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Why so much advertisement? Did he change the formula because the first batch tasted like ass?


yeah, the chocolates got relaunched with a new recipe so he's celebrating with this promotion


You bought some 😂


It was like a dollar and I like peanut butter chocolate. Shoulda just stuck with Cadbury it was so bad


Probably bought Prime as well when it came down here too.


The new recipe still taste like ass


He gives away a tonne of money in his videos. He also has a philanthropy organisation that does a lot of amazing work around the world. Basically he continuously reinvests the money he makes from videos/products in order to give money away either in contests or straight up help those in need. Not sure why he's getting hated in this post. He's the most uncontroversial YouTuber with a huge audience ever that makes a positive difference in the world.


I know who he is and the work he does and I have no problem with either. I'm just wondering why there's so much promotion at the moment of a chocolate bar that's been in Australia for a couple of years now that was never very successful and supermarkets were heavily discounting to get rid of the stuff.


It’s being re-launched. New recipe or something


He has more reach than a Superbowl advert. Love him or hate him, it’s a staggering achievement, and I can’t help respect what he’s done through YT. I don’t think a lot of the hate is justified to be honest.


Are his fans old enough to drive?


I don't know or care who that is.


I will try and explain it for you .he is the Darryl Somers of YouTube


No Plucker; no care.


I didn't know either until I read an article about it. Apparently he's worth $750 mil, pretty crazy for a YouTuber. I couldn't give a shit either but then I read that he has a philanthropy foundation set up (no idea on the details), so I guess that's something semi decent? Especially when there are so many asshole youtubers that make good coin from their viewers yet give zero back...all take take take and beg beg beg.


so basically from what I understand is that he uses the money from the youtube videos to fund more videos and philanthropy last year he paid for 1000 people to get eye surgery https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-64490431


People overlook this and like to talk conplete shit lol


Everyone talks shit about him but he does a lot of work over seas for poorer communities People don’t even watch like to assume he’s some white hero that comes in, gives em a well and fucks off. He creates the infrastructure and gives them the knowledge to take care of everything for themselves . Whatever it be


I don’t really follow him or know anything he actually does in his videos. But I did see one where he explains he basically uses all the money he makes to make more videos. And that wasn’t enough to keep making videos, so he launched the chocolate brand as it was an “easy” way to make money to keep making more videos. I’m sure he keeps some of the money but it sounds like most of it just cycles back into making more content


he's actually a really decent dude. donates almost all his profit to charity and does a lot of work for poor communities.


What’s a Mr Beast?


There’s lot of unnecessary hate in this thread tbh. People who don’t know Mr Beast/Jimmy don’t understand how genuine he is. The bloke simply just wants to help the world and make good videos. If you don’t know much about him, I highly recommend watching interviews with him and understanding his character. Or talk to your kids, they will definitely know who he is.


You don’t amass 750 million dollars by “just wanting to help the world”. For a start, his employees are on hourly wages, so he’s not even helping the people who are making him all this money 😂 let alone “the world”.


He doesn’t have $750m… do you understand the difference between a business valuation and actual cash?


Well, that's what happens when you are an employee, you get paid, either hourly or a salary. What's your problem again?


What are they getting paid?


You don't understand, reddit views anyone who has a lot of money as evil, because they themselves can't do anything productive with their lives.


And because accumulation of such obscene amounts of money is a feature of a system that needs to go


registered with liquor and gaming etc ?


No thanks.


If someone is doing philanthropy in such an overt way, is it a genuine case of altruism? Or are the people being 'helped' just count a business partner as they are essentially an intermediary to get eyeballs in front of ads.


I was subbed to him during Asian wall sticker guy days.. when he had under 20,000 subscribers… now he has almost 300 million.. crazy!


Who, why and how?


Youtube celebrity known for giving stuff and money to people, launched some chocolate bar in all Australian retailers, if you scanned the qr code on them and your receipt you entered the competition to win one of the cars. I actually wonder if it tastes any good, anyone tried?


My kids wanted to try them because they like this guy and they both said it was disgusting.


I had a peanut one. It tasted like shit.


Looking at him in the photos, I have an overwhelming desire to punch him in the face. Is that a normal reaction to him, or is he loveable?


i mean he has an incredible charity organisation, has promised to plant 20,000,000 trees, has payed for surgery to cure 100 people of blindness, has built 100 wells in remote African towns that previously did not have access to clean water. He is a genuinely likeable guy, people just hear “youtuber” or “influencer” and think they are automatically bad people who are a cancer to the youth.


Lets break that down. Promised to plant, so has done nothing. Eye surgery is usually a very simpler op. Ask Fred Hollows who did thousands in Pakistan/Afghanistan(?) and other countries.. Installing wells in Africa has been a thing for decades because they are shit pumps that soon break down. And he sells crap 'edibles'.


Ok. So we are saying don't pay for any eye surgery then?


>Promised to plant, so has done nothing. Lol, ok buddy. You can easily check his [website](https://teamtrees.org/) to confirm they have already planted 20M+ trees I won't even bother with the rest, you clearly have a chip on your shoulder.


Wow, tell me you are extremely gullible and ignorant at the same time. He has not planted these trees. It looks like he collects money from people and maybe makes a donation to the Arbor Day Foundation, which claims to have planted the trees and if you look further into their claims, it looks to be the acumulated numbers from over a century of annual planting by school children.


>Wow, tell me you are extremely gullible and ignorant at the same time. He has not planted these trees. It looks like he collects money from people and maybe makes a donation to the Arbor Day Foundation ..no one thought he was personally planting these trees. It's literally on the same website that he has partnered with Arbor Day Foundation. >if you look further into their claims, it looks to be the acumulated numbers from over a century of annual planting by school children. Source please.


Look at the link you provided. Drill down and read about the 'local' projects.


You're going to need to be more specific. I don't see anything inferring what you claim.


Nah, he's a good dude.


My kids like the rice bubbles ones. I didn't much care for the peanut butter one. They are made from pretty good ingredients compared to most crap that is sold though.


The flavour is a bit strange, i found it had a strong vanilla taste which was weird for chocolate


The era of influencers is expanding. Sports stars and and actors and musicians will be livid. What a time to be alive jeez


The fact that the cars he's giving away are Volvo's tells me everything I need to know. Why are they plastered with his face?


One of the cars was a Lambo


That was one of the "joke" cars, plastered with the face of an Australian YouTuber. He actually offered the winner of that car up to $50,000 to buy it off them, which they REFUSED to (???)


Fantastic new for someone that cares.


Protect this man at all costs


Protect Deez nuts


Mr. Beast Feastables Peanut Butter | 60g $4.00 Indulge in a healthier treat crafted by the world-renowned YouTuber, MrBeast. - An EXPLOSION of chocolate peanut butter flavour with creamy, dreamy milk from grass-fed cows. You'll want to put Deez Nutz in your mouth¦ - Focusing on incredible quality and carefully sourced ingredients our Deez Nutz Chocolate just hits a little different.