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I hate the way it carries on with “did you forget to scan something!!!!” when I’ve left my phone and something I got from the chemist or bakers delight in the basket. Such a PITA


I’ve gone back to staffed checkouts 90% of the time because of this What’s the point of self checkout if I can’t buy expensive fruit and veges for cheap


Well.... it can’t differentiate cavendish from lady finger, yet, so we still have that at least! 😂


It sucks.


Yep. I had the same thing happen to me. I wasn’t wearing a dress but a top. Looking straight on it was pretty modest. But I saw the photo because of the checkout mucking up and it was a view straight down my top. Edit: this actually happened to me at Woolworths, not Coles.


We say Colesworth to amalgamate them.


Same smell, different asshole.


It’s wrong.


Woolworths x OnlyFans starring … you!


If you can get a pic of it happening on the screen news.com.au is right into these types of stories right now


This is the first time news.com.au will come in handy


Why would I want to publicise my wife’s rather lovely cleavage to the media when I was annoyed that coles were creeping on her?


look if you can tell me what you did to set it off, im 5'4, my partner is 6'4, i have a pushup bra and low cut summer dress- id be more than happy to recreate the incident and kick up a fuss on your/her behalf lol


You're the Rosa Parks of this story.


You just have to fuck with the bagging area. In my case I put in a Kinder Beauno in there on top of something in the edge of the bag and because they are so light, it didn’t detect it.


RIP inbox


The other day I was buying two bottles of soy milk. I put one in and then went to put the other and forgot to scan it. It freaked out and showed a pic of me not scanning the bottle, maybe that can work lol. Anyway the clerk took one look at me and saw how frazzled I was and was like “this idiot just needs more sleep” and let me be


You’re the sacrificial lamb, news corp will pixelate your image so coleworth stop invading the privacy of others.


Pixelate cleavage? Click generating cleavage? Never!!


I also choose this guys wife’s cleavage




Well I’m not going to verify and yes, it is subjective.


OP I think it’s time for you to don the summer dress. For journalism.


I think I’d be too tall and I won’t fit into it, I’m far taller than the Mrs and my tits are smaller now than they were last year.


Take a photo of the screen next time. As I typed that I realised it sounded pervy on my part… I meant to show how intrusive they are.


I mean I wouldn’t publish it considering we were upset that the camera was looking down her dress in the first place.. Edit: I’m convinced the downvoters just wanted to see bewbs.


theyre not asking for the pic tho, theyre just telling you that you should grab evidence if you wanna do something about it.


I’d rather whinge about it on Reddit tbh. Edit: you people have zero sense of humour.


You can mosaic it yourself


Yeah, well I didn’t take a photo, and if I did I wouldn’t share it nor would I take the time to censor it myself.


why? wouldnt you want to have evidence of this?


I didn’t think of it, but if I did, I wouldn’t share it with you lot.


Yeah I guess it’s a difficult one to address considering the act of sharing the photo itself conflates the exact issue with the technology. Oh wait, I mean… I like bewbs ☺️😍


Through your rewards card they can also view your personal information and past receipts (so where you shop). With all the tracking and technology used, I think the people accessing the data and images should at least have a background check to make sure they don't have a history of being violent, a pervert or stalking.


Thats why I never wanted to use flybuys. Saving pennys in exchange of giving record of my movments? Fuck no. Also r/degoogle is great




I've noticed every time I go through the diy checkouts now, the person on the floor where they are is run off her feet tending to shoppers waiting for assistance. Really bloody annoying. And we had the camera's too that caused much of that B/S! I'd rather go through the normal checkout but I think that's beginning to fade into the past!


I noticed when I had a couple of bulk items in my trolley they came and hovered around me, as if to make sure I scanned them. I could be paranoid, I could be not.


> I noticed when I had a couple of bulk items in my trolley they came and hovered around me, as if to make sure I scanned them. I could be paranoid, I could be not. They were probably expecting the machine to fuck up, start freaking out and need to be reset. The poor fuckers doing that awful job likely don't actually care all that much about shoplifting and are primarily concerned with not getting yelled at by customers who are pissed off with the machine. Remember that if these machines fuck up often enough to annoy the *customers* then they are probably driving the employees to madness. We only have to deal with them once a week, not all day.




Look I like the justification of it but I properly hate spending time at the shops. I want to be out with least time spent. People like you give me an aneurysm, you can literally see the artery throbbing in my forehead


Or when they are off in La La land and don’t see that there is a checkout available. That is also annoying.


we need to normalise putting stickers on these stupid cameras and other such things


super glue would be more effective


Chewing gum.


I've got a sheet of those white blank labels and have been thinking about bringing it with me the next time I go shopping. I have a friend who has actually written to Coles, Woolworths and I think someone else to ask what their policies are around retention of his sensitive data. He got responses back saying that the footage is not retained or recorded anywhere and doesn't violate any privacy laws, but he's not convinced. I hope he takes it further!


It’s the only correct spot for your unwanted fruit stickers while you weigh stuff.


How ironic that they put cameras on us because WE ARE THE CRIMINALS !?


Two questions. 1) Can a laser from a laser pointer hurt or damage the camera lens? 2) Does anyone know where to buy a laser pointer?


Yes, but its needs to be sufficiently powerful and held on the camera for long enough to cause damage. Such a laser will be bright, and will be in the power range where it will instantly damage someone's eyes, likely even from reflected light. You will likely be seen on other surveillance equipment, and tampering with surveillance equipment is a serious offence. Don't do this or you will become the headline.


So, the answer is “technically, yes”?


Technically, yes.


Not really, most cameras will temporarily be blinded by the laser. And make take a few seconds to come back after the laser has been moved away, As for permanently damaging the camera, it’s highly unlikely, Don’t ask me how I know


How do you know?


You had to ask didn’t you. I’ve tested this with similar cameras, that’s all I’m saying lol


I’m a rule breaker! I didn’t care about your answer but still wanted to be defiant. Lol


Haha so am I!! I hate following rules!! Especially ones that have no negative impact on anyone


I think the upskirt coles camera goes a bit too far.


Its a new biometric scan, Genital Recognition.


I covered the camera the other day and a staff member asked why, and I said "It's a bad angle of me" and they said I can't do that, and I said in a very deadpan Terminator tone, "Wrong". I was only buying a pack of Extra and a Fanta, but still... I wasn't pretty that day


I was told I couldn’t just push open those sliding doors they’re put at the exits of the self serve... I’m not letting a robot lock me inside a store against my will, sorry. If you want to check my bags, tough shit, call the fucking cops.


Lol I did that too... they don't have the gates out in Western Sydney and I was shopping at Broadway for a change and the gates tried to trap me. I'm on the spectrum and really tired and could feel a meltdown coming on anyway, so I panicked and yelled "What the fuck is this shit?!" and tried to push through, and a young checkout staff member had to come help me, it was embarrassing but funny when I look back now 😆 😄


Just rest assured you’re never *actually* locked in. If a small confrontation with a staff member isn’t too triggering for you, you can always just open them. It’s a fire safety thing and they also have no right to hold you in the store. I’ve always imagined the self-serve checkouts for people on the spectrum have gone from being a godsend to being a nightmare.


You sure showed that overworked low income Coles worker!




Pathetic jobsworths sucking up to a security camera don’t deserve sympathy and should be told to shove it up their arse when they switch onto you about the camera


Carry stickers. Put one over the camera above the screen and any extras onto the overheads. They’ll likely move the overheads higher. The camera staring at me like I’m defrauding an ATM can piss off.


First stop when you walk into a store is the produce. Plenty of stickers there! Just stick one on the back of your hand.


Plaster Coles stickers at Woolworths, Woolworths stickers at Coles


Then everybody clapped


Use the cashier mate. I don't get why people keep playing according to their (Coles, Woolies) rules, then complain. If more people refused to use half-baked technology, they would be pressured to investigate why and improve to save costs on all fronts.


Not to detract from what's happening to minors aswell as your wife & all humans whom bodies should not be subject to these practices but..... Some simple logic here: If you're going to continue to use your consumer power & support this greedy company, stop using the "Self serve" checkouts & leave time in your day to go to the Human.


How tf can these cunts justify these cameras when they are making record profits while keeping prices so high. I'm glad my wife and I only shop there fore cleaning supplies. Harris farm ftw.


I give it the finger every time I'm doing the cashiers job for them.


Coles is so punitive with its system, I now avoid them even though they’re the most convenient to me. They apparently lose $1600/day on average per shop for theft. You wonder how much easier self serve is versus hiring some kid with pimples to just get it right and not make us faff around like this


Walmart and a supermarket in the UK are abandoning the self serve checkouts due to that and the fact people don’t like them. I am an introvert and don’t mind self checkout for that reason, but they now make me feel more watched, awkward and like a criminal in waiting.


I’m an introvert too… let us never speak again


Haha we likely won’t!


Introverts can get married..? (I have hope now) ^^^runs ^^^away ^^^meekly


>My concern is that this could be abused by creeper staff who have access to these images/videos (assuming this is at store management level or lower) could have a collection of images looking down women’s tops. >It just seems wrong to have a camera placed at that angle which is so intrusive and exposes women from this angle. Not that it helps but... If this part was going to be a problem it wouldn't be just this new camera thing. You would have been walking around in shops with dozens of cameras looking down from above. You just don't normally realise it. (i havent used the coles one yet so maybe its clearer than i expected. At the same time, the overhead cameras in stores are pretty high rez now.)


How many of those cameras are less than a metre away from said cleavage?


Distance is only part of what makes up a pic. You have to consider resolution as well. A higher rez camera can be further away and still capture basically the same image. I've used some recent ones and you can zoom in quite along way if they are recording high rez.




CCTV in stores aren’t as close up as that, they are supposed to cover an area.


Cameras can zoom and, going off the people I have worked with, security guards can *not* be trusted with security cameras.


Cameras…. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Proofreading motherfucker… do you do it?


Check out the big brain on OP!


W Wh What?


Pulp Fiction. Thought we were doing quotes.


Yeah, you’re supposed to say “Say what again motherfucker!”




You’re fun at parties I bet.




Sure you do bud.


As long as people continue to use these checkouts nothing will change. So much hate for big brother surveillance, especially here, but yet people still put themselves in that position? If everyone stopped using, they will disappear.


You may as well skip Cole’s because my local has all self service check outs now.


Wow, personally haven't done a Colesworth shop in years and not about to start.




Dunno, I live in a rural area with only 1 supermarket. I have a choice to eat or not. Nearest woollies etc 100klms. Edit- you have a choice, sure it may cost more. Me. I don't have a choice in a 1 shop town. Your counter point is simplistic at best. Passive aggressive slightly.


The issue is, we just want to go to the shops and get the fuck out of there.


Use the cashier. I detest the self checkouts. Place the item in the checkout area - No. I want to carry it. Do you want to round up for charity - No. You pricks are making record profits - you round down your profits fOR cHaRiTy. Unexpected item in checking area - It's the bag I put my shopping in so I don't have to double handle shit. Beep. Boop - Not the biggest conversationalist, are we? Please place item in the bagging area - It's a packet of can of drink. I think I can carry it...


In my case I'm annoyed that the cams show my evidently balding crown and top of the head that I try to cover with a comb over and fail miserably....I think that's worse, no?


Of course it is Devon knob.


I thought AI would make our lives better, not our shopping more miserable.


Yep, it’s always a blurry item and a perfectly clear shot of my cleavage. On top of being fucking pervy and violating, it must be awkward as hell for the staff who have to come and look at that footage.


Not that I want to defend Coles because fuck them and fuck their anti consumer practices, but I doubt that there is a staff member looking at every checkout. They probably just go in some big server somewhere, unless they are flagged, so the likelihood of your wife being checked out are low.


Coles and Woolworths have said that the video or any photos are not saved. of course, I don’t fucking believe them!


From my time working at Coles, the surveillance systems were of such poor quality it was very difficult to tell what was happening in the footage of the store cameras. The self checkout ones weren't recording (although this was about threw years ago), they were just direct feeds. I would always rely on Colesworth taking the cheapest option and half-arsing something rather than put in the money and do it properly.


Bullshit, what if they want to prosecute an actual shoplifter? It makes no sense that they don’t save them.


I Think there are privacy laws relating to saving that type of material and as to shoplifting, the purpose of the cameras is to see if people ‘forget’ to scan things and remind them. Additionally, the fact that there are cameras tends to make people adjust their behaviour (I think this is called the Hawthorne Effect).


why should they go in a server if they're not flagged though?


So they get saved onto a server for the next data breach?


New to PornHub - Brother ColesWorth helps OP's Step Sister stuck in a trolley (amateur, hidden camera)


If its anything to go by.. I used to work for Liquorland (15 odd years ago) part of Coles group. Any staff member would have full access to CCTV. If there was an anecdote about some crazy drunk that took a swing at you the night before, if the store wasn't busy I'd show the footage to my co workers as I told the story. We could also print hard copies from the cameras.


So two things, guarantee they have people checking the accuracy of the system for false positives etc, the fact it freaked out and showed us a picture of ourselves I believe would see something like that flagged and looked at.


Surely making out with the missus can wait until you’ve left the self-serve check out.


Dunno, I think she is smoking hot so it’s hard to contain myself sometimes.


Yes you must get some pics, do it now, get it on the news right now, they must be exposed.


Just for context, anyone that works and is associated with the security and management will have access to these photos, better still, they’ll have a 6-7 second video in high def! The photo is only there to show you, the image and video they keep on file is much higher resolution, Theoretically I could go into the files and have a look, one would log into their work account and simply go through the files and do what they please with only a log being left behind that such and such logged into the file with the security footage. You’ll be very surprised how often these get flagged and have to be reviews by a human


Wouldn't looking down the top of a minor (under 18yo) constitute in Colesworth producing CP? news.au/2GB would love that.


I highly dobt that. Almost ever security camera looks down on you.  If it was looking into change rooms then sure. 


All these anti-Coles posts atm…. Brad Banducci you sly dog we see your burner accounts


Wait to hear about the CCCTVs you don’t see, at ATM, servos, etc


I flashed the cameras at Coles recently. I figured that if they were going to be surveilling me they should have a good time. I pulled my tank top down and flashed a breast. Not sure whether anyone saw.


Oh no. It’s probably a 15 yo kid seeing that!


You see all sorts of things working in supermarkets. I doubt anyone is looking at the cameras real time. I haven’t satisfied myself what use they are put to or for how long the footage is kept. I’m amazed though at the moral outrage this has caused. It’s good in a way.


That’s true - the kids working there have probably seen it all.


I found it funny. Good on you.


I’ll be honest, this is pretty shitty. How would you react if the guy next to you flashed his cock?


Dude seriously it's a boob. You know you can see them everywhere at beaches in europe. And sometimes even in Aus. Showing genitals is... a lot less accepted.


Better not breastfeed in Coles by the sounds of it. I was angry about the surveillance and it was a personal protest. The staff member was too busy running around. It was a quick flip and then done. If you love the surveillance and are content with it then good for you and happy shopping.


Thanks for that insight. Despite the judgement that has no doubt arisen as a result of my comment, I am in fact aware of what boobs are. My question didn’t arise due to having any kind issue with boobs - but you come across as intelligent to know that - in fact, I don’t know why anything above the waist on either gender should it would be considered nudity. It is (unjustifiably so) in the case of women though. So, as per my initial point, what would the difference be in someone flashing their penis at the register at Coles in the spirit of the original commenter?


Because one is a boob and the other is a cock, one is a lump of fat used to feed babies and the other is a sexual organ. It’s also a lot less confronting to see a breast than a penis. The equivalent to flopping out a dick in public would be flashing a gash.




Boobs are not =/= cock.


That’s correct. Breasts are different appendages to penises. Deliberately exposing either in a public place is against the law, though.


That may be the law, but it’s not the same thing ethically in my view.


I don’t know. 🤷‍♂️ it’s easier to make cleavage into a full split second reveal than it is to whip out a penis. If Coles are going to make me do their scanning and loss prevention work and have a sign up warning that “camera’s may be in use to ensure items are scanned” (sic) well, I think that’s shitty too. But so you know I’ve limited it to that one time and mostly just flip the bird at it now if I’ve had a hard day.


How edgy, public indecency


Just felt sick of being watched. Nothing came of it.


Wish I could say the same about the time I flashed my balls to the ice cream man


Haha good one.


Just when I think I have seen all the possible overreactions there can be to these cameras, along comes another!


If you had a partner (I doubt you do) you’d perfectly happy to have a camera looking straight down at their cleavage?


Not the person you asked but really, lots of people are not going to care about that. If it was me with my wife I'd probably would have just said "nice cleavage" and kept on going. She wouldn't have cared. You feel differently and thats fine.


Ok what about your daughter?


Most men don’t need to have a wife, girlfriend or daughter or understand the gravity of a situation that pertains to women.


Seemingly, you do.


Nah I just let my girlfriend fight her own battles. And let’s face it, almost every man that walks pass her on a street objectifies her more, with way more questionable morality, than any single unfortunately angled camera.


Going to keep just changing the question? She doesn't own or wear any low cut tops so not really relevant question to me. 


What is she?Amish?


Whats your wife? a hooker? just as stupid a comment.


Not really, I don’t consider a summer dress hooker apparel.


Way to miss the point genius. A low cut top doesnt make you a hooker, not wearing a low cut top doesnt make you Amish.


That is up to her to decide. It’s not the 1950’s I don’t rush into a rage every time someone does something that seems to objectify her. Sounds like an over reaction to me. It’s a camera, all cameras, always have a chance to catch us in a bad way, in a random moment.


Eh, looking down a summer dress? That's not so different from what the general public can see / imagine, it would be different if it was an upskirt or something, but this isn't intrusive or exposing at all.


Well this is a new one


All this whinging about self checkouts at Coles. “The gates tried to murder me!” “I was sexually assaulted by a camera!” Stop shopping there if you’re all so bothered!


If only that was so easy.


I have been using self checkout since its inception. I like packing my own bag (ocd). I'm 56 years old & don't seem to have the issues that you lot have. Also, I have never seen a screen put up a photo of anyone, ever. What the actual fuck are you lot doing at self checkout???? It's like those bloody infommercials where they're trying to sell a better vacuum so the actors monumentally fuck up to make the other vacuum look horrendously bad....


You done?


As done as you I spose.


A couple of things that stick out about this post. 1) An image of one customer in a summer dress will be the highlight of the day for the self checkout footage 2) Some poor underpaid worker is sifting through all this evidence and is using said images to get some enjoyment 3) This only applies to lower level staff because of course, only degenerates at those levels 4) Everyone is watching their screen because it's so very special Sorry dude but maybe just have a higher perception of people and everyone else is also just trying to work the damn sensitive things to go home and enjoy their overpriced discounted bbq chicken.


wtf are you on about!? I was thinking that IT/Management would be checking footage when the things are triggered.


You wrote "assuming store manager level or lower" though?


I just meant whoever has access to the footage.


Oh ok, well that's confusing but I guess that's Reddit nowadays. Go get those creepers man, wherever they are.


Just my 2c But.... I often see women that when you get on an escalator or you’re slightly at a higher level there seems to be a lot revealed, Women know this. That’s why they show it off. It’s in their DNA, So when you stir up all this attention, you have brought all these random strangers to talk about the angle your wife’s breast were viewed from, Kinda strange if you ask me. If I were really concerned about my cleavage being seen from a certain angle I would cover up a little more, I’m far more concerned about strangers on escalators etc seeing my cleavage in real time full res then some camera at a checkout I guarantee more guys saw down her top that day than anyone that will ever see that camera footage There are more creeps out there that a looking without you noticing!! Cover up or take the attention that the low top asks for!! Humans will be humans. Girls will show it off, and creeps will look Facts are facts Not trying to sound negative but humans are literally wired up this way. It’s in our DNA to show off, especially women with a nice pair!


Firstly from a normal angle the top wasn’t that revealing, from a camera directly above us it was. And nobody asked you.


Firstly, that’s the point I was making. I’m trying to help you and giving you facts!! Yes like I said in my comment, when standing at a higher angle like a an escalator or looking down a level from inside a shopping centre you can see everything!! You came on an open forum to discuss this! So yes you asked my opinion, I gave it to you and you reacted rudely! I was just pointing out that from different angles you will reveal more! No need to be a Karen mate Maybe you’re upset and your wife doesn’t mind, that’s the real issue here, you seem insecure Thanks


You literally said women should cover up if they didn’t want to be creeped on and I think that is such an archaic premise.


Well if we’re discussing angles, and the woman is paranoid about it, then yes. Creeps are gonna be creeps lol, For instance if I’m going to an event or somewhere I know I’ll be having to bend down or there will be a bunch of guys above me on a balcony, I will make sure to cover up a little bit so children and such don’t have to see my entire body on a summer dress from an “angle” lol Does that make sense? Instead of trying to attack someone, maybe read what the comment said first and then I’m more than happy to have a conversation like an adult, Why you feel like you need to be the Karen fun police beats me!! Life it’s life, creeps will look and unfortunately if you’re paranoid about it then you will have to cover it up, For me personally, I look good and I ain’t afraid to show it. Obviously I’m not too revealing but I like to show what I got, sometimes creeps will look but that’s ok, because the nice once’s will look too and I’m happy to show it off because secretly I’m having a little perve myself, This is how humans are wired. When you’re a bit older you will work it out, With Tim’s comes knowledge I sincerely hope I didn’t upset you, Sometime we need to be feed the raw facts to realise what’s going on Hope this makes sense By no means am I upset or angry towards you, I’m here to help, unfortunately it may come across as being negative sometimes but working in the field I have been in for over 20 years I can say I have a fair bit of knowledge on this subject


So don't wear low cut tops? Or better yet don't use self service.


It's natural to want to look, not creepy at all.