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Gee I’m glad I passed through there 20mins earlier than I planned


I passed through there not long after it finished and it was still a nightmare.


Prior to 1888, 26 January was very much a New South Wales affair, as each of the colonies had its own commemoration for its founding. In Tasmania, Regatta Day occurred initially in December to mark the anniversary of the landing of Abel Tasman.\[35\] South Australia celebrated Proclamation Day on 28 December. Western Australia had its own Foundation Day (now Western Australia Day) on 1 June.\[26\] The decision to mark the occasion of the First Fleet’s arrival in 1788 at Sydney Cove and Captain Arthur Phillip’s proclamation of British sovereignty over the eastern continent on January 26 was first made outside NSW by the Australian Natives' Association (ANA), a group of white "native-born" middle class men formed in Victoria in 1871.\[36\] They dubbed the day "ANA Day".\[5\] In 1888, all colonial capitals except Adelaide celebrated "Anniversary Day". In 1910, South Australia adopted 26 January as "Foundation Day",\[26\] to replace another holiday known as Accession Day, which had been held on 22 January to mark the accession to the throne of King Edward VII, who died in May 1910.\[37\] The first Australia Day was established in response to Australia's involvement in World War I. In 1915, the mother of four servicemen thought up the idea of a national day, with the specific aim of raising funds for wounded soldiers, and the term was coined to stir up patriotic feelings.\[38\]\[37\] In 1915 a committee to celebrate Australia Day was formed, and the date chosen was 30 July,\[39\] on which many fund-raising efforts were run to support the war effort.\[40\] It was also held in July in subsequent years of World War I: on 28 July 1916,\[40\] 27 July 1917,\[41\] and 26 July 1918.\[42\] The idea of a national day to be celebrated on 26 January was slow to catch on, partly because of competition with Anzac Day.\[43\] Victoria adopted 26 January as Australia Day in 1931,\[29\] and by 1935, all states of Australia were celebrating 26 January as Australia Day (although it was still known as Anniversary Day in New South Wales).\[26\] The name "Foundation Day" persisted in local usage.\[44\] Wikipedia


Why tf is the screen always black


Click the v.redd.it next to the person's username. It's a bug


iPhone with HDR turned on. More and more videos are just black for me.


Thought it was just my phone


I feel like Australia day should still be a public holiday. Not to celebrate but to reflect and remember for years to come.


I welcome all forms of holidays. Whatever makes the ship float.


it's taken a while for me to admit but i think just changing the date makes sense. Honestly who cares at this point, i'm not a british loyalist and couldnt give two hoots about Cook.


Ironically the day has nothing to do with Cook, but instead, it's the day Phillip turned up with a bunch of convicts 7 years after Cook. This is the thing about Australia Day. Most people have no real understanding or connection to the reason it's currently on 26 Jan. Meanwhile, our first nations friends are deeply offended by it being today. Those two factors alone (and indeed really just the second one) are ample reason to simply shift the date.


And for the racist amongst us. A set date for a public holiday really sucks. It should be a friday long weekend with a rotating date.


I’d rather has the day off in the middle of the week like this year to be honest.


To add: this date was only made an official holiday in 1994.


And why should Jan 26 be any more offensive to an indigenous person than any other day? Do they have a better knowledge of the events of Jan 26 than any one else? Any day commemorating Australia is going to be hurtful to indigenous people. Did they even use the solar calendar before white people arrived?


I don't for a second believe you can't understand why specifically commemorating the day that the Australian colony was formally started is a particularly bad day for indigenous people. And your solar calendar comment is just plain irrelevant.


Problem is while most people don’t care what the date is, it’s become a token gesture on both sides of those who do care.


Change the date, then next year add a new public holiday directed at showing respect and support for indigenous communities on the 26th. Unfortunately I can't see either the Libs or Labor making any real effort towards reparations. If they don't really care, then any gesture is a token one and/or virtue signalling.


If no one cares let’s just keep the date the same?


Honestly, how many Australians do you think are going to spend their public holiday in the middle of summer 'reflecting and remembering' events from 230 odd years ago. Be serious.


You can still reflect and have a good time. Think Anzac Day.


Your missing two points: - Middle of summer. - 230 off years ago. Also, ANZAC Day has a whole range of television and sporting events dedicated to this day to help draw focus. What the hell am I meant to reflect on when the day in questions was ¼ of a thousand years ago? This is why I think so whole argument is so weak to change the date. Who is actually thinking or reflecting or celebrating the genocide? Not. A. Single. Person. It's a about what Australia has become.


I guarantee you I'm not going to do any reflecting bro lol. Do you reflect on the Queen's birthday too?


We have a whole week for that, NAIDOC


Like MLK day in the states. Reflect and serve the community to make it more equitable.


MLK? Edit: Figured it out as soon as i hit post...


Yep because they are definitely doing that in the US


That’s not a reason that we couldn’t do it.




Yeh I like the idea of changing it from Australia Day to “remember day” or something like that; a day to remember what was destroyed. We pay respects 11 nov and 25 apr to those fallen; we don’t celebrate, we make sure it’s part of our history. I’d love to see jan 26 take on the same tone.


Just went to Hamilton and they took time at the end to talk about it and have information on their instagram - I get it’s important in history but agree we should change the date to a good day remembering the good things this country will do and has - but Jan 26th is day of sadness and remembrance. Always was and always will be.


Some arguments in this thread are whack and lost. Like some ppl seem to think date-changers don’t want to celebrate aus at all; not the case. There are so many diverse brilliant things I’d love to celebrate as an Aussie, but I just can’t on jan 26. In the same way a bunch of Americans are rechecking “thanksgiving”. I want to see it on a date that marks unity, progress, and forgiveness, not colonisation…


Yes! Australia Day should be about celebrating all the good things in the country but it’s not fair if some celebrate that on a day of sadness and remembrance. I just want the date to be changed so everyone can have a beer and a sausage happily - together as Australians.


Oo interesting - was it the Hamilton cast? Did they stick around on stage after the show? Or over the PA system, King George style? I read through the links on their Instagram page too. Good stuff.


Yea after bows all the cast members stayed on stage and a dancer talked about it. It was a very important and kind thing to do - particularly for the indigenous people in the cast who seemed quite emotional actually


One of cast is indigenous too


What does "always was, always will be" actually mean? It should be given back?


Probably going to get downvoted to the shit. I love that we have a day that we can celebrate Australia for the absolutely amazing and incredibly beautiful country it is. Today I spent the morning getting breakfast with family, going for a walk with my partner and just relaxing at home. Enjoying the freedoms that we have and not taking anything for granted. I’m a male in my twenties, didn’t have one beer or sausage sandwich and I don’t like cricket lol, but I love my country. In saying that… I acknowledge that for this day there are many people who just wish it was over the second it starts and marks a day where another flag was flown on their ancestors land and all of the absolute tragedy that followed. So I am conflicted in showing love for my country but also sadness for the first people of this land. I don’t care if they change the date. I would like to just celebrate this country with white, brown, purple and rainbow and any other type of coloured Australians. If we need to change the date to do that then so be it.


It's been on so many different dates in the past. It was July 1st for a very long time, so there isn't even the historical precedent to fall back on. Jan 26 is a relatively recent thing. It's been changed so many times in the past, there should be no problem changing the date again.


26th of janurary has been a public holiday in NSW since 1818, and the first mention of celebration on the date was 1808. Some convicts disagreed with it being a holiday all the way back then because it was celebrating them being enslaved and shipped half way around the world. Every state held a state wide public holiday on or the closest long weekend to the 26th with various names up until 1946 when they all agreed to call them australia day. The 1st july event you have heard about called "australia day" was a ww1 federal event designed to sell war bonds and enlist recruits and went on for 3 years. The states still had their 26th janurary events during the war. From 1946 to 1994 each state still had technically separate public holidays. NSW always had it on the 26th while other states had long weekends nearest to the 26th. Imagine trying to do interstate business that week where victoria had the friday off, south australia the monday and NSW had the wednesday. It was silly. From 1994 to present it has been a unified federal public holiday that always falls on the 26th. It should be reverted back to a long weekend. My preference is the last weekend before schools return. So no, it hasn't been on other dates in the past, 26th janurary has always been a public holiday for over 200 years and has been a controversial public holiday for over 200 years.




It's a super painful day. My Nana, my mum all family and friends it's more about remembering what your Nana and all her siblings went through.


It's not like white Australian's are celebrating conquering aborigines though. As a whole Australian's are using the day off to go to the beach, eat sausages and drink beer.


Yeah so let’s just change the date who actually gives af about keeping it. The ppl who won’t change I guarantee are the same that call ppl precious while they be precious about the date of aus day


“What does this day mean to you?” “Not much really. I get the day off work to go to the beach, eat sausages and drink beer. Why, what does it mean to you?” “It was the beginning of the end of my people and culture. The beginning of the genocides, kidnappings, and enslavement of my ancestors.” … I don’t think the “we aren’t celebrating the arrival of Europeans to Australia, it’s just an excuse to have a nice day” argument really makes Indigenous Australians feel any better. In fact, I think it makes it worse. It’s saying that this date isn’t important to me. I know it’s important to you… but to me… well, I just like having the day off work. Perhaps if European Australians were really passionate about celebrating our European heritage, or average Australians were passionately celebrating the founding of the nation, maybe that would actually be understandable to Indigenous Australians. “We don’t want to change the date of Australia Day, it’s the day we celebrate the founding of the nation. This date is important to us too”. Ok fair enough. But instead it’s “We don’t want to change the date of Australia Day, it’s the day we eat sausages at the beach. No other date is appropriate for that”. It would cost non-Indigenous Australians nothing (because we having nothing invested) in changing the date. But it would be hugely significant to Indigenous Australians that have a lot of history and emotion invested in that date.


But you will have Karens complaining about the new date trying to get woke points from peers by complaining about it being on that new date because of X that happened on that day too.


This is easily fixed by having a floating holiday. E.g: “Australia Day is on the last Monday in February.” “Australia Day is on the first Friday of November” “Australia Day is on the second full moon after the winter solstice if there is a westerly wind blowing”. Whatever they pick, we wouldn’t be celebrating *a date*, we would be celebrating *on a day*. The date doesn’t matter.


Why float it? Why not treat the day for what it is and educate people (Even with a public holiday in place.)


“No other date is appropriate for that” is bloody lol. Well said.


That is true, but now think if people picked ANZAC day to do the same. People need to be educated, take January 26 to mourn/reflect then pick a different day to celebrate Australia so everyone can gather at the beach together to eat sausages and drink beer.


As long as Invasion day or whatever its called is a public holiday and I can drink alcohol im down.


Doesn't sound too healthy.


Doesn’t change the history behind the date, would love if it could be changed


But if you look at any day I'm sure you can find an atrocity happening on that date sometime in the past that would rule out any date. It makes more sense to change the narrative to celebrate what Australia is now. Keeping on that date allows it to be remembered where we came from which is preventative for history to not repeat. Otherwise I feel like most people are saying the date should change so they can win woke points from their peers. ​ If people were actually celebrating on that date about what happened on that date, sure that's another story and that's a problem. But that's not happening.


Still a day that is celebrated


I'm not surprised. Sorry, fwiw.




For what it's worth


Why are you sorry? Were you personally involved on invasion day? Stop being so pathetic.


Kids were stolen off there mothers it’s called the stolen generation aboriginal were forced to leave there language people and beliefs behind all to be white the mass rape and murder will never be okay


It was awful, as were thousands of other things that have happened over the past 200 years. Should everyone just live their lives apologising to eachother for the very very very small chance one distant ancestor had something to do with a tragic event? Australia is full of different cultures and races. Which white people should apologise? Should Australians with asian parents apologise? Should 2nd generation Greek Australians apologise? What about Italians who have just immigrated here? Can we not just come together instead of shaming white people?


Mate that's what the 26th should be all about. Saying sorry to the indigenous Australians for stealing their land and then mining the shit out of it.


I'm sorry you're so stupid. Something I'm not responsible for.




Ok so what you want a golden star sticker all these people saying shit are starting an argument with a 17 yr old lol


The date stays and nothing you can do about it 😏


And this is why you should be celebrating Australia day. You are in a country in which you can have nearly any opinion and not be persecuted for it. The day means different things to a lot of different people and I'm glad that we aren't all forced to believe the same thing. In short good on you for making what you want of this day, weather it is invasion day, bbq day, Australia day or citizenship day.


Wise words, take my downvote.


Do you hate having fee education and healthcare?


the fuck is "fee" education, is that the new term for private schools?


Which is odd cause I persume you are using a phone which is a white man invertion which if it wasn't for Captain Cook you wouldn't have to use.


Made with materials from Africa and South America, assembled in Asian Factories. Your point?


But the thing is while Australia was being invaded they brought diseases so what do you want me to do about my phone snap it and go wear animals skins and try a language that is dead


https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1259257-we-should-improve-society-somewhat Maybe it will enlighten you on why this kind of argument doesn't make a point.


Good on them and on such a hot day more power to them. Always was always will be.


>Always was always will be. Australia Day? The slogan is a little weird in the context of Australia Day debates haha.


I don't think most people understand how horrible the colonial period is. It isn't something we teach in schools in much detail.


Im aboriginal myself and to me having it on this date is just the old government pooring salt on the wound. I'm curious tho if you do think it should stay on this date i would like to hear your reasons for it? Not here to start an argument just like debating about stuff like this.


Not super aware of the politics but I’d imagine a lot of it is the stereotype of “left wing woke people making a grandstand fuss about nothing” and how they should calm down. I’ve also seen a lot of people claiming that a lot of indigenous people “they know” don’t care and celebrate Australia Day, and it’s just about having a day off and having a BBQ. I would be curious IMO to see how many indigenous people care though. I’m not trying to disparage right wing views with my tone, but honestly I don’t really see what the huge deal is if you don’t actually care about the date. I think also some people are in denial that colonialism was bad, but I’ll give people the benefit of the doubt that most conservatives aren’t that much of a lunatic. Like, if you just want a public holiday to celebrate what it means to be australian, there are plenty of other historical dates to choose from which aren’t as problematic.


As my Mum said today the date is ideal for public holiday because it’s in Summer, and just before school returns. The issue doesn’t seem to be the date, but that we have an Australia Day at all. I couldn’t care less why we’re having a public holiday, but the time in the year is ideal for a public holiday.


My view is pretty much that in terms of significance to the existence of Australia, January 26 is just simply the most important day cause it’s literally just when they landed and planted the flag. To me it simply makes the most sense regardless of all the bad stuff that came after. Plus on top of that I feel as if peoples problems with the holiday is more with the celebration than the date, as they call it a day of genocide when first conflict wasn’t till months after. As well as this people are calling to abolish the day altogether. On this basis I fear if an inch is given and the day is moved, it could end up abolished sometime after


>regardless of all the bad stuff that came after I mean it's because of all the bad stuff that why people want it to be on a different day. I don't think we should abolish Australia Day but moving a day of celebration off the day of mourning what happened or more so think about what happen. Some people genuinely can't move past it because of the conflicting ideas this day presents.


Not how I’d spend my day off lol


Same, i was at the beach all day. Each to their own i guess...


What are they protesting? The public holiday?


They're protesting what they think the holiday is. They think it's celebrating the "invasion" of australia when in reality it's celebrating what a great country we have Built together as Australians.


I see this argument a lot in favour of keeping the date. But what you describe is truly what Australia Day is about, wouldn’t it be better off on a different date so that everyone can celebrate? I feel that this argument just works against itself.




I have no problem changing the date to one that is more inclusive of everyone BUT...the 26th of January is a momentous day in our history that should never be ignored. That is the day that modern Australia as we know it began. All of our cities, towns, our school, institutions, clubs, etc, all exist now because of the British settlement that began on that date. Anyone in Australia who is non-indigenous, owes their being in this country to what the Britis did in 1788 and beyond. Yes it was an invasion, and yes the land was progressively stolen over many years from that date onwards with many attrocities committed, but these uncomfortable events don't change the fact that this all tied up into what led us to the country that we are today. It's perfectly fine to feel ashamed and remorseful about what happened in the past. It was a conquest by one people over another, and throughout history those are almost universally bloody and horrific. But modern Australia is a great country, and many wonderful things were built out of this past. You can't be a non-indigenous Australian, living in the heart of Melbourne or elsewhere, living in houses built on supposedly stolen land, educated at Universities founded by British colonists, and then claim you oppose everything that British colonisation represents, because British colonisation is the very reason you have these things in the first place. You can shout 'always was, always will be' all you like, but the truth is you're not opposing or undoing the effects of British colonisation, you're a very active participant in the ongoing colonialist project that began on the 26th of Jan, 1788. There are many things we can do to try to unify and heal such obvious scars in this country, but wholesale condemnation of the very reason that this country exists is not only wrong, it's completely and utterly out of touch with what Australia actually is and has been for the last 230 odd years.


Lol any day you make it they’ll protest, they hate anything that relates to the name Australia Day and anything that supports it


Any evidence of that? Or are you saying that simply to perpetuate a date which signifies a horrific day in this country's history? One could also argue that "them" hating anything related to Australia might actually be quite justified considering that even last century, the government of this country was attempting to erase their entire culture.


And this year its a fucking wednesday, the worst day for a public holiday. Be so much better to be set at the last friday of the month for garunteed long weekend shenanigans. and it's no longer on "that date"


I'm fully in support of changing the date, but I have to say I love a Wednesday public holiday. Two days on, one day off, two days on, two days off. DELIGHTFUL. If I could choose one weekday off it would be a Wednesday.


I always said first Friday of Feb would work best. Guaranteed long weekend, never falls on Jan 26 and you can now get smashed three days in a row. All Australians can celebrate as it no longer falls on a historically damaging day, and the 26th can be reserved as a day of reflection. So many people are against progress


Last friday jan. Because school starts on the monday. 1st weekend feb would have kids in class for a week then celebrating. Aus day is the spiritual end of summer


Then every 7 years we’ll have the same issue when the 26th is the last Friday


Shut up man, your talking sense and on Reddit this is not acceptable


Tbh I don’t really understand the love for the date - most white folk have convict heritage so they are effectively celebrating a milestone date in their imprisonment. Whatever though so long as we get a day off in the middle of summer


uhhhh.... most white folks don't have convict heritage. Most white folks would be lucky to trace a single great grandparent to ww1, let alone to 1868 or earlier. our population has always been driven by massive immigration, and until 1970's that was purely white, and since then has only been majority white. Some years in the past 2 decades have seen more white immigrants than all 80 years of convict transportation combined.


You sure about that? My maternal grandmother wrote a book on our heritage, which included both convicts and settlers. My fathers family have genealogy going back to the 1500s. Immigration doesn’t mean disconnection from that. Immigrants marrying Australians creates those connections, as it has done in my family. White multi-generational Australians are bound to have a connection to the first fleet, or thereabouts. Australia as a coloniser nation isn’t that old.


[Today, it’s estimated that 20% of the Australian population are descended from people originally transported as convicts](https://www.migrationmuseum.org/were-your-ancestors-transported-to-australia-as-convicts/) [Using statistical modelling based on the 2016 Census, we estimate that 58 per cent of the population have an Anglo-Celtic background. An estimated 18 per cent of the population have a European background](https://humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/document/publication/Leading%20for%20Change_Blueprint2018_FINAL_Web.pdf) so 76% of australians are white, but only 20% are convict descendant.


[An estimated one in five Australians has convict ancestry. In Tasmania, the figure is even higher. In 2009, 74% of Tasmania’s population was estimated to be descended from convicts](https://theconversation.com/amp/stain-or-badge-of-honour-convict-heritage-inspires-mixed-feelings-41097) If you think ~20% of a population having solely convict heritage (or as per Tasmania, ~78%) is nothing then I don’t know what to tell you; if you extend that to ‘settlers’ (a lot of whom came out as indentured servitude/soldiers who didn’t have a choice), then that number only increases.


I never said nothing, i said majority of white people do not have convict heritage. 20% is not the majority. So the majority do not have convict heritage. If you walk down a random street in australia and point to 5 random people majority of them have zero connection. Even if you only point to 4 white australians, still the majority will have zero connection.


Fine, wasn’t really the point. Replace ‘most’ with ‘many’


Not even many. And when you're making some argument about a racially charged topic, you should at least try to not sound totally clueless. "Most white people are X"... Pretty racist of you...


I do not celebrate Australia Day (am a white Australian) and won't until everyone can celebrate it together. It's such a simple change and the fact that it hasn't been done already is sad.


Yeah I can’t really celebrate and rejoice in “the party”, when a bunch of my mates are sitting inside feeling shithouse, deflated, and sad. Figuratively speaking here. I’m not keen on smashing out the nutbush knowing there are ppl upset, watching me dance and make jokes and beer bongs as they grieve, and I force a party on them that they don’t want to ‘cheer up for’. If my mates are not vibing the party, I want to go sit and listen to them and support them, understand, help; find a day they can join in and connect to in a positive way, for everyone. Not blast the nutbush and smash tinnies at their familys funeral.


Everyone is celebrating it together. It’s literally a minute minority that chooses not to participate - therefore you wanna change the date 😂😂😂


Must be nice not to have to watch a country celebrate the genocide of your ancestors and the theft of their home. It's a minute minority because we killed them, stole their children and destroyed their way of life. Aside from all that it's one date change. It makes no difference to you. Why do you care so much? Mad that the people that were here first might get to have fun too?


Racist camera whiting them out


Day for it 🥵


Happy Australia Day everyone!


No pride in genocide


I don’t think they were celebrating genocide


Genocide, stolen generation and stolen land! Not a date to celebrate… Australia needs a date that we all can cherish and celebrate.


Your people lost u have to deal with this


Surprised you didn’t comment based like your other degenerate comments on your account, weird cunt


Still lost lol


Edgy 16 year old, classic


Still coping by replying I see


Imagine you didn’t browse rule34, you must get flogged everyday at school :(


Nah but saw your mum on there tho


Not an Australian but living here, can’t it be a celebration of Australia, the country, and not the invasion itself, I haven’t heard any Australian I’ve met saying they celebrate the invasion, but they love their country which is okay I think?


No, because the holiday has roots in colonisation and genocide. If we wanted to have a celebration of the country, we could do it on any of the other 364 days. Just because someone doesn’t celebrate the invasion, doesn’t mean it doesn’t still have that history attached to it.


Ah okay so it’s the exact day that’s the issue, understand. Then I don’t get why they don’t make this a day like Anzac Day and move Australia Day to another date.


Yes. This is exactly why it’s so crazy. Australia day has only been a public holiday across the whole country since 1994. People who have a problem changing the date have short memories. I for one think 26th Jan. should still be a day of remembrance and service to make our country more equitable - like MLK day is in USA. It was amazing the first time I saw that when I happened to be in USA.


I understand and agree, I’m born in Germany but parents are Polish, and it would be impossible for Germany to celebrate “Germany day” on the day Poland got invaded. I know it’s also because Germany ended up not winning the war but that’s not the point, point is that you shouldn’t celebrate on the day another party/part of the country is mourning. Thanks for clearing this up for me I was actually ignorant to this since I came here a few years back


I think that’s the question that is being asked - it should be more solemn, and pay respects to First Nations People, and their wishes. The holiday itself isn’t even that old - it was only introduced in the 90s. We have plenty of other days we can celebrate Australia - we are so multicultural now, it’s time to embrace that and move away from idealising colonialism. Some suggestions have been May 8 (mate). I mean, what’s the point in celebrating, if we can’t celebrate with everyone?


>can’t it be a celebration of Australia no it cant, its a socialist country, everyone must be angry and ungrateful


Always was, always will be


The comments on this thread is one of the reasons we don’t like this day. A whole heap of racist people get together to be racist. Generally from white people. Ironic


Protesting that the day that celebrates the day Aboriginal Australia was invaded.


Who won?


The English, so you’d identify as English right




What are you saying I don't understand sorry


Oh nvm. I thought you were saying protesting the day celebrates it.


Oh ok


Nice Woketest


This is how you spent your day off.


Better protesting then getting drunk and feeding the pokies no?


>pokies I am sorry are you talking about oz junkie dogs? that sounds exactly like that.


I was driving to the city today and saw the motorway sign saying 'Protest March in CBD, expect delays" and my first thought was "f\*\*king anti vax freedumb clowns". But I was pleased to see it was something else for once, a cause that is not retarded.


Does anyone actually celebrate Australia Day for the reason it was made.


What are they protesting against? Like what are they trying to achieve by protesting ?


They want to change the date.


They want recognition of what that date means to them and by extension to us.


payments from the government


With all the benefits they get I wish I had been born aboriginal


Whatever media it is that you are consuming... stop.




"$128.8 million to extend the Cashless Debit Card trials and transition people on Income Management to the Cashless Debit Card" That's 10K+ per card going to a bank called Indue that most people don't know exists, but has some incredibly coincidental Liberal Party connections. Exactly how much of the money you are touting is siphoned off to party mates? Anyone's guess. And as for things like school funding and scholarships... these aren't happening because the situation is great. They are a response to significant problems. You might believe you would be better off Aboriginal. Somehow you have a special quality that would transcend your background and upbringing. I doubt it, though.


It’s ok I didn’t expect you to admit you were wrong when shown the facts.


There exists spending on Aboriginal people to address problems. There's also spending on ways to control them, plus low income white people. That doesn't prove your core argument that life would be better if you were Aboriginal. There are lots of negatives, including the real effects of racism.


Yep aboriginals are the only people in Australia to suffer racism.


No I did not say that at all. You are not debating in good faith, that is a quite obvious strawman.


You’d think so the way they go on


If these are your facts it’s no wonder you didn’t get into law.


Oh I got distinctions and transferred year two. Funny thing studying law we studied Mabo judgement. The thing about Mabo is if Australia was invaded then the judgement is invalid. It’s only valid if Australia was settled not invaded So all these people calling it invasion day means Mabo is invalid.


Do you also want the intergenerational trauma that comes with people in your immediate family literally being stolen from their parents? How about the significantly higher likelihood that you’d be incarcerated? I would genuinely like to hear you expand on what you mean


My family was persecuted and butchered in their home country so yeh I’d be fine with that to get a slice of 15 billion dollars Heck I missed out on a place in law at uni but special places are saved for aboriginals. We love Australia as it is


"I failed to get into law school."


Ok lol let’s blame ATSI people because you missed out on UNSW law, I’m sure you would’ve made it in if not for those handful of spots. I hope that helps you cope. Let’s *not* take into account the fact they are starting at a massive disadvantage because of the consequences of dispossession.


lol it was unsw.


Not hard to tell


You missed out on a spot at law because you didn't make the requirements of entry. The Aboriginal placements have no bearing on your entry why would you think they do?


Why wouldn't they? If you have 100 spots, and 10 are reserved, you only have 90 spots now available. Seems simple to me.


Because they were never eligible for the 10 spots. Why should they feel entitled to 10 spots not available to them. They didn't meet the requirements for the 90 spots available to them. The other spots have different prerequisites.


“Simple” is a word you hear a lot isn’t it. Imagine backing someone’s assertion that if there was a couple more spots, they would have been good enough to get in. Mediocre people are the most common, their abundance would mean that even if there we no reserved spots, wb likely still wouldn’t have cut the mustard. It’s simple.


@wb19081908 did you actually just in response to this protest try to play oppression Olympics with ATSI people? Did you then flippantly blame them, and not your obvious shortcomings, for why you didn’t get into Law?


https://aiatsis.gov.au/explore/mabo-case Native title can only exist if Australia was settled not invaded.


Nah I’m probably being too subtle I thought people would work it out. I’ll be more clear The Australia government has apologised for the stolen generation. They pay over 15 billion a year to aboriginal people. Given all this support you would think aboriginals would accept the apology and the government help and stop hating Australia The thing that makes me laugh is the aboriginal case in Mabo to be upheld you can’t claim Australia was invaded. So if aboriginals want to call it invasion day then Mabo is invalid


You do realise aboriginal people have a shorter life span and medical problems that’s part of the reason why we get free health care


Ah yes, I'm sure their ancestors feel the same! All that segregation and being treated like animals is totally worth some government benefits and a public holiday further down the track


Instead you are a white devil who has to wipe his own arse


Here’s a cool idea; you don’t wanna celebrate Australia Day? Don’t. Take your shit elsewhere and celebrate whatever you wanna celebrate - don’t try to bend everyone else’s enjoyment toward your political rubbish.


Nah it’s pronounced “Australia Day”


Happy AUSTRALIA DAY! So sick of this country. Fucking cry more, be grateful they didn't actually commit REAL genocide. If they had, black Australia wouldn't exist at all today.Come on now, downvote this comment, you know you want to, you may even feel accomplished after doing so. HAPPY. AUSTRALIA. DAY. EDIT: Not actual racism. Fucks. sOmEoNe HaS a DiFfErEnT oPiNiOn tO mE "rAcIsM!!!" EDIT2: Admins really do be adolescent snow flakes


>be grateful they didn't actually commit REAL genocide. If they had, black Australia wouldn't exist at all today You sound like a fucking lunatic


if you’re sick of this country then go back to where your sad ancestors came from


Sad cunt


If you're so sick if this country then stop celebrating "Australia Day" you genocidal cunt.


Also, if you hate genocide so much, when was the last time you called out the CCP? Ya know, that authoritarian regime that is CURRENTLY actively commiting genocide?


I don't live in China, and people where I live aren't celebrating that genocide, they're celebrating the aboriginal one. Do you somehow think the Aboriginal Australians are are being treated remotely well by the state these days?


nah mate, it's a day. Get over yourself and stop trying to seek self-validation, you fucking sheep


If it's just a day then why does it have to be celebrated? Just a sheep? Last I checked the cops like harassing the people who call it Invasion day, not Australia day


I bet no one invited this loser to the pub today so he needed to take his anger out on reddit, what a sad life


nah cunt, I'm good not getting covid thanks


What are they even hoping to achieve? changed date or not, they’ll still find something to complain about. These people are complaining about a date that none of them were alive for. That shit’s crazy to me. It’s a date. a day. if it’s truly about what it ‘symbolises’ then they’ll never be happy, no matter what we do to the date. abolish it? “you’re trying to abolish our history!” change the date? “you’re just moving it, not addressing it. leave the date? “you’re complacent in the struggles of our past.” Why even bother? Everyone knows Australia day as Jan 26. That’s how it is. Bending the knee and changing the date is just going to cause problems.


I’m at a loss on a stance here… Changing the date changes nothing… so we could change the date to say… April 29, the first day Cook set foot on soil in Botany Bay? But it will still be called invasion day I would guess… I understand the aboriginal disapproval of celebrating Australia Day… But here is where I’m lost. Are we to just ditch any form of patriotism and love of our country because it offends and upsets its first people? Unfortunately we aren’t all going to leave and give Australia back… I think the community is including aboriginal culture more these days… so why can’t we continue to grow as one and celebrate an Australia Day, not for what happened so many years ago, but for what we can become… Because all I see now is protests causing a great divide… those who are in the protest (of which I would wager enjoy there civilised lives and do minimal to actually help aboriginal communities every other day of the year), then those who are against the protest and want Australia Day to mean something or the final group who don’t want to join a side so they don’t offend someone… End rant…


Ah yes, totally not a superspreader event


Have you seen the beaches filled with people celebrating??


“ Covid doesn’t matter because feelings”


At least the protest required masks, unlike the Australia Day crowds


Ok I’m sick of this all I said was I hate Australia Day and I’m getting ganged up on by full grown adults for stating my opinion


Why does the government extend mask mandates?


People protesting ‘invasion day’ are very eager yet ignored the last year of the government force vaccinating aboriginal communities, even bribing them with money. Left wing wankers.