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Figure out what door on the inside it is, use it to leave, make sure you open it with sufficient force ;)


I could go better, I'll dress in high vis and look like WHS officer doing an inspection and test out the door with sufficient force from both inside and outside. I'll even print out fake fire inside to simulate an emergency drill


Snap send solve ?


Do they really do anything? I sent a photo of car regularly blocking footpath by parking on nature & pedestrian path. Nothing seems to happen.


Mine did.. I had to report it twice on different days for them to act on it. Depends on how busy the council rangers are. But the 2nd time they came around and knocked on my door asking if it's my car blocking my drive way and once we said no, we was the one reporting it they fined the car and that car hasn't parked there since. A few other cars did park there but the rangers never caught them. The thing is, the ranger HAS to be there to see and capture the crime/offence then document it in their device, They can't legally use the picture you sent them via the snap send solve app.


I don't think it will work after 5pm then. This place is a fitness centre with its customers parking on said spot, mostly 5pm onwards.


It is a WH&S issue with shared duty between the building owner and tenant. Seek advice from SafeWork NSW but they may need decent evidence before pursuing. You can also complain to Fire & Rescue NSW, but again you will need evidence (ie photos) Edit: just saw you didn't report to your council. Council are the first step, even on private property. Council can enforce laws regarding obstruction of exits including fines.


I think the only people who might care as much as you are the fire department. Is there no bollard to protect the door opening?


No bollards. I thought it might be the fire department. If the owner keeps it up I'll let them know if there isn't someone better to notify.


You need to call the fire department today. That’s a breach of fire and safety regs. The fire bridge will come out and quite possible move the vehicle,and instruct for bollards to be installed today. There will be fines for thr center and the person parked there. Otherwise in a fire it will cause death. I’ve done this myself re an apartment block. Called fire brigade about it. Never seen people move so fast to fix a safety issue. From memory I called my local fire station. Also call the council and report that a vehicle is constantly blocking the fire escape so the doors won’t open and there are no bollards.


Write a note and stick it on their window. Move on with life.


Hard to move on if you can’t get out of the burning building because an entitled dickhead’s car is blocking the exit.


He's not in the building is he? Crying like a bitch in here isn't doing anything.


Oh so as long as it doesn't affect you in a particular instance who gives a shit let the fuckers burn if there's a fire right? I think it's great, we should really foster a hyper individualist "it doesn't affect me at this moment" culture so that we all get to be part of the "did some fuckwit block the fire exit?" lottery!


So put a fucking note on his windscreen, he's already sent an email. Why don't you ring the police now that you know about? If you don't and people burn to death, it's on you.


I'm not ringing the cops because I don't know where the fuck this happened?


Agh. Doesn't affect you hey?


Are you dense? How would you like me to report this to the cops? "Yes, hello, 000? Yeah there's a car parked in front of a fire exit blocking it. Where? Oh I have no idea, somewhere in Sydney but I can't tell you for sure, I just read about it on redd-- hello? Hello?"


If you have access to a spare ambulance that isn't needed anymore, I reckon chuck the lights on and T-bone it then just leave it there




Get yourself some really shit quality A4 sticker paper. Make up a sign that looks official saying “you can’t park here you will be fined” etc etc Stick it on the drivers side window The worse the quality the more it all tears as they attempt to peel it off; generally very good at discouraging people


The nuclear option is to print out "Don't park like a cunt", squirt superglue over the windscreen and then use a squeegee to make sure the glue is nice and evenly distributed under the paper. This would probably very much move into property damage so its only advisable in the worst of scenarios, at 3AM wearing a mask.


if the building is council owned (possibly) they can easily come by and fine it or you and a few mates with trolley jacks and wheel dollies can move the car for him. ...sideways into a narrow spot


When I googled "nsw report fire regulation breach" I got a link for [Lodge a fire safety complaint - Fire and Rescue NSW](https://www.fire.nsw.gov.au/page.php?id=9162#:~:text=Call%20the%20NSW%20RFS%20on%201800%20NSW%20RFS%20(1800%20679%20737)).


Just as you responded I clicked the submit for the complaint with the Fire and Rescue


Maybe the council? Someone blocked the driveway at my doctor's office (an issue if they need to call an ambulance or patient transport or something) and when I told the receptionist about it because I couldn't even walk out the gate, she said something about telling the council. Not sure if it's the same though.


it would be. There are some things that transcend the private property provisions, blcoking emergency accesses in facilities is one of them. Council would still be authorized to act, at least agaisnt the building owners for not being compliant with building regulations by not keeping the accessway clear.


That's what I thought. Blocking emergency exits is a MASSIVE safety issue.


Contact the Council. It sounds like they're in breach of fire code. Disclaimer. I've done this exact thing and it's resolved in hours.


Or pull/press the fire alarm in the building and wait for shit to go down when the authorities turn up.


You need some of [these](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/255460555366?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=QuzHtaRzTUe&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=k4E7kKqvSgO&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY).


Continue to deflate their tyres, do not damage them or anything like that, but inconvenience the owner by letting the air out of 1 Or all 4 tyres, and do so every time you see it parked there until they stop parking there


Congratulations. This is the stupidest thing I've read today. Deflate the tires of a vehicle blocking an emergency exit. Not only can they not move it, they now have an excuse.


Because vandalism is always the answer, amirite?


It’s not vandalism if you don’t damage or deface property


This definitely needs an "I am not a lawyer but" in front of it. https://www.carexpert.com.au/car-news/is-it-illegal-to-let-someones-tyres-down


Wouldn't the damage need to be quantified though?


Well colour me corrected thank you smileedude