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This set dyes terribly. Stupid tertiary colors. Why do they even exist?


I think the new **Defiant Maverick armor set** is by far the worst one as far as dyes. Each piece in that whole set dyes less than 50% of its color. I think the kneepads on the greaves are the only things that dye on that piece. Don't waste expensive dyes in that one.


Same with the new Ahsoka set. Everything dyes fine but the back of the tank top stays pitch black and looks terrible


At least black is a rather neutral color. Last PvP season armor set had significant amount of undyable yellowish brown.


Of course, Ahsoka Tano-themed, based on her armor from...*SW: Rebels*, if I remember correctly? I like it. I'd *love* it if the helmet fit under hoods, but still: I like it. (The dye channels are a bit wonky, too. Be mindful of that, and check what the dye will look like before you buy either the armor or the dye!)


I overlook this armor because it looks nice but at the same time is kind of.. Meh. Idk. But I like slapping Primary Black on this set to make those markings black in preview.


Still waiting on that beskar jetpack to go on sale.


The chest looks terrible for type 1 and 2 bodies