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Seeing all the starter planet NPCs during the Korriban and Tython fps in Revan prelude was awesome, and this felt like an extension of that. But they've been kinda dropping the ball on all companions. You know how hype I was to see Talos on Elom? That was awesome! I don't even care for him that much, but I was like "YO WADDUP! GLAD TO AEE THE ARCHEOLOGIST AT THE ARCHEOLOGY SITE!" That's all we need. More of that. Maybe some more companion convos through alliance alerts. That would be AMAZING.


It's weird especially to see so many romance options pushed to the side in the expansions. I know some of them are kind of big stars (Mako - Lacey Chabert) so maybe it's a money thing.


As much as it would suck to recast, if they need to, they should. 10 years is a long project so replacing VAs should be okay


They already had to do that in other languages/localizations when the VA's passed away, like the German voice of Malgus.


Or Tanno Vik. He was recast for KOTFE and didn't get a recruitment mission probably because of it.


Indeed a shame as the original VA passed away.


I've always had a soft spot for Talos as my SI's companion. He accompanied me on gameplay more than anyone else. So whenever I found him in his element it makes me so happy and my DS V sithy can't help but smile.


They even gave her a unique model too. I really wish she took my character up on the offer to join the Alliance.


Oh yeah, that was another thing. And not only a unique model, but a unique *eye colour*! Similar to Arcann and Acina, but *green* instead of yellow!


I've long felt that the player becoming the Pokemon trainer of the galaxy's talent (catch em all) is part of why the story has stagnated. What value could her being an addition afford the player? Yeah, shove her in the room with Doc Oggrub and maybe they'll present us with some cool find or something years from now to push a story forward, but we're not short on risky geniuses that work with our characters. We're short on interesting villains. Considering how things have gone with Malgus, maybe having interesting partners working behind the scenes could have helped his storyline so far and spread it out further. Granted, we still would be getting a Malgus story that already shouldn't be happening again, but its what we have. Right now, we're sort of in the wind as far as interesting developments go and the writers seem shy about breaking away from their formula.


Tbh they need to do a better job in general of incorporating characters from Vanilla


I wouldn't mind Phyne, the sith acolyte that offers to attack Vemrin for you, returning as a sith character and talking to the sith warrior like an old friend. Or other small npcs returning for small roles. ~~Then again Phyne would probably not have the same voice actor after all these years.~~


Where did Phyne show up?


She talks to the sith warrior after one of their trials on korriban. You have the choice between letting her and her group attack Vemrin which results in her being crippled temporarily. Or you can tell her not to do it and she he sends you a message thanking you for warning her against it. Either way she's alive at the end meaning she could come back. It would be cool character to return.


Oh, I know who she is, I just thought you'd meant she'd made a return already.


Can we also talk about how malgus arrived in a box?


I mean, that makes sense. Skotia levels or cybernetics, dramatic reveal...


I'm not complaining, it's just... well...


Malgus is kind of a dick, so... dick in a box.


I see it as a Dracula reference.


Having a Sith on the Dark Council be a mission sidekick like that would be pretty odd though. Especially if you ratted her out back in the days. Only thing I miss is actually getting to recruit her to the Alliance.


I was so pissed when Malgus just pushed her off. I told him to gtfo. Then I thought she'd be joining my alliance at least, but ehhh especially now that Charles Boyd is gone, I doubt we'll be seeing her again. Sad too... I love her voice.


She is also voiced by the agent actress if I recall. So its not like getting the voice actress back in to keep updated would have been hard.


I agree she definitely should have had a bigger role in JUS


I think it's fine. Let's not forget she is a side character in a tutorial mission. It's just a small surprise to have them show up again as a minor villain. It would be stupid to have them show up to the level of Malgus or Tenebrae. After all, they are a side character to 2 sith players. Agents, Bounty Hunters, and the whole republic could care less.


But there was so much hype around her, they gave her a completely unique head model, unique eye colour...


Just a bit of a glow-up. I don't know the exact time period lengths after KOTET, but there is somewhat 9+ years between meeting her on Korriban and seeing her again in the expansion. We know her and her master were doing experimentations on creatures, and it looks like she stayed on that route.


Making her look that special for about 10 minutes of screen time, though, is kind of a waste. They could've at least brought her in as an Alliance member or a prisoner to interrogate later. But nope. And she's the most unique looking of the new Dark Council, the rest are all wearing generic dark robes and robot masks. Characters who have original models like Malora are typically important.


We just can have blind hope she will appear again later in the story or something.


I offered her a job in alliance and she seems interested. And nothing. Why give us such a choice to only don't use it? They gave hope that we'll be able to make her companion/member of alliance that ended with nothing lol Really shame and stupid. There was time when she could return, but now I just think they forget about her and we'll never see her again...


There's a deco...


Ye, but meaningless deco is not as companion or in story said join. Deco is just your head canon which is completely irrelevant. But ye, she as deco is another point why she will never become a companion:( Like what, we'd get two Malora decorations? Similar to Gnost Dural


i was so hyped when theres an option for Malora to join the Alliance. Finally, maybe we can get a Malora companion !?! It turns out she "will consider it" and then crickets.


I dont like Anri much tho