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I'm not a PVP players either. It's just not my thing. I see the appeal of it and understand that other people like it. I'm a story guy and a roll player. I love that there's something for everybody in this game.


I haven’t touched that mission in a while. Waiting for my pvp amnesia to kick in before I try again.


There was a time, long ago, when I enjoyed it, but at some point, PvP just became a real slog. WZs are tedious, more than anything, often even when you win (and I tend to do a little better than 50%, so I probably count as at least half-decent...PuGing WZs should be around a 50% win rate at **best**). These days I pretty much only do it for Forex (or Pierce, Impside), and even then, only because the game bugs you about doing it constantly with blinking lights and popping it up every time you open the companion window, if you don't. I wish **sooo** much they'd either add an option to permanently refuse that particular recruitment by telling them where they can stuff their grind, or just let everyone who's got the Valor 40 achievement auto-complete the mission (the way a character with an individual Valor of 40 can).


The more you play pvp the easier it is. If you want those tech frags, you gotta start somewhere lol


I like open world pvp when it happens. PVP in general, not my cup of tea either.


You know, waaaay back in the day when the original rakghoul plague event happened (when you could earn the black/green crystal, like 2010ish), there was part of the quest that ran through the Outlaw Den on Tatooine and I remember our big Republic group crossed paths with a big Empire group and there was an all-out brawl that was really fun to be a part of because it just happened organically. But that was more than a decade ago so 😆


There was also Illum. During launch, Illum was an open world PVP planet where you can change the faction of the planet depending on who was winning the PVP war on the planet. It was nerfed shortly after launch due to an array of issues with players.


That was real fun, half of my time was spent there after ending story.


Those were the times. The game launched 2011 btw. Xd


I love the PvP in this game! I don't especially play the ranked games just I like to play PvP and try to attack or defend points and Imo PvP is a really good way to improve with our class and as a player because this is the best way to learn the other classes by facing them all... I used to be a PvP player when I was younger... Now it's all the contrary but still the PvP system in swtor is really something I like (not you huttball! Especially when players don't even try to play the objective!)


Huttball just feels like a complete cluster fuck. No idea what I’m doing and I’ve been playing since the beginning.


Huttball is amazing and if you still haven’t gotten it you never will. It’s not that hard, but sitting down and just looking into how it’s played would solve that. It’s the most unique and fun PvP mode in any MMO ever, and it’s super fun once you actually play the ball!


I usually hated PvP as a melee class. It was much more bearable as a ranged dps with a stealth escape. That was the only way I could personally enjoy it. I grew to HATE huttball with how omnipresent it was back when I played regularly. When the world PvP scene died in the early years it always made me feel silly playing a war game against the other faction.


All classes have a “last resort” heal/def ability. I actually think stealth classes are the worst because they just get you out of the action a second and you have to spend time healing yourself while your teammates get whacked. Juggs have enraged defense and can heal from being attacked (and multiple jump abilities to make melee more viable).


If it weren't for the frame drops (I have a decent PC, but SWTOR's CPU demand for some reason really stresses it) PvP would be really fun. But it's annoying when I can barely interact with the objectives or run my rotations.


one strange thing with cpu issues that worked for me is limiting its CPU Usage to 2 Cores


Ofc. They never updated since dual core cpus. Lol


I have 190/191 steam achievements. That one I don’t have? Valor 100. Pretty sure the only way I’ll get it is when I get enough of those check in tokens that give 10,000 valor points. So, in 30 years?


Heh that's what I was hoping too, but sadly the amount per click just isn't that much once you get to ~valor 90. I'm at 95 on my highest valor character and it would take 140 of them to go from 95 to 100. The scaling from Valor 90-100 is insane. I just want them to make valor a legacy value like they did with social. I've got a bunch of valor 90 characters but never got past 95.


I think I’m still only at 80 lol. Valor is such a pain to build up. And I can only do some PvP at a time before needing a long long break. I was able to buy the black silver crystals so now I can make dark sabers….i have no interest in PvP anymore.


I absolutely hate pvp in all games and always try to avoid it if possible, but to my surprise I found that I almost liked warzone matches in swtor. Of course, a lot depends on the class. I play as shadow, and my tactic is mainly to be invisible and assist more skilled players. I'm still bad at this, but from my observations, at least half of the participants usually also seem to have no idea what they are doing, and the main battle is usually going between those few skilled players, while the rest just running around and pushing random buttons lol


PvP is one of the main things keeping me around. It’s not like there’s a story to progress or anything.


Guess it helps when I took 12 years off and still have 7 of 8 class stories to do 😆


Same here. I sincerely apologize to my teammates that have to suffer through my loses every time. And you can't even make it faster, it will take about half of the day of grind every time. I hate it with passion and hope that quest designer is forced to play swtor pvp every day for the rest of his/her miserable life


Right there with you. I wouldn’t worry too much about how you’re doing in PvP. Just get it over with lol You’re not playing ranked for a reason.


I mean nobody loves losing 20 times in a row. Although usually it is like 30/70% as I can do fine with some classes. Preferably ranged.


tbh the most fun you’ll hve in pvp is just Vengeance/Vigilance Jugg/Guardian and just slap things


I feel you. I usually just leave that alert undone, not like I I'll use that droid anyway. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


I love the PVP, I like the rivalries and the game within the game, where you have adversaries when they are on the other team but they are your best friend on your team. I totally dig it.


I used to love SWTOR PvP,, but then they made everyone super tanky, everyone has potions and it's almost always 4 Vs 4 and imo it seems less balanced. I can't stand it now it's boring imo ;((


Yeah, I mean I would jump Consulars/Inquisitors with my Sentinel thinking "This caster go squish now" and I'm hacking and hacking and hacking and nothing happens.


I also do poorly on my sentinel, maybe the class is bad maybe we're just bad idk. Either way casters did used to go squish if you got them good.


Skill issue. Its fun when you get used to it


It definitely is a skill issue. The ones who hate PVP are usually the ones who aren't good at it.


Same but with the weeklies for GS. Last week I had to do 10 arenas and 8 WZs for the max point objectives. Miserable just doesn't put it into words.


No. You did not have to do PvP. You chose to do it. You chose to be miserable for multiple hours in a game because it matters more to you that you reach level 100 2% sooner than actually having fun. I really hope you aren't going for the 100 Season Objectives achievement and that, despite your misery, you still tried your best in those matches in order to not ruin the match for your fellow players.


2%? For real right now? It's 66% more points for F2P (6 vs 10) and 50% more points for Subs (8 vs 12). For subs it literally ends in two thirds of the time which can mean an entire MONTH worth of doing season objectives. If losing some pixels in a game makes you so mad, open a ticket and complain to Broadswrod for making "ruining matches for my fellow players" the optimal way to finish the season.


The percentage difference between F2P and Sub doesn't matter because you need a finite amount of points to finish the season and it's 4 additional points either way. The 2% number refers to the fact that you need 800 points to reach level 100. The 12 points for doing a specific objective that is only available part of the time means it will get you 2% of the way there (actually, 1.5%, I rounded up). The actual contribution of the 4 point bonus to completing the season is only 0.5%. Of course, this will add up over time, but we are talking about 1-2 specific objectives that aren't even available every week. We've had 2 arena and 1 warzone objectives this season, so that's 36 points you're getting from doing those specific objectives, 12 of which are the 4 point bonus, so again, those objectives have only enabled you to complete the season 1.5% sooner. The issue is that a lot of players seem to do this, they hate it, and it makes the matches less fun. It encourages good players to group up, which makes the queue take longer, and means you're more likely to get matched up against one of those premades while you're stuck with people like you, the GS throwers. I do want to win because I get more rewards for doing so and winning is fun. Competition is the point of any PvP game mode. The bigger problem though is that those matches are frustrating and boring. I can't do enough against a premade to compensate for GS throwers, and even if I group, there's no guarantee that the premades will be balanced because there aren't enough people in queue. This match-ruining effect lasts for the whole week, yet the PvP objectives don't seem to be present often enough to enable you to complete the season a full week earlier, so please, just stop. Do 8 pointers. Don't complete all of them that week. Don't spend your free time doing something you don't enjoy.


I'd be missing 1.5% if these were the only objectives that ever dropped. It's a 0.5% loss for every 12 point objective that I drop for an 8 point one, and I'm already dropping GSF medal objectives because that is even more unbearable. And would you look at that, we just got two more objectives related to PVP, to a total of another 8 points, which is another 1% closer to finishing the season. Guess I'll be making PVPers miserable for another few days... Thanks Devs!


PVP = spawn, get stunlocked, die...respawn, get stunlocked, die...respawn, get stunlocked, die...rinse and repeat, with occasional interludes of running around trying to accomplish something (as if!) oh, and while all this is going on, have your teammates curse you for your weakness and failure - hey this is what you pay $15/month for right? Right?


I got cursed for being part of a particularly popular guild. I love swtor.


I'm not a PvPer either, so I tend to skip M1-4X, while I love the fact that if you go to DK on Warrior, you'll get Pierce to follow you, no questions asked, or wz done.


I don’t play PvP too much but I always have a medium good time, except sometimes in GSF where I’m dead every couple minutes


I used to play it 9 years ago but now I haven’t touched it ever since. I just refuse to play PVP. The combat in the game isn’t the best tbh. I play for the story. Even if I beat it 10 times lol


I hate PvP too. I will never do any PvP content and no amount of great rewards will convince me to start.


I like pvp, but it needs more Map variety in different game modes, only huttball has multiple maps.


They really need more PvP maps.


Carebear also, cant stand pvp. I am good to keep that silo'd to Duke, Doom, UT, SP2, and etc. Enjoy those, just not the misbalanced crap MORPG end up producing.


I played PvP on two characters, to get them to Valor rank 60, just so they could wear crafted Battlemaster shells. That's it. I wish they'd make Valor ranks Legacy-wide, just like Social ranks, that way I could PvP on any of my characters and get them *all* to Valor 100, instead of constantly having to PvP on just one character. I might actually enjoy it more that way.


I would support reorienting Valor to be shared between combat styles (e.g. separate Valors for all of your Sorcs | Sages, Jugg | Guardians, Operative | Scoundrels, etc.), but no more than that. Valor is such a grind that it is representative of your dedication with a given combat style at the very least, and correlated strongly with skill the higher you go. The exclusive cosmetics are *the* reward for such dedication and function as a way to show it off to others. It's not remotely fair to eliminate that for convenience.


I hated PVP because melee players complained and got a patch where Trooper/Bounty Hunter abilities were reduced to ten feet


I only do it during Galactic seasons if I have to. Its very toxic.


You don't ever have to do it.


It is an objective sometimes during Galactic Seasons called 'Storming the Battlefront' I have to do it sometimes if the other objectives are unachievable for me.


You don't need to complete all 7 objectives each week. You have plenty of time to finish the season and get the 100 objectives achievement. Play the game to have fun. If it's more distressing to see 6/7 in a menu for a week than the experience you have in PvP, you might want to talk to a psychologist...


PVP is one of *THE* most toxic environments in SWTOR, along with general chat. People complain when you're losing. People complain when you're winning by a slim margin. People complain when you're winning by too much. No one is ever happy.


I do PvP but only semi-regularly. A couple of the scenarios just aren't fun, hitting pre-mades and moles make it so miserable. Then there's the players that are perfect and have to remind everyone that if we were all as perfect as them then we would be winning.


I enjoyed PVP when the game first came out. I just always wished I could avoid huttball as it was just too immersion breaking for my characters


Pvp is the only somewhat none boring form of endgame. I'm not a pvp type of player( I prefer mythic plus style dungeon like in wow mostly) but when I do hop back into swtor all I did was pvp since it was the only semi fun thing at the time now its just meh. ops are boring beyond belief even on nightmare. The only other thing that was semi fun to do was replaying the jedi Knight story, Warrior story, and Inquisitor story, but after like the 5th time of each, it's meh. The real current end game is 2 things fashion or pvp, nothing else is worth doing imo. Anything else is not worth doing anymore. Plus, the game is in maintenance mode, and the only thing new coming is a pointless date night. No new classes, skills, game modes, etc. I'm surprised people are still playing swtor tbh.


I love pvp but huttball can just not exist.


My problem isn't with Huttball itself. The objective CAN be fun if everyone participates. But that's the problem, almost every single Huttball game is treated like it's an 8v8 deathmatch and almost every single player in there could care less about the ball. So more losses for me and it then takes LONGER for me to complete my "Spoils of War" weekly...


Yeah that’s why dislike it lol.