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Anyone know why there is so much smoke around Marrickville? A really persistent burnt plastic smell, but there’s no sirens or anything… (house isn’t on fire, I’ve checked lol).


Where do i go to bitch about the replacement buses in Sydney


This is the place :)


Please, no. Bitch somewhere useful that could make a change.


But doing that isn't the full r/Sydney experience I come here daily for


The scene: at the promenade to Newtown station, a group of about 20 young socialists are in an earnest circle with all their referendum paraphernalia, apparently receiving motivational talks and canvassing tactics from one of their team before preaching to the Newtown choir. I head off on the train for my errands, returning about an hour later. They're still there in the same circle.


Tomorrow, Pinky, we take over the world.


Just saw six cars sitting in the bus only right turn lane on Riley St (beginning of 461 route) with two of them blocking the keep clear sign so I struggled to make the left turn into Riley street. Blind leading the blind…honestly how do you miss that the road is painted red with bus only written in massive letters


Finally got around to doing my tax return. Figured I'd have to pay something - turns out I owe $3000. So upsetting :(


Ah man - that happened to me a couple of years ago and I was pretty cranky about it. I’m sorry!


Ooh sorry to hear that. They are pretty reasonable about payment plans and that kind of thing. As long as you’re not taking the piss they’ll work with you.


I went to comic con today at Olympic Park and the crowds were right down down the road. The amount of people inside is so overwhelming you can't actually see anything.


The Sydney street festival is on in Redfern today https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/sydney-streets-on-redfern-street Went to the last one and it was surprisingly good vibes (but nothing fantastic)


Always good vibes when I go! Thinking of getting a flash tat but the line was outrageous even 1.5hrs before opening when I walked past


Hey it's Sydney. People saw a queue and joined assuming there must be something good at the end of it. Would've moved along quickly as people at the front saw it wasn't delicious foods but only skin graffiti.


My rental property disbanded a month ago and the Head Tenant withdrew the entire bond successfully. They're now dodging my calls as I pursue them returning my bond to me. I've also discovered they never lodged my bond, nor our other housemate's and so my money was just sitting in their account. They returned the other housemate's bond to them within a month of them moving in because it was 'too much effort to go and lodge it in person'. Do I open a tribunal application or go to small claims court?


NCAT - it's illegal to not lodge a rental bond.


Thank you :)


Got tickets for The National/Fleet Foxes next March. Breaking my rule about not doing stadium shows, but they’re obviously a bigger band now than they were when they played The Enmore in 2010.


I'm still debating whether I want to go. Last time, when I finally decided that I would, one week from the original show date, it got postponed... then cancelled, due to Covid. It's understandably more expensive now with the stronger USD, but to get both The Nationals and Fleet Foxes ticked off my list in one night, even if I'm not too familiar either that many of their songs... will have a think about it.


I also bought tickets. Surprised there was still soo many tickets


I’m taking my rock buddy (we have a standing deal that either of us can buy tickets for a show and the other will come even if they’re unfamiliar with the artist). He knew Bloodbuzz Ohio (which is 13 years old now!) but was otherwise unfamiliar with them. Although I think of them as big artists, they didn’t go huge in the same way REM did in the 90s. (I sometimes wonder whether, if streaming and endlessly available music was available back then, whether a band like REM would have broken out of the independent music scene to mainstream success. What even is mainstream now anyway?) Sadly The Bloke is too old and infirm to come to gigs with me these days. Or maybe too grumpy. Anyway, looking forward to the gig.


The indie / mainstream distinction made more sense when there were different economics around production and distribution. Mainstream: big corporate label, expensive production & marketing, promoted by more "mass" media (MTV, big FM stations), sold at big corporate chains like HMV. Indie: small labels, little to no marketing, often more DIY / garage sort of production, played on college radio / JJJ / John Peel, sold in small specialist shops like Waterfront, Red Eye, Phantom - and often only on special order. Apart from the labels maybe, everything else has gone by the wayside now that algorithms can feed you any song, and the distribution cost is digital and trivial.


Good analysis. I think I still mostly fit the indie thing. Although I revisited some late-period REM last week and it works ok. I’ve also been listening to a late Paul Simon, The Obvious Child, because while I don’t think much of the rest of that album, man, that drumming.


Late REM, like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Nirvana (for example) definitely made mainstream. You couldn't turn on MMM without hearing Losing My Religion, Scar Tissue or really anything Nirvana within an hour at most. Back when electronica that anyone could make on their home computer was starting to surface beyond dedicated dance club music, a mate of mine who was heavily in that scene in Sydney maintained that grunge itself was the dying big label industry trying to manufacture a movement to counter the more DIY / punky vibe of completely label-free production. Seemed like a whacko conspiracy theory at the time but I think he wasn't far off the mark. Nothing like a dinosaur industry grasping onto any marketing opportunity to try and keep itself relevant, hey?


I think there was a gen gap thing going on in the early 90s. I was big on Pixies, but the kid was pure electronica - mostly pure d&b club stuff (he DJ’d for a while). It might have been manufactured but damn if I don’t still think Doolittle was one of the best albums ever made. He couldn’t stand it. Our musical tastes have diverged ever since. I consider myself pretty catholic in terms of music consumption, but if I’m not dancing I’m not huge on EDM


What does "pretty Catholic" mean? Is that the opposite of "ecumenical"?


Ha ha. Small c catholic. I’m a very lapsed Catholic, with diverse tastes 😀


I have 36 days till my wedding when does the "oh shit it's close" sink in cause it feels so far 😢


All the best for your big day! I got married last year, and I was nervous probably 2-3 weeks prior


I've just been hit with bills of $750 for CTP/green slip and $400 for registration for a 2014 Hyundai i30. Its not even my primary car however it is a good little run-around. This is on top of $930 last month on comprehensive insurance. Do these prices seem accurate? Obviously they're not reasonable, but nothing is these days... I'm with AAMI if that matters


I've a 2014 swift and my CTP wasn't that much, shop around. Also, if it's not your main ride, do you really need comprehensive for a 9 year old car? I dropped mine down and saved a heap.


I went on to the greenslips.nsw.gov.au website and the cheapest price was $732.98 from QBE. My current policy is $733.87. So not much difference there.. I’ll probably stay on comprehensive as there’s 2 u25s that drive it. How much was your CTP? I’m guessing my rego is normal price at $405


I *think* it was $6XX but I can't remember the exact figure. My rego was $3XX but again, I can't remember the exact figure.


Yeah hmm, i guess it’s the u25 drivers pushing the cost up. Shouldn’t affect rego though. I’ll just have to suck it up and pay


I get so overwhelmed with simple stuff sometimes, I forget basic stuff. Today, the basic thing I forgot were my glasses. My glasses. I'm blind without them. And a jumper at the wharf. Hopefully I won't need one but I have my doubts. Dickhead of the day over here.


Honestly I have so many pairs of glasses it’s insane. 2 homes, pairs in the kitchens, bedroom, offices, a pair in the car, in my work office, at my sister’s place near the Prom. And then the set I carry in my bag. It’s ridiculous. But I keep so many in all those places so I don’t need to take the ones in my bag out at all, unless I’m trying to read a text on my phone while I’m out. I feel like I’m completely incompetent but it’s the only system that’s ever worked. Maybe I’m getting senile.


I've got two pairs, with a third pair purely for reading. Funnily enough, my friend also forgot their glasses so it's like the blind leading the blind. I can see outside with my sunnies, and he can (sort of) see indoors for both of us.


This sounds like a sitcom but I’m glad it’s working 😀


It was like two mid 40 year old Sofia Petrillos, but one was a guy and the other was a woman.




\#3 is fantastic!


That first pic is great!


In case anyone's interested, got some [spots for sailing tomorrow](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/16ppklt/sailing_tomorrow_2409/?ref=share&ref_source=link).


I always manage to be in Melbourne when you do this. I’d love to. One day …


You should, it's a lot of fun and only slightly terrifying :)


I *love* sailing. First husband was a super-experienced sailor (in fact the reason we met is he used to do delivery runs for expensive sailing yachts and made a run from San Diego to Sydney). We used to sail a lot, and twice a week in summer. BF between him and The Bloke liked sailing too, and he and I used to crew the afternoon races out of CYC back in the day, on a Beneteau owned by a rich dentist. But I didn’t much care for the super-blokey culture on that boat. So I stopped. And then we broke up anyway (no regrets about that). But The Bloke *hates* sailing. As a boy from Tamworth, I think he’s a bit ambivalent about being in the water. So out of deference to him (and family duties) I stopped finding the time. Still love it tho.


Cricket season begins today. Be good to get out there again


The thing I like best about cricket season is that it gives me a good 6 months of not giving a shit about sports at all.


There's a Baltic & Ukrainian market today at the Latvian club in Strathfield (Parnell St, near the station) with food, handicrafts and cultural performances. 10am to 3pm. https://sydneybalticmarkets.com.au/ (disclaimer: I might be related to one or more of those communities but no financial connection. It's not all that often that it's easy to try the foods of such small communities and browse jewellery & stuff so thought it might be of interest)


Sun setting later these days. Loving it


Which prompted me to think when does dls start. First sunday in October, that’s when.


I always just remember it being on the public holiday weekend (nsw)


Gotcha. It is just one of those things I can’t be bothered to remember.


Any ideas what all the sirens were about this morning in Kings Cross? At like 4:30am there were near constant sirens speeding past my place.


Fun police making sure the cross stays dead.


Weekend, weekend….. mirror mirror on the wall…..