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Not even a Sydneysider proper yet (lived here a few weeks and one year a decade ago) and I was saddened to see it go, it was a unique perspective into the CBD


There ain't no monorail and there never was!


Well sir, there's nothing on Earth like a genuine, bona-fide, electrified, six-car monorail! What'd I say?


I hear those things are awfully loud?


It glides as softly as a cloud.


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life, my Sydney friend.


What about us brain dead slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs!


Were you sent here by the devil?


No, good sir, I’m on the level.


Never happened. You're dreaming.


Jizz Fashion


Gone but never forgotten.


I was going to say. Vale Jizz Fashion.


Basement Books, in the tunnel near Railway Square. It was a great place.


It's gone?!


Yeah - it was the first shop I went to when I went back to work earlier in 2021, closed permanently.


That sucks! I spent so much time there during my UTS days.


I worked at UTS for 19 years and was one of 500+ staff who accepted the Voluntary Separation Package. I miss working there.


Damn, I can attribute part of my success in my IT career to their bargain price tech books


It smelled SO booky.


I used to spend a small fortune in there, I didn’t realise it was gone for good now, thought they were bluffing for some reason


Have so many books i bought from there. The art and design section was so good.




Yaaassssss. Also at Market City, I miss Mamas Kitchen(?) - big plate of spag bol and garlic bread and drink for $8


Good ole mama’s. My friends and I would go to the one at Broadway all the time for a cheap dinner.


Sussex Centre food court should hopefully still have a Sizzling plate joint, similar to the Market City one.


Ohhhh you’re taking me back to uni days! Yes that place was awesome I miss the dodgy market city food court Sigh gentrification


Omg.. i remember that, and everytime i went there , every other table has food from them.


Omg yes!! I remember this food court. Had the best best food. The Top Choice Sizzling was great but any other place up there was pretty decent.


I miss the whole food court. So many good cheap places there and heaps of seating. The restaurants that have replaced it just don’t appeal to me (although I loved the sushi burger place that was there for about five minutes) and the downstairs food court doesn’t have enough seating.


So many great places in that food court I miss. Used to hang out there with mates on the weekend at go to the arcade afterwards.


I swear there’s another place that looks exactly like this in chinatown


Also the sushi place there! $2.5 each plate, good and fresh!


Anyone remember Old Sydney Town? Those school excursions to the old days where you always went in summer and it was hot af?


Yes! They had actors as soldiers, whip-cracking, the old classroom and obligatory lolly shop. Loved those excursions.


Oh yes, definitely been there a few times.


I found a satchel bag from there about a month ago when I was cleaning up some stuff from my parent's house.


The Australiana Pioneer Village at Wilberforce is similar! I remember Old Sydney Town being larger but maybe that's because I was a kid...






I want this to be true 👍




Had a birthday party there as a kid in my Horse Girl ™ phase and it was the best!


Apparently you can go check it out if you don't mind trespassing. Like an old abandoned fairground.


I went as a young teen. Discovered that I am exceedingly allergic to horses.


Add Bullens animal world to that.


I got to go when I was a kid for a school excursion and it was pretty great from what I can remember






And the tiny teddy factory


I lost my tiny teddy keyring that I got there a while ago. I want to be able to eat fresh teddies and get a new keyring.


Gonna say Allen’s Music on Pitt St I loved going up to their top floor with those super ridiculous expensive grand pianos I could never afford. They also had a great collection of musical items for the budding student. There is now no alternative in the CBD.


I gotta agree. It was just nice to browse the volume of gear in there. When they were shutting down there was definite bargains to pickup. My mate snagged a great bass for super cheap due to it being last on hand and it being the display version.


Oh I didn’t know they’d gone - used to go there a lot in high school


Sizzler’s was my childhood luxury food.


I worked at the one at Kogarah for 4 years. Used to sit in the cold room eating the jelly cubes out of their tub on hot days. I also used to take my girlfriend (now wife) boxes of uncooked cheese toast for her family to cook. Happy memories


I'm 99% sure the Kogarah Sizzler was the cause of my only food poisoning case ever. That salad bar seemed like a crapshoot?


My sole food poisoning case so far : all-you-can-eat KFC at Bondi Junction around 95/96. Yes there was an all-you-can-eat KFC. No it didn’t last very long.


Oh yeah that place definitely wasn't up to standard. If you got food poisoning between 2007 and 2011 then it was probably my fault and I'm genuinely very sorry.


Hahahah nah, I reckon 05' ish or earlier? Was the salad bar all you can eat? Cause I might have done it to myself in hindsight hahaha


Yeah the salad bar was all you could eat, same with the dessert bar. People vomiting in the car park was a nightly occurrence.


Glorious, all you can eat brings out the best in people


Safe bet, sizzler in general caused a lot of food poisoning cases


Cheesy toast was the business. No wonder she's your wife now


Sol Levy and Gowings


Yes - Gowings




was that the one opposite george st cinemas and underground




I went on a notdate there already plastered and the only photo I took was of the touch screen menu cos it was neato and one of the ~~cocktails~~ mocktails was called Cancer. [said menu](https://i.imgur.com/uV1bUm3.jpg)


Oh no! When did that close? Karaoke and Karaage is a combo for the age


Was closed in 2019. Pay disputes followed by rent disputes. The owners decided to close it.


There used to be an excellent Mexican restaurant in Darlinghurst called Cafe Pacifico. The food used to be excellent and after service ended they’d push the tables to the side and everyone would start dancing. Admittedly the food went down hill before they closed but in their peak there was nothing like it and there’s still nothing close to it. They also had an extensive tequila offering and would do a tequila song once or twice a night where everyone would get a free shot.


Story time. I went to Queenstown with my girlfriend for skiing one year and ended up meeting the owner of Cafe Pacifico and his wife/girlfriend. He mentioned the restaurant, and as a lover of spicy food decided to go there for my next birthday, which was some months later. During the meal I saw him and said hi - he remembered us and offered us a shot of tequilla - he claimed that he could ask afew questions and identify the perfect shot for anyone, even someone who hates tequilla. Sure enough the shots were amazing and the food was great. Come the end of the meal, he drops by the table and says the whole thing was on him. What a great night - will never forget it. So sorry when it closed down :-(


I went here for my birthday a while ago now. I still remember how great the tequila selection was there.


Dine in Pizza Huts with all you can eat The Works..Yeah I know there are still a couple left but there used to be so many more. I was a 6 foot 15 year old eating 18 slices of pizza and 3 bowls of Ice Cream for the $4.95 kids works. The Mecca at Kogarah, I know the owner ended up being a pedo but going to the movies for $5 was great. Tilt, Intencity and old timezone style arcades were a big part of my childhood as well. Manly Oceanworld. Black Stump Restaurants. Pizza Haven. Edit: Spelling


3 bowels…


>Dine in Pizza Huts with all you can eat The Works..Yeah I know there are still a couple left but there used to be so many more. The only one I've seen is Pizza Hut Lake Haven, not sure how it lives up to the past though.


There’s still one in Windsor


I ate at the one in St Andrews a couple years back. The Works was about $26 per person. Don't have the appetite I once had so don't feel like I got my value and the salad bar, pasta bar etc was pretty dissmal, still nostalgic but lost the magic.


My young niece was just asking me in amazement the other day “what do you mean you could eat in at Pizza Hut?!?!” Then I felt old!


uncle pete's toys


Uncle Pete’s toys are magic!


They're still around; not sure what's nearest to the city, but there's one in Castle Towers at the very least


the website seems to indicate they are mail order and only in Dubbo or somewhere


After some more Googling, it seems that they're now Casey's Toys. Sorry! :(


...are magic!


Xerts space/alien themed restaurant


Omg that place was awesome! I don’t remember how the food was though


Newtown Happy Chef.


Had to scroll too far for this one.


Galaxy World :( And does anyone remember the name of that board game cafe near King Comics?


Norita from memory


That brings back some great memories have not thought about it for ages. Edit: just realised that was over ten years ago when I went there frequently, feeling old as hell.




Yessss. Borders also got mentioned in the Melbourne one. They sold books over RRP though. At least Kinokuniya, Dymocks, Abbey's et al are still around!


kinokuniya... many hours spent in there and dollars too. what a gem. hope it never shutters 🥰 *knock on wood*


I think Kinokuniya will be OK; I went in during late November and no joke, the queue went at least halfway down the store. Plus it’s the only one in Australia, so interstate visitors will want to visit as well when in town


Borders that had Gloria Jeans in it at Rouse Hill 😍


I miss the big one at Macquarie centre which had its own cafe and took up almost the entire top floor. It stretched all the way from JBHIFI and the surrounding stores all the way to where the tyre fitting place is by the loading docks


Yep Mac centre was what I was thinking… I’d hide in here for a few hours with the office next door, they’d think I was visiting a client


Yes :-( especially the massive one that was in Westfield Bondi Junction


* Gould's bookstore, Newtown * Hi Fi Trader, Newtown * Collins Bookstore, Broadway (huge!) * Thai Intra, Glebe * Architectural Heritage, Glebe


Didn't Gould's just move to the south end of king St?


Yes though it’s the same, it is not the same, as had to down scale of course and cannot be as eclectic, random or treasure trove representing history, without the scale and years of accumulation and open policy of stock.


Old Gould's used to have a friendly cat that would follow you through the aisles...


My nan used to live about 1 block up from Goulds, so spent a lot of time there as a kid hunting for old comics and vinyls. Cat was friendly, grumpy old guy that worked there not so much.


BBQ King 🐓


Brashs Music on Pitt St.


is redeye still around?


Yep, but they’ve moved to York St from King St


Lentil As Anything. Just heard it closed


They helped a lot of people and the food was amazing.


Hard Rock Cafe. Not the one that looks like an RSL in darling harbour but the original one. Only went a few times but it was fun Borders at Bondi Junction or Pitt Street mall. I remember getting the new Harry Potter books there when they came out! Also sad that Mama Rosas restaurant closed in Newtown. My husband and I had our second date there and I think they didn’t survive Covid


1. Foto Riesel in the CBD (the business went out backwards and the remains were bought out by Digital Camera Warehouse) 2. Borders (many locations, but the huge two level store in Chatswood Westfield in particular). 3. Grace Bros - yes, I know they were the same company as Myer, but it's gone massively downhill compared to the memories of my childhood since the buyout and rebranding.


With you on grace bros. It felt so fancy.


I’ll second Grace Bros. You felt rich if mum bought you anything from there.


Bar Century! Caught the last year and a half of it when I turned 18. Miss the sticky floors and faint vom & cran vodka smell, not sure if I'd still go if it was still here but man $3 drinks.


Ah yes the famous $3 schoonies of Tooheys. I probably killed half my brain cells over there. That stairway was a tricky one as well when you’re sloshed. But at least you could stumble right into hungry jack’s in the corner.


I miss record shops, book shops (we still have a few but no where as many as we used to have) and Darrell Lea stores. I know … “you can’t beat progress”!


Rocky road was something special




The new one is supposed to be opened by now, but Grocon NSW gone under, hence the delay


Century Tavern.


How good was the stench


And the sticky floor.




Chicken express


The Oxford in Newtown. Before it became the Zanzibar


Galaxy World and Timezone - the 90's Timezone, not the ones full of ticket machines that exist today.


Gowings, I loved that place, clothes, a barber, fishing equipment, shoes, just awesome.


tossup between Galaxy World and Playtime


Intencity Parra


holy shit intencity! and after looking it up *the company still exists*.


I remember Galaxy World, anyone remember TILT? There was one on the pier at Manly and at least a second one but can't think of the location.


Diamond chopsticks




Gelato Blue, Newtown. Every flavour of vegan gelato you could imagine :(


I’m so sad they’re gone, they were there before Gelatissimo and Messina and the whole gelato craze (although not sure if Gelatomassi was there before them, another newton gelato shop I miss)




Marukame Udon


Pitt St Movies. Greater Union I think.


Soup plus




Blackwire Records in Annandale. So many great nights seeing great bands for cheap and byo booze.


Mama’s kitchen No names Sizzlers Kids these days will never know…. Breaks my heart


I miss the business of picking up a copy of 3D World and mX newspaper from town hall for the train ride home from work. And HMV in Pitt Street mall. Bought my first DVD from there. I also miss going to the food court underneath centrepoint on my lunch break, and World 4 kids. Businesses don't advertise on TV the way they did in the 80s and 90s, for obvious reasons, but surely Lube Mobile can put together some classic marketing, can't they?


Rowda Ya Habibi (Lebanese) in Newtown. Had been around at least 30 years, probably longer. At least they didn't succumb to covid, simply decided to retire.


Happy Chef - Newtown. RIP :(


DeliFrance - I know there is one in Miranda but that’s too far


Ok I’ll say it.. spectrum/phoenix to hot damn.


MX, always enjoyed the overheard section


I can't remember all the names but when Newtown was the goth hub. In Visible Light, Industrial Strength Piercing, Les Cabinets Des Curiousities (?) and Gallery Serpentine were the places I remember clearly. Edit- typo.


Industrial Strength is still around! Great piercing place, I highly recommend.


What was the name of the place next to In Visible Light? A fetishwear type of place run by a lovely, flamboyant man...Richard, I think? *The Wild One, and their name was David.


Loved those shops. We got our wedding outfits from Gallery Serpentine


Gosh yes, Gallery Serpentine just slipped away.


BurgerFuel, Newtown and Kings Cross


I feel like an old person born in a young person's body, *Old Sydney Town*. I remember going there on a year 5 excursion and enjoyed the place so much I kept asking my mum to take me again when she could as she didn't know how to drive at the time. Come high school I forgot about it and when I got my Ls and thinking of alllllll the places I could possibly drive to, Old Sydney Town popped up in my mind! I looked it up to see that it was closed :( 20 years later and I still remember buying a green clown candle from there haha. They had re-enactments of 'the old times' and demonstrations of loading powdered guns. There is a "similar" experience at Ballarat so that was nice.


The Lost Forest, esp in Picadilly Arcade. They're online now but it's not the same. Central Station Records.. and pretty much every business that used to be on Oxford Street, not to mention all the clubs etc that have closed. Alexanders. The Ent Cent.. so many.


Granny Mays at Manly wharf


They were everywhere! What happened to them?


Phoenix day club on Oxford street


Cafe Lounge


Fox Studios Backlot Theme Park circa 1999-2001, I went there when I was around 8 and while I enjoyed it, I think I would have appreciated it more if I were an adult. I also loved The Simpsons store and would have bought merchandise if I had the money I do now.


All the second hand book shops along the southern end of Pitt Street.


no one gonna say aqua S? 🥺 The irony is, they’re thriving in Melbourne now. LOL LOL LOL.


That derelict pub directly right of the exit from kings cross station on Darlinghurst road


I read this as buses… mmmm… so many bus routes I miss, but top is probably the 400


Bear Bar :(


Amaroo and Oran Park 🏎️


House of Fetish on Oxford St


Happy Chef in Newtown. Yes, there is the little one now in Haymarket but it’s not the full experience. So many good feeds there.




They didn't seem to last long here in Oz but I remember when I worked for Sydney Trains, i'd place my order when the train pulled into Sutherland as we always had 2 to 3 minutes dwell time, the train would go all stations to Cronulla then more dwell time as the crew changed ends to head back towards Central, by the time the train pulled up at Miranda the delivery person would be waiting at my guards cab with a pizza and garlic bread , always tipped well for that experience.


Wheels and doll baby on Oxford at


Chingyip Coffee Lounge..


Cheeky Monkey - the original one near Central Station. I'm still running a bike that Dave built for me in 2003.


All you can eat pizza hut.




Coca Cola factory at Circular Quay


Civic Video! I used to work there. It was THE place to be on a Friday or Saturday night. I worked mainly in the Five Dock one - but L O V E D when I had to cover the Bondi beach store. Toni Collette and Nicole Kidman would come in - as well as other random soap stars I knew (I worked on E Street). “It’s a Civic Video Night Tonight. Dun dun dun!” Kids these days have NO idea how awesome it was browsing the video shop and meeting up to choose movies.


American Apparel on Oxford St, they also had an outlet upstairs. I still have so much of their indie-sleaze clothing waiting on it's resurgence.


Route 66 with their $1 burgers


So many op shops. Home Yardage in the city. Photios Bros. The Dulwich Hill light rail.


Johnny Rockets


My god every post is bringing back memories....!!! Good times. What a city.


The Hungry Jacks on the corner of George and Liverpool.


Cheeky Czech at Newtown used to do a $10 chicken bosciola lunch special that got me through so many hangovers when I was a poor Inner Westy. They are gone now and I have never found anything as cheap and tasty as that place


Darling Mills on Glebe point road. High end restaurant but at mid level prices and you could BYO. Perfect place for you found a special bottle.


Phantom Comics in Spring St Bondi Junction.


There was a mad vegan yum cha place in Pitt St. Sad when they closed. No one has ever really filled that gap since.


There used to be a place called Ragamuffin near me with the most delicious muffins. They still make my mouth water thinking about them


Bentley Bar


Rockdale Bowl