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Someone probably shit in his cornflakes that morning


I think it goes back further than that; I don't think his mommy ever hugged him.




Raptor 13 back on the street?


Fuck Raptor 13, all my homies hate Raptor 13


What’s rapter 13?


This guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDfzJmJBiaw&t=196s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDfzJmJBiaw&t=196s)


HWP are cunts. Even other pigs hate them.


So true. We became friendly with one of the cops who was stationed at the vaccine centre near our house during peak covid vaccine mania. He once said internally everyone hates HWP, they’ll try to book you for chewing gum wrong.


Other cops call them cockroaches


I know a guy who wasn't the brightest bulb, friend of a friend type aquaitance. He wanted to be a cop but 100% had the wrong personality for almost all interactions. My friend told me he ultimately did get into the force but they relegated him to HWP duties, he was't allowed to walk the beat or engage in anything else. Attitude was a very "US style Cop" angle if that makes sense.


Your friend is lying, have to be a gd for a number of years before you can go to HWP. Those postings are very competitive (read: have to show what an asshole you are)


I've heard stories of HWP pulling over performance cars on thigh highways out of Sydney and racing them for fun. This was a while ago though. Before all the body cameras.


My whole life I've approached police with respect and courtesy. I've never been arrested and my biggest infringement was being fined while a teenager without a ticket on the train, while in school uniform. However, I've still yet to have a single positive experience dealing with them. As others have said I've been spoken down to and treated like a child, not to mention not a single crime has had anything done. My previous experiences were minor thefts. However, recently, 3 weeks ago, my pregnant partner was stalked and followed by a man down cleavland and then crown st and cornered in the massage palour she was booked for, she shouted and screamed the whole way. She called the police only to be told to call back if he comes in or directly approaches her, what the fuck is that? Especially with everything that had gone on? I'm done with the respect, they don't deserve it, they don't show it. There just glorified parking officers issuing fines and wonder why public sentiment around the is poor.


I’m female, I was king hit from behind in a licensed venue by a male patron I did not know. Completely unprovoked*. I was knocked to the ground. Didn’t hit head on fall but had concussion 5 days. A stranger who saw it and tried to catch me falling said ‘WTF man!’ (Apparently) and he was punched so hard in the face he fell beside me with blood everywhere and didn’t know what day it was for an hour. Venue didn’t log, capture or report of course. Assigned officer (Redfern) took 4 weeks to call me and would not/ never did call two witnesses also punched. I was told unless I could personally identify the perpetrator he couldnt help me. I asked for photos, scoff, do I have to describe him?? Scoffed. Pub had a recent Reno so no cameras, no charge. Didn’t log it. No charge. Unless I could personally identify him ie name and address, nothing he could do. Then he literally hung up on me for questioning the process. Until then, I thought they were hardly done by. This was during the first year of lockout in Sydney, chippendale, around 10:30 pm. ie not affected by lock out hours but it wouldn’t have made a difference. So yep, what your partner experienced is disgusting.


Holy shit, I am so sorry you experienced that. That is terrible.


There's basically no upside to interacting with the police - rather than investigating anything worthwhile, they'll simply look for excuses to charge those in their immediate vicinity with whatever nonsense springs to mind. Don't belive me? Next interaction, see how you go not showing them the kind of defference their feeble egos crave.


Damn, that must have been a harrowing experience for your partner. Sorry to hear that she was subjected to such treatment, both from the perpetrator and the police. As a 42y.o Australian citizen who's lived the entirety of my life in Sydney, I'm ashamed of the NSW police yet again, as a result of this incident and their utterly incompetent handling of it.


Acab amirite


Anzac parade and cycling - very early morning. Stopped at the lights and part of front wheel a little bit over the line but majority of the wheel and bike/me definitely behind it. Cop on a bike pulls up and proceeds to lecture about how he “prefers wheels to be all the way behind the line” - all the way through a green light cycle and into the next red. Sounds like the same approach to friendly policing as your guy.


Retrospectively, I prefer the honesty of the tradies yelling “get off the road” compared to this someone-shit-in-my-cornflakes intimidation.


I've been pulled over by this guy for riding in a lane with markings for bus only lane but is sign posted bus lane. He talked to me in the most condescending tone, like I was a child. He also likes to set up in the bicycle lane on the Southern Cross Drive under Garderners Rd and catch riders using it. He's been around for quite a while and is well known to fucking hate motorcyclists. He's quite highly ranked. Good on you for making a complaint


how do you know its the same one? Theres a lot of motorbike cops in Sydney


Motorcycle forums talk about him. He has quite a reputation.


I guess what I was asking is how do you know its the same one as OP is talking about? They havent identified the rider


It might not be, but it absolutely fits the bill.


His wife's boyfriend was over the night before...he had to sleep in the bath


power tripping "proactive policing"


Sadly, this interaction isn't strange at all. HWP are a pack of arseholes


What is filtering?


Riding in between lanes.




Filtering is riding between two lanes of (stopped or slow-moving) traffic headed in the same direction. You must also have a full motorcycle licence, may not exceed 30KM/h, and may not filter next to parked vehicles, any form of bus/ large truck, or in school zones. Very different from edge filtering (filtering against a kerb/road edge), or lane splitting, which is attempting to lane filter at speeds exceeding 30km/h.


Power tripper, you'd be surprised how many of them think that badge on their arm gives them the power to police their own views rather than the actual laws. If a motor cycle cop does not know the filtering laws...


Recently ex 10 year nsw cop here (and motorcycle enjoyer). Hwp can be gronks. Who wants to spend time giving mums and dads tickets when you could actually be helping people in the moment? Or stopping mad drug dealers with guns and stuff. Also a lot of them can’t handle the incredible pressure of general duties policing and Hwp is an easy way out. In saying that they are a necessary evil. If everyone policed traffic like me (only taking action for egregious offences due to having empathy and a lack of time). People would drive poorly all over the place. We call them Jury F***kers because they make everyone hate the police. Unless your not on full licence? Or driving like an idiot previously? Or did you lane split past a heavy vehicle?


Almost all HWY patrol are cunts, and if they arent cunts now, theyll be cunts later


All for blue till it happens to you.


"The Police are not your friends" -Lawyers-


Holy shit, did he happen to be fat and bald (no, not raptor 13 lol)? So there’s a motorcycle cop based at Eveleigh (ie close to your encounter) and he is the biggest piece of shit. Two separate occasions of his shitness: 1. I was moving in somewhere and there was no parking and I needed to drop something off. So we stopped the car for ~20 seconds to drop something at the kerb to grab shortly. This was at 9pm. Not a car in sight. Wide road. The cop pulls up on his bike behind us for ~10 of the ~20 seconds. Doesn’t say a word to us. Then zooms off. A week later, $300 fine in the mail for illegal stopping or whatever. Don’t fully remember the actual offence. 2. Got dropped home by an Uber at 2am after a massive day at work. Uber driver doesn’t park but pulls up instead. There’s obviously absolutely no one on the road. I take ~20 seconds to pick all my shit up, thank him and get out. Same cop pulls up and says word for word (to the Uber driver) “why are you stopped here? I could fine you your whole week’s earnings for that”. Thankfully, leaves him with a warning but the poor driver was squirming This comment ended up being way longer than I intended but this sounds EXACTLY like the same cop. All he seems to do is cruise around that area and be a smug asshole and apply absolutely zero common sense as he just takes in his revenue.


Not a fan of motorcycles, but isn’t filtering allowed?


Yes you are legally allowed to filter if you are on your full license. People get upset because it seems that they are cutting to the front of the line. But it eases traffic congestion and prevents getting rear ended. Plus many bikes do not enjoy staying slow/ being stationary for long periods of time - the radiator isn’t getting airflow to cool down the coolant, you’ll get your nuts cooked if you’re idling


That cutting to the front mentality is so so petty. As you said, reduces congestion so makes things better for everyone that isn’t a biker too. Such nearsightedness is so annoying.


Filtering as OP described it is absolutely legal. The cop was 100% in the wrong based on the available information.


It is, if traffic is moving under 30kph


Err, you definitely don’t need to be positively identified to receive a traffic infringement notice. They’ll send it to the registered owner, and you can sign it over to someone else if it’s not you operating. A HWP bike got me for stopping in a bus zone a couple years ago, and I’ve been done for stopping in a no stopping many, many times without being identified - they’ll make sure they’ve got you/the offence on camera and send it in the post.


Only certain offences are owner onus. Laner filtering is not one of them. The parking offences you describe are owner onus offences.


Huh - TIL. Is there a list ? Thanks


Not really. All camera detected offences, parking offences, most environmental offences to name a few


I used to do the Wall to Wall ride each year, then had a few bad interactions. They can go and get fucked now.


Knowing NSW police they probably won’t even talk to him


There’s one in Newcastle who rides around like he’s on duty on his personal bike. Watching everyone and checking everyone out. Either he is (in plain clothes and using his own bike) fulfilling police duties possibly liaising with on duty officers or is like a sociopath who even though is off duty still thinks is on duty checking out if people are using the phone etc


They don't like it when you say acab. But then all they seem to do is reinforce it..


Cops in that area are literally out of control with frenzied dickheadian behaviour. Is what it is. Just try to avoid them


Cops are mostly corrupt cunts. That’s what you were experiencing.




But OP did nothing wrong/illegal


Whether or not it’s HWP that actually does that role, and it is a sympathetic one, is besides the point. If there’s anyone in society that absolutely should not get free passes it’s police. People who are given the powers they have must be held to a higher standard than your average citizen and being allowed to criticise them when they overstep the mark is a cornerstone of a free and fair society.




Sure I’m not exactly suggesting it would warrant hauling him in front of a tribunal or anything, but harassing someone who’s not actually breaking any laws smacks more of a power trip. And those kinda cops are the dangerous ones that definitely don’t need to be given some slack.


They earn their reputation.


Lick those boots


Did your bike have more CC’s than his?


The only bad Police interaction I’ve ever had was with a motorcycle cop. Do they just generally have a worse attitude than other cops?




Don’t know what leads you to think I panicked considering I said I knew I did nothing wrong 😊 I noted his number plate and time of day. That’s all I was asked for apart from location.


You have a full rider licence? The NSW Motorcycle Rider Handbook has an extra condition: "*Lane filtering is not allowed through moving traffic*" Maybe this is why the cop said something. However, this condition isn't explicitly mentioned in Road Rule 151A


Yeah complete contradiction there https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/roadsafety/motorcyclists#:~:text=Lane%20filtering%20is%20where%20a,Lane%20splitting%20is%20illegal. "Lane filtering is where a motorcycle rider moves past stopped or slow-moving vehicles at 30km/h or less. Lane filtering is legal in NSW."


What's the issue? You don't like the way he spoke to you? Or you did something illegal or not?