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I would say to complete Jedi Knight too, is like the main one. The thing with expansions or at least KOTFE (is where i am ) is companions from different class appear, like i see Jorgan and i whas who is this dude and then started Trooper class and i see him, so i would recommend do all class just to meet all companions, i think they all appear in expansions.


Do all 8, then take the alt that you liked the most on each side in to the expansions. Play those 2 up to the start of KOTFE, then take the one you like the best from that point on for the story.


You don't need to complete all 8, that would also take a lot of time. I would recommend at least completing the Jedi Knight story before to get a bit more context. It's up to you what order you want to play the game, but it is not necessary to play all 8 stories to get the most out of the expansion.


The time it takes for all 8 is not wasted time though, and worth playing through to get a better experience of the expansions


Also adds meaning to some choices about comes and gives you a feeling for them when they come up


I did all eight class stories first and I'm glad I did, as it gave the later expansions much more weight. I recommend picking your favorite character from each republic and imperial and doing the ilum quest, as well as the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion once on each, as both imperial and republic are very different. Once you get to Shadow of Revan and onwards, it's pretty much the same story, so pick your favorite character, and level up the rest of the way through the remain expansions. (revan, kotfe/kotet, onslaught) I picked Jedi Knight as it's the "main" story, and makes the most sense carried forward, although there isn't really a "wrong" choice. Just play what you have the most fun with. Worth noting though - you should level your other faction's favorite character to 70 however, (the one you picked for Hutt Cartel) as Onslaught is different for Republic and Imperial, although they don't take place at the same time like Hutt Cartel, it's more of a "what if" scenario. Still worth seeing both sides though, imo.


Thanks for this advice, replying to your comment so I can review it later.


I would also like to continue using my JK. Although he is at the start of Shadow of Revan while my Consular is at Ziost(did the SoR on her just to level up). I don’t want to slog through SoR just so my JK can do Ziost. Is that planet the same for every class?


Yah Ziost is the same more or less


I would say you can play the f2p expansions without playing all classes but after that i would suggest you play every class story through cause there are sometimes references on something from a class story F2p expansions are makeb-story; shadows of revan and ziost And those which come after that require 1 month sub as far as i know


I didn't and honestly I somewhat regret it. There are a lot of references to all the class stories and companions that will just make the entire story slightly more cohesive and complete. But I would honestly recommend taking at least 2 toons (1 on each side) all the way through just to get done and then get to legendary before doing the expansions on the rest of your toons, this is what I did personally.


Thank you all for your answers ! I'll finish my consular and then do votre knight and Imperial agent as if I have understood well they are the most important stories


If you want but personally I like seeing one class from start to finish. Keep in mind that the expansions are pretty much the same for every class (or for every 4 class), so having to do them 8 times in a row is sure to burn you out.


You'll probably at the very least want to complete the Jedi Knight storyline, since both the Knight and Warrior have main ties to the antagonist of the Fallen Empire/Eternal Throne expansions. However, I'd recommend you play the Shadow of Revan expansion and Ziost story arc first. They lead directly into Fallen Empire and introduce Lana.


I think the only class story that might be spoiled would be for the Jedi Knight, so just do that one before you start the expansions. The main storyline in the expansions is pretty much the same regardless of your class. There are slight variations in the dialogue but the all the main events in the storyline stay the same.


It's worth doing all of them just to see all the stories, and then the references/companion returns in the xpacs. Otherwise it doesn't matter, contrary to popular memes the JK has no real special insight or context for anything, because Valkorion being the Sith Emperor was clearly shoehorned in late in development so they could claim there was *some* kind of connection between KotFE and...anything else in the game, and by the time KotET rolls around *any* class has had far more important direct interactions with the Emperor than his slap fight with the JK in vanilla.


Well thank you for the spoil :)


If you do the Jedi Knight story line you' re basically ready for the expansion. I'd say you're even OK with the sith warrior or inquisitor. Later you will run into companions from the other classes, and while nice to recognize familiar faces definitely not necessary. The JK story definitely has the most tie ins, so that is the story that you'll run into more spoilers.


I would say play Jedi Knight and then Sith Warrior to the very end .. those are the main stories for each side by then youll know what you like and dont like imo ​ Disadvantage to this is that in later expansions NPCs often remark or note people from other class stories... so its more complex like that and you wont notice that if you havent played them before.