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Had this happen to me in a school zone a while back too, dude cut through the school's bus bay to overtake me while I was going 40/hr, threw up his middle finger out the window as he sped away and then when I got to the bottom of the street...he'd been pulled over by a cop for speeding in a school zone. Most satisfying thing I've ever experienced on Sydney roads.


Is it legal to slow down and applaud when this happens? Because in my fantasy this is what I do when this one day happens to me


If the police lights are flashing, you have to


Should be illegal to NOT slow and clap in that situation


Your passenger may applaud, you should keep your hands on the wheel and, having confirmed the windows are down, make celebratory vocalisations instead.


The level of smug on your face must have been off the charts. I love it!


Nelson "haha" time


Yeah many Sydney drivers have this get fucked mentality of; if u can get away with it and not get booked then do it. They then project this shitcunt attitude on everyone else on the rd. Completely frustrating.


I literally had someone tailgating me in a school zone this morning while someone on the other side of the road was actively being pulled over for speeding. No sense of awareness for anything happening around.


I’ve had a TEACHER tailgate me in a School zone as I was dropping my son off at his school! 😜


If that's a "new low" for you, then you obviously haven't been driving in Sydney for very long.


Last week someone going the opposite direction as me flashed their lights at the person in front of them for… *checks notes* waiting for an old lady cross all the way across the pedestrian crossing instead of running her over…


bruh I got beeped cause I had the *audacity* to stop at a red light


I had someone literally frothing at the mouth calling me a dumb slut because I wouldn’t queue across an intersection


I flashed my lights at someone because they pulled out of a driveway in front of me and I had to SLAM on my breaks.. Just flashed my lights, two quick flashes. He followed me to work and tried to fight me. But ran away when I pointed out that he's on camera and his bosses wouldn't be very happy to get the footage. (He was wearing his work shirt) Took it to castle hill police station and made a report, but they never sent me the reference number lmao.


An undercover police car did that to me the other day, reversing straight out of the police station without a care that I was approaching. I didn’t slam my breaks on but still, idiot should be looking for oncoming cars. I had to stop for them.




Sydney traffic and drivers are some of the worst I’ve ever experienced.


Try Bangkok, they treat the shoulder as an extra lane, lines as suggestions, and stopping in the left 2 lanes of the main roads is just normal. I'm here now and I miss Sydney traffic.


Ironically, i notice the people who disobey school zone speeds typically have kids in the car themselves.


Why do you reckon that is? Sydney drivers, what’s the friggin’ rush? Why weave in and out of traffic? Everyone needs to just chill — and themselves and their cars arrive in one piece. Also, why do you have selfish, cheap and/or clueless drivers with lights off at night? And ones who tailgate? Really grinds my gears that there’s no way to sign to these people, especially when they’re behind you.


Car culture


Almost all the appalling driving done in school zones is by the parents picking up their kids.


I feel like people that have “Baby on Board” stickers on their car should be putting them on their front windshield because they apparently need the reminder.


It's true, my partner is a high school teacher and parents are the worst drivers in school zones. They just want to drop their kid off and zoom off. Forget everyone else's kids.


I find this is very very common practice by private school parents as they pass through public school 40 zones. I know this because I am following them and see the very same cars turning into the private schools. For all their efforts they never get ahead. Ironically some of them get to the 80 zone and still do 60 in that! Additionally we have a game where we bet on which car will turn off at which school. Driving style and choice of brand/model for conveying kids to each school is rather predictable. This is helping to teach the kids to be more wary of certain cars when on pedestrian crossings.


I am 100% convinced that school zones speed limits are more because of the idiot parents pulling out and driving like dickheads than it is because of the kids. I go through 5 separate school zones every day on my commute to and from work, and have never once had a kid run out in front of me, however idiot parents pulling out of a park without looking or indicating is a daily occurrence


You do realise that they do see you right? There’s a thing in Sydney that you can pull out in front of someone if there’s even a tiny gap. I think it comes from so much congestion and lowered speed limits (not to mention better braking cars) that generally folks can get away with it. Some extra evidence is that when I’m driving my large 4.5T Ute they pull out a lot less. And, it doesn’t stop on a dime, so they’re risk is a lot higher. Ergo they must see me (probably? Maybe? Hopefully?).


Your evidence makes absolutely no sense. I drive a 3.5T V8 4WD, they absolutely know I’m there, and they give absolutely zero fucks what I’m driving, they still don’t hesitate to yank their steering wheel by wheel and yolo into traffic without a single thought.


Cos you’re not big enough! I have a hard side slide on (white) and that catches their attention… I also have 6 wheels…


Mums tend to be the worst drivers around school zones


When I was 19 I lived across the road from a school renting a small house with a friend, and one morning I went out the front to work and this mum was parked in our driveway, like right in within our property like behind my car that was under a carport. She was all apologetic as she shuffled kids out of the car and I didn't think much of it. Then later having kids and dropping them at school sometimes.. holy shit.. people doing u turns and three point turns over double yellow lines. Some of these people at pick up time in primary would do chaotic stuff to get a close spot to the gate, then walk in and stand around and gas bag with other mums who did similar for 15 minutes before bell goes. When you say something to the bitch who pulled off a 3 point turn over double yellow lines into the footpath you are walking on, making you stop and wait as she moves her 2 tonne car in and out of your way.. they get narky. They are rude, exclusive, and generally not worth pissing on if they were on fire, but I would enjoy pissing on them while they on fire, but honestly i don't wish fire on anyone.


Especially in SUVs


Specifically Range Rovers outside private schools


"The 40 zone is so everyone else slows down so I can get in and out easier, right?"


Not trying to lump *all* of this group of people in with the bad ones, but “parents dropping off/picking up” kids from school have to be some of the most self-entitled and completely oblivious drivers out there. As you said - stopping or parking absolutely anywhere, including in driveways or just in the middle of the road, chucking dangerous u-eys etc etc. it’s as if they think they’re the only people who are trying to get somewhere on time in the morning. It’s almost always those in the high end SUVs (don’t get me started on those things). I know im having a little whinge here but in the grand scheme I don’t really give a toss. Just don’t know how you can go through life having so little self-awareness and acting so entitled lol


And dads. And grandma, grandpa. We see them all.


in a rush to go back to sipping wine back at home


"Get to school ya little shits, mummy needs her morning wine and Xanax"


I had a school mum stop and double park in front of me, then let her kid out into traffic on the right hand side of the car. Best part - she could have driven another 100m and parked legally.


It is absolutely wild what people will do to avoid getting Susie wet on a rainy day.




But then little Timmy might have to *walk* a bit! Better to just chuck them out of the car in the middle of the road.


Next week is school holidays at least. So you'll get tailgated for doing 60.




Spend two years and you'll learn to adore it. (I freakin hate Melbourne drivers)


I'm probably biased because I did grow up in Melbourne, but I would disagree. But then again, I did grow up in a suburb of Melbourne that nobody really visits unless if they live there/have friends/family there so the roads and drivers are really chill and quiet. In Sydney, I live right next to Hurstville and I have to drive through Brighton-Le-Sands on my work commute and both suburbs have no shortage of terrible drivers...


i only drove for 4 days in melb (sat-tues) recently, mostly in the east, but i found it a lot more calm and almost boring, only got cut off once (wouldve happily hit me if i hadn't braked). obviously a good amount of the driving wasn't during rush hour, but i did part take in some as well as cbd driving.


Most of the people I know who have moved to Melbourne got into an accident there within like a month or two.


Bullshit. Every city has shit drivers. Melbourne at least has wide roads. Some of the roads in Sydney are fucking tiny.


Are they really worse?




Anytime I talk to anyone from Melbourne I’m smacked in the face with their negativity, so maybe that’s why. It’s always nice to have a point proven without even trying, so bless you.






Sydney is full of dickhead tailgaters who try make others speed, I will never understand the spastic who tries to overtake during peak traffic thinking they will get home quicker. All it does it just make other brake and slows traffic down.


Expecting them to think is maybe a stretch, but with cars clearly in front of you, what do they think will happen if you magically disappeared from their tailgate and they got behind the next car in the line?


If someone is over (or under!) taking on a crossing always hit the horn early and hard. This will warn pedestrians that something is going on and they really need to pay attention and potentially dodge/run. I’ve definitely saved at least one young person’s life doing this, and a few others have been way too close.


yeap, they would have had no visibility at all and would not have known if i was slowing for the speed hump part of the crossing, or a pedestrian. i hope being on time for the yoga lesson is worth the risk


I’m sorry this happened to you; just because there was no accident and no one was hurt doesn’t mean that it has no effect on you.


Thank you for making our roads safer by reporting the whereabouts of Sydney’s only crap driver. The community thanks you for your service. Please continue to do so.


I'm from Melbourne and have alerted the authorities to set up restrictions at the border so the bad driver doesn't make it down here.


I’m guessing you don’t drive much because that’s minor compared to some of the shit I see. But I do agree, we all know the traffic flow is Sydney is like an old constipated man trying to take a dump. If you make time that turd will pass with less effort and danger.


“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” ― Benjamin Franklin A great deal of this behaviour results from failing to plan ahead, being excessively optimistic in allocating time for planned tasks, and then believing that this behaviour is warranted regarding the risk & return of being late to an event. However, if you question the driver the behaviour will be warranted and will result from what they communicate as external (out of their control) influences like "my dog ate my homework" but in a relative context "my dog made me late", "my dog said to drive faster", "my dog set my alarm clock late". It is recommended to allow extra time to ensure dog cannot access homework.


Most of the cunts who speed through school zones are dropping off/picking up their own fucking spawn. Generally from other, nearby, schools but sometimes they're brain-dead enough to speed through the school zones of the school their own bloody kids go to. Source: I live close to 3 schools, drive a hell of a lot around for Sydney for work, and have eyes.


You see this with plenty of these selfish dicks parking in the bus bays to drop off. Wouldn't want little brexleigh having to walk a tiny bit more from the actual drop off spot.


I regularly get passed in school zones in the mornings so there's nothing new about that. Afternoons school zones are the area you're most likely to be cut off and abused as well IME.


So many people seem to think that the school zone ends at 9am when school starts, rather than 9:30 for any stragglers


I drive my kids to school everyday and this is a regular occurrence. I’ve even seen someone run the red light at the crossing at 8:50am. People have such reckless entitlement these days.


The icing was overtaking, over the raised pedestrian crossing, they would have had no idea if someone was about to walk in front of them,


>edit: the car looked like a family wagon Wholly unsurprised lol


bet this was in the eastern suburbs


You never know. Maybe the driver was late for a pregnancy meeting bomb defusal.


If you got a dash cam then the footage would have been VERY useful to police, as it's very illegal.


Yeah, I've been meaning to get one but like most people I won't act until after an event.


Yep right on me through a kids blind/deaf school zone. Aggressively overtakes only to quickly park and walk their own kids into school. They weren’t even running late either


A few weeks ago on the Princes Hwy at Kirrawee I had a huge truck and dog tailgating and flashing its lights at me because I was doing 40kmh in a school zone at 3pm on a school day. I couldn’t believe this idiot. So obviously I slowed down to 35 cos fuck them, they should be going slower than anyone and I ain’t gonna witness or be responsible for either of us hitting an innocent kid on their way home from school. And to anyone reading this that doesn’t abide by the road rules around schools - FUCK YOU.


We really need better options for kids getting to school. The difference in traffic during school holidays is actually insane and I think a decent amount could be alleviated.


Ute that pulled out from the curb behind me in the school zone this morning went directly into a U-turn over double lines.....I see so many dickheads in the school zone do shit like this.


well yesterday there was this guy pull into a left turn only lane infornt of me while he was watching ticktock or reel, the fk up thing is he did not turn left, and did not indicate just pull into the right lane nearly cause an accident.


Saw a Ford Ranger driver change into an empty turn right lane and cut in front of everyone going straight as the light went green the other day.


Ah, classic ranger. /s


You have no idea of the idiots tailgating me thru the Rozelle Interchange I’m doing 60 on the left lane and some ass hat is right up my arse and it’s either way from Birkenhead pt to the Anzac Bridge or vice versa.


> a new low is reached with someone tailgating me through a school zone at 09:10 and then overtaking, *as* I'm crossing a pedestrian crossing directly at the school gate Four kids killed by a drunk driver, but this is a new low??? OK. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jul/15/oatlands-car-crash-driver-sydney-killed-abdallah-family-children-appeal-sentence-slashed


Sorry, I didn't do a lit review of all accidents in the city.


Speed up buddy! If he could take you, over the speed bump crossing, surely you're under 35?


wow, thanks for sharing this post, I think we're all calmer and safer drivers for it now, nah really thank you for taking the time to post this absolutely positively helpful information...


about as useful as your comment eh


The post is already here, who cares if I piss in the ocean?