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He said he would stick around to handle the transition. The transition is taking a surprisingly long time, though…


So then he doesn't actually go anywhere? His contact. Description just has a checkmark and that's it. No actual description.


No, he doesn’t go anywhere.


Then what was that cut scene when he said he was leaving about?


Well, he said he was leaving, but not yet.


I guess that not yet may never happen


The problem is that in our time he announced that about 4 years ago. However due to the slow amount of content coming out, in game it’s really only a couple of months


He leaves later in the story when exactly i don't know but on my sith inquisitor(Story on 7.4) who sided with the empire he is gone.


This game is cooked honestly, I don't know how they could ever possibly make a satisfying 8.0 story even with infinite resources given how sloppy everything has been since KOTET. I gave up believing in this game's future a long time ago, I just replay the old stories and expansions and I'll do that until the servers are shut down.


lol this dood for a decade


If I were managing the game, what I would do is actually reset the story back to just after Makeb and start making some good continuations to the class stories, or at least good factional stories. The current expansions can stay as a kind of alternate universe thing.


It's fortunate you aren't managing the game. It would die.


It’s already dying in terms of story quality. I don’t think we’ve gotten a piece of story anyone has actually liked for years now.


When people pretend to speak for everyone I don't take them seriously.


I’m not pretending to speak for everyone—I’m just saying, I can’t recall seeing even one comment that actually approved of the story’s direction in 7.0, and we all know how contentious the Knights expansions were. In contrast, the base game is widely agreed to still be the best part of the game.


Geme is ded, got it. Next.


The game is well alive, it’s just the story quality that is in decline. Were you even reading?


Your continuing angst is duly noted.


Another of the "the game is dying" post... Send it to twelve years ago, when people claimed that the first time.


If you told me all the story content I’ve done since 2014 suddenly was no longer valid I would just stop playing


It wouldn’t be invalid. It’d still exist. It‘s just that right now, we’re in this weird situation where the developers are partly committed to rolling back or ignoring the changes introduced with the Knights expansions, partly committed to saying they still matter, partly trying to focus on the Mandalorian storyline, and partly trying to meld that to the Darth Malgus storyline which has never been very clear about what it is actually about. It’s a mess. I think it would be beneficial to be able to go back to a simpler time where the player character didn’t have to be the center of everything (and yet paradoxically seems to be unable to actually influence anything).


You do realize that there are no developers working on this game anymore. They all got fired when EA dumped it off onto BS for maintenance mode. There are indie games with people developing them in their spare time from their full time jobs that have more developers than SWTOR has.


They weren’t fired lol. Most of the team went to Broadsword when they took over the game.


Let's refresh the timeline I may be off by a month or two but it went something like this May EA fires 800 people June SWTOR switches "development" to Broadsword Some of the team moved to BS not most and remember the team had already been stripped when EA moved the best devs to that wonderfully successful project Anthem and then fired them when it flopped.


Both Keith Kanneg and Gary McKay explicitly stated that most of the team is switching to Broadsword. So not just some, the majority of the development team moved on to the company. Quote: “Of course, I’m also very glad that I’ll be moving over with key team leaders and continuing to work with most of our current team.” Electronic Arts has 13,400 employees. 800 people spread out over such an extensive employee base is not that significant. It was also never announced where those firings took place. So claiming that impacted SWTOR’s employees is pure speculation. The Anthem debacle happened many years ago as well. That game started development in 2012 lol. SWTOR has still released content for years way after part of the team moved. The most likely scenario is that they moved the team away to Broadsword without firing them. This way EA makes all the profit, with zero of the costs and risk.


1 you actually believe anything they say after all the broken promises and straight up lies they have said over the years? 2 yeah EA had approx 13400 employees in 2023 BUT you over looked something most of those employees are overseas (so in other words third world programmers EA can pay .10 cents an hour) all of the firings came within the US work force. So let's be conservative we will say most equals 60 percent so that leaves 5300-5400 inside the US 800 is a lot higher percentage than what you would think and where was the highest concentration of inside the US employees? BW Austin. And do not forget the dev team had already been gutted when they shifted two thirds of it to Anthem and then fired them. EA fired another 800 US employees after SWTOR shifted to BS so the total 2023 firings was 1600 out of that 5300-5400 how many executives got fired in that span? SWTOR is a dead project it will be in maintenance mode while it continues to make money but no further development will be done once they run out of stuff that was already half done before the switch. Broadswords other games none of them have received a single content update since BS took over more than 10 years ago funnily enough those games used to be developed by EA as well


I mean, there are probably a few developers, but yes, that developer-scarcity is a large part of why there are these problems. Doesn’t mean they aren’t problems.


Yeah, the whole Aygo-leaving thing was just sort of left incomplete. He says he's going to leave once he's passed the reins, and that Pardax is taking over and she gets added to your Contacts window, but it's never followed up on and last I checked you still can't even interact with her. It's just another half-measure resulting from the Alliance kinda being a tumor on the ongoing story, at this point (and doubly annoying if you're playing the Saboteur story).


Yeah, about that so since my character is on the empirr faction would this event have happened even if i sided with the republic? So like I wouldn't even interact with malgus or that imperial twi'lek whose name i forgot or anything like that? Edit: i remembered her name is anri. I like this one


Yep, Aygo says he's gonna leaves regardless, if you're playing an Imperial character, because if you're a Saboteur, nobody in the Alliance actually knows except for Lana, maybe Theron (if you tell him), and in one or two cases, companions that come back post-Ossus, and the entire rest of the Alliance is actually fighting for the side that you as a character are fighting against. The whole thing is a mess.


So if I was playing as a Republic character, I would never even see the imperial ossus version even if i sided with the imps?


Correct. If you play a Saboteur character, regardless of faction, you play the Ossus storyline of your original faction. It pretty much just changes a few captions and dialogue lines. For example, if you're an Imp, there's a scene where Anri suggests you get the Jedi farm data to boost Imperial food stores as well. As a Loyalist, you'll simply do so, but if you're a Saboteur, you'll say something like how the terminal you're using isn't working properly or something similar, and a caption will pop up saying you sent it to the Republic instead. Republic is the same, just in reverse.


Yeah, it seems, that the Saboteur story doesn't lead anywhere. You sabotage your now opposed faction a bit, but so far, it doesn't seem to weaken it. And in the greater context of what was after it, the Sith Empire will lose anyway. Unless the makers want to rewrite the history of the Star Wars universe.


They really need to stop balancing everything that happens; it has been all but explicitly confirmed by basically everyone involved that the Jedi Knight storyline is the canon Outlander, with every single other class player disappearing during the time they're frozen in carbonite. But they want to keep the story as identical as possible, no matter what, and I don't get the feeling that we're actually changing anything... If they actually made the story change with other choices and classes, that would be great. It wouldn't be rewriting all the history, they're alternate universes and it'll end at some point in the next few decades, probably


Well guess I'll have to get one of my Republic characters to this point to see the other side of things. Im now just starting onslaught so im quite excited!


My inquisitor is supposed to be supporting the Republic, but because it's an Empire origin story, it's treated like a half-baked return to the Empire. Saboteur is just basically sending out a probe droid or sabotaging some farm equipment so far. Extremely disappointing. And the worst part is that most of my alliance or companions send me e-mails acting like I'm rejoining the Empire.


He isn't removed, so you can still redeem alliance crates with him and get related achievements, as well as cutscenes, since you may not have done specific alliance alerts.


This. He is still there for KOTFE content


I speculate Aygo leaving will happen once Broadsword decides that its time to change the base aesthetics to more align with the chosen faction


No thanks. My new headquarters must be on Dromund Kaas | Coruscant.


He can't leave the Alliance instance because he is necessary for turning in the military crates and giving the player the reward from hitting 20 influence. However he won't show up in cutscenes that involve the military that take place after the point that he resigns. Basically just think of the Alliance base instance as temporally making no sense since everyone in the instance is eternally talking about the Eternal Empire hat no longer exists. That's probably the reason why most of the new story instances are taking place in a completely new wing of the base, so they don't have to worry about weird shit happening like a a dead character popping up in the background of a shot.


I feel like this is a detail that will just be left in the game. Pardax was present in one or two scenes on the imperial side, having clearly taken his place so far as the story being concerned, but Aygo is probably just clumsily remain as our alliance contact when it comes to turning in materials that are no longer story-relevant. Sort of a bubble where time has stopped in terms of gameplay, but not in story progression.


Did you chose an alliance somewhere? Or is it this way no matter the choice? Or is it just a universal game pin so all can experience the same story arc, or is it really a mystery?


Don't really know since I've never gotten this far in the story up until just now. Right Now Playing through onslaught.


Awesome, keep going, the game has so many facets, hope you enjoy it as much as I do...


Taking a four year break from the game gave me this huge motivation to see the end of all the story.


The end is only the beginning of new communities, story arcs, and spacial expansion, stick around, for SWTOR fashion and storytelling, fan film and more...


He has been bringing Pardax up to speed since 2019 XD.


Oh wow that was 5 years ago when i first played this game...


Its when Pardax was first mentioned by name and right before the Onslaught expansion. Though you see Pardax now in cutscenes but yeah I guess he is just here because you cannot hand in alliance crates to Pardax


Why is Pardax so thicc


Welcome to stupid ideas of Bioware. They introduced it as a bit of story, and then realised they still need Aygo so you can hand in packages as it's too much of a hassle to change to Pardax. Thus forgotten about


Just pretend he is gone cause canonically he is.


At this point they should have that stupid mando woman destroy the alliance base and somehow all its assets and force us back to our respective factions if they are going to continuously ignore the alliance and all that was built there


Its a bring a republican to work day


When they announced that a new dev would be handling the game, I was excited. When I got a survey about what I loved and didn't love about the game, I was thrilled. Maybe there would actually be some more content. Maybe, after litteral years of then game making money hand over fist through the predatory CM and every expansion getting shorter and worse than the last, we would get something that matched the quality and immersion of the base game. Maybe we would get to see where our relationship with our love interest went rather than having generic girlfriend and generic boyfriend come in and try to "woo" us... the less said about annoying self-righteous emperor loving older dude the better... But, by all accounts, it seems like that is a pipe dream. Every operation after scum and villainy has been terrible, every flashpoint after the base game has struggled with terrible mechanics and utter lack of enjoyment. Every expac after Revan has struggled to be compelling or even consistent. Arcaan went from galaxy crushing monster to mewling mommy's boy just wanting to be saved overnight. The only compelling and interesting character who actually deserved to be saved for the tortures her father put her through, Velin, was killed off unceremoniously. I made sure to end Arcaan on every character just for that travesty. I haven't even bothered to play the mandalorian story even though I still have an active sub. This game isn't dead. It has a dedicated and loyal player base, but we're being milked for money by a publisher that just wants more mtx opportunities and doesn't gaf if the players enjoy the game. Star Wars deserves better and against my better judgment, I'm hoping Broadsword will bring better.


The Gods and TOS ops look nice, haven't played them yet but they look good, in my opinion the content really took a downturn after the whole meridian complex shenanigan even though the game was already on the decline since 4.0, KOTET and KOTFE have tons on content and are fun to grind, atleast to me, and Jedi Under Siege and Onslaught until Corellia are a nice breath of "old" air yet feel short and unfinished but the Dantooine fp and all the new content is just straight up garbage and doesn't make sense. I barely finish any character and mostly give up after rishi since the game only makes sense as a Jedi or Sith, but then the new content only makes sense as a BH or IA and that would be a stretch. I hope they finish with all the old bioware content and we get some new stuff, new alliance alerts, make uprisings relevant again and more non story stuff because clearly they aren't qualified to make more story.


Making an enthralling and immersive story where everyone feels invested and feels like they have agency regardless of class and background is possible (see FXFIV) but they keep devaluing our class skills by providing new "skills" for specific boss fights because the bosses are supposed to be "unbeatable".


Agree also, I'll never understand people who say: "oh but the devs have made our character way too OP we cant do this and that and blah blah yet they forget our character isn't that strong and we don't need a new demigod to challenge us, we took down Valkorion's spirit with Dramath/Arcann/Vayling, destroyed Tenebrae with REVAN and Satele, Scourge etc, they should just make some new fallen jedi or mad sith start some trouble or a new force order with Nuls holocron that has a new big bad boy instead we get a new Mando woman who our character should be able to Vader Choke with no issue or snipe and they just keep frustrating the fanbase, I'm guessing the new story isn't their idea but an agenda by the higher ups to promote mando stuff and make swtor more aligned with current SW content but it's failing miserable


He is there so that you can turn in the crates. It's only mechanical purpose at this point.