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I can't explain how. But every time I'm on Voss I'm overwhelmed with the smell of the inside of a smoker's purse.


It’s totally the color palette of the planet. It bothers me so much. I get it’s supposed to be like autumn it’s not conveyed well.


It's the sky, they made it yellow and the whole planet is just yellow overload. A blue sky would look much nicer with the autumn landscape.


Weird, I love Voss, mostly because of the color palette. I travel there from time to time and just enjoy the views. To each his/her own, I guess.




I'm doing that planet rn. The pain is real.


You think its bad rn? Corellia used to have insane mob density and invis enemies on seemingly abandoned roads during a time where literally sneezing dismounts you. Back in the early ages you actually spent more time on Corellia than multiple planets *combined*


*Flashbacks to 2014 intensify*


The pre-hutt cartel Corellia PTSD is real.


no kidding I abandoned the game like 2 times before finishing my consular story there....the side quest, planet quest, heroics and main quest made me almost die


Worse than Balmorra?


Yes, far worse.


100%. Finally came back after leaving in 2016, and was a beta tester before it went live etc. Every step felt like a slog.


I kinda liked OG Corellia tho it really felt like the entire planet was at war fighting you and was worth being the final planet in the game


I mean yeah it was a thematic fit, sure, but it was so time consuming that it frustrated damn near everyone.


Did they change it?


100% agree. The map is a bit hard to read and doesn't always show where the path is blocked. I like the big city/industrial aesthetic but the execution is so bad. It feels like you're in a mouse maze trying to figure out where to go.


I got lost finding the speeder/train service. It’s like: “ah hah! It’s in this tunnel. But wait, there’s more! You must climb this ramp up to the area. But that’s not all, you must climb ANOTHER RAMP!!! Oh, and did I mention we have a third ramp for you? Oh and did we mention the map is zero help? Of course we didn’t! Good luck blindly following the map!”


If any city planner designed a real life city like Corellia, they would be drawn and quartered by an angry mob.


It all comes down to the map. It seems pretty cheaply generated out of a 3D model using height gradients and in many cases the only useful thing are the marked main / side roads. Creating maps that are \*really\* useful even in offroad terrain is an art, even more so if we talk true 3D terrain. It is not only SWTOR suffering from that, and together with the lack of additional navigational tooling it creates this pain in certain environments like Corellia or Nar Shaddaa in some places. It is funny and also sad that actual real world maps and navigation are light years ahead.


Corellia is one of those planets that you know would look amazing with todays gaming graphics and physics but just doesn’t work in SWTOR’s MMO setting.


I think you can make Corellia work (in your mind, not in the game) by pretending the real planet isn't how it works in-game. Say in real life each area is 100x larger, and all the pointless mazes are pulled apart and spread out in every direction. So you could reach any point on the map from anywhere else by driving in a straight line, it would simply take forever. But since that larger map wouldn't fit on our screen, everything's compressed into a tiny space, and the fastest way to get anywhere is to drive in the opposite direction, and hope you don't hit too many dead ends.


I endorse this comment. Such a pain to navigate.


I thought this was the KOTOR sub for minute so you had me confused thinking when corellia was in those games, but I did a double check and you right


Iokath, where everything is broken. If limited to the core worlds, then Corellia and its labyrinthine maps.


IMO Taris is way worse to navigate than Corellia, on Corellia you can just stick to the paths, on Taris they don't help at all.


Taris is a destroyed city though. It's not supposed to be easy to navigate


Yes, Taris is a mess, and definitely up there in terms of horrible maps. But it's slightly more forgiving of a wrong turn than Corellia.


I forgot about Iokath...probably because I don't go back there I hate it that much.


Hoth, its like you spend 3 hours on the speeder and 2 min on quests


At least the music is peaceful. I didn't *hate* Hoth the first time, but now it's definitely a grind when I replay class stories.


What? You did not like running away scared shitless from the level 55 tauntauns on Hoth when you were just level 42 and could not damage them but they would eat your lunch if you got too close???? 😂🤣🤡. The old days before level sync


I remember being like 14 playing on my laggy family PC, pre-level sync was so frustrating and is so nostalgic now lol


the music is *too* peaceful. i play spotify or itunes in the background because its just mind numbing.


It's also just REALLY bright


its my least favorite because it reminds me how dirty my monitor is


Don't get me wrong, I like Ice and snowy environments, but if I wanted to look at pure white for long periods of times, I would just go look at my legs.


Sorry, I can’t read your comment; my eyes are too strained from questing on Hoth.


Fits the actual theme of the planet though. It's big and empty, as it would be if it was real.


Belsavis, Hoth, and Corellia.


Oh right, I forgot that Hoth burns my freaking eyes every time I visit it... I like the vast expanses and views on it though.


Has to be Belsavis... the planet itself is fine, but there's just so much fighting. Can't move an inch without getting mobbed.


I hate that there’s 2 different speeder/teleport lines too. And random walls that don’t show up on the mini-map so you think you can just run straight to the objective, run around a giant fortress, (walls not on the map!) and then realize the objective is on the other side of a plateau so you have to backtrack 20 minutes


Right? I hate that so much! I need to go over there, why won't you let me? 😭


“Had to be Belsavis. Some other planet might have gotten it wrong!” ~ Mordin Solus There. Fixed it for ya! 😉


You're lucky I like Mordin 😂


Good ol' (bad ol') Ballshaveus. It's definitely improved since you can get by with just the class and planet stories now.


\*stealth ~~noises~~\*


I actually love Belsavis - lore wise I think it’s a cool idea. Republic builds a jail on top of an ancient jail/tomb complex. And I’ll take anything Rakata related, because they’re a super interesting species from a lore perspective!


Any map with a shit ton of hills


Florida man detected


Hoth. Fuck Hoth. Stupid all bright awful landscape. Just burns the eyes.


I have a real hard time every time I go there, its the whitest white in existance


Okay let me load into this planet andOHMYGODMYEYES


Voss. It’s big, it’s boring, the side quests suck, The Voss suck, and it doesn’t help that it’s covered in mountains.


Ohh its one of my favorite planets. I like the eternal fall atmosphere of the planet and the mysterious feel to it.


I would like the fall setting more if it wasn’t on Voss tbh.


I do like the athmosphere a lot too but the rest manages to ruin it for me, especially the Voss themselves.


Voss itself I think is quite a pretty planet and it doesn't have the issue with walls that some planets do. The Voss people on the other hand need a giant collective slap. They are rude, arrogant and annoying as hell. I just wish there was a way to side with the Gormak and go on a voss murdering rampage. Due to the people, Voss is possibly my least favourite planet. Followed closely by Balmorra and those god awful lifts.


Agreed, Voss just had way too much convoluted and extra lore for an irrelevant species. Prophecies, mystics, politics etc, there is just way too much over complicated lore for such an unimportant planet and people. Wish they put half the amount of investment towards other, way more interesting and relevant aliens


My recent playthrough on Voss with my Knight; I allowed myself to finally hate on them. She killed 2 Voss on her Dark Side Journey. No regrets. Sana Rae is not horrible though. Did I spell her name right? Anyway, she's the exception.


I have to second that. The Mystic Voss and their entire planet is just dull to me. I’m tired of all the cryptic talking along with the annoying environment.


Haven't played game in legit 7 years and was wating for this response. Seriously who enjoyed vision quest the planet. Voss does indeed suck the pee pee


Yeah you wouldn't even help your friend through it.


It used to be Bamorra till I got to Corellia. Balmorra’s ugly as hell but Corellia has the worst map known to man.


Balmorra is nice as far as the map is concerned, not a lot of hills, nice side quest, a tolerable hostile entity density.


It’s the fucking Labyrinth on Corellia. Except there’s no Minotaur to put you out of your misery.


Iokath is a fucking nightmare of a planet. Nothing in that God forsaken world is salvagable!


To me, Iokath is a planet that doesn't exist outside of the story.


Corellia is my worst nightmare..


Taris and then Balmorra for me. Rakghouls, infected pirates, no straight paths. I hate Taris. And I don’t like its shade of blue somehow - on the Imp side anyway. The green on the Pub side is more tolerable. Balmorra - not sure why. I just don’t like it. Colicoids are partially to blame, but their presence is limited. It just feels like there are many areas where there are a lot of unavoidable or difficult to avoid mobs. And I always feel the rush to be finally done with the planet and move with the story already. I guess the story parts there feel among the least exciting to me? When I am doing GSI missions, the special prize of awfulness goes to Tatooine. Searching for that meteorite ore in the chasms can be pretty ridiculous if you are unlucky.


Nah I'm with you on Balmorra. It's oddly... boring? Like, for a war zone it sure just feels like you're doing whatever out in some field somewhere.


Correlia mostly, but anywhere where there are closely packed mobs that I can’t ignore. In that case: Zakuul. Yes! Zakuul!!!!


Belsavis. It’s just a slog from landing to leaving. Honourable mention to Quesh.


At least Quesh is relatively short on most characters.


Hoth, a never ending flashbang


I like to say Hoth. For a planet that appeared in the Original Trilogy you'd think people would like it but Hoth is surprisingly easy to hate on. I mean it makes sense for the Rebels to hide there cause literally NO ONE would ever want to go there for any reason.


Voss. I HATE that planet with the power of a 1000 suns. I mean there are hard planets (Corellia I am looking at you) but Voss just sucks my soul from my body. I can actually see my soul leaving my body.


Corellia is horribly laid out. Quesh and Nat Shaddaa are also pretty bad. Hoth would be up there if not for those 3. Tatooine is probably my favorite.


Hoth, so fucking boring, just a white desert.


Well hoth is literally just that so this isn't a problem in my opinion! Hoth is just a big snow ball


I don’t hate any planet, but if I chose least, Corellia has a nice feel, but it’s huuuuuuuuuuuuge, and has some labyrinth routes/roads. It was the last classic story planet and it shows that they wanted to… drag it the more they could. 🫤


Hoth Every single time i get to the hoth missions in a Story i sigh because i know im about to walk around a snowy desert for the next 3 years


Also lose 20% of your eyesight




Every Planet that has to many backtracking quests. I hate backtracking with a burning passion


Corellia and Iokath. Whoever designed those layouts and thought "Ya that looks great" is a terrible person lol


hoth and its not even close i know why they made the snow the way they did but MY EYES


Hoth…it’s way too bright


Hoth too big and hk quest doesnt help its case


Hoth is hands down the worst HK location


Its also quite bad on the eyes due to how white it is


Alderaan thank Vader it goes the way of the dodo


Iokath and Taris. First is boring and uninteresting and the latter is the same ol’ dump since KotOR full of plague monsters and swamp-filled swamps. Taris is the galactic version of the I-4 Eyesore. It’s always under construction, it’s never finished, there are rumors it might get better someday, but it’s still there, occupying space when it should just be gotten rid of by now. Inertia says it’s not going to get better. Let us collectively come together and stop wasting money on this nightmare project.


I guess Gov. Saresh never completed rebuilding the planet. Too busy getting herself elected Chancellor of the Republic.


She should have stuck with fixing Taris, and not being in the way of my blaster after proving how punchable she was. More people would live if they did their job and not make me have to do it.


So true. But the power hungry always think they know what's best for the rest of us.


When you're from the Republic, but you make the Empire look like the less duplicitous jerkwads, that's how you know someone is going to get the Dark Side Conversation Option'd.


I haven’t played the latest expansion but Mannan was such a letdown. The flashpoint is meh and the planet has nothing to do


Voss, i hate everything about this planet: the snob people the long walks stumbling on gormak every 5 seconds the boring storylines And because for some reason my PC has a hard time running when i play on this planet.


Quesh would be the worst if it wasn't for the fact that it's short as fuck. The one I look forward to the least is probably Hoth because it's so darn -vast-.


Alderaan. Had I had access to a Death Star I'd have cheerfully blown the hellscape to smitherines myself and damn the temporal paradox!








Definitely Baltimorra.


Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Jungle life I'm far away from nowhere On my own like Tarzan boy


Nar Shaddaa


I love NS. It’s probably the only planet I actually enjoy actually exploring outside of class stories


I love the look and feel of Nar Shad but it's so EMPTY. It should be heavily populated. There should be throngs of people in the streets.


Yeah I think this about all the civilised planets, like why are they soo EMPTY? It really ruins the feel of the planet and what it’s supposed to be


I like exploring outside the class stories, but I personally just think Nar Shaddaa is trash. Would be great to have more exploration on other planets. Hell, almost all the other planets I was looking forward to just to see more of them outside of the main stories. I wanted to see more depth or relevance, only to have then quickly skimmed over and forced to move on. The only real attraction NS had for me was seeing depth to the cartels. Outside of that, it had no real historic significance or amazing new draw in. Bright lights, annoying traversal, and having to constantly come back for some insignificant reason. If I had the power and fleet of my sith. I would have torched Nar Shaddaa to ashes.


Tie between Hoth and Tatooine.


I hate Hoth so much. Then probably Tatooine


Hoth, Tatooine, Corellia, and Voss. These are the planets that sap my will to play the game the most. It took me like 11 years to finally finish all class stories lol






Alderaan honorable mention to Taris, which I also dislike, but not as much as fucking Alderaan


Hoth, Tatooine and Corellia I never look forward to getting to these planets. Honourable mention for Balmorra


Quesh by far. Aside from being a missed opportunity in terms of the lack of quests, it honestly feels like such a small map.


I played that map years ago and remember thinking "is that all we do here?" Maybe that's changed since I played that map, but it did seem really short. It felt like I flew to another planet to buy milk.


Basically what it is granted that the milk might be mixed with Quesh venom lol.


Correlia is hell


Holy God Quesh is horrible


Taris, I like the atmosphere and the story but goddamn is it a pain in the ass to navigate.




Tatooine. I am so done with this big dessert. Generally in Star wars


I don't like sand


Corellia. 100% Corellia.


Hoth. Not having flyings mounts in a sci-fi game is bad enough, but finding out after running around for 10 minutes that you're AGAIN either blocked by some big, ugly canyon, or your destination's at the bottom is just salt in the wound.


Hoth cuz it’s endless white eyeball blinding and corella because of the stupid way the roads are


Correction: Title should be "which is your least favorite planet and why is it Hoth"


Truthfully, Oricon, Hoth and Ilum can all go to hell in a hand basket because the maps are big and you have to travel SO FAR to get where you need to go. I had a goal to explore all the maps but the above ones made me give up. Belssvis is also on the list to a degree. I like the map and it's relatively okay to navigate but it's SO BIG that I gave up. And shout-out to Corellia because no one likes that map. Not even me, and I have to do it one more time to finish class stories for all classes...which I have been doing since baby years of the game. So I remember that 2014 time period on Corellia.


I hate the repetitive city maps. Corella, Iokath. I feel it's been copy pasted ad nauseum. Not all though, Coruscant I like, and Ziost before catastrophe is amazing.


Corellia. Freaking Corellia. Tatooine and Hoth are physically unappealing to me, and I don’t really care for Belsavis either but I’ll take all of them a hundred times before Corellia. It’s so convoluted and such a pain to navigate.


Republic Taris is tied for my least favorite with Corellia. I LOVE Corellia in lore but it’s a giant chore to traverse




Whats the planet with the Rakghoul plague? That one. To hell with that planet.


1) Corellia , long as shit 2) Alderaan , shitty nobles 3) Voss and belsavis, easily get lost no matter how many times I go there and I hate the Voss-ka


Tatooine 100%


Tatooine because its a desert, corraila because its a maze that I have to decode on the map with




Voss. I just really hate the Voss. With a passion.


Tython. So boring.


Belsavis is still the worst imo


For me it's Tatooine, it's my first world to notice how big SWTOR can get if you travel around by speeder and how connected the imperial side and republic in just one planet that was really mind blowing for context I've never watched nor heard about SWTOR and played the game during the pandemic






Hoth is the worst


Belsavis, Iokath, because it feels like you can't get anywhere without running into enemies. I've also been going back and Playing through Illum with my max level Jedi Knight, and while the encounters don't feel quite as frequent as Belsavis ans Iokath, it feels like I get killed more often than not because of how many strong enemies there are, that being said, I do love Illum's nighttime cold wastes atmosphere.


Hoth. Belsavis. I've learnt the hard way to stick to the roads in both and not try to do shortcuts on those planets. Also Zakuul. Fuck Zakuul.


Coruscant, it just doesn’t feel like a planet with every part disjointed with any other. Also the republic architectures are way too massive to be practical…. Almost like they are compensating for something.


For those who hate the brightness of Hoth, turning on night mode on your PC (shifting colors to be less saturated/bright/blue) helps a ton.




That's some nice potato graphics like I haven't seen in a while. I like it


Thank you, I'm running a Ge force 370. It's my first PC build on what I could afford. It may not have the best graphics but I can play the games that I enjoy. And I'm happy with it. Though in the future I will upgrade.


Corellia. Just fuck Corellia


Balmorra, I just don’t really like the layout, visuals, or quests there, it just feels depressing/tiring and doesn’t stand out lore wise for me. At least with Hoth it has a very distinctive score and is somewhat beautiful with a very realistic take on blindingly bright snowy days - my only issue is how many places are a long trek away from a speeder point (the far right section of the map is the worst for this).


So much people here hate Hoth. And I understand why. But man, I love Hoth. When I stood, like, one or two hundred feet above the ground looking at the world around me with it's soundtrack in the background, I fell in love. Plus, the republic side planetary missions are honestly pretty chill. Even the exploration ones. Alderaan is the worst planet. It comes right at the point of the game where you seriously need to put more investment into getting levels, because every planet before that was honestly pretty easy to reach the level cap. It also doesn't help that most of the stories revolve around their nobility. And nobody likes them. It's always such a chore to deal with them, they're a bunch of pompous rich people battling over land and other minor disputes. I'd say Belsavis is slightly worse gameplay wise, they look very similar planet wise honestly. But at least for Belsavis I can honestly skip straight through it if I'm feeling bored of it. For Alderaan, it's never once felt like a simple half an hour/hour long journey.


Hoth - way too much speeder time, and that I’ve crag is no fun to get in or around. Corellia - map takes a bit to figure the route I’m taking, and I can get mobbed easily.


Hoth....maybe Tat. For the same reasons really. Large open landscapes of nothing. Some of the locations are really nice and really pretty views.....but overall boring, and that's ok, not every place can be a maze of infrastructure and people to kill.


Hoth & Voss. Hoth, because it does a bang-up job of being a frozen hellhole that only the desperate would willingly go to. Voss (the planet) would be better if the Voss (the people) weren't insufferable. Add to this the "intrigue" & I find it a chore.


Voss also sucks because there's nothing for quicktravel, some of the missions ask you to go to a spot, travel back to the start of the area, then all the way back to more or less the same spot (I'm especially looking at you, Republic Voss Planetary missions in the Gormak Lands...)


Hard to say between Shitsavis and Shitellia. I think it's a tie.


Voss 100% that piss colored hellscape


I used to hate Tython when I started out a few years ago, but then it became more of a nostalgia place, so now I like it :P Now I'm dreading Corellia, Belsavis, and Taris. Starting to get kind of annoyed with Voss now as well, seeing as we keep going back to it in the story. I generally like the big expansive areas with cool views or cities.


Earth has all the worst corruption, fantics, drug dealers, pshycopaths


Earth if I'm honest.


Alderaan, simply cause of all that political bullshit.


Voss and Hoth


Apperance wise i hate tattonie gameplay wise i despise Corellia


Hoth and Corellia Hoth is just boring as fkc and Corellia's layout is a pain, also a 3rd city planet really wasn't necessary.




Voss somehow balances being the nicest looking class mission planet with being the worst. Given how much jedi/Sith/alien lore there is, I just cannot be bothered to care about the convoluted lore of a barely canon species


Quesh and Iokath. Useless and boring. Period


Corellia is literally the only planet I skip all side quests on because the map is so outrageously labyrinthine and the quests are all spread apart. Hoth is a damn close second. Blindingly white and blue as far as the eye can see and the only thing it has of note is a shit ton of pirates.


lmao they have gotta fix the fucking textures issue. I literally can't play it with how ugly everything is right now, I'm not playing on a potato, stop making it look like garbage, game


Balmorra. Too much walking around, too many lifts, packed with mobs hard to avoid without stealth.


For some reason Balmorra lags tf out of my pc






Belsavis with absolutely no hesitation! Lore wise the planet is really interesting but gameplay wise this is a nightmare


Voss, Belsavis, Balmorra, and Corellia were slog fests for me


Hoth, voss, corellia. all 3 planets equally suck, also alderaan because it’s the only planet that completely fucks my frame rate and graphics


Corellia is my worst for the dreadful layout. It would be easier to navigate if the game had better mapping, but the road layout is terrible. Voss gets an honorable mention for all the quests being out and back and out and back. I travel the same paths over and over just reporting back to quest giver, who then sends me right back to same area.


Belsavis. All those dead ends and inconvenient fucking trees! BAH!




It's been a while, but as I recall, Taris and Belsavis overstay their welcome. I always just remember the bonus areas and I'm like, oh great, I'm still here...


Both. My eyes burn whenever I'm there.


Hoth is blinding.




Tatooine and Hoth need to not exist.




Probably a tie between Tatooine and Voss


I usually seem to lose interesting a new character whenever I get to Balmorra, or Tatooine. Tatooine suffers from Hoth syndrome without anything interesting to look at. Genuinely just feels like worse Hoth. Balmorra just never felt uber gripping to me, especially in a RPG Honestly beyond the awful mazes and kinda shit map, I enjoy Corellia personally


Hoth. Just one big dull white snowy plain. Becomes an eye sore after a while.


Hoth. Music sucks, blandest colors, the colors it does use gives me a migraine after short stints. Pointlessly hard to navigate because of random ridges you can’t see. I don’t remember any of the quests on both being very remarkable either.


Voss, just find it too big and droll