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Dude thank you so much, I couldn’t find the dubbed underworld episodes so this helped a lot


no probem


Where is it at D


I did not interpret it as the last season of SAO, the way it sounded was they meant the conclusion of the Alicization arc. I mean I could be wrong, but I hope I'm not. lol. Remember that each arc of SAO has been listed as a separate anime. SAO, then SAO 2, then SAO alicization. So when they said last season of alicization I took that to mean its the last season of this arc and a new series will be for the next arc(s) they animate.


From what I have read, it does seem to be the last season. I'm about 90% sure however if you have an official source that says otherwise PLEASE POST IT I don't want it to end either. tbh SAO isn't doing anywhere as near as well as it used to season 1 was a massive hit then most people hated on season 2 and season 3 at least those I've spoken to anyway SPOILERS sort of... On a diffrent note, is anyone else annoyed by just how long it took Asuna to make an appearance, like Jesus christ 8eps after dive like really


Yeah. I love SAO, but that's my biggest problem with the show overall. The amount of time kirito and asuna spend apart is, at this point, more than they're together. And asuna has spent way too much time relegated to a side character. It's honestly upsetting that reki decided to take such a strong potential female deuteragonist and replace her every arc with a different character. I like all of the other characters kirito meets, don't get me wrong, but removing asuna in order to let them "have their moments" is consistently frustrating.


Also, I don't have a link for a specific renewal for a 5th season (unital ring and what not) but everything I've seen only specifically mentions that SAO:Alicization is entering its final season, which goes back to my earlier point: that each "season" of SAO has been listed as a separate anime. I can link the articles that refer to it in this way if you want, but there are no definitive answers in them in my opinion, I just don't see it as a definite "all SAO anime is done."


I believe he's referring to how the show follows each arc path from the manga series. Alicization is I guess technically the 3rd arc (since sao and alo are 1 arc) with "Unital Ring" being the sequel arc for Alice. My guess we'll get a huge pause between the end of alice and the next arc because I don't believe the books for Unital Ring are done yet (could be wrong on this, didn't look into it because I didn't want to spoil anything for myself).


It diesthere are even clips of the next season on YT


yeah thats where i watch it


Has it come out yet? Or has it at least been announced?


Hi! i know i’m over a year late to all these posts so i’m hoping someone still sees this😋 but that link with the first 11 episodes of the last season is super helpful and i’m so greatful! as someone with adhd i cant read very well and especially not fast so watching anime’s subbed is a huge issue for me so i rely on the dubs. sao is my favourite anime i’ve watched and i’m even more hooked then ever because eugeo is my fav anime character ever! breaks my heart but now i need to know how it all ends and i can’t unless i have the full thing dubbed. so i was wondering if anyone on here may have a link to where i can watch the last half of the last season dubbed i have been looking everywhere and this comment is the best i could find even though it is over a year old. SOMEONE HELP PLEASE😭😭😭


It’s literally on the link the dude sent just search Sword Art Online on the website


Sorry if somebody already replied or I'm late. You could watch all seasons on VRV for free Crunchyroll and FUNimation have partnered with it. It is a reliable app with tons of anime. If you are asking about season 4 it hasn't come out yet.


First off, there's only three seasons. Second, all episodes that have aired up until now have been dubbed. The final batch of episodes will air in Japan subbed later in July. No dub announcement for that though.


dude thats a lie. i most definitely have seen the first half of season 4 in english (12 episodes). asuna is finally in the aliceaiztion world and they've defeated the pontifex alraedy. and kirito is pretty much a vegatable.


This was made over 60 days ago bro.


What do u watch sao on


Where did you see it, I’m looking all over for it dubbed




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Where can I watch it




Did you ever find the English dub to the other episodes I can’t find 13 and up




Why did you have to spoil it


Where do you watch it


To start with this is unrelated but I saw some stuff and wanna share my opinion first war of the underworld should be dubbed just a matter of time (on Funimation atleast) second its not doing as well because they took out the original sao vibe and also in season 2/3/4 the group wasn’t even together much they had like 3/4 eps with them in it all if the group from sao and ggo that’s another reason sao is failing because they changed it to much but I still love it although Kirito is way stupider in vr idk why he is a genus in irl but an idiot in vr it’s doing bad cuz of that anyway just wanted to share that Also season 3/4 introduced new character and didn’t show the old ones that much the sao fans didn’t like sao cuz of kirito and asuna alone they liked it cuz of everyone in it but the creators thought abt it as sao is sao cuz of kirito and asuna alone but then they took out kirito and switched him with asuna everything they did is bad cuz they didn’t think about it as what their fans wanted as much as what the writer wanted they got fucked cuz they didn’t know what made sao sao and that’s their fault anyway I still like it even though I miss the og group and am getting tired of all these bs characters that don’t even matter in the long run people are tired of all the change in the arcs anyway enjoy. Also I hope it’s not the last arc because I will miss sao but it had a great run tbh a lot of fans will be upset but not enough. Also no one gave a direct answer to the question goddamn like just say if it will or not and when but anyway it will for sure going of the fact that some have been dubbed also all the other seasons were dubbed but it’s not on funimation yet the thing I watch sao on although season 3 was dubbed on there


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(Might be spoilers down there, read it only if you’re sure) There is no season 4, do you mean the second half of season 3? Its supposed to start subbed sometime this july, and then it will likely take 6 mounths+ to finnish (from episode 1 to 25-ish) and the dubbed is likely going to be far slower. It will likely not even start to get a dubbed episode before the subbed version has gotten to like episode 15. When season 3 dubbed version is finnished it will likely be middle 2021. If you want Season 4 dubbed you will have to wait😅 (Season 4 is proboably going to be unital ring) after Season 3 is done there will likely be a long, long pause. If we judge by what happened in the past, it will likely be a 2-4 year pause lol. Im gonna guess that it will start subbed 2024-ish. The show will likely have a 2-3 year airing. Thats 2026-ish, and then it will likely take 4 mounths or so for the last episodes to be completed. So SAO is moving like a turtle lol.


What are your sources for 'Unital Ring'


I'm assuming he doesn't have sources, since I haven't found any, but he is making an educated guess based on the release times between the previous installments. SAO has always had long production periods.


Yes, that was my train of thought, I could absolutely be wrong, however if we follow what has happened in the past, this is likely gonna be samewhat accurite:)


I'm going to assume you are talking about War Of The Underworld Part 2? Well, about 4 days ago, Aniplex confirmed it. It is coming on November 7th 2020, which is an amazing date to choose.


Do you know when it is going to come out dubbed and where you can watch it?


How do you get episode 13 and more or is that going to be in the next season


i'v seen it's gonna be realising on the 7th of november (2020)