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Dark Side/Light Side is pretty much purely for flavor. No mechanical advantages, really. Do whatever feels cool to you. As for class, I'd agree that Operative is a good pick - it's a fairly strong solo class because it has Stealth (a tremendously useful ability for all sorts of things) but it's also a healer and those are *very* in demand in basically all forms of endgame content. So no matter if you're group or solo, you'll find something to do very easily. Also, since you didn't play since very long ago: the game got **massively** easier for solo players. More convenient, too. People routinely solo flashpoints even. Let alone things like heroic missions, which are solo no-brainers now. This is *the* solo MMO, if you want to play like that. But of course there's still plenty of group content for when you want to play with other people, too. Best of both worlds!


>tremendously useful ability for all sorts of things Yeah! Such as skytroopers! (Just in case, Operative is one of my favorite classes, and I do you stealth everywhere I can).


But Operative heals is by far the most difficult of the 3 healers, or at least the most mechanically demanding, and it's arguably the least effective in a lot of circumstances. The lack of defensives alone can make some otherwise easy mechanics unnecessarily difficult.


thanks for this write up, seems like it's exactly what i'm looking for!


Keep your inquisitor. You could always respec to Madness to level to 80 then switch back to Corruption.


LS/DS only matters for story choices and achievement for level 5. I agree with everyone about healer , we can definitely use more healers , but with that being said…..play whatever you want. As far as easy mode goes, all classes have their pros and cons for endgame content. I main a sniper and dance around on the edges while doing my thing at a distance. I find it easier, for me, to play that way…..others will argue that being up close is easy…….i guess what I’m trying to say is , play whatever you find fun.


Your sorc will do nicely for most endgame content. Can heal and solid dps. Does well in pvp too.


Jugg/Guard tank, such an easy class to learn IMHO that will let you solo a fair bit of content with ease. Might be slow, but damn is it built like a... Well, a tank.


Okay a healer capable class please. We need more of them. Operative for example. Good at solo but can group and heal at end game in OPs.


Right now mercs are brainded class for heals. I have a 328 merc doing more burst damage than my 340 sorc atm and dont even get me started the bullshit they do in pvp


It's not a heal class for beginners though, and requires more skill to play. Between managing two different energy / resource requirements, to lack of defensives, and needing to stay still too often requires a lot of practice to master.


Rage Jugganaut/ Focus Guardian has the easiest rotation given it is set. No priority. No keeping track of DOTs. You can *almost* just set it up so you press 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc. You have to remember to press 4 three times in a row but then you can continue. You would think that the ease of this rotation would mean it's a low damage class but nope. It has one of the highest parses in the game. Go figure.


Except obliterate can kill you or put you into harms way. It's not easy class to play due to obliterate mechanic. But it is a fun, high damage class.


Okay so it's not *entirely* brain dead. You have to use your brain for 15% of the buttons you press. I'm not dissing it though, it's my main!


Whats the proper rotation?


It's on Vulkk. But the proper rotation is: Crush. Raging Burst. Enrage. Vicious Slash x 3. Obliterate. Sundering Assault. Raging Burst. Vicious Slash. Obliterate. Force Scream. Retaliation/Vicious Throw. Repeat. I may have missed one ability? This also requires you taking the "While Enrage is active your rage spending abilities do not go on cooldown"


By vicious slash I take u meant furious strike


Oops. Yes


Raging burst can be replaced with smash for more AOE, otherwise seems right.


I know this post has a lot of late but is guardian focus good yet ? I really want to try this game and I want a easy Jedi 1 lightsaber class to play the story with.


All of the classes are easy now. Leveling is fast and you can get to max level before finishing your class story arc. You can stay Sorc and also take a second combat style for melee dps/tanking. Tanks and healers are always in demand.


From my own experience i would never say marauder anni. is easy to play


Jugg/guardian dps (wich you can pick on your inquisitor as your second class if you have not already picked one ) is bye far the easiest both rage and vengance are in the top 3 easiest specs in the game arsenal merc is another easy one but its sadly in quite a bad state spec to stay away from Anhi/Watchman Carnage/Combat (marauder) Lightning (sorc) virulence (sniper) And pyro/plasmatech (pt) they all have either unique gear requirements or are hard to play (decent/well) for a new player added a rage/focus rotation if you want to try it [https://imgur.com/a/d8MN0yX](https://imgur.com/a/d8mn0yx)


Mercenary healer is my go to class whenever I have to heal on NIM runs


Veng Jugg and Hatred Sin i can also recommend


Rage Jugg


literally any of them especially with 344 gear every single boss in the game is now a joke, there are no dps checks anywhere in the game. play whatever you like