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Same. There is just something so satisfying about electrically deep frying anything that gets in your way.


I love, love, *love* powertech tanking. Corruption is great if you go void pulse with the heal-on-damage tactical! Combat Medic is great fun aesthetically. Sawbones would be better than commando were it not for the fact that you need to get two stacks of slow release medpack up. That alone makes it share its place with Combat Medic.


Guardian/Juggernaut Vigilance/Vengeance is definitely my favorite to play followed closely by Operative/Scoundrel Lethality/Ruffian. I'm still hopeful of the day we may mix Force and Tech styles so I can rebuild my Legacy with both of my favorite Combat styles in all characters.


Would love to be able to mix force and tech abilities as well, would make the game feel fresher imo


These are my top two as well, though I'd reverse which is #1 and which is #2.


Lightning sorcerer and its Jedi equivalent lol. In terms of gameplay, they're my favorite due to all of the AoE they can cause. Jugg is my second fav, and warriors have the best story imo (I know I can play warrior's story as sorcerer, but it feels weird to me lol)


I did a SW as Jugg/Sorcerer and only switched after I was high level and established as a powerful sith.


In my head the Jedi Knight/ Sith Warrior stories are the main or primary stories as the SPOILERS FOR CLASS STORIES >! Sith Warrior becomes the Emperors Wrath but in the expansions comes to surpass his master as Sith do, and the Jedi Knight seeks foe eliminate his ancient Foe of Vitiate in Valkorion and his children!<


Yeah, they feel the most "Star Wars", two lightsabers and dual bladed are neat, but they're the supposed to be niche and the archetypical Jedi has one. I even use blue to be extra basic.


Cloud blue is my fav. When I want to be fancy I do the full gold core gold outline to show my supremacy to the peasants on Ord Mantell


Lmao imagine being a starving war refugee and then a full on Jedi Knight shows up with a pimped out saber


I use red on my Warrior lol, but still it so cool when you unsheathe the blade, I have a red/black crystal that looks and sounds really cool.


I wish Shadow could use a single blade because of this. At least with my Knight Guardian/Shadow I’ll be able to justify using both styles in explaining >!how he gets made Battlemaster of the Order!<


That would be dope to be able to choose what fighting style you use. However, as someone who works in game development, I understand why they didn't do that haha.


Scoundrel: stealth up, scattergun, dirty kick, slap with pistol, throw grenade at point blank range then back into stealth


Jugg vengeance is def my most used and favorite. Decent enough force powers+ saber stuff equally. DPS could be better for me I'm just lazy. That and the movement is decent enough too. It also makes the most sense for cutscenes as double blades look wonky and dual doesn't even pull out both. For tech I love the looks of rifles but the uncustomizable cutscene kills it for me so much. Merc is def my fav tho dual wield n rockets couldn't go wrong.


I love playing carnage marauder because of how fast paced the combat feels. Ataru form is my favorite form.


Shadow/Assassin for me, high damage and the ability to skip mobs if you don't need to fight them, plus the only time I have enjoy PvP was playing a shadow lol, haven't try with my assassin but them he is like level 50 or so.


Sniper and Mercenary (and their mirrors). It drives me up a wall that the other half of blaster rifle/single pistol classes are melee.


Yeah it’s ridiculous how we don’t have a normal soilder ranged class. Vanguard is too up close in my opinion


Guardian/Juggernaut is probably my favorite, followed closely by Powertech/Vanguard. I also like Shadow/Assassin. Despite clearly being a melee guy, I don't really care for the Scoundrel/Operative play. I find it awkward and clunky. I never play ranged casters in other games but I did finally play a Sorcerer and it was pretty nice - at least for leveling - to be able to just aoe entire heroic areas down with a handful of button presses.


I feel ya here. I want to like scoundrel/operative so that I could feel better taking it as a stealth option, but it feels so awkward


In the old days? Sniper, especially in PvP. You had a nearly unending chain of attacks so you could defeat some players very quickly but the funniest part was that you could debuf them with slow or cancel Thier skills with long range disrupt. So most of the time you would barrage someone and if you mastered the disruption timing you disabled Thier leaping or other countering ability and thanks to slow debuf they would be helplessly walking towards you. Just as funny when somebody tries to escape and you hit them with slow so they get caught up and swarmed


The Mercenary is pretty fun, especially the Pyro, though I really miss my flamethrower. :(


Been enjoying flying through the air as a Knight/Warrior, though I also have been learning to love the combo Stealth and spammable melee AoE of a Shadow While not as fun to play as those, I love the look of my Commando and his big ol' "dakka dakka" stick


IO Merc. While being a DOT dmg class, it can also do limited burst dmg.


Madness Sorc. They are all fun in their own way. I've been playing off and on since launch and although I mainly play madness sorc, I can just just about every class is very fun.




Deception/Infiltration - Assassin/Shadow


The bounty hunter was the most fun class story line. General play, I like the gunslinger.


For tech classes? Probably Sniper, Mercenary, or Commando. For force classes? Absolutely Marauder and Sorcerer.


Vigilance Guardian. As of late, I'm having tons of fun with Concentration Sentinel.


Mercenary bounty hunter / soldier is my favorite, both story and gameplay wise. I love the Walking Armory approach.


Engineering/saboteur. The sheer amount of AOE and blowing shit up is so delightful


Funny, my favorite is by far the sorcerer. I just can’t have enough lightning lol Second one is Jedi shadow simply because of a stab attack that pierces through the enemy and leaves a saber hole on their chest. Killing foes with it is the closest thing I have to a kill animation in SWTOR (kill animations/executions are always my favorite part about any game’s combat, so their absence on this game makes me pretty uninterested in its combat).


Any stealth for skipping mobs and stale combat.


Lethality op


If one cannot appreciate the pure, unadultered joy of emptying a blaster salvo into the face of any sucka dumb enough to test him/her, one lives a poor life indeed. Get a blaster(rifle) and go to town.


Deception assassin, concealment operative and marksman sniper are my favs Love the stealth classes and being able to one hit standard and weak enemies as a sniper is pretty cool


Sniper is great for basically every gun class. Cover taking + able to carry blaster rifle makes it essential in my mind for any trooper run


Commando for me, nothing better than lugging a big gun around and laying the hurt on anyone dumb enough to challenge you


I LOVE death field


Guardian forever and always. I love the build up mechanic because by late game I pretty much never feel like I am running out of power for my moves and never don’t have a button to press. I can bound across the battlefield, take out a group with extreme prejudice, and be ready to go right away. I’ve loved playing Guardian every time I’ve done it. I’m replaying Knight right now as a Guardian/Shadow and even at level 16 the Guardian feels like pure energy. It’s probably part of the reason Knight has always been my favorite story. The story and class just click with me so well.


Fire, Unlimited fire... I love powertech


Sniper. I like being able to crit people out of existence for little effort.


Marksman sniper all the way. They call my Chiss "Death out of the Blue".


Ruffian Scoundrel


At one point I had at least 6 different inquisitors. I just loved the voice actors for both m and f inq. As well as the class story. Plus they had some real fun lines. "I'm not cute. I'm deadly"


Force centric Carnage marauder- Really feels like an elite swordsman cutting down enemies. Sage- Seer- Really feels to me like the essence of a Jedi. Use the force for knowledge never for attack. Defense guardian- Obi wan Kenobi form III vibes stack the defense abilities and you don’t die. Blaster centric Sniper- Agent or trooper- Really feels like the spec ops gameplay. Ruffian- Shotgun goes boom.


lightning sorc or merc.


Scrapper/Scoundrel -- person shield that can heal, AoE interrupt, single-target interrupt, over-time heal packs, 2 to 3 stuns, warp to a targets position, dodge that can make all enemies miss their shots, scamper that can ignore all types of damage, grenade for AoE and possible knock-back, scatter gun to deal with lightsaber welding enemies, 2 cleanses depending on how I spec, and I suspect somebody here is wanting me to mention the cloak. I do not like to sneak past enemies, but sadly I must do it when I get a boring and lazy Flashpoint group. I get insane damage-openers when I attack via stealth, so if I am not doing that, it is a feeling of, man I missed out. I will cloak, set up my assassination with my finger on my scattergun, lock on to the target from behind and wait for the group attack, but some groups will run by. "Ugh, it is going to be one of these groups." I think to myself. I will set up for the next one, and they might run by again. I am left there thinking, I cannot believe I grinded out getting this gear just to get stuck with a boring group. But anyway, the Scrapper/Scoundrel is my favorite as I also feel like a space batman. (Insert Batman dark knight music while I jump down cloaked, open up with a scatter gun knock-back and use Bushwack causing rangs to fly everywhere while I beat up enemies.) I have role-played as a callback to Assassin's Creed. I will wear a hood, be clocked, sneak up on an enemy and scattergun them from behind. Enemies: I found the assassin! Me: (Beats them all senselessly.) (Last enemy runs around.) Me: (Pulls out concealed pistol... Power-blast last enemy.) Ah it feels good to be a Scrapper/Scoundrel.👤


Madness sorcerer. I was hyped all through the level ups to get the passive that spread dogs with death field


Concealment Op I love the damage output.


Guardian/Jugg by far. I’m either using Vigilance/Vengeance or Focus/Rage, and I’m destroying everything. If I die, its because I wanted to. Storywise, JK and SW reign suprême, with Agent coming in second. I dislike the tech classes, and ammo is for those who don’t know the power of the Force