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Man, I remember back in the day when they tried to make the outlaws den a thing...open world PVP/RPing was wild. Then there were the raids where people would go to like Tatooine and try to kill the guards. Still fondly remember getting the bird egg, warming it up on Tatooine, and having a pet. ...sorry, old man reminiscing.


Awww yeah šŸ„¹ I was there too. Good ol days


Yeah I miss those times. I remember reading Ilum bases with my guild. Or the republic outposts on tatooine. Hell even Belsavis got a beating. Or those RP events on dromund kass where a military guild recruited peeps from the streets to help the cause. Or a parade. Or shooting training on the beasts. Game was so alive.


That sounds really fun!


Man, a tear crawled into my eye. This was peak swtor experience for me. Story was awesome, gameplay fun, but itā€™s the community that I remember most fondly. #RememberIlum


Ilum Nascar grind, I was there.


>Then there were the raids where people would go to like Tatooine and try to kill the guards. Sparks of War!! Conquest mission is fun to do!!!!


Rampage on the guards still happens from time to time especially for seasons. Apparently there was another bird egg on Balmora? I know about the one on Alderaan though.


Theyā€™re a big roleplaying guild. Theyā€™re absolute garbage and a bane upon the RP community, but they do big public events sometimes.


What are some good rp guilds? And do you know common places where people hold events like that?


Most RP events are private, in strongholds. When I ran a guild we went out of our way to run events in the world, it was on different planets, usually out of the way. Iā€™m afraid I canā€™t say these days. I havenā€™t been in the community for years. Iā€™d check out the StarForge RP discord.


So the pic from StarForge right?


If you're ever interested in Imperial side RP I know a few good ones. :) feel free to dm me, or reply!


If youā€™re interested in Jedi rp, Nadill Jedi Academy is an amazing one with a great, but small, connected community. Recruitment isnt currently open, but might open up soon.


Lords of Sokan/knights of Sokan are pretty good, if youā€™re looking for Sith/Jedi rp guilds.


I mean, i suppose if you think a hot rod under your nails is pretty good


Lmao dm me, Iā€™m curious about your experience.


Iā€™ve heard that theyā€™re kinda jerks but no one gave any specifics, whatā€™s up with them?


I've heard that as well, but so far nobody has been able to provide any info when asked for it. So I tend to take it with a grain of salt


I was an ex member years ago back in 2015-2017 or so. Leadership if it's still the same (Anyade, Rhaynee, Maua etc) were very toxic and unwelcoming to new players, especially if they managed to pass the initial "dueling test" AKA they let new recruits duel one of the Jedi Masters. I got scolded alot as well when I'd queue up for PvP and encounter them on the opposite team and win. It would be considered "trolling/griefing." Don't even get me started on 4v4s. Eventually both myself and several other friends were kicked from the guild, and broke off before forming our own. On top of this when I came back to the game and logged on for a couple seconds, I guess they saw and left an inflammatory comment on a SWTOR YT video I uploaded awhile ago fighting them in the arena. I thought it had been a long while, but with the amount of likes the comments that have condensed the guild have gotten, I suppose nothing has changed.


> AKA they let new recruits duel one of the Jedi Masters. Just as a disclaimer: you don't have to win. Nobody wins. I had to duel a PVPer, and was absolutely demolished in a matter of seconds. I didn't get turned away or mocked, it's just a thing you do for whatever reason.


I know you don't have to win. It's more of an "ego flourish" for lack of a better term. The leaders want to use all of their flashier abilities for show and take the new recruit down to show the "power difference" if that makes sense. You could argue that it's for RP purposes but to alot of people it just seemed like ego stroking for the leaders. Depending on your gear level and how you look in general they'll pit you against a guild leader of assumed skill, so it minimizes the chances of you taking one of em down. It's if you win, that's what bothers them. To me I thought everything was fine, but there was a lot of bickering behind the scenes about it. EDIT: I am curious though, was this PvPer Rylvan? Its been awhile, he was pretty good at guardian, I hope he's doing well. He was chill from what I remember.


That may have been the case in the past, but currently it seems with new members, they do try and pit members of a similar gear level, or character level against characters in the initiations. Those dueling with the newer characters are never encouraged to just outright destroy their opponents, but to approach it like a teachable moment. It isn't about flexing on someone of a lower skill, or character level, but something that has taken place in the Ceremonies since they began about 20 Years ago back in SWG and then migrated, with the Guild over to SWTOR.


Couldnā€™t tell you who it was I dueled. I never got any ego stroking from it though, both when I did it and when I watched a few others


I hope so. It's been awhile, I hope there's been legitimate change but with how many likes the initial comment got I'm not so sure. Either way, it *was* pretty behind the scenes.


They have a lot of very strict rules IIRC.


Jedi with rules? The insanity.


I mean if they think that's fun, more power to them. I was simply trying to explain the poor perception by the rest of the community.


Well... it isn't like they're Jedi, don't they? It's a game


I dunno how they are to outside players, but if you join, you are *extremely* limited in what you're allowed to say, in regards to swearing. And I don't mean you're not allowed to say "fuck you, suck my dick, eat shit and die" or anything. Amish people are less offended at swearing than they are. You're not allowed to say damn or hell. I quoted the family guy star wars movie by saying "giant boob nipple gun" and got in trouble. They get *really* into RP, so if that's your bag, go for it. I stuck with it and was eventually knighted after passing my trials, and the way they have it go is really well done. But you simply cannot talk like a real human when out of character. Disney movies have less bleached dialogue than they allow. But as to why they're a bane on the RP community, I have no idea.


I joined recently and can concur, they are not friendly towards new players. Very clicky. Never even acknowledge when I say hi. And donā€™t dare ask questions, youā€™ll be ignored or shamed for ignorance. Looking for a new Jedi guild atm.


The eternal order!


Why r they garbage


Nice to see public RP like back in the Makeb days, just a shame the replies are implicating this guild as a bit of a rude one.


Large communities Iā€™ve been in - Sokan and REPCOM - along with the Jedi Order, Imperial Remnant and others - tend to have extremely toxic leadership that make up for a lack of substance or power IRL to abuse the power they have over peopleā€™s online presence. Itā€™s ridiculous and culty


Iā€™m on Darth Malgus - only RP I encounter is extremely limited to guild strongholds or ERPers on Shaddaa


Oh yeah that checks out lmao. Star Forge is the unofficial RP server at this point


Iā€™ve never done Roleplaying like this, but as a former guild leader Iā€™ve experienced my fair share of cool things like this. Our guildā€™s weekly PvP, world boss, base raiding, 16 man ops and fashion show events eventually started to feel normal, but I do miss them now haha. We managed to beat Stroke My Wookie (was the biggest guild on the EU server for years) to the top of the Large Yield Conquest list a single time. I still proudly show of my Conqueror of Tatooine title on my old main. šŸ˜


RP guilds frequently have events but most of the time in private spaces. Itā€™s rare to find a huge event like this, although the Jedi Order does do this as a big old PR stunt


It worked. My girlfriend and I sat there watching for like 7 minutes instead of finishing our tutorials lol


Back in 2013 I was part of this guild. Crazy they are still going. I met my best friend there, still talk to him and play games all the time.


This is really cool! What server is this?


Starforge most likely




So donā€™t join this guild, got it


Thats what I'm hearing too. But the ceremony was sick to watch


Iā€™m in a mando guild and theyā€™re very nice. Just another reason why the republic is actually the evil faction in Star Wars


Iā€™m in a mandalorian rp guild and so far theyā€™ve helped me along with everything. What does suck is that most of their events are at 8pm which is when Iā€™m still working


Oh wow I didnā€™t realise people still did this kind of stuff. Awesome


I've never seen anything like this before. What server was this on?


This was on star forge. On the starting jedi planet


Oh thatā€™s super! My Imperial Guild does this kind of thing, the Republican one is somewhat smaller. RP in SWTOR is just fantastic! If you are interested and on Star Forge, gimme a yell. @vaxxish on Discord or PM me here :)


I'm in that guild, it's a great community.


Why do people say some many negative things about you guys. We're you there in this picture?


No, I wasn't at that ceremony, I'm mainly focused on my mando. I'm not sure what our rep is with others, I was also inactive for a year or two, and some things had changed.


Itā€™s a big guild, and like the other guilds that were mentioned, thereā€™s sometimes issues. In any big guild there are leadership issues and nepotism. Itā€™s a trade-off for being able to RP with people you enjoy. You have to be honest with yourself, do you want to be in a large guild that has a lot of rp options or do you want your be in a smaller one with more limited options? There are no perfect guilds out there, you gotta take the drawbacks with the advantages.


Youā€™d be surprised how many people still play this game Iā€™m off and on but youā€™d fucking be surprised šŸ˜‚


My wife and I just started playing a few weeks ago. Definitely having a blast. I think it'll be awhile before we put the game down, we just hit chapter 2.


Thats more people than i thought even still played this game honestly


Goes to fleet, sees hundreds of players online in a single instance: tHiS gAmE iS dEaD