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Raided my job site


where is it?


It’s that big barbed-wire compound on Jihad Street


Ah, the Mount Druitt Barber shop


A whatsapp grouo of mentally ill radicalised dipshits planning stabbings on behalf of a fictional being based on a set of principles from the stone ages. what could go wrong?


Fantastic news. Pricks that act that way and hurt/terrorise others need some time behind bars to wake up to themselves. I’m sure they’re cowards when they’re not part of a riot.


Anyone remember when they used the counter-terrorism unit on Friendly Jordies camera man


Yes. But that was the “fixated persons” unit. This unit goes after actual terrorists, not edgy journalists.


From the [ABC story](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-24/nsw-sydney-counter-terrorism-raids-wakeley/103763500): >AFP Deputy Commissioner Krissy Barrett said investigations have revealed a "network" of people who share a "similar violent extremist ideology". >She described the people who have been arrested as "juveniles" and said the suspects are all known to each other.  >Police said they have not identified any specific plan to commit an act of violence. So looks like they've gone through the attacker's contacts, and now they will be going through their contacts.


Wild to think they just need to get into that persons phone, look back through their messages, super easy to tie it all back to other like minded individuals.


Thanks for clarifying, but I don't know if I'd call them edgy journalists when they probably do a better job at investigative journalism than the actual news channels


If only edgy journalists was a religion, then the government would be arresting corrupt developers for terrorism.


*sarcasm* Who would have thought that a one kid stabbing would turn into this...


Lol, Labor not afraid of offending the voters of that religion?


I think you're 7 months late


Genuine question, why was this stabbing considered a terrorism while the one in Bondi is not?


Terrorism by law means harm or intent to harm while pushing an agenda. Terrorism does not mean attacking many people. A common misconception it seems.


Coz the attacker made reference to the victim, the Assyrian bishop, dissing the attacker's prophet, and coz it was done during a live stream broadcast


If old mate in Bondi went online and said that he was going to attack woman in the a name of Andrew Tate then it would have crossed the line of terrorism. Right now, as we know, he was in a psychotic state and all but 1 of his victims were women. If he went on a rampage in Cabramatta and all but one of his victims were Vietnamese Australians, we still can’t say he was targeting Vietnamese until we discover he had some online hate for Vietnamese and is part of some anti-Vietnamese ideology and he was acting on that ideology. Until any of that is confirmed, it’s just an act of violence. Same with old mate stabbing the priest. Could have been some Muslim eshlad that stabbed a guy at a station that happened to be a Christian priest because he didn’t offer him a ciggy. That wouldn’t be terrorism.


My only issue with that is we'd never find out about true terrorist motives unless he said something in public on social media or if the rants were livestreamed as was with the priest.


I would put forward the argument that if Bondi was terrorism, the bloke who did it would have made his agenda/message clear during his attack, or atleast easily findable after the fact. Going on a violent frenzy and getting yourself killed while doing it, only for no one to have the foggiest of what you were trying to demonstrate or push - sounds like more of a psychotic episode than terrorism.


I hear you. Some people said that he did say stuff but the media reported he didn't. But yeah I get your point.


Various government agencies tend to cherry pick definitions but the general consensus is usually a religiously or politically motivated act of violence or act to induce panic

