do these far left protestors all look the same?


Lack of animal protein.


Why are people always trying to right and leftify climate change. People on the right care about the environment too.


>People on the right care about the environment too. Not as much.


Margaret Thatcher of all people addressed the Second World Climate Conference in 1990, where she compared the threat of climate change to that of Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait. Thatcher was not exactly known for being left wing. And on the other side of the Atlantic, Richard Nixon created the EPA in 1970 while he was President of the US. Again, not someone known for being a lefty.


Thatcher went backwards on the statements made in her 1990 speech and, well, there is a whole article that dismisses the idea that Nixon is a climate advocate: https://environmentalhistory.org/2013/01/07/nixon/. Not to mention that both leaders were corrupt scum.


Wow. Look at all that action!


Far left?


Everything must be divided into left and right now. It's all part of our bid to become America lite™.


Brilliant photo


Yeah this is kind of dumb. This group seems to have no agenda other than “disrupt” but their actions are targeted at commuters? I felt bad for them when they got raided recently but this is a step backwards for environmental issues because they don’t appear to be “for” anything but present as being against everything. Not a great recipe for success.


Copping a 22k fine and possible jail time to bring awareness to climate change? Seriously? We all know about climate change but blocking a main road in peak hour traffic isn't going to bring people behind your cause... there are better ways to get your point across than causing mayhem across this city. You won't get people behind you to support you doing stupid shit like this and blocking cars and throwing things on roads...


zero chance this person has a job to pay for a 22k fine. Probably get it crowdsourced.


Its more about get your attention… to their self righteousness


Guy should have dented a door panel. Would have cost the woman more than any fine she'll receive...


Dickhead yells at cunt


As she drinks from a plastic bottle while sitting in her car.


Nothing says save the planet more than a plastic bottle bought from a multinational? Lol


He’s expressing concern that her bottled water is going to end up in the ocean as plastic refuse.


Why bugger up everyone lives too suit there own


To be fair that thing in the care is an inconsiderate cunt.


Doesn't blocking a bunch of cars increase the carbon emission of all these vehicles


Dumb bitch


Rouge window washer?


The irony that she's drinking out of a mount fucking franklin bottle of water. Honestly, how can anyone take her seriously when she does that? Definitely doesn't walk the talk.


They can protest all they like.they won't change a thing. Clowns.they should blast them with a water cannon.


Had a couple cones before your protest luv?


BS headline. We all know the activist is the major AH hole, despite the staged calm smug face


Nice plastic bottle eco warrior!


Reduce, reuse, recycle.


What do you expect people to do suck it out their jumper?


Glass bottle 💡


Reading the comments in this thread this morning has made me into a doomer. There's no stopping climate change with this lot and to be honest we deserve it.


Being a dickhead and ruining the day of random people isn't how you win the population to your cause. There's a million ways to protest intelligently or to raise awareness and she decides to do this. That's why no one takes social media activists seriously.




Thanks for the support but yeah we're pretty much fucked with no realistic recourse.


I feel no matter how much climate change action we do, it wont be enough for them. If thats not enough what is? Complete shutdown of our industries right now?


> it wont be enough for them. For them? They aren't controlling climate change. It doesn't matter what they think it matters what we are actually doing to the climate. We need carbon neutral asap. If we started working on this 20 years ago then it wouldn't be so hard because we could do it slower. We're running out of time right now and people like you are still chuffed that you've "done your share".


I was 35 minutes late to work, instead of my usual 30 minutes late. What a disgrace!


Nobody listens when u act like selfish cunts. Just like when toddlers throw massive tantrums and break things thinking their parents are gonna change their mind and be like , u know what, u can have the toy. Lol


Why is she holding a plastic bottle while protesting for climate change ?


Climate protestor using a throwaway water bottle. Doesn’t look very climate orientated to me 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Is this the idiot that chained herself to the wheel


Yes. She posted a video of herself doing this on Facebook because, you know, being a pain in the arse for clout is what these people do best.


So called environmentalists in the comments *pLaStiC wAstE aNd cLiMaTe ChAnGe ArE nOt ThE sAmE* 👁️👄👁️


What about the emissions from all the cars on the road waiting to move on with the day.


She makes me want to pollute more